Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 237 Energy Stabilizer

Chapter 237 Energy Stabilizer

“As long as there is a problem, there will always be a solution.” Promi said: “To solve the Ancient Magic problem through magic crystals, in fact, this method has been summed up by our predecessors long ago. There are many other ways and methods, but they are simply too cumbersome, or you don’t have access to them now. I’ll omit these first in light of your current circumstances. The only solution I see is to buy an energy stabilizer.”

“Energy Stabilizer?” Angel is no stranger to the name of this device: “I think I’ve heard of it.”

“I assume you saw it in High Cloud Library?” Promi smiled as he said: “If I remember correctly regarding the Alchemy Manuscript, the rental fee in High Cloud Library about Energy Stabilizers is 1.1 million contribution points.”

1.1 million! David was stunned by this number. If fully converted into magic crystals, this is 11,000 magic crystals! David doesn’t think he can make that much money in his life.

Angel was quite calm because he had already seen the rental fee for the < Alchemy Manuscript-Energy Stabilizer > in High Cloud Library. The designs for the Energy Stabilizer, which has been confirmed, are recorded in the < Basic Collection of Primary Alchemy >.

However, although Angel knew there were Energy Stabilizer designs in the < Basic Collection of Primary Alchemy >. He hasn’t actually gone through and carefully read the book. He only noticed some of the images when sorting through the folders. Therefore, when Promi mentioned this name, he didn’t know what role an Energy Stabilizer played.

“As we all know, Ancient Magic is a very volatile energy, and it’s almost impossible to manipulate this energy for controlled use. A wizard constructs a mental force model in order to import Ancient Magic into the body for internal circulation. After internal circulation, the volatility of Ancient Magic is completely eliminated, which has been done through our magic source converting it into pure magic power.” Promi briefly explains about Ancient Magic, and then talks about the role of an Energy Stabilizer:

“The so-called Energy Stabilizer is actually a device for layering energy. When unstable energy is introduced into the device, it directly reduces all the unstable factors in the energy to the bottom layer. Then the pure energy rises up to the top layer. This process is like pouring oil and water into a cup, and the oil will automatically float to the top while the water sinks to the bottom.”

“Ancient Magic is a kind of unstable energy. Through the Energy Stabilizer, the volatile energy parts contained in the Ancient Magic can be sunk to the bottom while the pure magic power floats upward. In this way, one can directly absorb the pure magic power for personal use.”

After listening to the explanation, Angel’s first thought wasn’t to use the Energy Stabilizer to solve his magic shortage problem when depicting the magic array. But he instead wondered if he could get more pure magic power to grow and strengthen his own magic source… through this method. If this works, then he would only need to consume magic crystals to quickly improve his accomplishments!

Angel’s internal thought is in fact, the thoughts of all other people who have first learned about the role of an Energy Stabilizer.

While Angel was still considering the feasibility of this method, David had already asked before him: “Master Promi, can I directly use this Energy Stabilizer to practice? My magic absorption rate is very slow, I was wondering if I can use an Energy Stabilizer to…”

Before David had finished speaking, Promi mercilessly interrupted him and said:

“You’re looking at this so casually and think reality is so beautiful?”

David rubs the side of his head and gives a stiff laugh.

Promi explained: “If mental force is the foundation of a wizard, then the magic source is the building blocks for a wizard. The most fundamental thing is one can only rely on one’s own magic absorption rate to slowly convert external energy. No matter how pure the energy is, it cannot directly enter the magic source. Of course, you can import pure magic power through the mental force channels. But even pure magic power still needs to go through the process of magic absorption to reach the magic source. So, the final absorption rate has no difference between the speed of conversion between Ancient Magic and what you would absorb from an Energy Stabilizer.”

“Moreover, there is one more thing I want to mention. The Energy Stabilizer doesn’t filter Ancient Magic in magic crystals but lets the volatile parts of the magic power sink to the bottom.”

“Although Ancient Magic will contain volatile energy, it will also contain relatively pure magic power. The Energy Stabilizer simply brings forth the pure magic power to the top and lets the volatile magic power sink to the bottom. Rather than converting all Ancient Magic into pure magic power, such as through the process of magic absorption. This process merely separates the two energies, leading to problems down the line of absorbed.”

“The reason why I call this method ‘burning money’ is that there is actually a lot of Ancient Magic contained in a magic crystal. But when it is finally separated through the Energy Stabilizer, there is very little pure magic power left. Once the magic crystal is used up, no matter how much pure magic power is extracted, it will directly be crushed into slag. The pure magic power contained in one magic crystal cannot even support casting one level 0 magic.”

Angel frowned and asked: “If an Energy Stabilizer is used, how many magic crystals would it take to purify enough magic power for one level 0 magic?”josei

Promi pondered for a moment and said: “I haven’t used this kind of money burning method, but I can give you a rough estimate.” After saying this, Promi took out 2~3magic crystals, felt them with his mental force respectively, and then said: “The total amount of Ancient Magic in each magic crystal is similar, but the amount of pure energy is different. I estimate it will take at least 2-3 magic crystals to get enough pure magic power to cast one level 0 magic. If you cast a continuous level 0 spell, you will consume even more magic crystals.”

