Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1453

Chapter 1453

Chapter 1453: Fifty Million Points!

Parker was a Rear Admiral of the Starcloud Union Military.

He looked to be in his fifties, having a piercing gaze and being well-spoken. Admiral Parker had been with the Outer Frontier Task Force for over twenty years, and was fairly familiar with matters pertaining to the Outer Frontier.

After everyone took a seat in Admiral Parker’s office, he proceeded to explain to Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha, “We discovered a Murder Shrine Fleet after using a Star Region scale scanning array.

“Speaking of which, you might find it hard to believe, but while the three major Federations wield great strength, we actually have our hands full here in the Outer Frontier. After all, the situation in the Outer Frontier is far too chaotic. If we tried to mobilize in smaller squadrons, forget Murder Shrine, even the pirates would dare try to take us on.


“That is why the Outer Frontier Task Force only has large fleets. At present, we have six fleets. Two have gone back into the core regions for repairs, leaving only four fleets are on duty. The situation with the Sacred Federation and the Republic Aren’t is too different from our own, and the Outer Frontier Task Forces of the three Federations often communicate with one another.

“Due to the establishment of large fleets, though we discovered the presence of a Murder Shrine Fleet out here by this cosmic storm locale a week ago, we were not been able to rush here in time, and for that, we are deeply apologetic. The four large fleets each have formidable combat strength, but we are still overstretched in the huge Outer Frontier.”

Xia Fan shook his head and smiled, “General, there’s no need to be so courteous. We understand the difficulties that the Union currently finds itself in.

“I’m more interested in learning if we have a scanning array in every star region of the Outer Frontier?” josei

The scanning array Admiral Parker had mentioned was capable of scanning an entire star region. It was an extremely huge and expensive radar array. Usually, a planet in the center of a star region would be selected, which would then be hollowed out and fitted with large scanning arrays inside.

At the same time, such a large-scale scanning array also needed a huge power source, as well as a super quantum computer.

Did the Union actually have a Star Region-level scanning array here in the Outer Frontier? That would be a very grand gesture!

Thus it could be seen how much the Federations hated Murder Shrine, to the point where they no longer cared about how much it would take as long as they could deal a blow to them and their activities.

Admiral Parker laughed out loud, “The cost of constructing a Star Region-level scanning array is well over a trillion Union dollars, and would require at least sixty years of work to finish building.

“At present, only the five star regions that are closest to the Inner Territories have such scanning arrays installed. Most of the star regions out there are still just a complete blank.

“Hoping for a large amount of Star Region-level scanning arrays to deal a blow to the Murder Shrine is nothing more than an impossible task. At most, the Union seeks to ensure that those star regions close to its territory are sufficiently defended, and that’s it.”

Xia Fan nodded. It seemed like the astronomical cost of the scanning array was a heavy burden that even the Union could not bear repeatedly.

Changing the topic of conversation, Admiral Parker asked about the Disaster. Had he not witnessed it with his own eyes, he would not have believed that Xia Fan could take down four enemy ships and completely wipe out that small squadron with just a single frigate!

Having operated in the Outer Frontiers for a long time, Admiral Parker was well aware of the strength of a Murder Shrine squadron. Their ability was nowhere inferior to properly military trained armies like their own, and could even be superior in terms of their flexibility.

Seeing how young Xia Fan was, and how powerful his warship was, he wondered just how he had managed to achieve such outstanding combat results.

Xia Fan smiled and told him about his discovery of an ancient battlefield in the eye of the cosmic storm, as well as how he had used the parts he had salvaged from the battlefield to retrofit the Disaster, though he did not mention a word about the crucial existence of the two cores.

Those cores were extremely precious and if anyone were to learn that he had them in his possession, there was no telling if the Union might just attempt a forceful requisition of them.

Though Xia Fan would be appropriately compensated upon their requisition, what use did Xia Fan have for money? Having a good ship was critical to his investigation of the truth behind the Skywings, so there was no way Xia Fan would willingly relinquish the two precious cores.

“Underestimation of the enemy and luck?” Parker scratched his head helplessly after hearing Xia Fan’s explanation. “If what you said is true, then you’ve really got some serious luck on your side!”

Glancing over at the silent Traveling Buddha, Parker decided to not say another word more. In the Union, anyone would have to show the Little Old Buddha a bit of face.

Parker continued, “Though the approach you upgraded the Disaster with is commendable, none of us can do that. After all, the task force would go out on two-year missions each time. If we were to do what you did and retrofit our warships to the point where we don’t even have anywhere to sleep, I doubt the crew would agree!

“I’ve learned what I wanted to, so let’s end this here.”

“Furthermore, I’ll send the sighting report to Headquarters. Going by regulations, there should be a huge reward for taking down warships belonging to Murder Shrine. Frigates are worth five million points, destroyers are ten million, and cruisers are a total of thirty million points.

