Super Dimensional Guild

Chapter 89

Chapter 89: Li Xuezhu: who can imagine what I went through

A beautiful yet terrifying light spread from Su Han body.

It was clearly a black mist, but at this moment it showed a texture that was different from reality, more like a substance than an elemental attribute.

Soon, the world shrouded in mist turned into a forbidden place for supernatural abilities.

"How did this happen?"

A roar of disbelief and a hint of fear suddenly rang out from the black mist barrier.

After rushing into the black mist, the Sand Sifting Snake Emperor instantly found the elemental power he had been pushing with all his strength earlier reduced to almost zero.

Even if he tried his best to use his fire talent, he could only shoot out sparks the size of a thumb at this time.

This was completely beyond the Sand Sifting Snake Emperor imagination.

Unlike the human Great Grandmaster, his strength rests on his supernatural abilities. If the fire power dissipated, then the power would be reduced by 90% from 100%.

"Didn't I tell you! I like enemies like you the most."

Su Han smiled gently, a brilliant light of lightning shone on his body with a loud scream echoing in the sky.

At this moment, he lit up the world shrouded in black fog. Like a huge purple sun rising from the darkness.

"So ..."

"Die in peace!"

Su Han said calmly.

"Thunder God Spear!"

Su Han palm exploded into a bright thunder at this moment.

At the same time, he turned into thunder and lightning, and dashed towards the Sand Sifting Snake Emperor like a sharp sword out of its scabbard.


Blood spilled into the sky.

Su Han turned into thunder and lightning, piercing through the seven inches of the Sand Sifting Snake Emperor.

Su Han was too fast, coupled with the loss of fire power, the Sand Sifting Snake Emperor was in chaos, so there was no organized effective counterattack at all.


A sharp scream revealed pain. josei

The Sand Sifting Snake Emperor, without any hesitation, swung its snake tail, dragged the remains of its body, and rushed into the gap of time and space not far away.

As long as he passed through the gaps of space and time, he could return to the world he was in.

How could Su Han chase after him, and cross over to his world together.

Although, a Great Grandmaster level powerhouse can forcibly break the world barrier and go to another world. But the stronger one goes to another world, the greater the price one has to pay.

Even if Su Han was really determined to hunt him down...

As long as Su Han hesitated at the time he had to pay the price.

It was enough to run away.

"I said! You are my prey. "

Su Han voice remained calm, as if he had not changed from the start, his eyes were colored with a layer of black at this moment.

"Black Hole!"

This is a developed Yami Yami no Mi Fruit ability.

Once he uses this trick, a small black hole, which can swallow everything, crushes its prey into the black hole, and then annihilates the opponent.

The terrifying darkness swallowed up everything and headed towards the Sand Sifting Snake Emperor.


The Sand Sifting Snake Emperor no longer spoke human language.

The reason why he was able to simulate human language earlier was simply because he was so powerful that others could understand him.

But now, he is seriously injured, and naturally there is no excess energy to make others understand. Therefore, at this moment, everyone heard his scream and it once again turned into a characteristic snake hissing sound.

In this scream, a kind of fear and despair was revealed.

The four injured human Grandmasters all stared blankly at this moment.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, it would be hard to imagine that a Great Grandmaster level existence would be in such a miserable situation.

Under the terrifying attraction of the black hole, the Sand Sifting Snake Emperor was still moving closer to the gap of time and space little by little, there was a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

It's not far...

Really just a little close.

"Are Black Holes not enough?"

Su Han stared at this scene carefully, thoughtfully.

In the next moment, he made a decision.

"It doesn't seem too far away."

Su Han stretched out his palm and explored the direction in which the Sand Sifting Snake Emperor was fleeing.

"Bansho Ten'in."

A terrifying gravitational force shot out from Su Han palm.

The Sand Sifting Snake Emperor, who was about to move closer to the gap of space and time, had not lost hope in his eyes, The next second, the whole snake body turned and rushed towards Su Han.


The Sand Sifting Snake Emperor instantly sank into the black hole space.

He only had time to send out a final scream, sharp and reluctant with fright.


Su Han dispelled the dark domain and stood still on the spot.

The four lord Grandmasters, or Li Xuezhu, who saw the end of the battle with dull faces from afar, all breathed a cold breath upon seeing the battlefield.

Where is the battlefield right now?

Everything that the darkness had just touched, whether it was the ground or the trees, all disappeared.

Beside Su Han, a huge hole appeared out of thin air.

Han Li gulped and subconsciously wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. He was a little grateful that Su Han darkness didn't touch him before.

Judging by the horrific scene in front of him, he was afraid that if the darkness touched him, he would die.

"Ram, it's time to go back!"

Su Han voice was very calm.

Ram was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a complex expression.

Although she already knew that Su Han was very strong. But once again experiencing the power that Su Han had, she still felt his heart pounding.

"Wait a moment ..."

Grandmaster Han Li reluctantly got up and extended his hand towards Su Han.

But before he could persuade her, Su Han and Rem disappeared.

Now that the matter had been resolved, Su Han naturally took Ram and returned to his room instantly using Hiraishin no Jutsu.

Opening his mouth, Han Li finally sat on the ground with a trace of despair on his face. It seems stunned, but also seems to be a solution.

"In the end, I did not make contact with this Great Grandmaster…"

Li Xuezhu in the distance was expressionless. Inwardly, it was a mess like a chaotic Wind.

What has happened? Why am I here? Who am I?

Who can tell him?

What happened just now?

Li Xuezhu mentality collapsed.

Why is there really a Great Grandmaster in Jianghai City? What she said about the Great Grandmaster just now was completely nonsense.

Don't say it's a place like Jianghai City, even if it's a super first-class city like Shanghai, there isn't necessarily a Great Grandmaster living there.

"Hahahaha… I must be dreaming… I really am dreaming."

Li Xuezhu muttered to her self, she seemed to get up and walked down to the foot of the mountain, then fell and rolled into the mountain.

"It hurts, it hurts… No, I can feel the pain, does that mean I'm not dreaming right now?"

Li Xuezhu stared at the sky blankly, not recovering for a long time.

"What did I do… I have experienced rebirth, I thought I experienced false rebirth…"

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