After hearing the example, Angel began calculating. If 3 magic crystals are equivalent to the magic power for one level 0 magic. And If he is in a state of full of magic power, to complete the layout for the Overture of Death Magic Array during the alchemy item production process. It will cost about 510 magic crystals. If the consumption of magic power required to maintain both level 0 spells. With Magic Power Hand and Heat Blend Art are added, then the cost can be estimated to be about 600 magic crystals.

The consumption of 600 magic crystals is ultimately only for the layout of one alchemy item with the Overture of Death.

If the venture is successful, it will be fantastic, but if there is any accidents or something unexpected happens halfway through the production process, the upfront investment will be equal to… being in vain. This is really a money-burning venture.

600 magic crystals… Angel wanted to give up this method. But when he thought of how Promi saved his life in the battle arena, he thought again and decided to give it a try.

However, Angel didn’t mention his intention, because there are still many prerequisites to be resolved. For example, the magic crystal problem, material problems and so on. Also, if Promi has found and undead restraint alchemy weapon in the Wizard Market, he can also put aside his plans to “burn money” for the time being.

As Angel was thinking, David had asked Promi curiously: “Well, according to what master said. The Energy Stabilizer isn’t very useful, ah. Why are the designs for it so expensive? And how much is the finished product worth?”

Promi scoffed at his questions and said: “Who told you that the Energy Stabilizer is only specifically used to extract pure magic power from magic crystals? It has a wide range of applications. As long as it involves energy experiments, it is a basic necessity to use it. In addition, it is in high demand for the unambitious or those who don’t care to improve on the path of a wizard. In this scenario, it is best to have one. It is precisely because of this great demand that the designs will be so expensive.”

“In addition of course, when it comes to alchemy knowledge, it is very expensive.” Promi said.

“As for the finished Energy Stabilizer, it’s not too expensive. It is said that less than 200 magic crystals are needed to buy one at Sky Machinery City. But in our organization, where there is a shortage of alchemy talents, the costs can be estimated to be as high as dozens of times more expensive.” Promi explained.

David asked: “Can Master refine an Energy Stabilizer?”

Promi gave two coughs and said: “If I could make an Energy Stabilizer, would I still set up a shop in that small place? I would’ve already gone to the Wizard Market to set up a booth. In this market, it will always be sold out. Even if I sell only one Energy Stabilizer every day, I will earn enough!”

When Promi saw Angel still in contemplation, Promi thought he was still thinking about the Energy Stabilizer. He then walked up to him and said with a smile: “You don’t have to worry about it. I was prepared for the worst, so I have magic crystal ready for just in case. I’m going to take advantage of Twilight Deep Well’s mid-year auction next week.”

Twilight Deep Well is the name of the Shadow Demon Kingdom’s Wizard Market.

The Twilight Auction, a local auction of Twilight Deep Well, is ostensibly run by several local wizards. But its backers are actually the Savage Grottoes. In addition to the monthly fixed auctions, Twilight Auction will have two large auctions each year. One in the middle of the year and the other at the end of the year.

“I’ll go there too. This auction is just in time for me to gain more knowledge and buy alchemy materials.” Angel agreed to go to the Wizard Market with Promi last time. But he didn’t expect he was lucky enough to be there just in time for the mid-year Twilight Auction for the year.

Promi agreed and said: “Okay David, you go out and buy a disposable space capsule. Buy it for the items stocked in the shop. “

Since he’s decided to go to the Wizard Market, Angel naturally has to make some preparations. The most important task now is to make money. If Promi doesn’t find an undead restraint weapon in the Wizard Market, then he can only “burn money” to produce one. In terms of his current financial resources, he absolutely doesn’t have enough.

In addition, he also plans to buy some auxiliary materials for refining space equipment. If he encounters more precious materials, he also wants to buy some of those as well. So, he must prepare even more magic crystals.

The mid-year Twilight Auction is held in the second half of the Month of Rest.

This means the auction is ten days from now.

“Master, shall we go to the Wizard Market next week by train or airship?” Angel paused and asked: “Can we go by airship?”

“We were going to take the airship anyway, but the price of the airship ticket is 2 magic crystal. This is slightly more expensive than the train. There will be many people going to participate in the big mid-year auction. If we want to make it in time, we’d better book a ticket now.” Promi said.

Originally, Angel planned to book his own ticket later, but David took the initiative to take over this job on the grounds that he earned 50 magic crystals today.

Landberht bought all of Angel’s alchemy weapons. According to their original agreement, Angel would give 10% of the sales to David, which adds up to almost 50 magic crystals. Originally, David had to give up half to Promi, but Promi decided not to collect it. So, from this day alone, David has earned more than two months of his previous salary.

David happily ran to buy the tickets.

In the meantime, Angel exchanged alchemy’s experiences with Promi. But it was basically Promi just talking and Angel listening. Promi also mentioned many skills regarding blending. Angel was interested in blending and during their discussion, he completely took on the role of a learning “student” and asked many naive questions. Promi also spared no efforts in guiding and gave Angel a lot of advice.

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