Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1502 - 1502 A Bizarre Place!

Chapter 1502 - 1502 A Bizarre Place!

1502 A Bizarre Place!

The warning system blared crazily. Xia Fan glanced at the radar and saw that it was covered in red dots. He immediately made up his mind, grabbing Traveling Buddha and activating the emergency escape system before the frigate had completely risen into the air. He broke open the door and jumped off.

Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha had just landed in the desert when the frigate above them was destroyed by more than a thousand drones, turning into a fireball and rapidly falling from the sky.

“Run!” Xia Fan grabbed Traveling Buddha, put him under his arm, and began to run at two thousand meters per second.

The carrier above placed huge pressure on the pair. Its enormous hull had the power to destroy a planet. What sort of people lived on this planet that they would have a carrier-class ship around? It was truly unbelievable!

At the end of the desert was a mountain range, the yellow and barren peaks rising up from the earth.

Looking at the carrier behind them, Xia Fan said to Traveling Buddha, “There are mountains ahead of us. We might be safe once we’re in the mountain range!”

Traveling Buddha was very uncomfortable while being carried around by Xia Fan, but since they were running for their lives, he couldn’t be worried about such things. After hearing Xia Fan’s words, Traveling Buddha lightly nodded.

Xia Fan was just about to enter the mountain range. In such complicated terrain, with Xia Fan’s speed, he would basically be impossible to catch.

But some powerful force suddenly seized him, causing his speed to rapidly fall. His legs turned as heavy as if they had been filled with lead, and his back felt like it was carrying a stone weighing a thousand kilograms, pushing him down.

“What’s happened to you?” Traveling Buddha asked loudly, his face paling.

“It’s a telekinetic ability, an extremely powerful one!” Xia Fan replied, his face pale. Beads of sweat appeared on his face. It was clear that he was enduring immense pain.

Traveling Buddha was stunned. At Xia Fan’s rank and speed, only an enemy of considerable power could control him. It could even be an existence on par with that old monster of his clan living on Myriad Buddha Mountain!

A second later, Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha flew into the air. A powerful energy came from the distance, seizing the pair like an invisible hand and drawing them into the sky.

As they flew over the mountains, Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha spotted a city.

The city was surrounded by mountains and appeared extremely old. Not just the buildings were ancient, as the walls were mottled and weathered by time.

There were quite a few people in the city. When they saw the paralyzed Traveling Buddha and Xia Fan in the air, they raised their hands and looked up. There seemed to be very few outsiders there, and all of the citizens were very interested in the unfamiliar faces.

“Look, intruders!”

“How pitiful! Now that they’ve been captured, I guess they’re going to be executed?” The residents of the city chatted about the new development.

Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha passed through the city like they were being paraded, and they were ultimately brought to the giant castle in the center of the city.

Many armored warriors had gathered on the roof of the castle. The moment Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha landed, they were shackled with electromagnetic handcuffs that sealed their seventh brain regions. The warriors then roughly pushed Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha down some stairs.

“This young master can walk on his own! You don’t need to push me!” Traveling Buddha snarled.

The warriors laughed. “Young master? You look more like a little ghost to me. After judgment, you’ll immediately turn into a wandering ghost!”

Xia Fan clenched his teeth and carefully inspected these warriors. Although they wore armor and combat suits, the models clearly weren’t any of the existing models in the Three Federations. They were rather old, but they were of extremely high quality. Even the armor worn by ordinary warriors would sell for a sky-high price in the Three Federations.

‘Who are these people?,’ Xia Fan inwardly wondered.

It wasn’t just the warriors who differed from the Three Federations. Even the clothes worn by the residents were extremely old-fashioned. It was as if they had traveled into the past.

‘Don’t be afraid! I’ll protect you!’ Pearl said with cute confidence into Xia Fan’s mind, leaving him rather moved. josei

‘Let’s observe the situation first. If necessary, you’ll have to destroy our electromagnetic cuffs,’ Xia Fan replied silently to Pearl.

