Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 206 Examination and Treatmen

Chapter 206 Examination and Treatmen

Just then, a large area of frost suddenly appeared on the floor.

Someone used Frostfall!

The apprentice who wanted to trample Angel was frozen by Frostfall and fell to the ground.

This Frostfall spell was not the one used by the “Immortal Ice Emperor” who arbitrarily names his spell. Its scope covers the whole battle arena platform.

These junior apprentices did not check who had cast such a spell for the moment and had all just tumbled down like vegetables.

At the edge of the arena platform where people were turned upside down, a gust of wind brought many ice shards down onto them.

The whole battle arena was enveloped by the ice shards dancing wildly with the wind. All the apprentices were blinded and could not clearly see around their surroundings at all.

“Isn’t this Flying Frost Spell?! Level 3 magic Flying Frost Spell? This was cast by a third level apprentice!”

“Third level apprentice? Who is it..?”

At this moment, a voice came in from behind the battle arena: “David, you go up and save him. I will stop this group of trash that only dares to fan the flames.”

The speaker was of course Promi. He didn’t want to save Angel at the beginning… because he just didn’t want to be involved in “possible” troubles. For this group of first level apprentices, unlike Toby, he does not have any scruples and constraints against killing. If he wants to kill, he will kill. With his capacity, even after this event, no one dares to make trouble with him.

“En!” David put on his goggles and rushed through the Flying Frost Spell.

With goggles to protect him from the Flying Frost Spell, David soon found Angel, as if they were out of the woods.

“An… Are you all right? ” David almost blurted out Angel’s name, but he soon reacted. There were too many people around the arena. He did not dare to reveal Angel’s true identity.

Angel didn’t respond, his body only unnaturally trembled.

David took a closer look. Angel’s eyes were closed, his forehead was covered with sweat, and his mouth, ears, eyes and nose were bleeding profusely.

“Damn it, what is going on? What did that woman do to you?!” David couldn’t help cursing Parasitic Mother when he saw Angel’s tragic situation. He completely forgot that not too long ago, “that woman” was his goddess.

With Angel’s present state, it was impossible for him to answer back. David, with indignation on his face, lifted Angel onto his back. Then he shouted to Toby in the sky: “Toby, let’s go!”

Toby is no stranger to David. He is also pleased to see David. So he followed David and as they rushed out of the arena.

After Promi broke up the mob, they quickly rushed out of the encirclement and passed straight through the contestant area to the side of the thirteenth-floor cableway.

On one side of the audience stands.

There was a look of disappointment on Baroque’s face: “Unexpectedly, a third level apprentice was willing to save Angel… It seems that there is no way to know whether Sanders would appear or not.”

“Do you want to stop them? The cableway can only be used by contestants. The one wearing goggles is not a match contestant. This can be used as an excuse to stop them.” Asked Melanctha.

Baroque shook his head: “Forget it, let them go. I’m too lazy to bother with them because they are all members of the younger generation. This is already an embarrassment to me. This time, due to the emergence of this third level apprentice, it is not possible to accurately understand Angel’s value in Sanders eyes. It is a pity… But let’s just temporarily set Angel at the “observation” level. Whether we raise this level will be discussed at a later date.”

With Sky Tower’s senior management response, the staff members did not embarrass David and let him get on the cableway smoothly.

It wasn’t until the cabin for the cableway started moving that David breathed a sigh of relief. The cableway extends in all directions, and as long as they boarded the cableway, they are basically safe.

David panted heavily and ran a long way with Angel on his back. His panting slightly subsided when he was sitting in the cableway carriage. Before, he was extremely envious of contestants who could sit in the cableway carriage. But now actually sitting in one, he had no feelings for it at all.

David slowly pulled Angel’s hood down to reveal his bloodied face.

David muttered to himself in silence: “What’s going on? When you fought with Parasitic Mother, you had no physical contact at all. Why did you suddenly get so seriously injured..? And, with your character, how could you be so ruthless as to kill the defenceless Parasitic Mother? What happened during your match?”

Angel was in a coma and could not answer back to any of David’s questions.

David used purification to disperse the bloodstains on his face, but in a short time, new bloodstains flowed out.

David’s heart beat wildly when he saw this. If he continued to bleed like this, the result would be terrible!

The healing spell he has learned is only a very common magic called Trauma Treatment, but this spell has been cast on Angel and still had no effect.

After leaving the cableway, David carried Angel directly to the alchemy shop on his back. Soon, Promi came in from the outside.

“Master quick, take a look at Angel… His injury seems to be strange. I have just checked him. There is almost no trauma to his body, but his blood keeps oozing out of his eyes, ears, nose and mouth.” David had an anxious expression on his face: “Healing spells have no effect on him at all.”

As soon as Promi stepped into his underground warehouse in his Alchemy shop, he saw Angel lying almost naked on David’s bed.

Angel’s clothes are hung on the bedside nightstand, as well as the alchemy weapons he carries with him.

When Promi first saw the Wrist-Mounted Crossbow and golden arrows, before he knew it, he even tried to imitate it. But he had never seen another ranged alchemy item like it. He understood at a glance that this alchemy item must be a powerful long-ranged weapon because he had sensed a magical depiction on it!

As soon as Promi saw this, his eyes lit up, he wanted to go over there and take a look. But with David’s urging, he remembered what he had to do. He hurried up to give two “coughs,” pretending he had no interest in the two alchemy items, and just walked calmly to Angel.

