Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1152 - The Searing Eye

Chapter 1152 - The Searing Eye

Chapter 1152: The Searing Eye


As the Law of Primal Chaos emerged, heaven and earth were sundered!

Xia Fei punched with both his fists, blasting apart the energy barrier!

Everyone was stunned at once, for an incredible scene greeted their sight!

A mysterious woman was battling with someone who was completely sealed in black armor, light and shadows dancing around them in a frenzy!


An indescribable shock!

The sight of these two experts battling was just too shocking! With every second, the wailing and howling of soul-slaying arts could be heard, the level of this battle simply unheard of!

That woman had a bizarre face. Her left side was fair and white, but her right side seemed to have been burned.

It was covered in dark red wrinkles and was terrible to behold.

There was also the right eye. As if someone had scooped out half of it, drooping off to the side of her face. At the very center of this red eyeball was a wriggling little insect! Anyone who saw this eye would feel the urge to vomit.

Angel and devil in one body! This description was no exaggeration. On one side was a gorgeous face, on the other side was a nauseating appearance. It was hard to imagine an incident that could make her face into something like this.

As for the person she was battling with, they were completely sealed in armor, which obscured their face. Xia Fei even felt as if this person did not actually have any substance. They were like empty air or a sinister wind, their body radiating an eerie aura. josei

Their body might not be real, but their attacks could alarm heavens and earth!

The moment the energy barrier broke, the air resounded with deafening explosions and energy howlings. All of this had emerged because of Xia Fei’s palms effused with the Law of Primal Chaos!

“What do we do?!” Xia Gucheng gritted his teeth and asked. Even he had been stunned by this unbelievable battle.

“Wolfpack formation! We’ll take them together!” Xia Fei roared.

Wolves were born to be pack animals, without needing training! Of course, Xia Fei, as a lone wolf, was an exception.

Xia Guanghai, Xia Jing, Xiao Hong, Xia Helin, Xia Lian Ning, and Xia Guanghai, the six strongest wolves of the Skywing Clan swiftly assembled into a formation!

Xia Fei was startled. All of them were Founders! Particularly Xia Guanghai, Xia Fei recalled that he had not even been a Law God yet when he left the Law Realm, but the man had jumped all the way to level 1 Founder!

It was truly a level explosion! This wolfpack was even more powerful and intimidating than before!

Together with Xia Fei, this most vicious lone wolf, the wolfpack formation could only be frighteningly powerful!

“Pull one and strike! Our target is the black-armored warrior!” Xia Fei shouted.

The Skywing wolves rushed onto the battlefield. In this situation, it was probably the Inverse empress who was on the backfoot. The woman seemed like she could fall at any moment, her opponent pressing her hard.

A normal person might think that the Skywings would prioritize attacking the Inverse empress, for it could guarantee them a 90% chance of killing her.

However, Xia Fei thought otherwise and so he decided to do the opposite. This was because, if the Inverse empress died, that powerful warrior would have nothing holding them back, and when that time came, the Skywing wolves and Xia Fei might not be their match at all.

Thus, Xia Fei decided to maintain the balance! He needed this battle that had nothing to do with him to continue until the two Great Spiritualists, Ulan and Fuchen, arrived so that they could take down both combatants together!


Xia Fei had never planned to kill one and let the other go. Since he was going to strike, he would kill them both!

No matter who they might be, they must be concealing some enormous secret, and so both had to die!


The Skywing wolves’ encirclement instantly turned the tables of the battle! The seven, together with the Inverse empress, managed to even the odds. While they lacked the formidable killing moves of the other two sides, the Skywings had speed—the fastest speed in the universe even!

As such, they were not just seven vicious wolves but seven illusions, seven lightning bolts, too!

They would come apart and scatter in a flash, unleashing a fierce storm within the formidable wolfpack formation!

The Inverse empress was very confused, but she did not have the time to think. After all, her life was at stake here, and in such a situation, the survival instinct of a sapient lifeform would take priority. This empress was presumably willing to do anything to survive.

“Celestial Dragon Executor, Glorious Epoch!”

Finally, the mysterious warrior used their ultimate move!

Their hands extended like eagle claws, then instantly seized control of the Inverse empress’s movements like powerful magnets, and finally twined around her like spiderweb.

Simply put, it made for such an incredible sight. Xia Fei could tell that the Inverse empress was strong, but at this moment, the black-armored warrior had unleashed a truly lethal move!


As if a silk thread had been extracted from her body, the Inverse empress collapsed to the ground, lifeless.

This had happened so suddenly that even Xia Fei was caught off guard.

“A chance! Attack!”

