Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1174 - Meeting One’s Match

Chapter 1174 - Meeting One’s Match

Chapter 1174: Meeting One’s Match


Zesyr Night disregarded her brother’s attempts to stop her and rushed down the distant mountain slope toward Xia Fei. The others knew that they had been discovered by Xia Fei and understood that staying hidden was no longer possible, so they decided to approach him, too.

Xia Fei was a Spiritualist. This news was something that everyone had to take seriously. It would be one thing if he was a pure Spiritualist, but he was also very powerful, just as powerful as everyone else present. This was not good news at all.

Everyone had their own goal in coming to the Collapsed Expanse of Founders, and the amount of resources the Collapsed Expanse of Founders could provide was limited. While nobody said anything, in truth, they all had their own plans. When they had not yet entered the God-Demon System, they could still laugh and joke with one another, but now that they were inside, they could see one another as enemies, and Xia Fei was a very powerful enemy.

Their reactions were all different. The one considered the leader of the Six Treasures, Tian Jing, had a rather resentful look, and he clearly disliked Xia Fei. As for Anzu Night, he was rather hesitant. After all, Xia Fei had some relationship with his younger sister, so it was hard to say if Xia Fei would end up a friend or foe. Anzu hesitated whether he should act nice to Xia Fei and try to pull him over to his side.

The real strange one was Qiu Yang. While he was not the strongest or the most famous of the Six Treasures, outsiders considered him to have the best head on his shoulder, which was why he had the ‘sharpest’ tongue.

Of these three, only Qiu Yang had a warm smile on his lips. A stranger would have even thought that he was friends with Xia Fei. Tian Jing and Anzu Night did not understand his warmth, and Xia Fei found it rather strange, too.

Zesyr Night was very excited and went on and on about various things, but Xia Fei very replied coldly, his eyes constantly observing the three behind her. He had very sharp eyes, and he had already noticed that these three had very high ranks and extraordinary backgrounds, exuding an intimidating noble aura.

If they were alone, Xia Fei would not be afraid, but if these three decided to make trouble for him together, then he would truly have more than enough to deal with.

Thinking this, Xia Fei put on that harmless smile of his and called to Qiu Yang and the others, his attitude quite decent.

Strength was not what Xia Fei considered the most important. What he truly cared about was that these people had not been sucked into the system, nor did they seem to care about those vortices that dragged people in.

Zesyr Night mentioned how she had taken a blocking medicine to avoid being sucked in for fourteen days and enter the system later than the others. Thus, it did not take much effort to realize that they had some ulterior motive for doing all that. It would be a good thing if he could get some information on the system from these people, for he was still very worried about Oro and the others.

“Hey, I’m talking to you! Can’t you hear me?” Zesyr grumbled.

Xia Fei smiled and whispered, “I heard it and know that you’re concerned about me. Right, who are these people?”

She had a very simple mind, and Xia Fei’s single statement was enough to change her attitude. She pointed at the approaching trio and said, “The one on the left is my older brother, who loves me the most. The big baldy on the right is Tian Jing, and the person in the center is Qiu Yang. You must be careful of that Tian Jing person; he’s someone from the top assassin group in the Alpha Universe, the Lone Peak Turbid Shadow.”

Xia Fei nodded and asked, “What sort of person is Qiu Yang?”

Zesyr asked back, curious, “Why are you worried about him? All Qiu Yang has is his sharp tongue. His dad, Qiu Xingbang, founded Heavenly Might Spirit School and is a very formidable figure, but Qiu Yang himself is just a rich boy; he’s not a Spiritualist, either.”

Xia Fei smiled silently. He naturally looked at people from a different perspective than Zesyr. This lady did not care about Qiu Yang, but Xia Fei cared about this person the most.

Qiu Yang had a very sunny temperament, even calling out to him rather warmly, and this surprised Xia Fei, for this way of acting was very like himself...

The three of them quickly stood before Xia Fei. Anzu Night nodded at him, which could be considered a sort of greeting, while Tian Jing acted as if he did not see him, putting on a full display of pride in his bones. Qiu Yang very warmly began conversing with Xia Fei, and he replied in the same fashion. It was akin to two foxes holding a conversation, both sides under a mutual understanding.

Smiling, Xia Fei said, “Oh, so that guy was called Shui Shengsheng, and he’s with you? It’s a pity that he tried to kill me and I had to behave in kind. If I hadn’t, I would’ve been the one down on the ground.”

Xia Fei observed their reactions, attempting to see whether these were friends or foes and if he needed to strike.

Tian Jing snorted in disdain. “Hmph! Just a good-for-nothing from the Shui family! Who’s with him? His death is perfectly fine. The Serene Jadewater Clan’s people have always been proud and rude, and I detest such people who don’t know whether they should be men or women.”

Tian Jing’s eyes went ablaze with anger, and Xia Fei understood that there were words he had left unsaid. Since Xia Fei had killed the man, he was bound to get into conflict with the Serene Jadewater Clan, and Tian Jing was anxious to see him get killed.

As Zesyr knew Xia Fei, Anzu did not take on any particular position. As for Qiu Yang, he praised Xia Fei’s power, practically flattering him to high heavens. Zesyr appeared to be very proud, for in her mind, she considered Xia Fei a friend. The more Qiu Yang praised Xia Fei, the more pleasant Zesyr found Qiu Yang to be, and she would occasionally shoot Xia Fei a twinkling glance.

