Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1166 - The Gate of the Azurewing Tiger, the Blood Rite!

Chapter 1166 - The Gate of the Azurewing Tiger, the Blood Rite!

Chapter 1166: The Gate of the Azurewing Tiger, the Blood Rite!

The Collapsed Expanse of Founders.

The Dark Spiritualists’ fleet had entered early, the ten-some ships lined up in a neat row. The capital ship, which looked like salmon, was significantly larger than the other warships.

Standing in front of the command deck’s massive window, Nan Shazi smiled as his eyes glowed with cunning.

“Someone has opened up the Cosmic Gate for us as well as the entrance to the Collapsed Expanse of Founders. That’s good. This has saved us a lot of strength,” Nan Shazi smiled and said.

A fervor burned in his eyes, and he seemed to be brimming with anticipation toward the Collapsed Expanse of Founders.

Next to him, Shu Yuhe, who had changed his clothes, put his hands into his pants pockets and said, “Teacher, I think that this is an omen. Our plan has been going very smoothly from the very start, meaning that our success is all but guaranteed! The revival of the Dark Spiritualist lineage shall be upon us soon!”

Nan Shazi froze for a moment, and then he squinted and said, “You’re right. Those idiots in the Alpha Universe would never imagine that the Collapsed Expanse of Founders is so wondrous because it’s so unstable! We’re not the only ones who can get in; many warriors from other universes can also enter!

“Those people think that the Collapsed Expanse of Founders is some land of hidden treasures left by their ancestors. Little do they know that those high-ranking soul weapons and incredible techniques were accidentally left behind by experts from other universes! They are nothing but a bunch of frogs at the bottom of a well; they’ve never experienced the terrors beyond the Alpha Universe!”

Nan Shazi smiled and added, “Of course, that so-called Law Realm we just passed through is an exception. I’m guessing that they’re the lowest tier among all universes. They think that it’s something glorious to grasp law force; it’s truly laughable.”

Shu Yuhe chimed in. “Indeed. For them to be controlled by those half-intelligent Inverse, the Law Realm isn’t just low-level but also a place made up of a bunch of simpletons. Now that their Cosmic Gate is open and they’ve made themselves known to the Alpha Universe, it won’t be long before the various factions, big and small, eat them up. Those guys who only control laws have no idea how terrifying dark energy is.”

After a few minutes, a warrior came over and reported, “The scanning array has finished drafting a starmap. Teacher, please take a look.”

A screen popped up, showing a map of the Collapsed Expanse of Founders. The warships had come with a unified scanning array and comprehensive surveillance equipment. Alas, Xia Fei’s Silver Specter had destroyed a ship, so the scanning time was slower by several minutes compared to what they had initially calculated.

Nan Shazi nodded and then swept his eyes over the screen. He proceeded to take out a book and jot down something; after which, he placed several copies of the message in a few sealed metal tubes.

He waved his hand, and the commanding officers of the various ships appeared on screen. Nan Shazi said coldly, “Fanzhong, take your people to the marker I set. Once you arrive, open your tube and do as the instructions say. Chalodi, you’re leading the second team...”

Nan Shazi spoke quickly, dividing the warships into four teams. Each one was given coordinates and a sealed tube. Once the teams arrived at their respective places, the secret messages could be opened by them so that they would be able to do as his bidding.

The four teams quickly departed in separate directions. Nan Shazi smilingly turned to Shu Yuhe and said, “Your ship was destroyed, so come with me.”

Shu Yuhe nodded hastily, and the rest of the ships blasted off to the fifth coordinates.


“They’ve split up in different directions, five different routes,” Xia Guanghai reported as he stared at the data from the radar.

Xia Fei gritted his teeth. Raising an eyebrow, he said, “They’re truly fearless. They know that we’re in the area and that our radar can easily pick them up, yet they still chose to move separately. It’s clear that they don’t think we can stop them.”

Fuchen said grimly, “I would do the same in their position. After all, this is a force made of more than a hundred Spiritualists. Even if they split into five, each group will still have twenty Dark Spiritualists, and these are just the Spiritualists; we haven’t counted those warriors serving them yet.”

Ulan pursed his lips and said, “I refuse to believe that a hundred Dark Spiritualists are any big deal! Xia Fei, lend me your spare shuttle. I’ll head back to Alpha and inform the Spiritualist Association. The organization definitely has enough strength to eliminate Nan Shazi’s lot!”

Fuchen frowned. He did not like the Spiritualist Association; in fact, he detested them. Still, it would not be bad if the Spiritualist Association annihilated the Dark Spiritualists, and Fuchen had no reason to object.

Xia Fei shook his head. “These people won’t let you go and ruin their plan. If my guess is right, that entrance has already been sealed.”

Ulan fell silent. Xia Fei was probably right. Just because the Dark Spiritualists had no respect for them didn’t mean that they would just let the news get out. No one would do something this stupid.

“Then what do we do?” Ulan asked.

