Super Electric Eel Avatar

Chapter 191 The White Python Is Equal to a Yellow Dog

Chapter 191 The White Python Is Equal to a Yellow Dog

Chapter 191 The White Python Is Equal to a Yellow Dog

The ultimate kill technique was to ask the shipyard to make a basketball-sized iron case, put the venom into it, and then tie it down with a thin wire. As soon as the python came close to the bait, which would be Taisui, it would be exploded and killed.

In order to increase the effect of the killing, Chen Fan also used adhesive tape to glue twenty fist-sized iron eggs onto the iron case. Iron eggs! Wouldn’t it be an anti-infantry mine, if you also put on a bicycle steel ball?

The next afternoon, in the same spot in the cave, the electric eel laid motionless on the cliff face, staring straight at the handmade bomb. The bomb.... The coiling paper wrapping the bomb was also a bomb, and it was a bomb that used enriched uranium -235 to produce nuclear fission.

But the difference was that this bomb’s lethality was lower. The lethality of the Taisui poison bomb was unknown, but it’d probably not have any difficulty in blowing up a cow-sized head!

The electric eel stood on the cliff for two hours, and still the smell of the Taisui did not attract the white python.

"Did it get a serious injury?" Chen Fan’s mind was full of malicious thoughts.

Ho! As if to prove it was not dead, the python that was originally under the calm water, suddenly showed its cow-sized head. As it surfaced, a thick white gas spewed from its mouth, showing its power toward the electric eel on the cliff.

But the image of the python was a bit sad, as it had a large gap on the left side of the mouth, and even its head and abdomen had a lot of scars. This python that was originally beautiful and magnificent, had already become very ugly.

The python was about a hundred meters from the bomb site, when it stopped and roared for a long time, without moving closer towards the bomb’s position, which made Chen Fan worried. The desperate Chen Fan quickly controlled the electric eel, swung the steel wire in his claws, and tried to shake it to the head of the snake. Then, he killed it. The python, with a bam, went into the water, vanishing without a trace.

"Shit, is it like the Madame White Snake, that became a spirit?" After waiting for half an hour, the electric eel returned to the stone tower without success, pondering this myth.

The python must have just eaten a hook, and been traumatized by that, so when it saw a similar scene, it judged that it was in danger and fled. Of course!

The reason why a man becomes a man of all things, is that man not only has a strong learning ability, but also a strong memory ability! And thus, also has a more powerful creative ability. Speaking of creative ability, since the steel wire was not elastic, he would have to try a creative, different way.

"Dally...Dally...." the electric eel ran to the edge of the lake with a spear and cut out a small hole on the mica stone. It then dug ten centimeters, buried the bombs in the pit, and hid in the lake to monitor what would happen.

But after the electric eel had done all the work and was ready to run into the lake, the white python quietly swam up the cliff from 200 meters away, then fixed its gaze on the electric eel. The scene that happened next made Chen Fan’s jaw drop, as the python opened its mouth and spat out a fist-sized blue stone on the ground. It then dove into the cliff, splashing out small waves.

Dementia, complete dementia did this cause! The electric eel was stunned for half a minute, only to finally struggle out of the dementia. What does this white python want to do? Peering at the blue stone, it looked as if it had been polished by man, its round surface smooth without a dent, just like a sapphire’s crystal clear beautiful color.

Half an hour later, Chen Fan, who now held the unknown object in a daze, initially thought it was a sapphire, but when he took a closer look at it, he realized that it was not a stone at all. It felt cold in his hand, yet with hardly a pinch, he could feel a weak elasticity in it.

Does it want to bribe him with such a beautiful gem?

Or, does it want to swap this for Taisui?

But, it’s not even a gem!

If this thing were sold on the market, people would think that it was a man-made artifact. To know that sapphire had a hardness of nine, which is only one hardness lower than the hardest diamond in nature, it was obvious to Chen Fan that this item was a million miles from a sapphire’s standard.

"Well, how would a snake know about gems, anyway?" Putting the blue stone away, Chen Fan laid on his yacht, thinking that, if the snake comes up, he would kill it without hesitation. But now, it had had a spiritual exchange with him...

He kept thinking. Even if the stone was sold, it wouldn’t be worth a lot of money. However, one couldn’t necessarily measure its worth with human values.

Kill it?

Or not?


Well, let’s just observe it for a while, Chen Fan ultimately decided. If it maintains this warmth of exchange attitude, Chen Fan would decide to keep it. After all, it’s not something that the average animal could do, so at least he knew it was smarter than a gorilla!

If he doesn’t kill it, he’ll have to try to raise the battle quality of the electric eel, trying to get the voltage up to 100,000 volts. This would enable him to ignore the incomparable speed of the python. That way, if and when he tried to kill it, it couldn’t run away.

The next day, Chen Fan was using a pulverizer to make ginseng for his Taisui and the electric eel that curled up in the lake, when heard the roar of the python. Opening his eyes, he found it perched on the edge of the cliff, its big head staring right at the electric eel.

