Super Dimensional Guild

Chapter 135

Chapter 135: Big tumult that Abyss Team does

Su Han glanced at the excited Kosaka brothers and sisters and Goko Ruri seemed to be calm, but actually, there was also joy in her eyes while smiling stupidly.

After that, Su Han narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing a bit of playfulness.

He stepped back outside with a shout, and signaled to everyone present, "Everyone, look at me, smile!"

Everyone at the scene turned their heads, either in a daze, or dumbfounded. A faster reaction, and then barely revealed a smile on his face.

In an instant, Su Han clicked on the picture with the system function and directly forwarded it to the guild chat room.

Su Xiaoxiao: "Let's see everything! What do you think? (picture)"

Come Become My Son: "Gurararara! Have you all met? This is really good."

Come Become My Son: " My only regret is that I didn't participate in this mission."

Old Man is the Marquis: "Damn Luo Hao! That position should have been where I was standing, it was actually taken…"

Nakiri Erina: "The steel armor standing is Mr. Stark Iron Man armor. Right? It really looks really cool. "

Nakiri Erina: "Even though my dream is to become a top chef! But I still feel that Iron Man armor is really cool, full of modern technology."

Tony Is Not the Richest: Isn't it common that Mr Tony Stark is so handsome?"

Nakiri Erina: "Sorry! Mr. Stark, I just think your armor is handsome, as for your own photos… I suggest you see for yourself…"

Tony Is Not the Richest: "..."

When Tony saw the photo, he fell silent.

Not only Tony, but the others also turned around. Because the incident happened suddenly, it was very difficult to say that the person in the photo was very good.

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko: "Ah…why would the guild master take a photo so suddenly? I'm not quite ready yet… it's too sudden."

Tony Is Not the Richest: "You're doing well, look at Mr. Stark performance… I feel like my personal settings are broken."

Tony Stark looked at the photo, his brows furrowed.

In the photo, Tony Stark is full of astonishment, he even tries to cover the photo with his hands and cover his face. So, in the end, the photos that are taken and compared to others are very funny.

High Priest Luo Hao: "This is really a different world? I can't see any difference from the world I live in. However, I was thinking about a problem…"

Su Xiaoxiao: "This is modern society in the beginning, not seeing the difference is also normal."

Su Xiaoxiao: "Also, what is Cuilian thinking?"

High Priestess Luo Hao: "Foster brother, mortals who are not qualified to see me, should I gouge out their ears and take their eyes? "

Daoist Zhang Sanfeng: "..."

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute: "..."

Kiririn : "..."

Shirai Kuroko: "..."

High Priest Luo Hao was truly terrifying.

Hearing this sentence, the common people in the guild began to tremble on their feet, for them this was a bit too cruel.

Accelerator: "Ha… Could it be that you guys are afraid? It would be better to say that this is High Priest Luo Hao…"

Accelerator didn't find this cruel, those who had seen the Campione felt this was normal.

Accelerator: "Also, have you forgotten that Marquis Voban character is also not very good, gloomy, not necessarily better than High Priest Luo Hao."

Marquis Voban usually looked good in the guild, but if it was an ordinary person, facing Marquis Voban, he might be accidentally fed a shark.

Symbol of Peace: "The High Priest shows mercy. Even though they are ordinary people, this is another world… As the leader of China, you must also properly display your courage and forgive those who don't know this."

Su Xiaoxiao: "Cuilian, let's not mention this!"

High Priestess Luo Hao: "…Because even foster brother has spoken…"

High Priest Luo Hao: "Then I will forgive them for their transgression."

High Priest Luo Hao: "However, they can see my face and hear my voice! It is the honor of their lifetime."

Su Han looked at the chatter in the guild, frowned, feeling that Luo Hao personality made him a little dizzy. He glanced at Luo Cuilian, who was beside him.

"In the future, I have to find a way to match her personality."

Su Han then looked at Goko Ruri.

"By the way, do you have any information about Team Abyss in your hands now?"

"Or, is there any abnormality in the country you are in now?"

According to the information provided by the system, Team Abyss will go to destroy the country of Japan. Furthermore, destroying the countries of the world one by one.

Therefore, it was only natural that Goko Ruri and the others had no contact with the Abyss team for now.

However, Su Han remembered clearly before.

Goko Ruri said some of their country policies in the world have changed.

According to Su Han guess, this policy change was most likely caused by the Abyss Team.

