Super Dimensional Guild

Chapter 631

Chapter 631: Kurosaki Ichigo and...... Demon King Beelzebub

Old Man is the Marquis: "???"

Old Man is the Marquis: "Why are Luo Hao and Accelerator competing for this mission?"

He didn't think Luo Hao and Accelerator would compete with him.

The main reason was that he had once fought with Luo Hao. Even though there was no winner or loser in that battle, Luo Hao did indeed lose to him in that battle.

High Priest Luo Hao: "Hmph! This is really a very interesting question."

High Priest Luo Hao: "Why can't I carry out this mission? Do you think my strength is lower than yours Marquis Voban!"

Old Man is the Marquis: "Isn't that so?"

High Priest Luo Hao: "All of my Divine Authority has been strengthened twice. At the same time, my martial arts realm has been further enhanced! Besides, my progress in Ki Training is also very high, now I have the ability to use Ki to destroy the moon."

High Priest Luo Hao: "Are you really sure that your fighting power is stronger than mine?"

Old Man is the Marquis: "..."

Marquis Voban was silent, if everything Luo Hao said was true, then Luo Hao combat power might still be able to surpass him now. As for is that true? He didn't think that Luo Hao would lie.

High Priest Luo Hao: "Don't just focus on Divine Authority, instead of thinking about making your Divine Authority count more, it's better to think about how to use points to raise all of your Divine Authority to the top." josei

High Priest Luo Hao: "This way, we can maximize our own strength."

Luo Cuilian who was sitting cross-legged in the middle of Lushan Mountain, smiled disdainfully. She felt that Marquis Voban strength was already too strong. To the point, still staring at the Heretic God and wanting to absorb more Divine Authority, this was stingy behavior.

Even though they were God Slayers, they weren't just pure God Slayers. The most important thing for them now was to upgrade their Divine Authority, not to get more Divine Authority.

Old Man is the Marquis: "..."

Su Xiaoxiao: "Marquis Voban, although some guild members don't appear in the guild, this doesn't mean that the progress of the guild members is slow! They themselves work really hard, and I train hard too."

Old Man is the Marquis: "Then what about Accelerator?"

Accelerator: "Huh, if you doubt this power of mine! Why not have a pre-fight?"

Accelerator: "Vector manipulation It's impossible to reflect things I can't understand! But the current me is not my old self."

Accelerator also sneered, his strength had already reached LV6. Even though he didn't completely control this power, he didn't think he was any weaker than Marquis Voban. But he felt that he was stronger than Marquis Voban.

Su Xiaoxiao: "Alright! Don't talk too much about it, let's participate directly in the mission!"

Su Han interrupted the guild members' bickering.

Then, he opened his eyes and started the mission.

The next moment, a brilliant light lingered around his body. After a few seconds, Su Han figure disappeared.


Karakura Town.

At this moment, this bustling city had completely turned into a battlefield.

Terrifying roars rang out from all directions, and there was an army of skeletons filling the entire ground. They attacked and wreaked havoc in all directions, destroying everything they saw.

On the opposite side, there were many guards in special forces costumes, who were constantly shooting with guns.

"Bastards! Who told me that these skeleton soldiers were only the lowest grade of skeletons and were easy to kill? I really want the heads of the people who compiled this false information to go to the toilet!"

"It's normal for the information in fantasy works to be different from the skeleton soldiers in the real world. But who would have thought that even the most basic skeleton soldier on the opposite side would have such strong fighting power?"

"Not good! Hurry up and kill them! Once we fight in close combat, we will definitely die."

"Evacuation while fighting!"

Even though the Japanese government started an emergency evacuation as soon as the gap between space and time appeared. However, there are still many residents who have not evacuated from the city of Karakura. Surrounded by skeleton soldiers who caused heavy casualties.

Light flashed across the sky.

After that, all of these skeleton soldiers were crushed. The residents who didn't die hugged each other and looked at each other. After they realized that they had survived. Some people knelt on the ground and cried, and some people have not recovered from the fear.

Shihouin Yoruichi showed his form, Compared to the relaxed and cheerful past, Shihouin Yoruichi face was gloomy at the moment, with undisguised killing intent.

"Why did it happen? These are not Hollows! That's another opponent I've never seen before? Something that Aizen made? Not! Aizen can't do anything like that at all, what happened?"

"Does that mean that apart from Aizen, there is someone who wants to destroy the world and conquer the world? If that's the case, this person isn't necessarily easier to deal with than Aizen."

"This is really bad news!"

Shihouin Yoruichi took a deep breath, and then his figure disappeared again.


Outside Urahara shop.

Urahara Kisuke held Benihime Zanpakutō, and saw a giant fly on the opposite side. The Lord of the Flies coldly eyed Urahara Kisuke.

"The enemy should be one of the Seven Monarchs of Hell! Beelzebub! He is known as the Lord of the Flies."

Kurosaki Ichigo hand that was holding Zangetsu, said towards Urahara Kisuke.

"Although I know that the opponent is Beelzebub, this is very useful, but can you provide some more useful information, such as how the enemy combat effectiveness is, such as how the enemy skills are, and how to defeat the enemy!"

"What's the use of you only talking so much."

"Stupid father! It's great that I can provide so much information! How can I really know everything about the enemy? In terms of information, we need to find a weakness to defeat the enemy!"

Kurosaki Ichigo gritted his teeth, and was annoyed at the moment. Information about the other party identity, but he can only reluctantly analyze it based on the limited information provided by the guild system.

What's more, Kurosaki Ichigo knew that Beelzebub wasn't a strong foe at all. Behind Beelzebub, there were six other Monarchs of Hell, and a Transmigator whose combat power might surpass Thanos.

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