She recalled how she had once taken Xiaoxiao as Xia Fei, a matter which had resulted in a lot of misunderstandings. In today’s battle, Zesyr had seen Xia Fei’s movement techniques and speed with her two eyes, further confirming her judgment that the one controlling One-armed Xiao Xing had been Xia Fei. Her love and admiration surged up once more.

Changing the subject, Qiu Yang sighed and patted Xia Fei on the shoulder. “Brother, though we are meeting for the first time, I feel like I’ve known you for ages and can’t help but like you. No matter what, there’s something I have to tell you. You’ve gotten into real trouble this time.”

“Oh, Brother Qiu, please instruct me.” Xia Fei feigned shock, his expression even more exaggerated than Qiu Yang’s. When it came to feigning civility and adapting to the situation, the plotting Xia Fei had finally met a real opponent. The words and actions he and Qiu Yang displayed all seemed exceptionally sincere.

“Shui Shengsheng is really nothing. The actual problem is his Shui family being extremely formidable. Serene Jadewater is one of the grand clans of Alpha! Let me make a comparison; your Aurora Clan belongs to Chaos Society, and Serene Jadewater’s strength is comparable to the entire Chaos Society,” Qiu Yang said solemnly. josei

Xia Fei nodded. This was surprising news. Even a top-class clan like Night was only a member of Chaos Society, yet Serene Jadewater was on par with Chaos Society put together. Was this not enough strength to defy the heavens?

Anzu Night looked away. Of the Six World Treasures, not only was he at the very bottom of the ladder, his clan was also the weakest. It was one of the points that always left him particularly sore.

Even so, Xia Fei did not act too afraid. What he had the most in this life was trouble, and this was just another on the pile.

“There are no such things as impervious walls in the universe. There’s bound to be someone who saw you killing Shui Shengsheng. There are four of us here; even if I don’t say anything, someone will talk eventually. When the Serene Jadewater Clan finds out, Brother, your chances of survival will be slim,” said Qiu Yang with heartfelt concern.


Qiu Yang was truly vicious!

Xia Fei’s eyes erupted with light. It had been a long time since he saw someone so vicious. This guy’s one statement had obliterated the relationships between the group! Even Anzu Night immediately put up his guard against Xia Fei when he heard these words!

Yes, if news got out, it would be very bad for Xia Fei. Xia Fei definitely did not want anyone to know that he had killed Shui Shengsheng, so the best solution was to kill all witnesses, silencing anyone who had seen this battle!

Whether or not Xia Fei actually intended to do this, now that Qiu Yang had said, everyone believed that he would silence the witnesses! This was where Qiu Yang was vicious!

Tian Jing and Anzu Night had clearly started to suspect Xia Fei. Only Zesyr was still standing there like a fool.

Xia Fei also faced a dilemma. These people had already begun to suspect him, and they might attack him at any moment. He was not the type to sit back and wait for death, so he must attack first!

Qiu Yang’s words had turned the calm situation into a tense one, with danger at every step!

“Little Zesyr, come here,” Anzu said with a frown.

“What are you doing?” Zesyr tilted her head and asked, still unaware of what was going on.

“Just come over here,” Anzu said sternly. He glanced at Tian Jing, and the moment that their gazes met, the two asked each other if they wanted to team up in killing Xia Fei right here.

It was a very grave mood. If Anzu Night and Tian Jing worked together, Xia Fei would definitely be in trouble, and there was still Qiu Yang!

He was the one who had stirred this distrust. He could act like a spectator and let Anzu Night, Tian Jing, and Xia Fei fight against one another before cleaning up the survivors, or he could just join the group attacking Xia Fei. Both options saw him being the greatest beneficiary!

Xia Fei suddenly laughed, and his look toward Qiu Yang turned cold.

Anyone who made Xia Fei unhappy could end any thoughts of being happy themselves! Xia Fei made up his mind to kill the insidious Qiu Yang!

No matter how foolish Zesyr Night was, even she could tell that something was wrong. Alas, this situation was no longer one where she could call the shots.

At this moment, Qiu Yang’s face contorted into a bizarre frown. He then pulled back Tian Jing and shot a look at him. Tian Jing was startled, and then his entire attitude changed, and he deflated.

“In any case, Brother Xia, it is best if you take care of yourself. We naturally won’t speak about this matter, as the major clans are the most selfish existences of all, always wishing the worst for others. You killing Shui Shengsheng isn’t really a bad thing for us.”

Qiu Yang and Tian Jing left. After some thought, Xia Fei decided not to stop them.

This was truly bizarre. Qiu Yang had been the one to start this all, but just when he was about to succeed, he had backed out, thereby also becoming the one to resolve everything. Xia Fei did not understand what he was trying to achieve.

The Night siblings and Xia Fei were the only ones left. He lit a cigarette and said lightly, “I’m a little tired, so you guys should leave, too.”

Though she was a little reluctant, Zesyr remembered that Xia Fei had not taken the anti-scanning drug, so staying outside was not good for him. Thus, she once more reminded him to stay on his warship and not to leave unless he had to before returning to her brother’s side.

Xia Fei boarded his ship, and as the ramp of the Silver Specter was pulling up, his face suddenly erupted with large beads of sweat, and he seemed to be in great pain.

Hobbling to the command deck, Xia Fei pulled up his pants leg and went pale in shock!

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