Super Electric Eel Avatar

Chapter 259 Do You Have This Card?

Chapter 259 Do You Have This Card?

Chapter 259 Do You Have This Card?

This was a hipster in a casual trench coat. He had red lips and white teeth, and he even dyed his hair a foxy wine red color. Wearing a pair of black leather boots, he looked like a Korean artist, who was coming to China to stage a concert.

Just like any normal teenager, Huang Xia, who was 17 years old, had more interest in romance than in his studies. He was one of the year’s worst examiners. But, his sweet lips and handsome face had won the hearts of many ladies. Being in the top three on the popularity list, he was also highly practiced in the art of dumping girls.

Having feelings of desire for young and beautiful women is something that every teen had in common, especially when the person was handsome and had a rich family. Unfortunately, the pure and innocent Yun Meng was Huang Xia’s next target!

The way the two knew each other was dramatic, cliche, and just right for an opening of a romance novel. It all started last week on a rainy spring night...

Due to a heavy thunderstorm, the school leaders decided to let the third grade students go home, instead of having their usual night classes. This was what Huang Xia liked best, as his head was about to explode from studying all night.

He jumped at this chance to have a holiday and went to the school gate with joy. However, as he went, his line of sight was blocked by the rain. When Huang Xia was running at the corner of building 5, he bumped into a few beautiful umbrellas that suddenly appeared in the front corridor.

His rash act startled several girls. After recognizing him as the well-known womanizer, a series of merciless scoldings ensued. Yun Meng, who was among the startled victims, was almost knocked to the ground by his careening into the group. Thankfully, some of her friends, who were behind her, caught her.

"Yun Meng, are you alright?" Ma Ruoxi quickly reopened her umbrella, then stared at him angrily. "Huang Xia, are your eyes blinded by the rain? Can’t you see that several living people are right here?"

Huang Xia looked up, ready to flirt, but then, he became completely stunned. The girl who was standing in the rain right in front of him was the prettiest he had ever seen! Her oval face was pale and snowy. Her eyes were misty and exuded a light, sad expression, which hit him like a bullet to the heart.

Huang Xia’s mouth immediately dried up, and his heart was beating quickly. From that day on, he was like a man possessed by a monster. His mind was full of her, as if he would lose his mind if he couldn’t chase her!

Huang Xia, who had a wealth of experience in chasing women, knew that if he wanted to win this war, he must have a thorough knowledge of the enemy! So,he did everything possible to collect information about Yun Meng, then tried to analyze her character.

He discovered that she was introverted, does not actively talk with boys, and gets along with several girls in her class. Also, she was social, not the kind to be alone all the time. For this type of girl, time was needed to get the best results. The more boldly he approached her, the more quickly he would crash and burn. This was the conclusion he made after several days of observation.

More importantly, he did not hear any news of this delicate woman being with any other guys. Feeling that his skills that he used to get women were good, Huang Xia felt ready.

Unfortunately, this boy had no patience. Once, while walking down a street, he met his crush, as she was out shopping with a man. He dastardly followed them, wanting to verify the dynamics and nature of their relationship.

"Hi, Yun Meng, what a coincidence! You’re here to shop, too!" Huang Xia ran over to greet her recklessly, without even looking at Chen Fan.

Hearing the gentle voice of Huang Xia, Yun Meng could not help but raise her eyebrows. In her usual judgments, the people who dyed their hair and wore such weird attire were directly classified as gangsters. These were exactly the kind of people she normally kept at a distance! And, she wasn’t alone, as in the eyes of many people, boys who dyed their hair were instantly stereotyped as being flirtatious and immature.

While she kept her distance, she could not maintain a disgusted attitude when someone greeted her with a smile. She smiled back, then said, "Yes!"

With that, she turned her eyes to Chen Fan, looking at him with some embarrassment. Since that collision in the rain, Huang Xia had been following her around, with very obvious intentions that even a fool could see through.

"I’m also going to buy a bag for my younger sister. Her birthday is coming up! Yun Meng, can you help me pick one? I don’t know very much about these things!" Huang Xia felt his heart beating faster, and his hands were sweating at the sight of his crush’s warm smile, which could even melt stone.

"I think this one is a good one for your sister!" Before Yun Meng could speak, Chen Fan came over from his seat and picked up a white purse. This kid was so inexperienced, he couldn’t even make up proper excuses!

