Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 112 Back to the Wizard Plane

Chapter 112 Back to the Wizard Plane

After a period of weightlessness, a strange sense of redundancy came from the top of Angel’s spine through to his lower spine.

Compared with the itching he felt when arriving in the Nightmare Plane, this kind of redundant feeling had a thick and turbid atmosphere, which is like confusing clear water with murky water, it makes people feel an extreme sense of discomfort.

Angel has secretly speculated that when he entered the Nightmare Plane, he was completely isolated from his real body, and while free from the shackles of his body, he was able to feel that itchy feeling. Back in the Wizard Plane, his soul felt like it was poured back into murky water, his soul came back into his turbid body, only feeling an inexplicable sense of redundancy, which is quite normal.

Angel slowly opened his eyes as his body mingled with his soul.

“Well, little brother Angel has good tastes, you brought back two paintings.” Flora’s crisp and ethereal voice echoed in the room.

Paintings? Angel looked down and sat on the floor with a picture frame in each armpit. It was the two paintings he took out from the promenade. < Traveler Under the Stars > and < Shepherd Milking on the Prairie Painting >.

Angel didn’t have time to check the paintings, all he could think about was the hand that grabbed his ankle.

Angel looked up to Sanders.

Sanders is standing next to Flora, although his state was also very tired, but he looks good overall even though his clothes are a little messy.

“Mentor, the last thing that showed up was… … a higher level demon?” Angel couldn’t wait to ask about what happened.

If it’s a demon, why did he end up with a hand on his ankle? So is this demon human? Or was that also a projected ‘person’, and like young Sanders, perhaps a projection of a wizard?

Sanders meditated for a moment, as if trying to recall the previous attack as they left the Nightmare Plane.

It was a long time before Sanders slowly answered, “I don’t know. I wasn’t able to get a good look at what it really was, but… … it was by no means simple, to be able to break the Hanging Prison Stairs from so far away, perhaps it is a legendary demon.”

“What?! Were the Hanging Prison Stairs broken?” Flora exclaimed, she has been to ‘Flower Garden Labyrinth’ or Nightfall City with Sanders before, so she knows exactly what Sanders means when he says Hanging Prison Stairs!

“What is the Hanging Prison Stairs? Was it those stairs in the darkness?” Angel doesn’t know, so he asks about it.

“Oh, I can’t believe you don’t know about the Hanging Prison Stairs? Hearing you ask like this, didn’t you go to the Hanging Prison Stairs with Mentor?” Flora looked at Angel with an incredible expression, acting as if he didn’t go in with Sanders, did he really break into the Hanging Prison Stairs?

Sanders chuckled and said to Flora, “As a matter of fact, Angel arrived at the Hanging Prison Stairs even before me. I didn’t see him until the last moment.” When Sanders finished explaining to her, he turned to Angel and said, “Yes, the Hanging Prison Stairs are the stairs that spiral up into the darkness. In fact, that was a huge prison, along the way you must have seen a lot of rooms, those were rooms for ‘prisoners’. If you read the books in the study carefully, you will know more about it. The owner of the study was actually the prison warden.”

Flora walked up to Angel and circled around him several times in surprise, making a constant “tut-tut” sound with her mouth while wagging her finger.

“I can’t believe that little brother Angel was unlucky enough to break into the Hanging Prison Stairs alone. It seems that Mentor made a very clever decision in taking you in. We even received a lot of luck around you recently.” Flora says while exaggerating, “Well, even if you go on and become an academic wizard, I won’t stop you! Just be our lucky baby, and go out and find some treasures with us!”

Sanders also seemed to agree with Flora’s assessment, he was very satisfied with his new apprentice, looking at Angel’s refreshing expression, he faintly said: “The final attack is just that, you don’t need to think too much about it, at least now that we have left the Nightmare Plane. In the short term, we won’t be able to discover any more about the demon creature that attacked us in the Nightmare Plane.”

Speaking of this, Flora also added: “A demon that can destroy the Hanging Prison Stairs is not something we can afford to offend anyways. You can at least relax now that you’re out of the Nightmare Plane. ”josei

“By the way, did Mentor get that Guidance Method this time?” Flora turns to look at Sanders.