The Skywing wolves and Xia Fei charged in, but the enemy had become unexpectedly ethereal. Xia Gucheng joined with the others in obliterating the enemy’s armor, but Xia Fei could tell that this was already an empty suit of armor. It was as if that thing had turned into a wisp of smoke after absorbing the Inverse empress’s soul. Even without the attack of the Skywings, that black suit of armor would have fallen apart on its own.

There had never been anyone in that suit of armor to begin with!

Perhaps a powerful soul or perhaps an inexplicably mental energy was what had been controlling it, but in conclusion, Xia Fei had been fighting with an invisible foe!

“Law of Primal Chaos!”

Just as the wisp of smoke was about to disappear completely, Xia Fei punched out with the Law of Primal Chaos!

He wielded his hand, which was donning that colorless glove, as if it weighed nothing, but the strength behind it was on a completely different level!

A mournful howl resounded through the chamber!

“It hit?!”

“Xia Fei, what did you hit?!”

The Skywing wolves questioned him. This was because they had seen Xia Fei punch at empty air, but then a mournful howl ensued thereafter. This was naturally a very strange situation.

Xia Fei shook his head grimly. “I’m sorry. I don’t know, either.”

Fuchen and Ulan had finally arrived at the scene, and both of them were shocked when they saw the corpse of the Inverse empress.

“What is this? What happened while we were away?” Ulan scratched his head.

The scars of battle were very obvious. It was clear that warriors of extremely high level had battled it out; that body on the ground was even more confusing, appearing like a fusion of man and beast.

“When we arrived, we found this monster battling with another monster, so we wanted to use this chance to take them both down, killing them regardless of who they might be. Unfortunately, the two monsters were just too formidable. The other killed this one and ran off,” Xia Guanghai shrugged and said.

Calling both earlier combatants clearly was not helpful in explaining the situation to Fuchen and Ulan. On the contrary, they only grew more confused.

“Eh?!” Fuchen gasped. He squatted and stared at the Inverse empress’s body.

Xia Fei walked over and said, “This should be the Inverse empress. Besides her, I haven’t seen any other female among her kind.”

Fuchen smiled bitterly. “You were trying to kill her? You guys have got some guts! Do you realize who she is?”

The Skwings, who had grown very curious, gathered around. Fuchen seemed to have recognize this monster.

Fuchen turned to Ulan and asked, “Do you still remember how your master died?”

Ulan cried in shock, “The Searing Eye Clan?! This is a member of the Searing Eye Clan? No, that clan went extinct long ago!”

Fuchen shook his head and pointed at the Inverse empress’s horrifying right eye. “I also thought that the Searing Eye Clan had gone extinct, not until I saw this corpse.”

Ulan quickly rushed over and inspected the eye. That wicked insect in the Inverse empress’s red eye was still wriggling. It had already retreated into the eye and could not be seen unless the eye was closely looked at. Moreover, its life force was fading, and it seemed to have reached the end of its lifespan.

“Searing Eye… It really is the Searing Eye Clan!” Ulan clenched his fists and let out a roar, his normally smiling face contorting.

Fuchen was both amused and angered. “I really don’t know what to say about you Skywings. You must be blessed by the heavens to have escaped alive from a member of the Searing Eye Clan! You guys are way too reckless! Couldn’t you tell how formidable this woman was?”

The Skywing wolves did not care that much. Fuchen really did not know that they had no concept of fear; all of them had only previously felt that it was a good plan to seize this opportunity to kill both monsters.

Fuchen’s eyes suddenly turned ablaze, shining like bright moons as the excitement began to get the better of him. “Still, it’s also thanks to you madmen that we’ve finally got the Eye of Shana! I’ll have you know that this is one heaven-defying eye!”

Xia Fei still found it very nauseating. Though he was used to slaughter and gore, this bloody eye with a little white insect growing in it truly left him feeling uncomfortable.

“This ugly thing?” Xia Fei muttered. “What’s this Searing Eye that you spoke of, and what’s the Eye of Shana?”

Fuchen shook his head, not answering Xia Fei.

He shared a look with Ulan, and as though they shared a tacit understanding, both suddenly grew excited. Ulan also seemed to be a little sad. It appeared that this monster had some unfathomable connection with his master’s death.

Xia Fei slapped himself on the head. It was Xia Fei who had gone crazy when he decided to try and kill the two peerless combatants, but now it was Fuchen and Ulan’s turn to go crazy.

“You wanna try?” Ulan gritted his teeth and asked, his voice shaking a little.

“Of course, even at the risk of our lives!” Fuchen said firmly.

Xia Fei frowned and asked curiously, “Hey, what’re you two talking about? What do you mean at the risk of your lives? It’s only a disgusting eye; you can just dig it out.”

Fuchen and Ulan turned their heads and looked at Xia Fei with eyes burning with passion.

“Xia Fei, are you afraid of death?” Fuchen whispered.

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