Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1263 - A Sixty Core Soul Array!

Chapter 1263 - A Sixty Core Soul Array!

Chapter 1263: A Sixty Core Soul Array!

Xiu Qian naturally had no idea what was happening outside the Silver Specter, and with the two loyal pets of Xia Fei, Furball and Little Goldie, keeping their eyes trained on the three, even though these two bodyguards of Xiu Qian were powerful, they had sought out Xia Fei’s help, so of course they did not dare go against Xia Fei’s orders.

The constant changes happening outside made Xiu Qian feeling uneasy. He did not know how, but Xia Fei seemed to have set up a rapidly transforming soul array!

The Cosmic Gate, the connection between two universes, was such a wide channel that even two Titan superwarships could pass through side by side.

In the middle of this channel, Xia Fei had set up a mobile operation table, and had placed Xiu Yiyi atop it. He had his hands on his temples, transforming his Spirit Energy into a thread as thin as a strand of hair and controlling it to infiltrate Xiu Yiyi’s brain region.

Meanwhile, the Skywing Wolfpack had surrounded him. There were over sixty of them positioned according to the instructions Xia Fei had given them, and they were constantly exchanging positions.

Here in this vast expanse, it would of course be very difficult for Xia Fei to control the evil spirit, which was why he had borrowed the strength of a soul array!

It was just that Xia Fei had constructed a soul array that utilized an unprecedented method: he was using warriors as the subjects and having them move whenever necessary! Whatever array Xia Fei wanted, the Skywing Wolfpack would change in accordance with his desires just by moving!

While there was no guarantee that no one would seek to copy it in the future, it was definitely a creation of Xia Fei’s that no one had come up with before!

The reason why a mobile soul array like the Searing Eye was so powerful was all because of the fact that it was moving!

Soul arrays were like a net, and a stationary array was nothing more than a dead object. Unless the enemy were to throw themselves into the net of their own volition, a soul array was nothing more than decoration, unlikely to be of any use.

But the moment a soul array could move, then it became a powerful and lethal weapon that could be used to kill enemies!

No matter where they were, the soul array would just have to move over atop them, and no matter how powerful the enemy was, they would find themselves suppressed by the array, no matter the time or place!

The Skywing Clan were all speed specialists! What had been a Culling soul array with twelve cores instantly turned into the Fatal Suppression soul array with thirty-six cores!

The moment a soul array capable of moving and transformation was born, it would naturally shock the world!

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A Searing Eye was hard to find, but a group of speed maniacs capable of forming an ever-changing soul array? Who knew just how many Searing Eyes it would be comparable to!

Reality had proven once more that Xia Fei was not just a genius, but a freak prodigy of his generation!


The Skywing Wolfpack followed Xia Fei’s instructions and changed their positioning once more. Aside from the weapons they held in their hands, they also had the soul weapons that acted as the array’s cores!

As the Skywing Wolfpack changed positions, the invisible white threads in the center of the array formed a skynet, which Xia Fei carefully examined once over. He nodded his head in satisfaction, “That’s right, maintain this state. If there’s a need, I’ll order you all whenever I need you all to move!”


“Got it!”

“Don’t worry about it!”

The Wolfpack nodded resolutely. Xia Fei’s fantastic soul array excited the Skywing Wolfpack greatly. If they succeeded, then it would bring about a qualitative change to the Skywing Clan!

As powerful as the Wolfpack Formation was, it was still just a tactical formation, while a soul array would be a comprehensive development toward soul-killing. When Xia Fei decided to give the Skywing Wolfpack Twin Wing Roar, it was for the sake of giving the Wolfpack the ability to soul-kill. After all, high-tier warriors used Dark Energy, and just killing the physical form of these enemies was not enough. They needed to completely destroy their very soul!

“I’ll be honest with you all! An evil spirit resides inside the mind of this girl. I don’t really know everything about this evil spirit, and right now I’ll be taking a risk to make him come out! When that time comes, we will either succeed or we may just end up falling short,” Xia Fei told them grimly, a stern expression on his face.