"Who is he, Yun Meng?" Seeing that her boyfriend was coming, the hostile Huang Xia immediately took a step forward and spoke with a firm voice, as if he was her childhood friend, there to protect her.

"He...he..." Yun Meng was shy. As she mumbled, her pink neck grew red. The blush soon spread to the tip of her forehead. "He...he’s my elder brother!"


Huang Xia’s mind had been blown! His brain felt as if a few nuclear bombs had been dropped by a B2 Bomber on him.

Brother? Bullsh*t!

Looking at Yun Meng with her shy blush, Huang Xia swore that, if there was nothing between her and Chen Fan, he would ram through a glass wall with his head!

"Say, kid, do you wanna buy it?" Chen Fan swayed the purse in his hand calmly. "It just happens to be around 3,000, making it just right for kids like you."

Chen Fan’s statement implied that, since he was just a high school student, he shouldn’t hope to buy bags that cost tens of thousands. Instead, he should choose a cheaper one.

Huang Xia, was angered by Chen Fan’s attitude, but he almost laughed when he heard this. If he wasn’t in public, with a beauty right beside him, Huang Xia would have taken off his clothes and shown him his Hugo Boss logos.

Thanks to his father, who was a real estate developer, he could wear clothing worth a white collar’s salary of two months, replace five or six mobile phones a year, and use the latest cutting-edge electronics! His coming from a rich family was also an important criteria for Huang Xia’s success in winning the hearts of many girls. Handsome looks were well and good, but with money, even an ugly man could find a wife!

As luck would have it, he was going to buy some clothes, armed with a huge sum of money. There was no way he wouldn’t show off in front of his crush. josei

As for the economic power of his enemy? He wasn’t impressed. Yeah, it was a nice outfit that Chen Fan was wearing, but it’s not a big deal to purchase things at Hermes these days.

Huang Xia knew that the truly rich would only order the limited-edition items from Barca’s flagship store. They would not buy mass produced products! This ensued that they would never be caught wearing the same outfit as other people at parties!

"Hmph!" After swinging his bangs coolly, Huang Xia decided to deflate Chen Fan’s arrogance.

"This purse? It’s too low class for me to buy! For your information, even a Bosideng jacket costs one or two thousand yuan. So, if I bought her this purse, my sister would get angry with me!"

The staff on the side were secretly snickering. Men quarreling over a woman, and exaggerating themselves to impress her, was not a rare sight. What was rare, was that even a teenager was doing it!

"I’m afraid that, if you buy it at a higher price, your father will get cross with you!" Chen Fan wrapped his arm around the blushing Yun Meng’s shoulder, then looked at him provokingly.

Being exposed by Chen Fan instantly, Huang Xia was very angry, to the point that he completely forgot to even try to hide it. Hatefully, he drew a bank card from his pocket, demanding of Chen Fan, "Do you know what this is?"

He took out a black card with a gray-yellow pattern. A golden ribbon was attached to the center of the card. The words "China Merchants Bank" could be seen inscribed on it.

"An unlimited credit card!" a staff nearby whispered, startled.

"I heard that kind of card costs 10,000 yuan a year! Where did this kid come from?"

"His parents, I guess!" said the sharp-eyed staff, envy in his tone. "I heard the manager say that there are only 27 of those cards in our whole city!"

The surprising look from the staff gave him satisfaction from his head to his toes. He looked at Chen Fan, not backing down.

"I see! You were born with a golden spoon!" Chen Fan looked at him. "I heard that this card can be used to overdraw an account indefinitely, no?"

"That depends on the credit limit. For this card of mine, 20 million is not a problem!" Huang Xia was proud, parading about like a cockerel now.

"Do you know what this card is?" Chen fumbled in his pocket and whipped out a dark-blue card with a two-colored shield in the middle. On the upper corner of the card, were the words "China Construction Bank — Alipay."


Even Yun Meng couldn’t help but laugh like a silver bell.

Brother Chen Fan is way too funny. Isn’t this the kind of bank card that is used to buy things online?

Most of the girls in their class had a similar card for such purposes. Even Jiang Ling, who was sitting in the back seat, had used a card like this to buy scarves.

"Oh my god, Alipay?" Huang Xia’s eyes were filled with contempt. "Ninety percent of our class has this card. Are you serious?"

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