Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1217 - Fuchen eats a mythical beast!

Chapter 1217 - Fuchen eats a mythical beast!

Chapter 1217: Fuchen eats a mythical beast!

Fuchen had been sitting on the sea shore for a very long time now, buffeted by the waves.

The old man was clearly very tired, as if he was doing something both difficult and dangerous.

There was a very well-hidden cave on the steep cliff next to the sea. Only someone standing on the coast would be able to see it. A person was leaning lazily against the entrance to the cave, sunlight revealing the lower half of his body. However, his face remained in the shadows.

The man was playing around with Fuchen’s precious bracelet, occasionally tossing it into the air or kicking it around like a hackysack.

This bracelet contained Fuchen’s servant soul, Wraith. Fuchen treated it as his precious child, and had not even let Xia Fei look at it before. But this person didn’t care how much Xia Fei valued it, treating it like a toy.

“Come out!” Speaking in a raspy voice, the man thrust his palm at the bracelet. Wraith was forced to emerge, and went down on one knee.

The man leaned back and said lazily, “You must have been overjoyed to see suffering like that, for if Fuchen died, you would be free.”

Wraith replied in a grim voice, “Yes, I truly do desire freedom.”

“Boring,” the man muttered, continuing unhappily, “You guys don’t try to hide the evil in your heart at all, so it’s no wonder you don’t have long lives. If Fuchen were to hear this, he definitely wouldn’t be happy.”

Wraith thought it over and replied, “Every person has some evil, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t live long. I’ve only voiced my inner desires, and Fuchen also knows that I want to kill him.”

The man was rendered speechless. Wraith was right. Every person had an evil side, and no one could deny that. But for Wraith to speak about evil as if it was the most natural thing was somewhat difficult to accept.

Suddenly, the ocean winds intensified, carrying with them a fishy smell. Less than a minute later, dark clouds had gathered, and thunder rumbled in the sky!

“It’s here!”


The man immediately put the bracelet away and disappeared. When he next appeared, he was thirty kilometers away!

What was going on!? Even an unfathomable expert like this man had retreated so far away!?

“Fuchen, if you have the ability, eat up this Mythical Beast and use its soul to heal your own, or else, die!” the man shouted loudly as he stared at the converging black clouds.

Xia Fei’s eyes would have popped out of their sockets if he had been here to hear that. Everyone knew that Old Fuchen was excellent at cooking, and his skills hadn’t come from the Unrestricted Sect. Xia Fei knew this because he had searched all of Unrestricted Pavilion and found nothing concerning cooking.

But today, Fuchen was going to eat a Mythical Beast!?

Putting aside whether they could be eaten or not, Xia Fei definitely would have cheered on that crazy idea.

Mythical Beasts could speak and had intelligence; they had souls!

Fuchen was going to eat this Mythical Beast together with its soul, and use it to heal his damaged seventh brain region!?

A soft claw appeared in the black clouds, somewhat like an arm of an octopus, round and thick.


Fuchen stood up, his eyes brimming with resolve!

He picked up a knife from a rock, put it in his mouth, and jumped into the cold ocean!


At nightfall, Xia Fei went to Spirit Mountain as usual. This time, he needed only fifteen seconds to get through the Soul Formation, which was much faster.

Xia Fei nodded, seemingly very satisfied this time. With a flick of his wrist, he used his Golden Seal to open the hidden door of the Unrestricted Pavilion.

The two custodian slaves were waiting for Xia Fei as usual. For half a month now, Xia Fei had cultivated here every day, and when he was done, he would joke with them. Alas, no matter how Xia Fei tried, these two zombies did not chuckle again, nor show any other expression.

Sighing, Xia Fei placed his arms around their shoulders and said with a smile, “Today is the last night. Tomorrow, I won’t be able to come anymore, for the day after that, I’ll be busting into Spirit Mountain through the front gate!

“You might be curious as to why I would break into Spirit Mountain despite having the Golden Seal. I still can’t tell you why, but the people on this mountain have done something very bad, and I need them to pay the most excruciating price they’ve ever paid in their lives.”

Xia Fei laughed heartily, but his eyes radiated killing intent, and the Fiend energy in his body burst out. A war was imminent, and Xia Fei was already starting to sharpen up!

Closing the door, Xia Fei began to cultivate. Xia Fei had always been very serious when it came down to business, and he quickly entered the proper state of mind, charging again and again at the threshold.

Today was foreordained to be a strange one. First, in a distant place, Fuchen had made a frightening and crazy decision to eat a Mythical Beast! In the Unrestricted Pavilion, the two custodian slaves finally looked at one another.

Yes, those two zombies looked at each other. It was a hair-raising sight as their eyes met, and the two corpses sighed, appearing very depressed...


Right now, Xia Fei was lacking in anything but energy!

There wasn’t much time, so he used energy to charge on through!

A warrior with energy was allowed to be that extravagant!

More Soul Marks began to appear in the air: one, two, three, four, five!

And after that it was six!


But there seemed to be a little something lacking, and this sixth Soul Mark refused to appear...

