Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1155 - Intermediate Spiritualist

Chapter 1155 - Intermediate Spiritualist

Chapter 1155: Intermediate Spiritualist

Four Soul Marks appeared in a circle, like shields or suns, giving off a blinding light!

Fuchen and Ulan looked on in shock, with the former commenting, “Four Soul Marks? Has Xia Fei already broken into level 4 to become an Intermediate Spiritualist?”

Ulan was taken aback, and then he laughed. “Isn’t that good? We’ve both been around the block. Isn’t this exactly the sign of an Intermediate Spiritualist? I didn’t expect it; I really didn’t. For Xia Fei to take the incredibly rare Searing Eye all to himself and his rank to soar so much! Miraculous! Today is truly a miraculous day!”

Xia Fei stood up straight from nearby, the Searing Eye spinning in circles around him. Alas, while the winged eyeball was much like an angel of legends, it was actually a blazing angel that represented slaughter and evil.

“I succeeded!” Xia Fei said excitedly.

“We know! We know! We saw it all! Brat, you took the Searing Eye all to yourself, and your level even rose as a result. Hurry up and tell us: What in the world is going on?!” Ulan rushed up and asked hastily. Fuchen was rather hesitant, for he was starting to understand Xia Fei less and less.

Xia Fei chuckled. “Let me try out this Searing Eye first.”

He waved his hand. Upon which, the winged eyeball accelerated as it imitated the motions of Xia Fei’s hand, agilely moving up and down. As the Searing Eye did, it was possible to hear the faint scraping of metal on metal.

“The rumors were true! A soul weapon made from the Searing Eye really is the best weapon for dealing with lone souls! Be it your Radix, Fuchen’s Wraith, or my Green Leaf Fairy, they’ll all be trembling in fear from the sight alone!” Ulan laughed.

Xia Fei understood. The Searing Eye was a weapon specifically aimed at immortal souls. In normal circumstances, a soul could not survive outside of a body, but there were special cases, like Radix and Wraith’s, that had overturned this law, becoming existences of pure dark energy.

Xia Fei knew how formidable Radix and Wraith were, and the Searing Eye was meant to deal with such personal souls. No wonder Fuchen and Ulan were so passionate about getting the Searing Eye.

In the Alpha Universe, every Advanced Spiritualist had a powerful personal soul, a hidden blade that could appear any time to deal a devastating blow. With the Searing Eye, Xia Fei now had a lethal weapon against the personal souls of others and had another incomprehensible trump card.

Ulan pouted. Both he and Fuchen wanted this Searing Eye, but after a series of twists and turns, it had become Xia Fei’s treasure. It was an incredibly awkward situation. This sort of luck was not an everyday good fortune.

Xia Fei took the Searing Eye in his hand. After the forging, the eyeball was now a proper soul weapon, and its aura had changed. It was no longer so ugly, and looking at it was even rather comforting.


Xia Fei swiftly put away the Searing Eye in his spatial ring. He then asked Ulan and Fuchen, “Interesting. The entire process was very interesting. That’s the first time I’ve tried separating dark energy. I felt my entire body floating, and only when I turned my head did I realize that I was experiencing the so-called out-of-body experience, but what I don’t get is that if dark energy can separate from the original body, why are Spiritualists unable to have Seeds of Life and have eternal lives? If I focus on cultivating the Law of Life, will I be able to gain eternal life?”

“Don’t do it!”

“You mustn’t!” josei

Xia Fei had just been casually speaking, but he had triggered stern reproaches from Fuchen and Ulan. The two of them seemed very grave and solemn.

“It was your fortune that you didn’t cultivate the Law of Life, or else you’d never be able to step into the spirit path or obtain an Unrestricted Soul-Spirit Mark. The Law of Life is very powerful, but you must understand that there’s an intrinsic fairness to the universe. Anything too heaven-defying can’t all belong to the same person,” Fuchen said tensely.

Ulan added, “That’s our destiny as Spiritualists. You really think the Unrestricted Soul-Spirit Mark is that easy to get? Go and ask Fuchen. He’s spent countless years researching the subject, but he still hasn’t figured out every ability his Soul Mark is capable of, or how many there are.”

Xia Fei turned to look in shock at Fuchen.

Fuchen represented the Orthodox Spiritualist lineage, but even the Great Spiritualists of it had failed to discover all the functions of a Soul Mark. This was just absurd!

This was akin to giving a caveman a gun. While a caveman could learn how to shoot with the gun, they would never understand how the gun was made. After all, there was too much physics and chemistry knowledge packed inside it, which were far beyond the understanding of a caveman.

Fuchen shrugged helplessly. “That’s how things are. Not just the orthodox lineage, other lineages can’t solve this problem, either. To put it simply, nobody can explain how the seventh brain region is made up. In any case, you just need to remember to not learn the Law of Life, or else you’ll be in for some pain.”

The three of them talked as they walked out of the dimension. As he left, Xia Fei took a few more looks at this place. Xia Fei was very excited at the prospect of creating such a dimension without learning the Law of Matter.

‘As expected of Founders, endowed with the ability to create worlds! One day, I also want to try my hands at it, maybe even try creating life,’ Xia Fei thought to himself.


