Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1236 - Fifteen Fiend Soul Weapons!

Chapter 1236 - Fifteen Fiend Soul Weapons!

Chapter 1236: Fifteen Fiend Soul Weapons!

The room was luxuriously decorated, clearly a place for receiving VIPs. Xia Fei was slightly disappointed as he followed the manager in and sat down. Someone sent in a touchscreen computer displaying a list of items.

Xia Fei looked it over casually and said unhappily, “Ordinary soul weapons? You think I would come here if this was all I needed?”

The manager explained with some difficulty, “Great Master, our store doesn’t have much capital, and we truly do not have what you desire.”

Xia Fei sneered and waved his hand. “Bring out the energy deposit tool!”

The manager was startled, and then took a strange object with two handles on its side out from his spatial ring. It was an energy deposit device.

In this universe, energy was everything, the hardest currency!

Pearls and crystals were only used for low-level exchanges. The truly big transactions were carried out directly in soul power or spirit energy.

As for this piece of equipment, it had handles on the sides and a screen. Once a handle was grabbed, the energy amount in the seventh brain region would be automatically displayed. Once two sides had finished discussing the price, both parties would press the confirmation button, upon which spirit energy would be drawn into the machine. It was extremely convenient.

The Spiritualist Association had an even more advanced form that allowed everyone in the association to perform transactions with each other. This one was a mobile type that could only be used by two people.

Xia Fei placed a finger on the handle on his side, upon which the screen displayed the amount of spirit energy in his brain region.

“6,219!” The manager almost jumped to his feet upon seeing the number. He was completely stunned as he turned to Xia Fei with a crazily intense gaze.

What exactly did 6,219 units of spirit energy mean? It meant six thousand basic soul weapons!

Spiritualists consumed energy to create soul weapons. Grade 1 soul weapons took a single unit, Grade 2 took two, Grade 3 took four, and so on and so forth.


Over six thousand standard units of spirit energy was no joke! Ordinary Spiritualists would be well-off if they had several dozen units, while several hundred meant they were a rich man. For someone as young as Xia Fei to have more than six thousand units of spirit energy in reserve left the manager dumbfounded. josei

Xia Fei smiled. He said to the goateed manager, “You said you didn’t have any, but what about now?”


The manager hastily asked for a moment of time from Xia Fei before hurrying off inside the building. Xia Fei lit a cigarette and lazed back on his seat.

Merry whispered to Xia Fei, “Sir, aren’t we being a little too conspicuous? We might draw the suspicion of others.”

Xia Fei replied casually, “You’ve seen the files. Several thousand soul weapons are being sold all at once, and at prices far below market price, and only spirit energy is accepted. If these soul weapons were sold off slowly, they would be able to fetch several times the price, so why are they doing this? It’s clearly because they want to get together an enormous amount of spirit energy as quickly as possible for some unknown purpose.

“That’s why I want them to know that a big buyer is here. If everything goes as expected, they will definitely take this huge deal no matter the price.”

Merry was shocked. He had been sitting on this information for a few days already and had made no progress, but Xia Fei had only needed about ten minutes to draw so many conclusions!? Truly, comparison could kill a man with anger. Just what was going on inside Xia Fei’s brain?

Radix sighed. He had been with Xia Fei for too long and understood him too well. Xia Fei hated showing his wealth. How unsafe was it for others to know how much money one had? For him to so easily reveal his wealth meant that something fishy was going on!

The goateed manager closed the door and went up to a Blueblood. He said nothing, only quietly waiting for orders.

The Blueblood stared at the screen. He naturally didn’t recognize Xia Fei, but he was concerned about Merry, who was next to Xia Fei.

the Blueblood stroked his chin and asked, “Could this guy be from the Zadin Clan?”

“There’s no way, right? The Zadin are the most special clan of Bluebloods. They’re so proud, how could they possibly lower themselves to work for a cunning human?” the manager scoffed in reply.

The Blueblood shook his head. “This is a human Spiritualist who can take out six thousand units of spirit energy. I wouldn’t feel ashamed if I could work for such a master, either.”

The master said in shock, “Then this deal...”

“We’re doing it!”

The Blueblood grit his teeth. “Our superiors are pushing us too hard, demanding that we collect one hundred thousand units of spirit energy in only one month. This mission is impossible! Undercurrent has far fewer Spiritualists than Alpha, so even if we sell the items for cheaper, they won’t all come out at once. We’re already taking a big risk here, so we might as well just harden up and try it out!

“Go and settle him down, and then give him an astronomical price! If he’s willing to buy this batch of Fiend soul weapons, then fine, but if he isn’t...” The Blueblood made a slicing motion with his hand, his eyes turning red.


The goateed manager returned to the room quickly. Sitting across from Xia Fei, he said, “I’ll be frank. We truly do have a few items that need to be kept under the table, but it took us a lot of effort to get them. The one selling hopes to sell them all at once and is not willing to sell them separately.”

Xia Fei nodded. Lighting a cigarette, he magnanimously said, “A bulk purchase is no problem, nor is money. It’s just a question of if you have enough.”

Xia Fei had now become a rich scion who threw around money like it was dirt. He spoke calmly, talking about the price like a deal worth more than a thousand units of spirit energy was the same as buying watermelons at the market.