“The two of you finished off two frigates, a destroyer, and a cruiser. So don’t be too surprised if the Union sends you a total of fifty million points as a reward for your efforts!”

Xia Fan could hear his heart beat furiously. Sure enough, the Outer Frontiers was a great place to accumulate military exploits and points!

Back in the training camp, Xia Fan had slain eight killers from Murder Shrine, which had been worth over one million points, a huge sum at the time!

This one trip to the Outer Frontiers had ended up netting them perhaps fifty million points!

On top of that, Xia Fan had also learned about Xia Chen and gained an energy core, as well as a bottle of Immortality Wine. Each and every one of those things were worth a lot, too!

Even the usually nonchalant Traveling Buddha arched his eyebrows slightly. Even to the Little Old Buddha, fifty million points was a sizable fortune, since exchanging them for Union dollars would net somewhere around five billion!


After leaving Admiral Parker’s office, Xia Fan, Traveling Buddha and Soul Flying Bird were reluctant to bid each other farewell.

The Outer Frontier Task Force would be gone for two years each time they headed off on a voyage. Even if Flying Bird wanted to head back to the Union, it would be at least another two years, and due to the task force’s voyages being considered secret missions, it was impossible for anyone to get in contact with him.

From Flying Bird, Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha learned that their other good friend Heizi had been having quite an unhappy time.

He had successfully graduated as well, but because his family disapproved of his relationship with Du Xue, considering her to be lower status and not a match for Heizi, he was currently quarreling with his family until the cows came home.

The matters of the big clans were too complicated. All Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha could do was wish Heizi the best of luck from afar.


The Scourge was soon on its way once more, after bidding farewell to the Third Fleet.

A message came in from Headquarters. Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha had stayed in the Burning Star Region for too long, and so the matter with the Chaos Eagle Empire had already been resolved. Both the Empire and the Starcloud Union had signed an official agreement to develop the mineral mines together, so Xia Fan no longer had to return there, and could head back to Headquarters directly.


Six days had passed by the time Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha returned to the Deron Star Region. The moment the two of them got off the ship, they were called to Chief Huo Jiang’s office.

“You two, really can’t give me any peace of mind! Originally, you were assigned to a reconnaissance mission in the Chaos Eagle Empire, but in the end, the two of you ran off to the Burning Star Region, and even got into a skirmish with Murder Shrine!” Huo Jiang’s face was stern as he berated Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha.

Huo Jiang had already received a file from Headquarters, informing him of what Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha had done in the Burning Star Region. It seemed he was somewhat angry from the expression on his face.

“However, both of you did well and managed to earn some glory on behalf of the station. The Union has dispensed the both of you fifty million points for your exploits, and has even promoted the two of you. From today onward, you’re both officially Intermediate investigators!”

Huo Jiang heaved a sigh. “Although I do not like the fact that the two of you shirked your duties and went off without official leave, the two of you really ended up right on the money.

“Headquarters has made the decision that every Special Bureau that borders the Outer Frontier will expand the scope of their patrols to include areas beyond the territory. From here onward, we’ll be receiving more missions that will send us to the Outer Frontier. Given that the two of you already have some experience with the environment beyond, the station will continue sending the two of you out that way, I’m afraid.”

Xia Fan nodded. Going on missions in the Outer Frontier suited him just fine. He was far more interested in the Murder Shrine and Xia Chen’s remains, so getting the opportunity to head out there repeatedly would be a big help to him uncovering the truth.

Huo Jiang added some other stuff, too. Now that Headquarters had decided to let the Special Bureaus by the borders intervene outside their territory, the Deron Star Region had made the decision to set up a department that specifically handled Outer Frontier matters, which Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha would be joining when that time came.

From the instructions passed down by Headquarters, the main mission of the Special Bureau would be the public safety of the Outer Frontier, making the regions near the Union safer so they would then have a better impression of the Union. The next step would probably be the expansion of the Union into those territories.

As the misbehavior of pirates, warlords, Murder Shrine and indigenous empires caused greater destabilization in the Outer Frontiers, safety had become a top priority among the three Federations.

Since the Outer Frontiers were hard to administrate, they might as well just treat the Outer Frontiers as Inner Territories, bringing them under the direct jurisdiction of their powerful institutions.

It was just that the non-expansion treaties between the three Federations might be rendered invalid at this rate. The moment the three major Federations begin to expand their territories, would a war between them not become imminent in the near future?

No matter the case, Xia Fan could not be bothered with the decisions made by the higher-ups. He was instead looking forward to his more frequent trips to the Outer Frontier in the future.

Leaving the chief’s office, Traveling Buddha clapped Xia Fan’s shoulder and chuckled, “You’re now an Intermediate investigator, and according to the rules, Intermediate investigators can own a destroyer. So, have you considered the luxurious deluxe suite suggestion I made?”