He had obtained the Searing Eye, and the vigorous exercise had also unlocked his fourth Soul Mark. Xia Fei was naturally very happy.

“I noticed that the path of advancement isn’t always about doing the same thing. It seems like intense application is more useful than long-term cultivation,” Xia Fei said.

Fuchen replied, “You’re actually right about that. A situation where one person has to compete in dark energy with countless wicked spirits isn’t something that happens every day. One can maybe view it as an opportunity. Of course, it’s important that they keep cultivating and build a solid foundation.”

Xia Fei looked at Ulan and smiled. “It’s all thanks to Master Ulan’s urging, forcing me to cultivate so much every day that I don’t even have time to smoke.”

Xia Fei’s cultivation was different from others. His dark energy was not part of the spirit lineage but rather the healing lineage! Ulan’s flowers and plants flourished around Xia Fei, so the former pushed the latter to cultivate as much as possible so that those plants could grow faster.

Xia Fei was already a leveling maniac, and with Ulan practically breathing on his neck, by the time Xia Fei noticed it, he had entered a frenzied cultivation state.

The three of them talked and joked as they entered the command deck and joined up with the Skywing members. The Skywing wolves were quite excited now that the Inverse had been eliminated, and they urged Xia Fei to hurry up and meet up with Avril. Some of the more impatient ones even wanted to start exploring the Alpha Universe. After all, the Skywing Clan was very carefree and loved adventuring. In a new world, they naturally started getting lots of ideas.

Xia Fei chuckled. “Everyone, no need to rush. The Alpha Universe isn’t going to run away. There will be plenty of time to let you guys run wild once the clan has its footing here. Also, I have something very important to entrust you with.”

Everyone stopped talking and nodded. While these Skywing crazies normally lacked any sort of rules or organization, when it came to critical questions, none of the clan members would ignore it. Never abandon and never give up was the clan motto, and the Skywings had always upheld it.

After a pause, Xia Fei said, “The Inverse territory is now ownerless, which is perfect for us to use. Plus, this place has the entrance into the Law Realm, so we must guard it closely.

“Once we have a foundation in the Alpha Universe, the Law Realm will also begin to advance by leaps and bounds. After all, the resources here are essentially endless, and you can find grade 7 Origin Crystals wherever you look.”

“What?! Wherever you look?!”

“That’s wonderful! Many warriors of the Law Realm are anxious to advance, but there’s simply not enough energy to go around!”

The Skywings were all shocked and excited. After all, the Law Realm currently had a dire shortage of energy. So long as this problem was resolved, the Law Realm would be able to produce a big batch of new experts.

Ulan commented, “There’s also the environment. The Inverse were able to use that little trick to seal your level because your environment was no good. It’s just like how the best tree sapling can’t grow in a desert, but if it’s moved to a place with plenty of sunlight and water, it will grow crazily!”

As expected of a Spiritualist of Botany, Ulan used a tree sapling as an example, but regardless, it was a rather good analogy.

The Skywings were all emotional people and easily got excited. They became red in the face as they talked about how they would develop in this new universe.

Only Great Soul Hunter Hosu remained coolheaded. He sternly said, ” We can’t let our current situation get to our heads. Xia Fei, have all the Inverse truly been eradicated? Is there any chance that they can come back? Also, who was that warrior in the Inverse base? How come they had no physical body? Could they be like Radix?”

Hosu dumped cold water over everyone’s heads. Yes, the Inverse were dead, but they had left behind many questions. Hosu had a rather ugly look on his face probably because he was still worried about his good friend Radix.

“It’s not as if I haven’t thought about such problems,” said Xia Fei with a bitter chuckle. “Lingering over the past isn’t gonna help anyone, though. Those questions still need to be answered, but the problems right in front of us are much more urgent! We need to let the Alpha Universe know that the Skywings have arrived!”


The Skywings grew very excited, Xia Fei’s words were getting their blood pumping!

Yes, the Alpha Universe needed to understand that the Skywings had stepped into this universe!

Madmen were madmen; they would never back down just because their opponents weretough. The Skywings had been peerless in the Law Realm, and they would become the same here!

Of course, the Skywings were no fools. These sharp wolves knew that development was their first priority.

Xia Fei quietly walked up to Hosu and whispered, “It’s not that I”m not worried about Radix, but there are some things that I have to take on alone. The most important thing for everyone else is the future, not the past.”

His eyes shone with resolve. It turned out that Xia Fei had been doing his best to show everyone the positive side of things, leaving all the lurking problems for himself to deal with.

The Silver Specter became very lively. Xia Guanghai went up to Xia Fei and put an arm on his shoulder. Smiling naughtily, he said, “Avril is coming. The Mechs are escorting her.”

Xia Fei was startled, then his eyebrows rose in delight.

Changing the topic, Xia Guanghai pointed at the stone statue above them. “You should really switch this thing out. It makes one dizzy just looking at it, and isn’t it just the Heaven’s Eye Mountain Constellation? What’s so good about that place?”


Xia Fei, Fuchen, and Ulan all went pale as they shouted in unison, “What?! You recognize this star map?!”

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