Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1279

Chapter 1279

Chapter 1279: Beast Flood, Erupt!

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

“What is that?” Grand Ancestor Xia Gucheng pointed at the distant nova and asked.

The soul array set up by the Dark Spiritualists was just too powerful. Even from far away, every Skywing could sense the unusual activity taking place around the Cosmic Gate, the blinding brightness and the powerful shockwaves.

“That’s a soul array with five hundred cores. The Dark Spiritualists led by Nan Shazi worked with some Annihilators to set it down. When it comes to Annihilator soul weapons, five hundred have been used up!” Xia Fei panted as he explained.

“A five-hundred-core soul array!”

“Five hundred Annihilator grade soul weapons?!”

The Skywings were in shock. That number was just too shocking.

“It’s already the fifth energy transfer. For that soul array, those guys have pumped in five million units of energy,” Xia Fei added.

Everyone’s jaw dropped. Standard energy units represented a vast amount of energy. A grade 1 soul weapon only required one unit of spirit energy to make, so the energy used by this soul array was enough to make five million grade 1 soul weapons! This was utter insanity!


Xia Fei raised his head. His sharp senses had noticed a shift in the soul array. This time, the soul array had really activated.

“Look: a monster!” Xia Guanghai shouted, pointing into the distance.

A monster with a pair of short wings began to grow. In the space of a minute, it was already as large as a planet!

“Oh, no! The Yggdragon has been revived!” Xia Fei said, furrowing his brows.

“A Yggdragon?”

A legendary supreme-rank Beast King only second to the Ancient Megadragon!”


The faces of the Skywings darkened. They had had quite enough stimulation today. First had come the five peak Dark Spiritualists, then there was the soul array with five hundred eyes, and now, even a Dragon Beast King had come out!

Gritting his teeth, Xia Gucheng rolled up his sleeve and shouted, “Alright, what should we do?”

Xia Fei turned his head in disbelief. Xia Gucheng deserved to be the leader of the wolfpack. The crazy grand ancestor believed that Xia Fei had called them over to fight the Yggdragon!

Not just Xia Gucheng, all the Skywing wolves erupted with fearless killing intent!

“There’s no rush. Let’s wait a little first,” Xia Fei said solemnly.

This was truly a heavenly behemoth! The Water Dragon Roar let out a howl, and an energy wave more intense than a solar storm swept through the system.


The planet closest to the Cosmic Gate was obliterated, a sign of the Yggdragon’s immense power. This was only its roar! If it had done the deed personally, the damage would be simply unfathomable!

“Take up an array! Immovable Spirit Seal!” Xia Fei yelled.

The Skywing wolves immediately assembled into an eight-sided array. The spirit seal array counted as a capture-type array, but it was an abnormally tough one. Xia Fei had them take up this array in order to endure this cosmic superstorm.

It was a dozen or so minutes later before the storm finally subsided. The array had protected everyone, but it made Xia Fei feel very tired. There was nothing to be done about that, for he was the core of the array and its energy source. He was at the forefront when it came to fending off the storm.

In the distance, more developments were taking place.

The Water Dragon Roar’s head had been stabbed through with a sharp sword at some point, and a giant black chain had tied the Water Dragon Roar to the soul array.

A sword sharp enough to pierce through planets! A metal chain that had to weigh billions of tons! A slain Yggdragon!

Xia Fei realized with a start. “Heavens! This Yggdragon is their sacrificial offering! They’re trying to activate a taboo array!”

Although the Skywings did not understand what Xia Fei meant, their hearts tightened. They had used up five million units of energy and set up a five-hundred-core soul array to revive this Yggdragon, but this Yggdragon was only a sacrificial offering! There was no doubt that the Dark Spiritualists were completely mad! Did they want to go up against the heavens?!

After flaunting its power once, the Water Dragon Roar stopped moving, but its body continued to stand tall.

Furball did not look at Water Dragon Roar with hostility, but instead with a hint of sympathy. A mighty Yggdragon, a mythical existence second only to the Ancient Megadragon, had been used as a sacrificial offering by the Dark Spiritualists. This was a humiliation to all beasts!

Suddenly, a vortex manifested within the Water Dragon Roar, and the behemoth’s fell apart like flecks of paper and was sucked into the vortex.


The universe shuddered!

The vortex, which had formed at the belly of the Water Dragon Roar, let out an intense light, and then oppressive roars began to resound!

“I get it now! This is a compound array!” Xia Fei shouted, his eyes erupting with cold light.

“Eye of Darkness, open!”


A bizarre black energy shot out from Xia Fei’s eyes. This was his second time using the Eye of Darkness, this eye technique that placed a tremendous burden on his body.

Several seconds later, Xia Fei closed his eyes and said in a raspy voice, “I see... I finally get it. Unfortunately, I was a little too late.”

“What’s the situation?” Xia Guanghai asked in confusion. The numerous twists and turns had left him wholly confused.

“Watch closely. I need to think!” Xia Fei did not open his eyes as he spoke. Excessive use of that eye technique had left his vision blurry.

The roaring of a vast horde of beasts came from the distance. That Yggdragon sacrificial offering was being torn apart, its body turning into a passage. To be more precise, the Cosmic Gate was changing under the power of the soul array and the Yggdragon! josei

Several minutes later, everyone was dumbfounded; even Furball’s eyes bulged!