Xia Guanghai burst into a booming laugh. “When did you become such a nag? Don’t forget that we Skywings are called the Demon Sealing Fiendish Blade! Let’s do it! Your brothers shall support you!”

“That’s right, we aren’t scared of sh*t! Drag that evil spirit out!”

“Isn’t he just some evil spirit? My evil spirit is even more evil!”

The Skywing Wolfpack was as unrestrained as always. The moment Xia Fei said he was about to challenge the unknown this time, not only were they all not afraid, it had even triggered their Wolfpack fighting spirit!

Xia Fei was about to make his move, when a figure came over from afar. Xia Guanghai unceremoniously squeezed his way out of the soul array, while Xia Fei steadied his gaze. It turned out that it was the old ancestor, Xia Gucheng.

“Undying old man! Didn’t you say you weren’t coming?!” Xia Gucheng asked after he moved out from the array, somewhat annoyed.

Though there were plenty of people, not everyone had been assigned to join the battle formation. Right now, they were using twenty-four array cores for the Soul control array, which meant it was formed with twenty-four people. The rest acted as support, and with the Grand Ancestor Xia Gucheng’s arrival, Xia Gucheng had now lost his position.

Xia Gucheng scowled and shouted loudly, “This old man wants to retire, but you kids won’t let him. But now that you’re having such fun with an array, you all actually want to exclude me? You can forget about it!”

Xia Gucheng was never one to put on airs, and would always mess around with his descendants. Xia Fei had already gotten used to such scenes and did not find it unusual at all. As for Xia Gucheng hiding and watching from a corner, that was even easier to explain: though he was stubborn, at the end of the day, he simply could not help but worry about his clan.

“Get ready, it’s now!” Xia Fei bellowed.


Everyone watched as Xia Fei instantly increased the flow of spirit energy he was pouring into Xiu Yiyi, who appeared as if she was being electrocuted, her entire body convulsing uncontrollably.

Xia Fei screwed his eyebrows together as he bellowed, “GET OUT!”


Looking again, there was now an extra figure of a humanoid spirit in the murky dark space in the center of the Cosmic Gate, glowing red hot all over! It had been expelled from Xiu Yiyi’s seventh brain region in one go by Xia Fei’s spirit energy!

This was a very violent method. Xia Fei had been maintaining a stable stream of energy to Xiu Yiyi’s brain, and the evil spirit had no idea that was all part of the ploy. It had only been interested in using Xia Fei’s energy to strengthen itself, when all of a sudden, Xia Fei madly increased his spirit energy out of nowhere. The powerful gush of energy was like the tide, flushing out the evil spirit in one go!

The evil spirit instantly found itself in Xia Fei’s soul array after it was kicked out of Xiu Yiyi’s seventh brain region. It felt like it was being bound by millions of ropes all over its body, and all it could do was let out a furious roar! It then shrunk its form into a ball and opened its hands, looking like it was about to pull out someone’s heart!

What an evil spirit!

Even the Skywing Wolfpack had quite the fright seeing the evil spirit abruptly appear. None of them expected Xia Fei to expel it so quickly!

The evil spirit seemed to have gone mad as it struggled to get out of the soul array. The Skywing Wolfpack could all feel an immense pressure, and the soul weapons in their hands were trying to fly out of their grasp. They had to fight desperately to hold onto the soul weapons.

The reason why the moving soul array could move, the crux of the formation, was the close combat gloves, the Twin Wing Roars!

The gloves had an attribute that pushed soul energy outwards, and so was very suitable for close combat. The thick leather could also protect the hands of the user, so they would not be hurt by the backlash when facing an overly powerful spirit energy.

Presently, it was like the Skywing Wolfpack each had a formless rope in their hands. The twenty-four pieces of rope had this evil spirit ensnared, immobilizing it. Meanwhile, Xia Fei had used this opportunity to do what he could to mend Xiu Yiyi’s seventh brain region.

“This thing is really strong!” Xia Gucheng shouted, a grim look on his face.

Xia Fei frowned and shouted, “Then let us stack more! Change to thirty-six cores!”