Xia Fei drew these Soul Marks into his brain region and made another charge!

This method was the same as the one Xia Fei had used for cultivating the Law of Speed, an idea he had suddenly come up with: using brute force to create Soul Marks!

This method didn’t suit everyone, for it wasted quite a lot of energy. Each charge took several times the amount of spirit energy that would normally be consumed. In this day and age, where spirit energy was hard to get, only a wealthy man like Xia Fei could practice such a wasteful method of cultivation.

It had only been half a month, but Xia Fei had used more than four thousand units of spirit power on cultivation! Four thousand units! In terms of value, he could have bought any one of the four great trading houses of the Alpha Universe! If he used it all on Soul Weapons, that was more than four thousand basic Soul Weapons! Even if they were Grade 5 Soul Weapons, that was enough for eight hundred!

According to Xia Fei’s price theory, that was nothing at all. With a war imminent, he needed to do everything he could to increase his combat power. That was the only way he could survive in this perilous situation!

So long as he could overcome this threshold, Xia Fei would be a Rank 6 Spiritualist! Add all of his various hidden trump cards and his advantage in speed, he would be able to contend against top-class Spiritualists!

This was far too important to Xia Fei. Even if he had to pay double the price, it would still be worth it!


Xia Fei wasn’t the only one having a strange day.

On a warship, the Skywing Wolfpack was loudly laughing, for their ancestor had received his fifth Soul Mark, reaching level 5 of the soul system!

The Soul System and the Spirit System were not the same. The Spirit System surpassed the Soul System by several times when it came to unleashing energy, so even a top-ranked Soul System warrior might not be able to contend against a level 6 Spiritualist.

Of course, that was only true for the warriors of the Spirit System. Many Spiritualists didn’t focus on combat, instead using their energy to make Soul Weapons. For example, Ulan, who was a Spiritualist of high rank, was greatly lacking in combat power compared to Xia Fei, for Ulan wasn’t focused on fighting, only on researching plants.

“Grand Ancestor, with five Soul Marks, who do you think would win between you and Xia Fei?” Xia Lian Ning asked Xia Gucheng curiously.

Xia Gucheng stroked his beard and said, “Xia Fei’s energy control is much stronger, but I’m faster. If we actually got to fighting, we would probably be equal, but Xia Fei has far too many things in his ring! Furball and Peacock Blue are also very formidable. Right, and he has that fiendish blade. Unless I went insane one day, I would never start a fight with Xia Fei.”

Grand Ancestor Xia Gucheng did not put on airs at all, nor did he appear envious of Xia Fei. Not many patriarchs were capable of that. Some petty people didn’t like seeing other people outdo them, even people of their own clan, so they did their utmost to suppress them. But the Skywings didn’t have that problem at all!

Xia Guanghai came up with a naughty smile and patted the Grand Ancestor on the shoulder. “Old undying, you’ve been advancing rather quickly since coming to Alpha. Why retire? You should stay on the job.”

“What!?” Xia Gucheng glared and immediately began to pummel Xia Guanghai. He said. “You brat, trying to delay my retirement plans! I’ve been looking forward to this my whole life! If I really can’t retire, I won’t let you go!”


The wolves of the Skywing Clan all laughed as the old quarreled with the young.


The strange day continued.

Fuchen was eating a Mythical Beast, the Grand Ancestor had advanced, and Xia Fei had also advanced!


A golden explosion of light!

Unrestricted Soul Spirit Mark, open!

The six Soul Marks were like six suns, madly revolving around Xia Fei!

“The sixth Soul Mark! Xia Fei, you’ve really managed to unlock your sixth Soul Mark before the battle! That’s amazing!” Radix exclaimed loudly. “The sixth Soul Mark is the apex of an Intermediate Spiritualist! One more rank and you’ll be an Advanced Spiritualist!”

Furball was also very excited, but he didn’t have the time to pay attention to Xia Fei. Every time Xia Fei advanced, he would cause an energy explosion, and Furball was busy absorbing all of it.

Standing up, Xia Fei lit a cigarette. Advancing a rank meant that Xia Fei could harness more energy, essentially double what he was capable of before! A person having a lot of energy was one thing, but being able to use all of it at once was another thing entirely.

After this forced advancement, Xia Fei still had six thousand units of spirit power left. Unless he wanted to self-destruct, which would use all six thousand units in one go, there was no means of using all that energy in a single attack. josei

Xia Fei rejoiced. Exiting, he prepared to say goodbye to the two custodian slaves.

“Thank you for keeping watch for me these last few days. I’ve reached Rank 6 now, and the two of you played a major role in this. I won’t be coming by from now on, so when the two of you get bored, just think of the jokes I told you. They’re actually quite amusing.” Xia Fei patted the two zombies on their shoulders.

As he turned to leave, the two custodian slaves each extended a hand, copying Xia Fei and patting him lightly on the shoulder, as if they were wishing him well.

The zombies had come alive!?

This bizarre day!? When would it ever end!?

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