Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1497 - 1497 Destination

Chapter 1497 - 1497 Destination: the Forbidden Region!

1497 Destination: the Forbidden Region!

Bright Pearl’s introduction of the Law of Gold left Xia Fan very excited.

In short, the Law of Gold was an all-purpose Law. If the Gold Law’s power was used on the eyes, Xia Fan could boost his vision. If it was used on the body, it would improve his defense. If it was used on the heart, it would boost his blood flow.

Although the Law of Gold wasn’t as heaven-defying as the Law of Speed, it was superior in terms of its comprehensiveness. Once he obtained its power, Xia Fan could greatly boost his abilities in every area.

Through Pearl’s instructions, Xia Fan attempted a special method to read the Law of Gold.


He laid down on his bed, closed his eyes, and opened his seventh brain region, releasing the mysterious energy within it.

This step wasn’t that easy to perform, for a warrior’s seventh brain region was a pool of accumulated energy. Trying to move the water out of that pool required patience and meticulous control.

Pearl told Xia Fan that the key to emitting one’s thoughts was complete relaxation, focusing all of one’s mind on the seventh brain region and forgetting one’s surroundings.

It was easier said than done. At the start, Xia Fan was too nervous, desperately trying to control the seventh brain region. This ended up having the opposite effect, and his body trembled from the tension, and he was soon drenched with sweat.

“What is this?” Pearl muttered unhappily. “Don’t try to control the seventh brain region. You have to slowly guide it!”


Several hours later, Xia Fan finally found the trick to emitting the power of the seventh brain region. The result of emitting that power was somewhat similar to that of mental perception. Xia Fan clearly had his eyes closed, but he could sense Bright Pearl moving about his room, and he sensed that the tap in the bathroom hadn’t been completely closed and was dripping water.

The Law of Gold next to Xia Fan let out a faint light, and a mysterious energy emerged from the book. josei

Xia Fan tried to use his seventh brain region to link with that power. When the two energies collided, they produced a mystical synergistic reaction. Memories began to appear in Xia Fan’s mind, including the method of learning the Law of Gold, what one would feel when cultivating it, and so on.

It was like memory implantation. Someone who had learned the Law of Gold was transplanting all their experiences into Xia Fan’s brain!

Xia Fan felt like he had gone through a very, very long dream. When he opened his eyes, he found that the Law of Gold that he had placed on the bed beside him had disappeared.

Xia Fan hastily looked around for it. At this time, Pearl, who was scarfing down some ice cream, chided him, “Stop looking. If my guess is right, the Law of Gold didn’t actually have a physical form, but was a manifestation of that Blind Grandpa’s memories. Right now, the Law of Gold has been transplanted into your brain, so now that its mission is done, it has disappeared!”

Xia Fan found Pearl’s explanation very mystical, but when he considered that there were always mystical things happening in the Great Chiliocosm, and that his own understanding of the universe was very shallow, Xia Fan could only accept her explanation.

“Don’t move.” Xia Fan stood up and walked to Pearl’s side. He reached out his right hand and gently wiped her mouth. The little girl had been stuffing her face with ice scream so much that she looked like Santa Claus.

Pearl instantly turned red in the face. For some reason, she was extremely resistant to being touched by Xia Fan. Whenever Xia Fan touched her, she would become very shy and embarrassed.

“How long was I asleep?” Xia Fan pulled a chair over and sat next to Pearl.

“Not long, only a few hours,” Pearl replied, regaining her composure.

Xia Fan was startled. “Only a few hours? I felt like I lived through an entire epoch!”

Pearl shrugged. “It’s very normal. You received a lifetime of Blind Grandpa’s experience in cultivating the Law of Gold. That would definitely be a very long process!

“Now that I think about it, this Blind Grandpa really treated you well. Manifesting memories requires a lot of energy and time. He probably needed a few years, possibly more than a decade, to prepare this Law of Gold for you.”

Xia Fan nodded. It wasn’t just Blind Grandpa. Every person under the dome had treated him very well. Xia Fei and Avril were his birth parents, and the Disasters were his second parents in Ashen Moon!

After several days of voyaging, Xia Fan’s band finally rendezvoused with the fleet from the Union.

To commend Xia Fan and the others for their contribution to the Union, all eight of them received the rank of Advanced Investigators of the Union Special Bureau, and a short and simple reward ceremony was held. In addition, for the act of killing War God Bode, Xia Fan was given the bounty of one billion points.

Xia Fan had said that it was the entire team who had worked to kill Bode, but Traveling Buddha and the others refused any credit. With no other choice, Xia Fan had to accept the enormous sum.

As Advanced Investigators, they now enjoyed many more benefits. For example, Xia Fan could now purchase a battleship as his personal ship, and he could look through the Union’s secret databases.

But Xia Fan still could not get the Forbidden Region permit that he so dearly wanted. He would have to sneak in to find the mysterious person Drunken Buddha was looking for.


After staying with the reinforcement fleet for only a few hours, Xia Fan was forced to part with them. His mission was over, and he needed to return to the Inner Territories. Meanwhile, the fleet had to head to the Demon Chasm so that they could implement defenses and perform research.

“Let’s say our farewells here. Although Ashen Moon is vast, we will definitely have a chance to meet again,” Xia Fan said to Thousand Ink and the others before leaving. Although he spoke with great certainty, everyone was working in different branches scattered across the universe, and meeting again truly wouldn’t be easy.

They all hugged each other and said their goodbyes. After going through that tough battle together, they had become friends who would give their lives for each other.

When it came time to say goodbye to Nie Yan, Xia Fan truly wanted to tell her the truth about Drunken Buddha so that she would stop worrying. But Drunken Buddha had told Xia Fan not to tell anyone else about him, including his own little brother. Xia Fan had no choice but to respect Drunken Buddha’s decision.

“Sister Nie Yan, take good care of yourself,” Xia Fan smiled and said to Nie Yan. “After this incident, I’ve learned that the Murder Shrine still has many secrets. Brother Drunken Buddha is a very responsible man, so he might be secretly investigating all those things. He must have his own troubles to not have appeared to us as yet. No matter what, you have to trust him.”

Nie Yan was taken aback, then gave him a gratified look and nodded. “You and Traveling Buddha should stay safe, too. Your deeds have left the upper echelons of the Union shocked. They might give you even more important missions after this.”

Xia Fan shrugged. “It’s naturally good to have a mission. But when I get back, I need some time to rest. This mission was truly a little tiring.”

Nie Yan patted Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha on the shoulders and sent them off to the Black Egg. Xia Fan set the autopilot on, and the Black Egg warped into space at a speed three times faster than an ordinary warship.

But Xia Fan didn’t tell Traveling Buddha that they weren’t going back to the Deron Star Region. Instead, they were headed toward the Forbidden Region in the center of the Three Federations!

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