Tens of thousands, million, trillions of beasts were pouring out of the Cosmic Gate!

Most exotic beasts were devotedly loyal once they had found their masters, never betraying them, and many warriors considered it a matter of pride to have their respective exotic beasts. As for Xia Fei’s cunning Holy Beast, it made him the target of much envy and resentment.

How could this universe hold this many exotic beasts, though?

There was simply no counting their number!

There were exotic beasts as large as planets and ones as small as ants, blotting half of the star system!

This was just the beginning, and there seemed to be no signs of it stopping!

Xia Fei even felt that if this kept up, the beasts might occupy the entire universe!


The bellows shook the entire galaxy!

The boundless beast horde looked with savage eyes at this universe occupied by sapient life!

“A beast flood!” Xia Guanghai swallowed.

Xia Fei opened his eyes and turned in the direction of the Cosmic Gate.

“Come on. Let’s leave this place,” Xia Fei said solemnly. “It’s very clear that this beast flood poses an enormous threat to the entire universe. This scale isn’t something we can deal with!”

The Skywing wolves felt very dejected. Although the massive beast horde was still far away, no doubt that there were simply too many beasts. One day, it would threaten the entire universe, and no one could escape this threat.

“Bring the warship over and destroy the spatial gate!” Xia Fei ordered.

“Destroy the spatial gate? Then how will we leave?” Xia Gucheng asked.

“I have a way of leaving. The key here is that we can’t let the beast flood borrow the power of the spatial gate and spread through the universe. As for the warship, that’s a gift I’m leaving for the Dark Spiritualists!”

Clearly, the sudden opening of all the Alpha Universe’s hidden spatial gates was another scheme of the Dark Spiritualists!

If Xia Fei did not destroy the closest spatial gate, the terrifying beast flood would be able to spread everywhere at the fastest speed, and not even the Law Realm or Earth would be spared!

Destroying the spatial gate could buy some time. The Dark Spiritualists would be forced to take the beast flood to another spatial gate, which would be a rather long journey.


The Skywings combined their powers to destroy the spatial gate, and the two warships they had taken to get here stopped next to Xia Fei.

Xia Fei jumped aboard one of the ships, activated the self-destruct system, and then left.

The warship began to shoot toward the cosmic gate, toward the beast flood. Xia Fei closed his eyes and counted down mentally.

The warship was much faster than the beasts, and several minutes later, it had reached the edge of the beast horde. A giant one-eyed rhino opened its mouth and moved to bite at the ship.

At that moment—

Xia Fei roared, his eyes flying open and his body erupting with fiend energy!

“T-This is... the Beast Spirit Codex!” Radix muttered in surprise.

Yes, it was none other than the unparalleled beast control law of the Beast Spirit Codex!

The Triclopean Fiend Clan’s Origin of Heaven was used to empower the Beast Spirit Codex; fiend energy was used to strengthen it!

The Eye of Darkness, the Beast Spirit Eyes, and fiendish energy shot out!

Xia Fei’s face turned savage!

His eyes shot out black rays of light, which blotted out the heavens!

In a flash, the crazed beasts stopped moving, but the warship did not stop. It flew past the open mouth of the rhino and entered the center of the beast horde, where it started to self-destruct!

An explosion of shocking might!

As though one hundred million volcanoes had erupted in unison, the explosion caused huge flames to spread through space!


The beasts in the center of the explosion began to run away while howling, but it was all pointless. The flames engulfed them all, including, presumably, those Dark Spiritualists!

This was not just the eruption of the warship. When boarding the ship, Xia Fei had also placed the Dark Gem Spirit-gathering Tower inside, on top of charging it with ten thousand units of spirit energy!

To be more precise, this was the dual explosion of the Dark Gem Spirit-gathering Tower and the warship! A power comparable to the self-detonation of an Annihilator!

After doing all this, Xia Fei became very tired. Xia Guanghai quickly went to support him.

“Goldie, let’s go!” Xia Fei ordered.

The King of Dark Space, Little Goldie, immediately opened a passage to dark space. Everyone then understood that Xia Fei’s plan was to have them leave through dark space, choosing the closest path to avoid the beast horde.

Boarding the ship, Xia Guanghai glanced at the scorching flames burning away at the universe in the distance. He muttered, “What’s the point in doing all that? We’ll be fine as long as we return to the Law Realm.”

Xia Fei shook his head. “You don’t understand. This soul array is called the Six Cycles; this is only the first cycle, and it’s using a Cosmic Gate as its center, the part where the fabric of space is thinnest. If my guess is right, the universe on the other end of the Cosmic Gate, Torrent, is already done for!”

Xia Guanghai was stunned! The Skywing base was established next to a Cosmic Gate, one linked to the Law Realm. If the Dark Spiritualists also opened up a Six Cycles array there, the Law Realm and Earth would be finished!

No wonder Xia Fei was so angry and had been soinsane in his actions. It was because the Dark Spiritualists had threatened the last thing they should have threatened!

“I can retreat, but even if I do retreat, I’ll still take a bite out of them!” Xia Fei spat, his face grim.

This was none other than the mentality of a rabid dog! Anyone who touched Xia Fei’s bottom line would have to suffer his frenzied bite, no matter what the cost was!

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