Xia Fei was truly a top-class actor as he showed off the demeanor of the wealthy! The manager was rather taken in. The fact that he was dressed in very ordinary clothes but didn’t show the slightest sign of meekness was proof that Xia Fei had a formidable mentality!

“Alright! Please take a look.”

The goateed manager took a box out of his spatial ring and placed it on the table. Xia Fei opened it up, and sure enough, it was all soul weapons from the Fiends! Fifteen of them!


After looking at them, Xia Fei closed the box with a soft thump and indifferently said. “Not bad. State your price.”

The goateed manager, who had been in the business for many years, found it somewhat hard to do this, but he clenched his teeth and held up six fingers. “Six thousand standard units, spirit energy.”

To tell the truth, the manager himself found this figure to be too absurd, so he had to pause in the middle of speaking.


Merry jumped up and said, “You’re asking for six thousand units for these soul weapons!? You might as well just rob us!”

“Sit down!” Xia Fei said to Merry stiffly.

Merry harrumphed and sat down, glaring at the goateed manager. It was clear that he was very angry.

“You’re still too inexperienced, placing too much value on material things. These soul weapons can’t be measured purely by their face value. You have to realize that soul weapons are becoming more and more rare on the market, and the people that made these weapons have already disappeared. There will never be new ones...”

The goateed manager was somewhat dumbfounded. Not only did Xia Fei not find it to be expensive, he was even explaining the advantages of Fiend soul weapons! What could he say?

After rebuking Merry, Xia Fei turned back and spoke as if he was in a tough spot, “I didn’t bring much money with me this time. I would also like to buy some high-level soul weapons that are Grade 7 or higher. Let’s do this. Keep these things for me and take a 100-unit deposit of spirit energy. When I come back, I’ll pay the entire balance.”

“Hold on!” the goateed manager said after a moment of shock, “Sir, I will be honest. We actually do have the high-grade soul weapons you want. Please wait a moment. I’ll have someone bring them right now.”

Xia Fei smiled. While the goateed manager was gone, he said to Merry, “Get ready. This time, he’s definitely going to take out the stolen goods. Watch my eyes.”

Merry didn’t understand what Xia Fei was trying to do, but he chose to blindly trust him and nodded.

Sure enough, the manager came back with five soul weapons. Merry was startled and nodded at Xia Fei furtively. These really were high-ranked soul weapons that had been stolen from the Expanse of the Founders. Merry didn’t recognize all of them, but he could easily recognize the high-leveled ones.

“All together, it’s six thousand and two hundred units. We’ll eat a small loss at worst.” The manager was still talking business with Xia Fei, failing to notice that Xia Fei’s eyes had changed!

He stroked the table lightly, taking in all fifteen Fiend soul weapons and the five Grade 7 soul weapons into his spatial ring like he was performing a magic trick.

The goateed manager jumped and shouted, “Great Master, what do you mean by this!?”

“What do I mean? I mean you’re finished!!”


Xia Fei roared and punched at the ground with both fists, instantly obliterating the alloy-reinforced marble floor!

In the floor below was the Blueblood’s office, which was adjacent to the warehouse.

The Fiendish Blade Nirvana had disappeared, as had Furball, and Peacock Blue was growing crazily!

Plush! Plush! There was a great wailing as the warriors outside were slaughtered!

These people had been on standby in case the transaction didn’t work out, ready to charge in and seize Xia Fei so that they could compel him into handing over his energy. Alas, Xia Fei had his outstanding ocular cognition, the Origin of Heaven! He had seen every little thing going on outside!

With a zing, White Dragon’s Screech left its sheath, letting out a bone-chilling howl!

Peacock Blue, Furball, and Nirvana were left to deal with the ambushing warriors. White Dragon’s Screech in hand, Xia Fei jumped down and thrust it at the Blueblood warrior.

That Blueblood couldn’t possibly dodge Xia Fei’s sneak attack, which was moving at more than thirty million meters per second. He tilted his body to the side, letting White Dragon’s Screech stab into his chest and howled in pain!

But the move bought him enough time for his real body to retreat from its shell: the Cerulean Soulgem!


The moment the Cerulean Soulgem appeared, its former body broke into pieces and fell like rain!

When White Dragon’s Screech had attacked, Fiend Lock had already wrapped around the Blueblood. Alas, this man was clearly an expert, and his soulgem had retreated one step ahead, meaning that Xia Fei had only destroyed his physical body and failed to bind his Cerulean Soulgem.


The Blueblood’s soulgem refused to fight with Xia Fei, ramming through the wall and fleeing.

“I need to take him alive! What a pain!” Xia Fei cursed silently.

The mission required that Xia Fei leave someone alive, so he had held back. Otherwise, with his ghostly speed, he could have definitely killed the Blueblood! There would have been no chance to survive!

With one punch and a rumble of impact, Xia Fei obliterated the wall! The room on the other side was exposed. It was empty, only containing a deep well. The panicking Blueblood jumped inside!

Xia Fei rushed up to the well and took a look inside. He found that, rather than a well, it was a stable spatial tunnel leading into dark space!

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