Ho! The electric eel, which was disturbed in its sleep, also lifted its head and vibrated its mouth with a powerful airflow, which was much thicker than the sound of the python, but without the resounding echo.

It’s hard already, in general daily life, for the crocodile dragons, and in front of these two powerful creatures, they were so scared, that they don’t even dare show their heads. Not far from the python, a fist-sized blue stone was on the ground. But this time, instead of dropping the stone, it jumped into the water and kept staring at the electric eel, playing with the stone in its big scarlet mouth.

"Damn, this is too..." Chen Fan hesitated, the meaning of the scene being easy to guess. He knew it was here for Taisui, but in case he came up with the stone every day, wouldn’t he need to send Taisui every time? Much to consider...

With a few wags, the electric eel swam back to the stone tower and continued to sleep.


Seeing its friendly behavior was being ignored, the white python immediately screamed, its huge body producing crackling noises. Then, it dashed to the electric eel along the surface of the water.


The electric eel, with a flash of blue light and a voltage of 45,000 volts, immediately put the brakes on the savage python, from eight hundred meters away. Roar... roar...roar... the giant python, which had fled to the side, was anxious, wearing the hesitant expression of one wanting to rush again, but not daring.

Annoyed by the noise, the electric eel scurried around to the edge of it, then went wild and released electricity. Like a kitten with its tail just stepped on, the white snake flew from the surface of the water, and with a speed that made Chen Fan dazzled, moved swiftly to the shore. Then, it continued to scream.

"Forget it, forget it. You’re the boss!" After the electric eel had thrown a Taisui to it, he wanted the python to be out of his sight. As the eel staggered to the entrance, he went out to find food.

When he returned to the stone tower, the white python had disappeared, but it revealed that it was quite human-like, as it had kept the blue stone. This stone, just like the last one, was almost identical, like it had come from the same mold.

What the hell is that? If there was only one, it could be seen as a coincidence to have been left, but now that there were two, such a thing could not be natural, unless the python had a habit of polishing stones!

"If he picks up the stone and comes again tomorrow, let the electric eel go down the cliff and kill it." Thinking about it, Chen Fan knew this was cruel.

The Taisui was not a jelly bean, but it was a magic weapon that could strengthen the body’s quality, so he couldn’t supply it every day. Animals, after all, are animals, so they can’t be as intelligent as humans. For example, just now, when he didn’t give the Taisui to the python, it unexpectedly was enraged and attacked him.

The electric eel narrowed his eyes to sleep for a long time, while Chen Fan took control of it and swam to the dock. He was ready to feed it with the Taisui in order to strengthen it. After the cultivation in these days, the Taisui had absorbed 1,700 kilograms of ginseng powder and depleted all of Chen Fan’s stock.

Artificial ginseng was also ginseng, but its harsh growth conditions and long maturity cycle greatly limits its ability to mass produce, like a radish. To this end, Chen Fan could only again change his idea to swap and use instead the Ganoderma, red ginseng, Sanqi, He Shouwu, crocus flower and so on, as these were the mass produced artificial cultivations of precious herbs available to him.

As for the level of Chinese wolfberry, it was not that Chen Fan didn’t want to use it, but it was just that it required a lot, which he saw as a big waste of time, having to devote to grinding and pouring that particular medicine.

"Money... money..." Chen Fan could not help but feel heartache. From the time he started breeding the Taisui, the total cost had amounted to almost thirteen million. And by the end of this year, it would be at least 200 million RMB.

Two hundred million...

Once upon a time, he remembered when he had been still struggling with the difference between the price of Master Kong instant noodles and Fu Manduo noodles, and now, the money was directly up to eleven digits!

"Money... you are the greatest and the most wretched invention of all human beings!" After two sentences of a monologue, Chen Fan pulled out a dagger and cut seven pieces the size of a bowl from the body of the Taisui.

Seven Taisui, Chen Fan used the electronic scale to measure, total nine catty and two Liang, heavier than the Taisui before. After dropping it into the electric eel’s mouth, it still had the feeling of being lazy and light. After a night, the sensation became itchy, as if there were thousands of invisible hands scratching the skin of the electric eel.

Chen Fan, who had already had the experience, knew that the electric eel was about to shed its skin again. Indeed, as expected, by the time of noon, this tickle gradually concentrated on the skin, making him feel like peeling off the skin, so as to relieve the itch.


The electric eel swam to the rocks, its huge body rubbing against the rocks. The electric eel shed its skin, which was different from a snake shedding its skin. The snake shed its skin in a whole piece, like one’s taking off a shirt. But with the electric eel, it was about the same as shedding the cuticle of the dead skin, not like a snake, which was known for shedding skin in the lap.

The first thing that came off was the tail section, and when scales the roughness of buffalo skin were peeled off, they revealed black and tender scales inside. Even the terrible scars that had been left by the mine were shed, leaving no sign of them on the new skin.

It took some time for the old skin to shed off, and the electric eel was feeling lazy, as if its whole body strength was being used up. So, he just ate a few sharks and came back to the lake in the cave to rest.