After a long time, Promi had a strange expression on his face and knit his brows tightly.

“Master, what’s wrong with Angel?” When David saw Promi’s magical power fluctuation stop, he hastily asked.

Promi had been silent for a moment before he choked out three words: “Something is wrong.”

“What’s wrong? Is there no way? Even master can’t help him?”

David’s tone was somewhat offensive, but instead of blaming him, Promi explained: “The healing spells will totally be useless on him. I have just cast a ‘Break the Obstacle’ spell on him, and now it showed his body seems to be full of impurities.”

David asked: “Impurities? Isn’t it normal for people to have impurities in their body?”

Promi shook his head: “It’s not the kind of impurities you are thinking of, but a kind of foreign green powder impurity that had been spread all over his body. Even in his blood vessels, flesh and bones. The haemorrhage symptoms on the surface of his body are all caused by those impurities.” Promi paused: “I don’t know what those green powder impurities are, but it’s not easy for me to solve them.”

“Green powder impurities?” David frowned and muttered in a low voice: “Did Parasitic Mother do this?”

“It should be Parasitic Mother. These green powder impurities are not compatible with Angel’s internal organs and apparently entered his body not too long ago. However, I find this a little strange. I wonder why Parasitic Mother did this to Angel? What is the inside story?” Promi thought again about today’s strange match. All sorts of strange occurrences happened, like a fog curtain that cannot be dispersed.

“Parasitic Mother is now dead, and the details may only be known when Angel wakes up. His anger, when he woke up at that time, was not false. I even felt the hatred from the audience stands. With his character, it is impossible to kill Parasitic Mother for no reason, so he should know something.” David continued: “But it’s unimportant to mention all of this. I just want to know what we should do for Angel now?”

Promi pondered for a moment: “The green powder is stubborn and will not flow out with the blood. Well, I’ll cast a simple spell on him and take out some of the green powder for research. Only when I know what it is, can I solve this problem pertinently.”

David: “That…”

Soon, Promi came up with a surgical scalpel.

After disinfection, Promi was preparing to cut Angel when a figure suddenly appeared at the bedside.

“Who?” David was startled by the sudden appearance of a figure.

Promi thought a “mob” member had come to his door. When he broke through the Sky Tower blockade, he believed that no one would dare trouble him afterwards, so he did not bother hiding his identity.

Promi subconsciously threw his scalpel past with the back of his hand.

The scalpel stopped when it was still some distance away from the figure.

Promi looked at the suspended scalpel in surprise.

The next second, the scalpel turned around and flew back at him faster. With a “whoosh” sound, it cut across Promi’s plump earlobe and inserted into the wall behind him.

Promi showed a horrified expression at the current situation. His magic protector didn’t work?!

The scalpel cut a bloody hole in his earlobe and began dripping blood.

From David’s exclamation to Promi’s flying scalpel, all this happened between a flash. It wasn’t until Promi’s ears began bleeding, that they noticed the identity of the visitor…

“You, you, you… you are Lord Sanders!” David looked at the handsome middle-aged man in a gentleman’s aristocratic outfit. With uncontrollable surprise on his face, he began to stutter when he spoke.

When Promi also recognized the identity of the comer. He was still a little angry because of the bleeding on his ear, but then he realized that Sanders not killing him was already a polite gesture. To this master, just letting him leave by shedding a few drops of blood is already a miracle!

“Lord Sanders!” Promi trembled and bowed in deference to Sanders: “I didn’t know it was the Lord visiting, so… Forgive me for my earlier offence, Lord.”

Sanders snorted coldly.

Promi was so frightened and immediately began kneeling on the ground.

David is still in a state of shock and does not yet understand what is going on at the scene.

Sanders grimaced and said coldly: “For the sake of saving Angel, I will forgive you this one time.”

Angel? Promi and David look up at the same time and listened to Sanders tone. Does he have any connection with Angel?

With this sentence. Sanders waved at Angel, who was lying in bed, and Angel immediately disappeared.

“I will take Angel away.” After Sanders said this sentence, his figure slowly blurred, and as they were about to watch him leave.

David shouted: “Lord, wait!”

Sanders looked back at his figure.

David pointed to the items on the bedside nightstand: “These belong to Angel.”

When Promi heard David’s words, his eyes turned white in his heart as he thought: This boy is simply a white-eyed wolf. Lord Sanders didn’t take these items away. Why do you have to mention it? Can’t you leave them to me for a few days to study?

When David’s voice fell, Sanders waved again. In the next second, the clothes on the bedside nightstand disappeared together with the figure of Sanders.

David and Promi remained bowed for three minutes.

They had got up only after they had determined Sanders had left.

They were only slightly relieved, and both of them collapsed to the ground.

“In front of an official wizard, my legs and stomach were trembling.”

“Yes… And he is a second level wizard who is a shocking existence in the entire Southern Region.”josei

The two men looked at each other, and Promi suddenly asked: “What is the relationship between Lord Sanders and Angel?”

David shook his head and said: “I don’t know. Angel never talked about it.”

Promi thought for a moment: “I seem to have overheard a wizard lord says that Lord Sanders seems to have received a new apprentice last year…” Promi paused and asked David: “Do you know who Angel’s mentor is?”

David froze for a moment and wryly said: “Uh… I don’t ever remember asking.”

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