Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 247 New World of Film and Television

Chapter 247 New World of Film and Television

When Angel started making the music box, he had promised to give Toby first one. Later, Sanders reminded him that Lord Mirror Ji liked novel things. So, Angel was going to make a music box for her as well. After all, Mirror Ji saved his life. With Angel’s current realm, he can’t come up with anything good. He can only rely on something novel to win some praise.

Since this will be given as a gift to Lord Mirror Ji. The appearance of the music box should naturally be exquisitely carved. If it is refined casually, not to mention Mirror Ji, but Angel will personally feel it is insincere.

Angel took out his pen and paper and designed the blueprint on the draft paper.

Angel’s sketching skills are quite good. With only a few strokes, he drew the general outline of the music box.

—This is a small golden box with a black base and a white-skirt dancer standing on her tippy toes.

This is the music box Angel saw in his mother’s bedroom when he was a child. As long as the bar is wound, the music box will jingle and a white-skirt dancer would spin along with the tune.

After drawing this, the corners of Angel’s mouth curled. The appearance of this music box is a little child-like compared to traditional music boxes. But Angel thought it was pretty when he was a child. Now he still thinks it looks fine after drawing it. Perhaps inexperienced young girls might like it, but Lord Mirror Ji is an old monster who has lived through an untold number of lifetimes. Even if she looks like an infatuated young teenage girl, Angel doesn’t think Mirror Ji will praise this childish music box.

Angel quickly sketched out several other styles of music boxes. Heart-shaped, round, square… Angel drew all the traditional music box styles he has ever seen.

But no matter what he thought of, he always felt there was something missing.

Angel rubbed his head, crumpled the paper into a ball and threw it aside to start thinking of a new design.

He thought about the secular styles. Because the music box needs a certain shape for sound to flow smoothly as well as fit a variety of moving parts. But when he refines his music box, the sound will be based on echo flowers and didn’t need these parts. So, there’s no need for his mind to stay fixed on these traditional styles.

But if he doesn’t want to follow the established style of music boxes, how should he design the appearance?

Angel struggles to think hard about this issue, but comes up with nothing. Other alchemy wizards at this point will probably travel to broaden their horizons and open up their minds to inspiration. But Angel hadn’t done this, and he quickly realized his own lack of experience. His vision has limited his thinking. In this case, if Angel doesn’t have the time to broaden his horizons, then he simply must give up. Once again, he grabbed his divine weapon of victory—The Holographic Tablet.

If his vision isn’t enough, he will come and gather it from the system.

The Earth doesn’t exhibit a high degree of mysticism in their civilization but focuses more on the scientific and technological aspects. These focuses have only been around for a few hundred years. But in terms of spiritual enjoyment, this civilization has achieved great results since humans have an instinct for love of leisure and less of toil engraved in their hearts.

From some novels he has read. Angel can see that before the human beings on Earth have really reached the stage of common prosperity and have entered an era of sharing it with all in their time. Most people are spending their limited lifespans in advance, and the object of consumption is mostly in entertainment. Angel once read a novel in which everyone was frantically chasing idol girl groups. Some authors even took the protagonist to hit on the national idols for ** while slapping the faces of several second-generation antagonists in the novels. The novels written about protagonists had been turned into films that had moved the world.

Although the novels exaggerate most descriptions. Angel can still infer from these details that the spiritual and entertainment of Earth’s civilization are very high.

Of course, the Wizard Plane also has entertainment industries such as gossip magazines about wizards and collections of women (men) nudes. There are also inspirational, fantasy and love novels. But in general, it is still a minor aspect of life. There is no explosive exhibition, the likes of which is shown in the information-sharing era on Earth.

Angel directly dug out the folder for entertainment and began looking at what was in it one by one.

Speaking of which, Angel seldom checked what was in the entertainment folder. He has only read a few novels because of boredom on the Cloud Whale. Since coming to the Savage Grottoes, Angel hasn’t had enough time between meditation and learning spell casting. There is no spare time to pay attention to such files.

He has only opened those files once when he found music to play last time.

This time Angel didn’t want to manage the music folder. Anyway, this was a rare time of leisure. He simply took a casual glance through it. Perhaps there is something he could draw inspiration from.

“Literary masterpieces… are obscure and too difficult to comprehend. It shouldn’t give me much inspiration. Fiction novels… Even if the main characters travel to other countries or display foreign entertainment industries. The author only writes straightforward plots, and there should be no useful content to draw from.” Angel thought.

“Scientific research of papers… moving on.” Angel said.

“Recipes from different countries…” Angel flipped through this folder with interest. He had found the dish mentor Jon had cooked for him. Looking at the bright and delicious pictures for the dish, his drool flowed all over the table.

When Angel opened a folder at random, he unexpectedly saw a folder called “Famous Gallery Paintings.”

When he opened to see, it was unexpectedly filled with famous works of art by all the countries on Earth.