The strengthening effect was very obvious, as the electric eel had not only greatly enhanced its defense force, but even its vision improved. Also, the primary voltage rose to fifty-five thousand voltage, and the output current was seven hundred amperes!

So, you may be wondering, just what is an output current of more than 50,000 volts and 700 amperes? Let’s just say that, if it was converted to an electric motor, it could drive a ten thousand ton ship to thirty knots. And, if it electrified a person, it would take just five seconds to turn them into a burning meat!


As Chen Fan was getting into a state of speculation, the python, which was hiding under the cliff, swam to the bank and roared. "You are forcing me to kill you!"

The electric eel’s eyes stared at the distant python, feeling hot, wondering if it had not had enough?! Was it thinking that the Taisui are jelly beans?

The electric eel swam up to it, then opened its mouth. Thick, dark green venom, like an Olympic champion’s bow and arrow, which was fast, accurate and fierce, then spurt out at the python.

"Ho!" The python, with a tilt, glided through the poison, then opened its scarlet mouth and pointed at the electric eel in a mad snarl.


The electric eel blinked its eye, suddenly finding that the python’s body was fatter, and its cheeks, forehead, abdomen, and tail, of which the electric eel had beat out the ugly scars, were all gone.

"God, it’s impossible!" Chen Fan’s heart was jealous, as he could see its tender, snowy scales. It must have just shredded its skin!

It takes a dozen days for a normal snake to shed its skin, and yet it took only about two days for this white python. Did it eat too much Taisui, which then sped up the shedding?

Snake bodies, due to the constant division of the germinal layer of cells, form a new living cell layer under the action of the enzyme. After which, the old cell layer dissolves, which can make a layer of separation between the old layer and the newborn cells. Moreover, the snakes shed their skins three to eight times a year, and each time they shed their skin, their body size can grow even larger.

Ho! The python saw the electric eel’s gaze on it for a moment, and then, with a violent roar, came to remind him of its existence.But, its theatrics were a little overdone, as with a white chill, it nearly hit the electric eel’s head!

To Chen Fan’s surprise, The snake did not bring the blue stone. Instead, the eel brought a two-meter long fish, the whole body of which looked like jelly.

"Bribery?" The electric eel did not hesitate to grab the fish and turn around.

Ho! Looking at the black back departing, the boa constrictor heaved a cry and staged a freestyle dive again.

"Quite reasonable!" The electric eel smiled and looked at the jelly-like fish. It did not ask for Taisui this time, which made Chen Fan feel more than a little proud.

The only flaw was that the python’s attitude was quite manic. But, in his non-human identity, he was too lazy to care at the moment.

This strange fish had a long body. In addition, other than the tail having two fish fins, the rest of it was like light jelly. Just looking at it and made the electric eel drool.

The electric eel immediately liked the taste. Cool and lubricated, the taste was tender and sweet, like lychee.

"Crunch, crunch," the two meters fish was eaten by the electric eel. After biting off the tail and head, he took the whole thing in his mouth, then after tasting it for a long time, he swallowed.

After eating the delicious fish, he suddenly recalled that the python did not seem to have any organs to grab things with, but only the mouth. In other words, the fish was picked up by it in its mouth.

"Oh..." He was a neat freak electric eel, and would not eat any fish that looked ugly or old and sick, so this time he unexpectedly made a mistake.

However, the fish had been eaten, and it was too late to regret it. Chen Fan could only admit he was defeated, and after all, who made this ugly fish to taste so appetizing?!

Just at this threshold, the white python swam up again, its calf size head holding a white, shimmering fish. The fish was still the same as the one that had just been eaten, and it was clear to him that the python was carrying the fish in its tail, and that the electric eel, which was rather fussy, never ate its tail and its head!

The python began to roar again, after it had thrown away the white fish. The electric eel came up to it, then the tail pointed at the white fish on the ground, smashing it into a pulp. josei

Enraged, the python’s roar was suddenly low, and with two bloodshot eyes aimed at the electric eel, it had a barbed upper jaw that opened and closed, as if it would attack the electric eel the next moment. The electric eel’s swarthy black scales suddenly became discolored, and the deep blue arcs of countless arms leapt out and exploded. The intense heat generated by the electric arc heated the water molecules in the surrounding air to the boiling point, turning it into a vast mist of fog, shooting tendrils in the electric eel’s body.

Ho! The boa constrictor, aware of the gains and losses, slowly retreated a dozen meters, then continued to stare at the electric eel with angry eyes. One black and white, these two giant monsters of the same size, held fast, one with a full look of provocation in the eyes, the other a full of anger. Five seconds later, the python glared at the electric eel and jumped off the cliff with a splash.

"Yellow dog!" Chen Fan looked at the spread of "fish sauce" on the ground. He sent him two high-priced Taisui that he had bred, and now, because of this fish, it wanted to attack him?! Chen Fan admitted that his move was excessive, but who thought it would make him angry?

"Well, why am I angry with a python?" He wondered aloud, shaking his head. The electric eel continued to sleep beside the stone tower...

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