Sanders froze for a moment before he realized what Flora was talking about.

As Flora saw Sanders face, she knows the final result.

“You forgot again!” Flora shrugged, saying it as if it was to be expected.

“I really did forget.” Sanders sat back into his chair near his desk and tried recalling his Nightmare Plane experience. When he was in the study, he remembered everything in it, except… … the guidance method.

He can’t even remember the name of the guidance method now.

At this time, Sanders and Flora are now interested in checking out the two paintings Angel has brought back, Sanders remembers that when they left the Nightmare Plane, he seemed to tell Angel to bring back some things in order to experiment with Angel’s talent, he asked him to bring back every special item he could bring with him, including the guidance method, right?

Sanders was about to ask further, but Angel was still in a trance. Sanders thought again about it, and didn’t want to bother Angel, so he just used his spell to explore what Angel was carrying on him.

Under the fluctuation of the “Eye of True Sight”, he gained a panoramic view of everything on Angel’s body.

In addition to clothes, Angel also carried a lot of things. The first thing Sanders saw was a glass bead hanging on Angel’s chest. This glass bead was very common, not a Nightmare Plane object.

Apart from the glass bead, there was a bottle of potion in his pocket.

There is a dark liquid in the bottle, and if one looks carefully, they can see a faint blue glow in the dark. If one opens the lid of the glass bottle, they will be able to feel the cold of winter.

“It seems that Angel’s Nightmare Soul is really different, not only was he able to bring out both of the paintings, but he was also able to bring out a Cold Night Potion.”

At first sight of the Cold Night Potion, Sanders looked forward to any other items he may have brought back.

Angel had a copper pocket watch next to where he placed the Cold Night Potion, Sanders glanced at it without paying too much attention. He had seen the watch used by Angel before, but not in the Nightmare Plane.

Sanders continued to look down, and at Angel’s waist he saw a short stick and a dagger.

With a wave of his hand, the stick and dagger fell from Angel’s waist and went into his hands.

Flora looked at it and said, “Isn’t this your Thorn Rose Dagger? Why does Angel have it on him? Hey.., this short stick… … so familiar, just like a wand from our organization?”

Instead of explaining the origin of these two items to Flora, Sanders continued to observe these two items that Angel brought.

Sanders scanned Angel again from top to bottom with the Eye of True Sight, but there was nothing else.

“Isn’t there any way for Angel to bring out that guidance method?” Sanders can only sigh in the end, it seems that the guidance method really has nothing to do with him.

The Eye of True Sight spell fluctuates again, and Sanders deliberately ignores it as Flora scans Angel nonchalantly.

“Tut-tut, there’s a lot on Angel! Cold Night Potion? Hey, how did he get one out here? Did Gloria give it to him? This pocket watch is so shabby, I can’t believe he’s still using it… …” Flora commented on the items worn on Angel and ended up strangely laughing: “Hey, in fact, our little boy, his figure is quite interesting!”

Angel has not come to his senses yet and does not know that his whole body has been seen by the pair. If he could hear Flora, he’d probably be… … glad to hear that neither the Holographic Tablet nor the Heavenly Eye were abnormal to the two.

… …

“The guidance method was not brought out of the Nightmare Plane, so it looks like we’re going to have to use something else for Angel’s guidance method.” Flora lamented.

Sanders did not speak, but this time, Angel’s talent has come as a great surprise, being able to bring out three special items from the Nightmare Plane-Cold Night Potion, a short black stick, a dagger. The rest are ordinary items, this haul is much better than all his previous attempts.

It seems that his guess may have been correct, a Nightmare Soul probably has a hierarchy, for Angel’s Nightmare Soul, it must be at a higher level than him.

“It doesn’t hurt that the guidance method wasn’t able to be brought out. Let’s just say that it didn’t happen. When we get back to the Savage Grottoes, I’ll let Angel apply for the < Montos Eight Sided Guidance Method >.” Sanders said.

Just as the two were talking, Angel suddenly chimed in, “Huh? Montos Eight Sided Guidance Method? Don’t I have to learn the Singularity Scattering Meditation?”

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