Super Electric Eel Avatar

Chapter 235 Giant Gorillas Gone Wild

Chapter 235 Giant Gorillas Gone Wild

Chapter 235 Giant Gorillas Gone Wild

What if it had attacked using its two sharp, monstrous tusks? The deadliest organ of a carnivore is its mouth, and perhaps its claws, too.

A "green-faced tusk" was most appropriate to describe its appearance. It looked like it came from a mystical land, so Chen Fan decided to call it the Mystic Panther.

Within 30 seconds, this formidable Mystic Panther had beaten almost all the competitors. Only about 10 creatures managed to escape. The others were left wailing in a pool of blood. There were even a few who struggled forward a few extra meters, but still dropped dead from severe injuries.

Facing 27 giant gorillas alone, it still did not have a single strand of fear in its eyes, only limitless confidence and pride. On the contrary, the 27 giant gorillas had a strong spark in their eyes. Their dark bodies gathered closely around each other.


The giant silverback gorilla in the middle roared, swinging a 10 meter long tree, swishing it in the air. The scene absolutely looked like it was from a science fiction movie. All 27 gorillas were taller than 10 meters, but they were agitated by a single 5-meter-long, 2-meter-tall Mystic could this be?

The Mystic Panther was as fast as lightning and immensely powerful. However, in the natural world, the strength of gorillas is definitely top three among all the creatures. Hence, there should have been no need to be afraid of a panther, or even 20 of them. Unless of course, the Mystic Panther had some special powers. Just like a cobra snake, in terms of strength, even a small child could stomp it to death, but its deadly venom could take down a whole african elephant.

The strange scenario was at a standstill. Nobody was sure whether the giant gorilla or the Mystic Panther would break the deadlock. As expected, both sides broke the deadlock at the same time.

The 27 giant gorillas reacted at the same time, all picking up stones and throwing them at the Mystic Panther, roaring thunderously. Meanwhile, the Mystic Panther moved like electricity, as it spat out a light blue crescent shockwave.

Let’s say that the crescent shockwave had a speed of an arrow fired from a strong bow, then the stones threw by the gorillas merely had the speed of pebbles launched from a slingshot. The strong light blue shockwave hit the chests of the giant gorillas, who didn’t even had time to dodge.

A shockwave of a half a meter thick then went right through their chests and came out from their backs. It kept on going for a few hundred meters before the shockwave started to dissipate.


An ill-fated giant gorilla looked at its chests in disbelief. Then, just as it wanted to stop and cover its wounds with its left hand, it fell down with a loud crash. Brown colored blood gushed out, as if it was a water pump that had been left open.

There was not a scratch left on the Mystic Panther from the stones thrown by the giant gorillas. While it was avoiding the stones, it had the opportunity and ability to spit out another ray of light blue crescent shockwave.

"Wind...wind blade..." Chen Fan stared at the Mystic Panther distractedly. The reality in front of his eyes was entwined with fantasy and magic, a scenario that his brain was having a hard time accepting.

The wind blade hit on a giant gorilla’s abdomen casually, breaking its spine in half. The gorilla didn’t even have the time to scream before leaving to see the king of hell.

It spat out two more wind blades. The furious gorillas were wielding tree branches and charging toward the Mystic Panther. There was one gorilla who swung the tree branch around as soon as it picked one up.

While it established a dominant stance, the Mystic Panther didn’t even bother to glance that way. The panther powered up all four limbs, went right up to another gorilla, and clawed deep into its chest. It hooked the gorilla with its tusk and went in for a bite.


The gorilla put a palm on its chest. It then covered its neck that was spraying blood and curled up like a shrimp on the ground. Just like a chicken just slaughtered at the throat, it was spasming and growling in pain with a deep strangling voice.

Next to its body, the ten meter long tree branch seemed cumbersome. The giant gorillas realized that they had thrown away their wooden stick, then howled at the Mystic Panther to fight at close quarters.

The gorillas were big and strong, and since there were quite a number of them, it was rather difficult to throw punches and kicks with the limited space. So, they gathered closely.

The Mystic Panther, however, had the upper hand of being agile. It simultaneously tore open two more gorillas by the neck, and spat out another wind blade.

Looking at the remarkable fight, where every hit was right on the flesh and every strike drew blood, Chen Fan felt that his brain capacity was getting close to overloading. Since when could a mouse take on 20 plus otters?

He had also noticed another problem. The fighting capabilities of the Mystic Panther were undeniably strong, but its wind blade was deteriorating. Its fifth wind blade only left a ferocious wound on the gorilla, instead of cutting through them completely like it had before.


A dull sound of defeat travelled clearly to Chen Fan’s ears. That was when the Mystic Panther charged towards the leader of the silverback gorillas, who managed to duck away and slam its palm right onto the panther’s spine.

The Mystic Panther flew 30 meters away. After rolling on the ground for a bit, it finally scrambled to its feet. Meanwhile, the leader of the silverback gorilla had four deep gouges in its chest from the panther’s claws. The dark hairs on its body were wet, soaked in red blood.

There were 19 giant gorillas left. It was difficult to tell who had the upper hand.


The remaining giant gorillas were furious from losing their companions. It was as if they didn’t know fear as they charged forward with bloodshot eyes.

With a squish, the horn of the Mystic Panther tore a hole in one of the gorilla’s abdomens. Then, it jumped away quickly, using its blood-stained eyes to look for the next target. josei

Counting, "11......12......13......14...", Chen Fan stared blankly as he hid behind the mountain. His pupils expanded under the bright sun rays, revealing his frightened expression.

Chen Fan could see it all clearly. The panther took on the attacks from seven giant gorillas, each time flying at least 20 meters away. However, this creature seemed like it was made of titanium alloy. It simply rolled on the ground until the momentum had worn off, then got up and fought again.

How hard can an angry gorilla hit? On earth, just a mere slap could probably send a car flying. So, over here, it shouldn’t be too difficult for a slap from the giant gorilla to squash it into a soft mush......


As its comrades fell one by one, the leader of the silverback gorillas was getting anxious. It was trying to strike the Mystic Panther at every hit, no matter how injured it was.

When its whole abdomen became a mash of blood and flesh and two deep holes appeared on its left shoulders, thanks to the tusks from the panther, only then did the anxious giant gorilla seize its chance. This time, the panther was attacking its comrade, when the leader gorilla then landed a slap on the panther’s forehead, smashing the whole creature’s head right into the ground.

Meanwhile, it’s excavator-sized palm had been pierced through by the spiraling horn on the Mystic Panther’s forehead. It was as if it was someone else’s palm that had been pierced instead of its own.

The leader pinched with all its might, grasping the Mystic Panther’s head in its hands. Then, like it was holding a gunny sack, the gorilla picked it up and threw the panther against the desert ground.


Deafening loud crashes knocked hard on everybody’s heart like a war hammer. Every living being was staring at the leader of the giant gorillas, stunned by its impressive fortitude.

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