Smiling, Xia Fei said, “Firstly, these Dark Spiritualists must be hiding some big secret if they’ve entered the Collapsed Expanse of Founders early. Exterminating the elites of the Alpha Universe with only one hundred men is very difficult. I’m thinking that they have some kind of trump card. Besides that, we’re not as weak as that Nan Shazi thinks, are we?”

Everyone was startled at first and then they smiled.

Fuchen, Ulan, Oro, Xia Guanghai, Furball, Wraith, and Xia Fei all had their special skills. None of them was a weakling, and if they had the opportunity, they could deal a lethal blow. josei


Two warships steadily advanced along their set route. Leading the warships was none other than a top-class elite of Dark Spiritualists, Chalodi, one of the competent subordinates under Nan Shazi.

“Master Cha, that strange warship is following us,” a frowning warrior reported.

Chalodi smiled and waved his hand, indicating that they should pay the pursuing Xia Fei no mind.

Although his subordinates were confused, as Chalodi said nothing, they could only set the matter aside.

The warships anchored on a desolate planet, which looked like a cracked-open walnut and of which the surface was covered in deep ravines. Chalodi read out several names, having these people disembark with him while the rest stayed on the warship.

“Master Cha, Fuchen’s group isn’t far from us. Being watched by someone else makes me very uncomfortable,” a Dark Spiritualist under Chalodi mumbled.

“That’s exactly what’s so incredible about the teacher’s plan,” Chalodi said with a careless smile.

Seeing that his subordinates only got confused, Chalodi explained, “Think about it; we’re so strong that Fuchen couldn’t possibly reveal himself, yet now that we’re split up, Fuchen will choose one of the teams to follow and try to attack. In this way, we can counter and exterminate.”


His subordinates were enlightened. It turned out that this was a plan to lure out the enemy. Even after the Dark Spiritualists had split up, they were still powerful! Their team was still far above the level of Fuchen and Xia Fei.

The Silver Specter was very fast, as anyone could see. Trying to capture Xia Fei in the vast Collapsed Expanse of Founders would be extremely difficult. Thus, it would be better to split up and make him think that there was a chance to exploit. As long as Xia Fei’s group attacked, they would be throwing themselves into the net. After all, the entire strength of the Dark Spiritualists had been brought here! This team alone had more than hundred Spiritualists alone!

Upon understanding this, everyone laughed. “Here I thought that the teacher was having us find something; so it’s just to eliminate Fuchen’s group.”

Chalodi shook his head and said solemnly, “It’s true that we’ll be eliminating Fuchen, but the teacher does want us to search for something while we are at it.”

At this moment, a terrifying roar came from a canyon; it was so loud it made their hair stand on end.

“This is the Collapsed Expanse of Founders. Instead of calling it a paradise for Spiritualists, it’s actually more accurate to call it a paradise for various monsters,” Chalodi said. Before leaving, Nan Shazi had told his main disciples about the Collapsed Expanse of Founders’ secret, and so he was not too alarmed.

All kinds of absurd things could happen in the Collapsed Expanse of Founders. Some warriors would evolve from Soul Masters to Spiritualists, several Spiritualists would become mortals, and others would ascend several ranks. Of course, the most frequent occurrence in the Collapsed Expanse of Founders was death. Every time this place opened, a baptism of blood would take place.

It was said that a system existed within the Collapsed Expanse of Founders, which decided whether a sapient lifeform should evolve or die. As for the exact details, either nobody understood or nobody was willing to divulge the secrets.

Thus, these Dark Spiritualists were full of fear for the Collapsed Expanse of Founders, afraid that some mishap might turn them into mortals overnight, perhaps even seal their seventh brain region. At that time, they would not have anywhere to cry.

Soon after, a door appeared in front of the Dark Spiritualists. It was right in the wall of the canyon, brazenly standing there without any sort of cover.

It was ten meters tall and made of a bronze metal covered in green rust. The door’s front side had two fangs resembling a jaguar’s carved in it, the sharp lines capable of burying deeply into neck arteries.

Everyone frowned, wondering what this place was and why Chalodi had brought them here.

Chalodi smiled. He took out the metal tube Nan Shazi had given him and glanced at the orders written.

Gate of the Azurewing Tiger, Blood Rite!


Chalodi produced a blue flame in his hand and burned the letter to cinders.

He looked at the Dark Spiritualists behind him, thought for a few moments, and then said, “Liu Bao, how long have you been with me?”

“It’s been 171 years since I entered the sect,” the golden-haired Liu Bao bowed and replied.

“Oh, time really does fly. Come here.”

Liu Bao nodded, cautiously came over to Chalodi’s side, and lowered his head.

Chalodi placed a hand on Liu Bao’s head and smiled. “Go in peace. I’ll take care of your family from here on.”

Liu Bao was startled, wondering what his master meant.


His head exploded like a watermelon that had been hammered!

Brain matters and blood gushed out at the same time, the vast majority of such splashing onto the bronze gate, onto those fangs!


With the completion of the blood rite, the Gate of the Azurewing Tiger opened!

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