Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 132 Phantom Island

Chapter 132 Phantom Island

“Angel shall we be neighbors?” Shalem leaned over to ask Angel.

Angel smiled and nodded. He actually preferred getting along with Shalem rather than with Nausica. This teenager was naive and pure, and he could see his inner thoughts at a glance. Although the relationship between Nausica and him seems good, Angel had a hard time guessing what Nausica was thinking from her expression.

After seeing Angel say yes, Shalem happily runs to ask Nausica, to see if she wants to be neighbors as well. Nausica readily agreed, so the three of them began looking for rooms in the crypt.

Although the underground forks are marked, it is easier to get lost as they go farther inside. After searching for half an hour, they will use rooms in a place with two vents nearest to the surface as their base.

Angel pushed open his room and as soon as he stepped in, he smelled a damp smell of mildew. Angel frowned and, as Aubrey said, there was nothing in the room except a pile of dirt. This room was bearable for Angel, but with no furniture, he needs to go out and buy them.

It’s just that the only thing he can’t stand is this door.

Angel thought the door would be strong, or at least impossible to break through with a bit of violence. But the reality is the lock on this door is a very ordinary iron chain.

Angel walked out of the room and down the aisle for about a minute to the door under another vent.

The door wasn’t locked, but Angel didn’t push it open directly. Instead, Angel tapped on the door until there was a “please come in” sound coming from the inside.

“Cough, cough—” As soon as Angel stepped into the door, he was choked by the smoke.

Amid the smoke, a sexy mature woman in soft armour was smoking against the wall with a long pipe.

The woman who smokes is naturally Nausica. She looks at Angel with interest and says, “Did you miss me when we separated for a moment?”

Angel, who was teased, but was not shy at all. He angrily grabbed to cover his nose: “Nausica, I came here to borrow your sword.”

As a former pirate leader, Nausica fought from the south to the north for many years and naturally carried weapons with her. Her weapon is a knight’s short sword tied to her waist.

Despite the fact that it was a short sword, Angel was lucky enough to have seen it in Twilight Town. Nausica split a hard stone in half with a slight slash, showing the sharpness of the blade.

Nausica flicked the tobacco that fell on her cheek. Laid her pipe on the clay bowl, and pulled out her short sword at her waist to throw it at Angel. She gave the sword when he asked to borrow it very simply, and she did not ask the reason why Angel borrowed it. As soon as the sword was given, she continued swallowing and spitting out clouds of smoke.

Nausica’s trust made Angel raise his eyebrows. He had prepared his speech, but now it seems he does not need it.

Angel returned to his door with the sword and gently stroked it against the hanging chain.

The chain broke off and fell to the ground with a few rattles.

Angel’s face darkened as he watched the chain get cut in half. He had thought that the chain would be able to withstand the sword, otherwise, it would be unsafe to live here at all.

This level of security means that any ordinary person can break into the door. This is almost equal to zero protection, not to mention that the crypt also houses many Wizard Apprentices!

Others can easily break into the home, which means that not only is there no protection at all, but also personal safety cannot be guaranteed.

He has many secrets. What if he was suddenly broken into while he was using the Holographic Tablet, what would the consequences be? For example, when he went out, the precious potions in his luggage were stolen. What should he do then?

Hookedick’s small group basically has a feud with him. How can he ensure his safety if they make trouble while he meditates, or if they simply make some small plans to murder him?

After thinking about it, Angel made up his mind that there was absolutely no room to live in here!

Angel puts the sleeping Toby in his pocket and walks out of the Crypt Field.

While at the Resource Allocation Hall, Sanders sent a message asking him to go find him. By the way, Angel is going to Apprentice Town to ask about the rental price for a residence. He had an anonymous bone card with 10,000 contributions and Gloria’s 30 Magic Crystals, which Angel figured would be enough. The crypt room was too unsafe, so he could only find hope in Apprentice Town.

As soon as he came out, he saw a young falcon demon hovering in the air. Angel had seen the falcon demon on The Savage Airship, which was Sanders alchemy pet.

With falcon demon leading the way, Angel just needs to follow it from behind.

Following the falcon demon, Angel once again took another ride on the Treevine Bus hanging in the air. Angel noticed that the whole Tree Spirit Court and the Tree of Eternity were connected by the tracks of tree vines in the air, extending in all directions. From time to time, he could see other tree vine carriages hanging on the branches and some carriages were moving with people while others were empty.

The Treevine Bus eventually stopped on a leaf platform called “Falling Cloud Leaf Platform.” The underlying clouds dotted below the Falling Cloud Leaf Platform. Situating itself up in the air at about 300m above the ground. Angel followed the falcon demon for a long time through the misty clouds. Going across a branch road, and finally, Angel stopped at the edge of a falling cloud.