"Well, I checked! I discovered that Tokyo has been under martial law recently, and foreigners wishing to enter Tokyo have to go through several procedures for inspection… As for leaving… almost impossible."

Goko Ruri hesitated.

"There are rumors out there that there is a flu outbreak in Tokyo. However, I have spoken to residents in Tokyo and there are no rumors of a cold there."

"Is it like that? This is indeed suspicious." Su Han nodded.

Biting her lower lip, Goko Ruri continued to say, "On the other hand, it seems that the price of air tickets from Japan to overseas has doubled. And the appearance tax has been added…"

At first, Goko Ruri only felt that the parliamentary group of congressmen was kicked by a donkey. But now, Goko Ruri suddenly thought if this was the Abyss team trick.

Or maybe some congress sensed the existence of Team Abyss.

"Suddenly I remembered something!"

Kosaka Kirino suddenly remembered something, his eyes lit up, and she said suddenly, attracting the attention of everyone present.

"Not long ago, there was a big serial car accident in Tokyo!"

"Someone took a lot of photos back then, as if they saw someone who could fly, wearing European medieval armor fighting."

Kosaka Kirino said a little. She paused for a moment, a touch of light appeared in his eyes, and she continued.

"However, this news was quickly blocked! All related posts deleted."

"Then the state unilaterally came out to refute the rumours, saying that it was just an ordinary car accident, it was all photoshopped"

"Ah… It really is suspicious when I think about it!" Tony Stark rubbed his chin.

When Kosaka Kirino saw the news. In fact, the news was almost deleted. She only learned the news from a few friends.

But since she didn't get the right news, she didn't really care.

But now, hearing Su Han and Goko Ruri say this, his heart suddenly became serious.

Judging from this, it was most likely that this accident was caused by the existence of the Abyss Team.

"Is that so?" Su Han thought.

After thinking for a while, he turned and looked at Aizen and Accelerator.

"You two go to Tokyo now, and then check on Tokyo base situation! See if you can dig up Reincarnator information?"

The combat effectiveness of Accelerator and Aizen was initially very strong.

In addition, Aizen illusions are powerful and terrifying. As long as he found one Reincarnator, he would be able to find all Reincarnator.

"Of course, no problem! It's better to say this is the best way."

Aizen pushed away his glasses, a smile appearing on his face.

Accelerator snorted coldly and didn't say anything else, but this attitude clearly agree.

Su Han then turned his head to look at Iron Man, "Large-scale intelligence support…"

"Well, leave it to me about large-scale intelligence." Tony Stark immediately understood what Su Han wanted to say, he immediately gave the order.

"Jarvis, start attacking the Tokyo network now! Bring out basic information about what happened a few days ago."

"By the way, find out where the Abyss team is stationed in Tokyo as much as possible."

After a short pause, in Iron Man armor, Jarvis cold voice rang out. josei

<Master, Jarvis has invaded the Tokyo Ministry of Public Security internal network! Through search keywords, managed to review the phenomenon that occurred a few days ago>

Su Han heard this voice, paused for a moment and appeared nostalgic.

<The phenomenon that occurred a few days ago code-named S, this is a very rare supernatural phenomenon>

<It is suspected that the Esper used superpowers to commit crimes... Currently, Tokyo has been completely blocked, hoping to capture the possessors of supernatural powers>

Su Han thought, "Of course... Do the members of the Abyss team have supernatural powers?"

"This is really ridiculous!"

The silent Luo Cuilian had a cold voice but with a trace of disdain. "Ordinary people can't even imagine the true power of a powerhouse!"

"Just by blocking a city, can they stop the powerhouses from escaping?"

"Thinking about it, it feels like a joke."

Although Aizen and Accelerator also thought so, they did not take Luo Cuilian words. After the two nodded to Su Han, they left quickly.

As for Iron Man, he is still in his place.

He was still waiting nervously for Jarvis to search for information.

Su Han sat down towards Goko Ruri, causing Goko Ruri expression to change again. A hint of redness appeared, even reaching his ears.

Before Goko Ruri could say anything, she found that Su Han patted Luo Cuilian empty spot next to her.

"Sit together!"

Luo Cuilian was surprised and smiled freely.

She also didn't act like a child, she sat beside Su Han generously.

After Goko Ruri saw this scene, her face immediately turned black. She glared at Su Han fiercely.

But when she found that Su Han didn't care, she had to puff out his face and become sulky.

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