Although Pearl could easily undo the cuffs, Xia Fan wasn’t sure if she could deal with that frightening telekinetic ability user. That was why he wanted to observe the situation first.

They took the stairs to a certain floor of the castle, and then after a few turns, they were pushed into a large hall.

The hall had an area of tens of thousands of square meters and was extremely impressive. But instead of a display of ostentatious wealth, everything was very simple.

In the center of a hall was where the throne should be, but there were instead four chairs. Did this city have four kings?”

“Stand there and don’t move! You will be judged soon!”

The warriors left Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha in the center of the hall and then fell back to stand guard around the hall.


Several minutes later, other people began to gather in the hall. Four elders seated themselves in the center seats, each of them exuding majestic auras. It was hard to determine what age they were, but from the intense pulses of energy they gave off, they were clearly experts.

There were twenty or so elders who stood to the sides, like officials reporting at court.

The four elders looked over at Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha. A hawk-nosed elder spoke in an androgynous voice, “For the crime of intruding upon the City of Four Kings and killing my servant, I propose the death penalty!”

“Death penalty!”

“Death penalty!”

The remaining elder was fair and fat, with a kindly face. He frowned and said, “I also agree with the death penalty, but according to the laws of the City of the Four Kings, they have the right to defend themselves.”

The other three elders nodded, but the hawk-nosed elder was a little impatient and thought that the fat elder was being too meddlesome. Outsiders like this were better off being killed as quickly as possible.

The fat elder asked Traveling Buddha and Xia Fan, “Do you two have anything to say? Why did you kill our people?”

Traveling Buddha, the idiot, shouted, “I killed them because I wanted to! Do I need to explain things to you?”

The four elders all frowned. The fat elder turned to Xia Fan and asked, “And you?”

Xia Fan’s mind quickly worked, and then he put on his classic smile and said, “Wise elders, it wasn’t that I wanted to kill them, but they forced our hand. In order to survive, I had no choice but to attack them.

“You’re lying!” The hawk-nosed elder was furious, pointing at Xia Fan and saying, “My servant went to rescue you, but you were ruthless and unreasonable. Not only did you kill them, now you’re making this false accusation! In my view, not only should you die, you should die painfully!”

Xia Fan was taken aback, and he continued to smile. “Venerable Sir, these are words with no basis. Your servant had a recording device. If we review it, we all can learn what the situation was at the time.”

The fat elder nodded. “True. Combat uniforms and armor all have pinhole recording devices. Verifying this won’t be difficult. Bring out the recording of the scene.”

It wasn’t long before a warrior brought back the deceased’s recording device and replayed the recording in the hall.

The hall exploded when everyone saw that mustached youth threatening and attempting to kill Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha. Even that hawk-nosed elder became quiet. He had been constantly bringing up the death penalty, but now that it turned out that his servant had been lying, he felt very embarrassed.

“I see. It seems like Li Feng really was going against orders and trying to kill you two.” The fat elder stared at Traveling Buddha and asked, “Your special ability is the Battle Buddha’s Golden Light? Might I ask what your relationship is to Nine Provinces Buddha?”

Traveling Buddha was startled, and then he glared and shouted, “That’s the name of my clan’s ancestor. Who are you to mention his name in such a carefree manner?”

The uproar in the hall grew even louder, many of the elders looking at Traveling Buddha with shocked eyes, strange looks on their faces.

“What is your name?” the fat elder hastily asked.

Traveling Buddha stood up straight and proudly declared, “This young master is proud to call himself a descendant of the Holy Buddha Clan. My name is Traveling Buddha!”

“Traveling Buddha!”

“You’re a descendant of Nine Provinces!”

“No wonder you can use the Battle Buddha’s Golden Light!”

“I truly didn’t think I would meet a member of the Holy Buddha Clan in my lifetime.”

Traveling Buddha was rather dumbfounded. Why did these old folks seem so familiar with his ancestor?

What sort of bizarre place was this?

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