Super Dimensional Guild

Chapter 318

Chapter 318: High School of the Dead and Sword Art Online

Tony Is Not the Richest : "Daughter of a martial arts family? Good at kendo?"

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko : "Is the newcomer a swordsman? By the way, there doesn't seem to be anyone good at wielding a sword in the guild."

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko : "Could it be that this time there will be a top level swordsman?"

Come Become My Son : "Gurarararara! Top-level swordsman, this title is not easy to carry."

Come Become My Son : "But… speaking of swordsmanship! I know a little too."

Old Man is the Marquis : "This old man also understands a little sword skills a thing or two!!"

Fourth Hokage: "By the way, isn't old Shirohige good at knife skills?"

Su Xiaoxiao: "In One Piece worldview! Knives and swords are actually very blurry."

Many swordsmen in the world of One Piece use all large sharp blades instead of swords. Analyzed from this perspective, even though Shirohige used a naginata, he said that he had some familiarity with swordsmanship and had no problems at all.

Nakiri Erina : "With the exception of old Shirohige, there shouldn't be any other swordsmen in our guild, right?"

Aizen Sosuke: "..."

Aizen has something to say.

His achievements in swordsmanship are equally outstanding, why is no one discussing him? Is the air of existence so low?

Old Man is the Marquis: "So, this time, another powerhouse has joined?"

Marquis Voban ignored Aizen directly, and when he thought of a powerhouse joining forces again, he felt his whole body excited.

Su Xiaoxiao: "No! The two people who entered the guild were just ordinary people."

Su Xiaoxiao: "Everyone, don't think that everyone who enters is a powerhouse. In the endless dimension, the number of ordinary people is ultimately more than the powerhouses."

Nakiri Erina: "Is that so?"

Nagiri Erina: "Although I'm a little disappointed, what the Guild Master said makes sense."

Busujima Saeko: "..."

Busujima Saeko was a bit absent-minded at the moment, the guild she was in was a bit strange. One by one, they all talked about swordsman? Is there still a swordsman in the modern society she lives in? Didn't swordsmen only exist in ancient times?

But after thinking about it, Busujima Saeko found an explanation for herself.

"This guild has revealed an abnormal aura from beginning to end, even if there are swordsmen in this guild! That might be true."

"However, what happened to this guild? It's a guild chatroom built by transcendents in another world?"

She didn't understand the guild settings yet, so Busujima Saeko mind immediately made all sorts of guesses.

Su Xiaoxiao: "As usual, if newcomers don't understand, go see the guild introduction! And various memory copies."

Su Xiaoxiao: "After joining for a long time, of course you will understand."

Su Han glanced at the guild members interface, found that Busujima Saeko had consciously changed his name, but Kayaba Akihiko was still using the name Heathcliff very stubbornly.

After thinking for a while, Su Han spoke in the guild.

Su Xiaoxiao: "@Heathcliff. As a newcomer, the people in the guild don't know much about you… So, let's change your name to your real one."

Heathcliff: "???"

Su Xiao Xiao: "If you don't modify it, then I will use the guild master rights to start the modification."

Kayaba Akihiko really wants to protest, this is hegemonism! However, after thinking about it, he couldn't resist, in the end he gritted his teeth and changed his name.

Kayaba Akihiko: "..."

Fourth Hokage: "I'm a little curious what about the newcomer world? Is it like Kasumi Utako and Kuroneko slice of Life world?"

Accelerator : "If it's the Slice of Life world, it's a bit disappointing."

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko : "Hahhh... The world of Slice of Life is so disappointing! Yet the world of Slice of Life was clearly very peaceful! I think it's comparable. In an environment where Pirates and Ninja can die at any moment, the world of Slice of Life is truly heaven!"

Come Become My Son : "Gurararara! Although it's a bit strange hearing Kuroneko say that, but what Kuroneko said is true."

Come Become My Son : "This old man is old! It is a good choice to watch Slice of Life which can soothe the mood."

Su Xiaoxiao: "If you think like this, then you might be disappointed, Old Shirohige."

Su Xiaoxiao: "These two people don't exist in the Slice of Life world..."

Fourth Hokage: "Is this a world like Tokyo Ghoul, looks safe on the surface! But in fact… Very dangerous?"

Kirishima Touka: "???"

There's no option for Ghouls to eat humans, okay!

Kirishima Touka had many words in her heart, but she still didn't say anything.

One of them was because Namikaze Minato didn't say anything wrong.

And the other, and the most important reason, was that she couldn't beat Namikaze Minato.

Su Xiaoxiao: "It's hard to explain clearly, I'll just upload a copy of the memory!"

[Ding! Guild Master Su Xiaoxiao uploaded a copy of High School of the Dead memory]

[Ding! Guild Master Su Xiaoxiao uploaded a copy of Sword Art Online memory]

My Little Sister Super Isn't Cute : "Emmm... High School of the Dead? I suddenly have a bad feeling?!"

Fourth Hokage: "I also think this name is a bit familiar… As if I've heard it somewhere before, yet I can't remember it!"

Namikaze Minato was also a little confused, where did he hear this name?

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko Falls: "Of course it sounds familiar! Isn't this a biochemical virus brought down by the Abyss Reincarnator group of ruffians into our world?"

12 Winged Fallen Angel Kuroneko : "Damn it! A newcomer from the world of biochemical crisis?!"

Goko Ruri woke up after realizing it.

Although Su Han only briefly mentioned the name of the virus High School of the Dead last time. But being in her own world, Goko Ruri remembered it very clearly.

Seeing the name of the memory copy she was currently familiar with, she immediately connected all his memories.

Tony Is Not the Richest : "???"

Nakiri Erina: "???"

Let the World Suffer : "???" josei

Symbol of Peace: "World biochemical crisis?"

Busujima Saeko : "???"

World biochemical virus crisis?

Busujima Saeko frowned, although she didn't know what was going on, a bad feeling suddenly appeared in his heart.

Kayaba Akihiko: "Sword Art Online? Interesting !"

Although, Akihiko Kayaba was slightly interested in the copy of the High School of the Dead memory which caused a huge disturbance in the guild. But what he was most interested in was the memory copy of Sword Art Online.

After Kayaba Akihiko hesitated for a while, he made his decision and clicked on the Sword Art Online memory copy.

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