“F*CK!” Xia Fan pushed Traveling Buddha’s arm away. “No way! Even after our experience this time around, you’re still hung up on a deluxe suite? I’ll be completely honest with you: no way! You should be thankful if I even give you a space to sleep!”

“Come on. Without a bathtub, it’s really hard to take a bath!” Traveling Buddha pressed cheekily.

Xia Fan had already made up his mind. No matter how much Traveling Buddha tried to persuade him, he was not about to agree to his requests!.

Though he had already decided he would be getting himself a new ship, he would also make sure that the performance of the new warship would have priority. A luxurious cabin or a big bathtub were all things that Xia Fan simply refused to install for Traveling Buddha.

Huo Jiang gave Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha some furlough. The two of them did not have a place to call their own in Deron Star Region currently. Traveling Buddha had booked himself a luxury suite in a hotel, and Xia Fan would often stay with Traveling Buddha. Since Traveling Buddha was the one paying for the place, Xia Fan did not care how expensive it was to stay there.

Not long after they returned to the hotel, while Traveling Buddha was in the bathroom taking a bath, Xia Fan received a call from grandfather Old Buddha.

Xia Fan, who had originally been sprawled on the bed, instantly got to his feet, tidied his clothes, and accepted the video call.

Traveling Buddha’s grandfather was the only one displayed on the screen.

“I’ve been informed of what happened to you two in the Burning Star Region. Traveling Buddha has caused quite a bit of trouble for you, I take it?”

Xia Fan hurriedly laughed and replied, “Oh no. Traveling Buddha was rather helpful himself. Without his aid, I’m afraid we might not have made it back.”

The expression on Traveling Buddha’s grandfather’s face was one of apparent disbelief, before he waved his hand dismissively, “He’s my grandson, so how could I not be aware of what he can and cannot endure? That rascal Traveling Buddha might be handy in a fight, but he’s useless in everything else. What help could he be of?”

“Though Traveling Buddha is ignoring his father, he will often call his mother. I know very well what had happened, and this dangerous encounter caused you to lose a good ship.

“That is why I rang up my old acquaintance from Deron, and I’ll hand over his name card to you in a while. Go and set up a meeting with him and pick out a new ship. Consider it my gift to you.”

Xia Fan was shocked. “How could I accept your kindness? The Union has given me a huge reward this time, which is enough for me to buy a ship.”

Traveling Buddha’s Grandfather laughed, “Buy? Given your present grade, I’m afraid you won’t be able to buy the ship you want, right?”

Xia Fan kept mum, which was as good as admitting the old man was right.

The Disaster was an elite Tyrant-class frigate that he had managed to get his hands on by sheer coincidence. It had been a lousy ship at first, and did not have the necessary mechanical core.

There were plenty of things in the Union that could not be resolved with money. Authority and connections were needed! If Traveling Buddha’s grandfather was lending him a hand, Xia Fan would surely have an easier time settling his warship problem.

With that thought in mind, Xia Fan asked Traveling Buddha’s grandfather, “Then I will respectfully accept your kind offer. May I know what your friend dabbles in? Can he really provide me with elite warships?”

Traveling Buddha’s grandfather was laughing to the point he was almost in tears before he replied, “Twerp, you’re really underestimating this old man too much. Hold on. You’ll understand when I hand you this person’s name card.”

Xia Fan nodded, and chatted about some things concerning Traveling Buddha and Murder Shrine with him afterward.

Traveling Buddha’s grandfather acted like he was a carefree person, but he was actually someone who knew his limits very well. He would speak freely about things he knew he could speak of, and no matter how Xia Fan tried to ask or press, he would not say another word.

Finally, Grandfather Old Buddha requested that Xia Fan take care of Traveling Buddha. The family would be more than happy as long as Traveling Buddha was doing well.

From what Grandfather Old Buddha shared, even Traveling Buddha’s father was excited to the point he could not sleep when they first learned about Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha taking down warships belonging to Murder Shrine. It was only because he cared too much about his face that the Big Old Buddha did not personally make the call.

Face was important to everyone, and now that Traveling Buddha’s elder brother had gone missing and Traveling Buddha was the only inheritor of the Holy Buddha Clan, the family had plenty of expectations toward him, hoping that he could perform well.

The clan had practically lost all their dignity when Traveling Buddha had slacked about in Blue Boiling Point for a whole seven years. Whenever they met others and chatted, whenever people asked about what Traveling Buddha was doing, Big Old Buddha and Grandpa Old Buddha would be too embarrassed to talk about it.

But now, while Traveling Buddha was still as nonchalant as ever, he at least had a job, and had even managed some colorful accomplishments to show for it! This was exactly what the clan was hoping for, and since he was now the sole inheritor of the Holy Buddha Clan, he would have to be a man capable of holding the sky up.

Not long after hanging up, Grandpa Old Buddha sent that name card over, as he had promised.

Xia Fan opened it, and nearly had the fright of his life.

Alliance Navy, General Armament Department!

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