Instantly another twelve Skywing warriors joined in and turned the array into thirty-six men surrounding the evil spirit!

Xia Fei was wearing a metal circlet on his head. Iit was like an image processor directly connected to Xia Fei’s nervous system. Xia Fei needed to only think about the soul array and an image would be created, allowing the Skywing Wolfpack to trace the shape being shown and form up the array as needed. It was fine even if they had no comprehension of soul arrays, as all they needed to know was where they needed to position themselves!

Tactical formations were a type of combat system passed down from ages past. The simplest formation needed two magnets, pole to pole, utilizing the property they shared when like poles repel so they could recreate a diametrically-opposed repelling formation. Many of the men had played with such things when they were younger.

Soul arrays were of course much more complex than the repelling formations they played with as kids. The thirty-six elites of the Skywing Clan were using their soul weapons as the array’s cores, while Xia Fei was positioned such that he was like the data center controlling the soul array. How they needed to move or when they needed to do so were all being controlled by Xia Fei, and the Skywing Wolfpack only needed to hold their positions and not move even an inch! That was why when the soul array was activated, the greatest pressure was not on the Skywing Wolfpack, but rather on Xia Fei himself!

The thirty-six cored soul array’s power increased fifty percent, and the evil spirit found itself being suppressed once again. No matter how hard it tried to shout and scream, it remained incapable of movement.

The situation was now extremely dangerous. This evil spirit was only several dozen meters away from Xia Fei, and if it were to escape from the array, the first person to suffer the consequences would surely be Xia Fei.

In the meantime, Xia Fei was focused solely on mending Xiu Yiyi’s brain region. The evil spirit had invaded her for too long, and Xiu Yiyi’s seventh brain region was absolutely devastated, with over ninety percent of it blocked. He would have to use a scalpel to peel off the blockage bit by bit. If he was even a little careless, Xiu Yiyi would die!

The evil spirit let loose a powerful roar again. It wanted to dash back to Xiu Yiyi’s brain, but there were thirty-six invisible ropes over him, containing it in its place.

All of a sudden, the evil spirit temporarily quietened down. It shut its eyes and promptly shrank its body.

In the next second, the flames all over his body suddenly grew even more intense! Meanwhile, the pain Xiu Yiyi was feeling intensified, making her convulse even more acutely!

“It’s burning its soul! Not just his own, but Xiu Yiyi’s as well!” Radix shouted at Xia Fei.

Though the evil spirit had left Xiu Yiyi’s brain, the connection they shared still remained. Just like the connection Radix shared with Xia Fei, even when the former entered Nirvana, he could still be controlled by Xia Fei, because he was Xia Fei’s personal soul servant.

Xiu Yiyi was very unfortunate. Though she had her own personal soul servant early on, what she received was an evil spirit! Not only did it refuse to help her, it instead sought to bring harm to her!

This situation was complex!


Xia Fei was mending Xiu Yiyi’s brain region, but at the same time he was also strengthening that evil spirit’s energy source! After all, they were together as one! josei

But if Xia Fei were to stop now, Xiu Yiyi would just die! The evil spirit would totally run amok as well!

Gritting his teeth, XIa Fei did not halt at all. His eyes narrowed, almost as if he had decided to gamble with his decision!

“Stack even more! Forty-eight cores!” Xia Fei hollered.


Twelve more warriors promptly joined the soul array. As Xia Fei affected repairs on Xiu Yiyi, that evil spirit was also becoming stronger and stronger, forming a sort of unending loop!

“Sixty cores!” Xia Fei’s face was ferocious as he shouted with all his might!

This time, the Skywing Clan had only mobilized sixty-four men for this operation; if their Grand Ancestor Xia Gucheng was included, that would only be sixty-five!

Normally speaking, the strength of a soul array could be somewhat easily estimated by the number of cores it had. The Spirit Mountain Giant array, for example, was a super soul array that had two hundred and fifty-six cores.

At this moment, The Skywing Wolfpack’s mobile array had already reached sixty cores! It was already the maximum limit that Xia Fei could muster!

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