Angel looked on curiously. Most of the works of art had expressed the artist’s strong personal thoughts or feelings. The impact on the eyes made Angel shout in joy.

From the artistic quality of the paintings, the famous paintings of the Earth and the Wizard Plane have their own advantages. Perhaps the Wizard Plane will win some victories. After all these years, the number of famous artists is many times more than all the famous paintings in Earth’s history combined. This is one of the benefits of a long history.

Angel looked at the paintings for a while and saw many modern pictures. There are tall buildings, heavy signs of traffic, and all kinds of strange neon signs.josei

Seeing this, Angel couldn’t help further raising his curiosity about Earth. He didn’t know what kind of scenery a prosperous high-tech world would show in a bustling metropolis that can accommodate tens of millions of people.

This curiosity was soon satisfied.

Because Angel inadvertently flipped to a folder called “Film and Television Culture.” He didn’t understand what “Film and Television” meant at first. It wasn’t until he opened one of the files that he realized what a wonderful new world he had missed.

Angel clicked on a file called < The Mystery of the Deep Blue >. While he was still wondering what it was, this was when the Holographic Tablet suddenly projected a life-like scene.

—With a gentle narrator sounding in Angel’s ear. The holographic image shows a vast ocean. The lens of a camera falls directly from the sky to the depths of the ocean as bubbles rise and schools of fish travel through the coral…

Angel was stunned by the sudden appearance of the scene. With the progress of the scene, Angel finally understood what the original “Film and Television” meant!

But to Angel’s regret, he couldn’t understand what the narrator was saying with his ears, it was in Chinese. Thanks to the Chinese subtitles. Angel learned that the file called < The Mystery of the Deep Blue > turns out to be a documentary made by some country about the world at the bottom of the sea.

Angel’s eyes brightened. Since there are documentaries on the bottom of the sea. Is there any documentary about the cities of the Earth?

Angel flipped through the names of the folder. Suddenly he saw a documentary called < One Person, One City >. When he opened it, he heard the narrator speak in a familiar Chinese voice.

This is the first time Angel has heard someone speaking Chinese since he left home, far away from Jon. Although it is only a work of Film and Television, he feels it is inexplicably cordial. It isn’t a mechanical voice but had cadence and correct Chinese pronunciation.

The beautiful picture slowly emerges with Chinese pronunciation during the broadcast.

This documentary describes the cities from the perspective of each writer. Zhang Shan and Imperial City, Li Si and Imperial Capital, Wang Wu and Imperial Capital, Zhao Liu and Chengdu…

Angel finally got what he wanted. In this documentary, he saw the landscape of Earth and the metropolis he always dreamed of when he was a child.

Angel is addicted to the Film and Television folder and has completely forgotten his original intention, leaving behind seeking inspiration for the music box.

When Angel looked up, it was the middle of the night.

He not only saw < One Person, One City >. But he has also saw other genres of Film and Television such as love, science fiction and even martial arts works.

These works have allowed hundreds of flowers to blossom in his mind, making Angel feel deeply satisfied. But his favourite genre are documentaries. This kind of eloquent narration and perspective without subjective opinion helps Angel learn more about the Earth.

It wasn’t until Angel felt a little tired that he realized it was already early in the morning.

Angel looked at the blank draft paper on his desk with a silent expression. He originally wanted to look for inspiration from the cultural and entertainment folders. But he didn’t expect to indulge so much in it, irrespective of time, ignoring everything else.

Angel took the pen in his hand and twirled it between his fingers. Images flashed through his mind. Although he hadn’t thought of the music box until just now. When he saw these Film and Television works and different local scenes and customs. Even if he hadn’t seen them in person, this kind of third-party perspective impacted him a lot more.

With these urgent emotions in his chest, Angel waved his big hand while holding a quill pen and dipped it in ink. With only a few strokes, a new music box design full of strange customs and styles appeared very eye-catching on the paper.

The transistor hovered beneath it. Angel marked a star at each turning point. This is the node for an illusion spell. Angel represents an illusion spell node directly in using transistor channels. When completed, it gave a full sense of aesthetic design.

Transistors rise and fall and aren’t complicated. A few simple bends present a scene of flourishing branches and tendrils.

At the centre of the transistor, Angel designed a flower shape that pushed outward like layers of waves. This design is of a loudspeaker in the shape of a phonograph. Angel just saw this in a Film and Television work, but instead of choosing the bronzed shaped horn. Angel decided to use a transparent crystal material with a light tint. Showing the expression of cascading waves.

Just this pattern on the paper alone is very sensual. It is clearly a simple and elegant design, but there is a sense of low-key luxury.

Angel is very much looking forward to whether the finished product will be as amazing when it is crafted.

Now that the styling and shape have been selected as well as the illusion nodes inserted ingeniously. All Angel has to do is remove the excess, select the appropriate auxiliary materials and determine the music for the fantasy world.

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