The falcon demon urged him to move not far away, but when he went further, he noticed he was hanging in the air!

Angel didn’t know whether to go forward or stay back, but the falcon demon urged him by signalling that he did not take the wrong path. Since he is not going the wrong way, then why couldn’t he see any paths before him? It was three hundred meters above the ground, and if he fell with his mass and gravity, he would definitely turn into meat sauce.

Looking ahead at the endless sea of clouds, Angel wondered to himself: Is this path invisible in the air?

With doubts, Angel tentatively stretched out his feet to feel around. Angel clearly felt a heavy sense of solidity when his feet landed on the surface.

There’s a path! An invisible one.

The path extends from outside of the leaves to somewhere.

Angel took trembling steps on the invisible path in the middle of the sky with blue sky and white clouds as the backdrop. If he puts aside his trembling legs, the scene before him is quite nice and refreshing.

Following behind the falcon demon, Angel walked on the winding air path for about ten minutes before landing on a sand and gravel island suspended in midair. After Angel stepped on the island, his trembling legs finally stopped shaking. He sat on the edge of the island for a while before regaining his composure and continuing to follow the falcon demon.

There are several suspended islands near the Tree of Eternity. This suspended island is relatively small, but although being small, it was very delicate. The island is only about ten miles in size and is full of unknown plants and animals. From time to time, Angel could see some strange and ferocious-looking beasts, but they all ignored his existence.

Some beasts looked more like fantasy beasts in fairy tales. For example, Angel sees a pure white horse with wings on its back. If it has horns on its forehead, then he would have thought that it was a unicorn in fairy tales that only comes close to pure virgins.

But as he approached, the pure white steed with wings was actually somewhat different. For example, its wings did seem unnatural. Angel could see the traces of sewing, which looked as if they had been sewn on artificially.

Looking at the obvious traces of artificial sewing, Angel suddenly remembered that he had seen a spell scroll of dog nose grafting in Sanders Library. This spell is probably about how to get a first-class sense of smell by grafting on a dog’s nose. As for how to look beautiful after grafting a dog’s nose, there is < Graft Remolding > and so on to serve one’s needs. If one doesn’t mind the appearance, it doesn’t matter if one replaces their nose with a dog’s nose.

Angel subconsciously felt that the white horse’s wings and dog’s nose grafting might be similar.

Bypassing another hill, Angel arrives at his final destination: An exquisite looking aristocratic manor.

Sanders was a small aristocrat before he became a Wizard, and Angel was told this. When he was in the Nightmare Plane, he had seen Sanders in his youth. From youth to middle age, Sanders’s impenetrable aristocratic temperament had hardly changed.

Sanders usual clothes are an aristocratic gentlemen’s outfit, so Angel is not too surprised to see his Aristocratic Manor.

After entering the estate. Angel, led by the falcon demon, quickly went around to Sanders study.

“Mentor.” Angel knocks on the door.

When Angel entered the door, the first thing he noticed was not Sanders, but the countless bookshelves and towering bookcase that almost dazzled Angel at first glance.

“Remember the way to Phantom Island?”

Phantom Island? Angel crashed for a second, and then remembered that Sanders was nicknamed Phantom Master, and the Phantom Island he was talking about is the island under his feet.

Angel nodded hurriedly, and although he was a little nervous and frightened along the way, he remembered the route.

“That’s good. If you have any doubts when you study the guidance method in the future, you can come up to Phantom Island and ask me. If I’m not here, you can also go to Flora too.” Sanders sat at his desk with the < Singularity Scattering Mediation > in front of him. Apparently, he had been studying the guidance method until Angel arrived.

“I see.” Angel nodded.

“Then head back.” Sanders did not raise his head when he spoke to Angel.

Angel was stupefied, he thought Sanders asked him to come over for something, but he didn’t realize it was literally just to “learn the path.”josei

“By the way, whether you come to me or Flora later, don’t forget to bring the gold coin I gave you. Without that gold coin, you will be attacked by the phantom beasts on the island as soon as you step onto Phantom Island.” Sanders said.

“En.” Angel said.

“Well, study the guidance method sooner, otherwise it will not be easy for you to gain a foothold here.”

After leaving Phantom Island, Angel returned to Falling Cloud Leaf Platform along the same path. By this time, two people were already standing on the platform. They, like Angel, were waiting for the Treevine Bus in the air.

Angel’s arrival caused them to look sideways. At first, they didn’t care who the visitor was, but they looked at Angel’s face carefully. One of the short boys froze for a moment, took a crystal ball out of his robe, and a light flashed. After the crystal ball flashed, a picture appeared in it.

The background of the picture is the Resource Allocation Hall. There are many characters in the picture, but Angel is the protagonist in the center of the picture.

“Are you Angel?” The short boy looked at the teenager in the picture and looked at Angel standing on one side.

There were people on the platform. Angel didn’t want to be a busybody, so he stood farther away. But he did not expect that even while standing far away. The short boy on the other side has gone so far as to find him and look at him in surprise.

“I’m Angel… and you?” Angel doesn’t know why the other person knows his name.

The short boy smiled at Angel as if he was familiar with him, laughed and said. “My name is Polly… That’s my friend Hart.” Hart is a boy with rimless glasses.

“Are you really Angel?”

Angel nodded, wondering why the two men knew him.

After being confirmed by Angel, Polly and Hart looked at him with a look of admiration on their faces.

“Do you know? You’re already famous!” Polly shows the crystal ball to Angel.

Angel looked at the crystal ball, which turned out to be the previous picture of him at the Resource Allocation Hall.

“Are you waiting here for the bus, did you just go to Phantom Island to visit Lord Sanders just now? Sure enough! You are Lord Sanders new apprentice!” Polly said.

Angel responded with a dry smile.

“I think everyone knows about you by now. For Lord Sanders to accept a new apprentice, this is big news!”

Since waiting for the Treevine Bus, Polly had been talking nonstop without noticing Angel’s embarrassment. Hart, on the other hand, seldom spoke. But looks at Angel with strong admiration.

It was not until Angel got on the bus that he got rid of the barking attack from Polly.

After this stubble, Angel knew he had become a popular topic among the apprentice circle. Being a hot topic is not necessarily a good thing. His chances of being noticed while he does secretive things are greatly increased. Every move may arouse suspicion, and the danger will be even greater.

Therefore, his residence must be selected as soon as possible.

With this in mind, Angel stopped his journey to the Crypt Field and changed his direction to Apprentice Town.

From a distance, Apprentice Town felt prosperous. When he approached, he was more able to experience the grandeur that came from seeing it first-hand. There are several tall buildings over twenty meters. The architectural styles are not the same, but different. Some are wetland style. Some are fantasy style. Angel even saw a similar shell architecture style seen in Sea Blue, but the Canary Empire architecture style had not seen.

Although the architectural styles are different, the whole town is very harmonious. It seems that the town has a very good urban planner. At the very least, Angel can’t do this on his own. Putting shell houses, tree houses, high-rise steel buildings and various styles of buildings together. Making them not appear abrupt or stand out is an amazing marvel in and of itself.

An hour later, Angel left Apprentice Town No. 8 with a smile on his face.

Previously, it was said that many people recognized him, but this popularity was not all bad. At least when Angel was renting a room from the Apprentice Town administrator. The other party recognized him immediately and was very attentive in helping him choose a room. They even worked on buying and arranging furniture for him.

Angel, on the other hand, rented a single garden villa for a year with just 500 contribution points. The 500 contribution points are equivalent to about 5 Magic Crystals. 5 Magic Crystal to rent a villa for a whole year may look expensive, but if the villa has extremely high-security measures. It is in the middle of a town with magic power arrays that can effectively help with meditation efficiency. Then the 5 magic crystals seem much cheaper.

The newly rented garden villa has three basic magic energy arrays, sound insulation, protection and anti-magic. Although they are all low-level magic arrays, they are enough for Angel. After all, those who live in Apprentice Town are basically Wizard Apprentices. The three basic magic energy arrays have been able to put an end to most apprentice plans. Even if they want to barge in, these arrays can give Angel time to react so that no one can take a peek at his secret.

After Angel left Apprentice Town No. 8 and he returned to the Crypt Field.

It took a while before he found his original room in the labyrinth-like crypt.

Not far from Angel, Shalem and Nausica were standing in front of his room. Looking as if they were chatting about something.

“What are you guys doing here?” Angel wondered.

Nausica pointed to the broken chain on the ground and said with a helpless face, “Shalem noticed that your door chain is broken now. I’m afraid someone will take the opportunity to rob you, so I’ll be your guard.”

Looking at the chains on the ground that were cut in half by himself, and then at the “praise me” expression from Shalem. Angel felt a warmth in his heart, laughed and thanked him.

“Actually, you cut the chains yourself, didn’t you?” Nausica drew the short sword from his waist: “Did you cut it with this?”

Angel nodded.

Shalem: “Why did you cut your own door lock? Aren’t you afraid of bad guys breaking in? That Hookedick and Forsa… They’re not on friendly terms with you.”

“This kind of door lock is basically useless. It’s the same whether it’s cut or not.” Nausica squinted slightly and suddenly remembered something. She turned to Angel: “You… you… You’re not living here, are you?”

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