Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1528 - 1528 Okay, I’ll Satisfy you lot!

Chapter 1528 - 1528 Okay, I’ll Satisfy you lot!

1528 Okay, I’ll Satisfy you lot!

Onboard the spying warship, the warriors hailing from the Four Great Clans were all dumbfounded. Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha were watching as twenty sapient beasts came charging right for them, yet neither of them showed any signs of fright. Not only did they have no plans to flee, they had even rolled up their sleeves and adopted fighting stances, ready to receive them with gusto!


The first to reach the mountain peak was a bird-man. He had the body of a human, but a pair of gray wings on his back. Before he attained sapiency, he was probably an exotic beast of the bat species.

This humanoid bat’s eyes were partly squinted, and his wings were fully opened, spanning well over twenty meters. A gloomy aura swirled around him as he fixed an absolutely furious gaze on Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha, his eyes completely bloodshot. He had been outraged when he saw the two humans take the mysterious crystals.

Just as the humanoid bat was getting close, he abruptly flexed, doing a dive in mid-air as he opened his mouth wide, making ready to spit out some peculiar ability that could harm Xia Fan.


Before this humanoid bat could even be any trouble, Traveling Buddha promptly raised his left arm and with a punch, shot out a beam of golden light. The brilliance of the golden light was glaring, and held a ferocious murderous aura. It went straight for the bat’s jugular, piercing right through his neck and beyond.

The humanoid bat’s body fell from mid-air, letting out an anguished screech at the same time. Traveling Buddha was no longer a Battle Buddha, but a true Killer Buddha! His golden light no longer just protected his body, but it could also be shot out at range. Rushing out so recklessly and direct as what the bat had done only turned him into a living target for Traveling Buddha!

“That golden light is very powerful!”

“Is that a Battle Buddha?”

“Battle Buddha protects the Buddha, but that golden light has reached the stage where it could even be shot out! He’s more like a Killer Buddha, as in, someone capable of slaying gods and Buddhas!”

The crew of that scout ship all gasped, awestruck. They had suddenly realized that the big fatty with Xia Fan was also another formidable figure, and was actually someone who belonged to the distinguished Holy Buddha Clan!

Xia Fan’s speed was heaven-defying, able to pit himself against Hidden Wind and like, but his comrade was from the Holy Buddha Clan, and possessed such a high cultivation that he was now capable of slaying gods and Buddhas. The combat duo they had formed was definitely extraordinary and overwhelming!

“These creatures are no match for you, and seeing as I’m a little tired, I won’t bother intervening,” Pearl muttered, going back to sleep back in Xia Fan’s bosom after transforming back. To this dragon descendant who had been sealed off for forty thousand years, rest was very important. Unless they were facing an extremely dangerous situation, she was not willing to lend a hand.

Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha thought nothing of it. Given that they had broken their Law Barriers, these two now grasped Law Power and were nothing like what they used to be. They just so happened to be eager, wanting to test and see what their combat strength was at after this promotion. The appearance of the group of sapient beasts was just perfect!

Xia Fan nodded and said to Traveling Buddha, “I feel like your golden light is a lot fiercer than before. Seems like it has increased its penetrative power after you were promoted.”

Traveling Buddha gave that some thought. “After I broke the Law Barrier, the most critical improvement I observed was my control and understanding of the light. When using it, I feel all the more handy with it, with an increase in its technical use. What about you?”

Xia Fan knit his brow and shrugged. “It’s much simpler for me. I just feel like my entire body is filled with energy, so my speed ought to be even faster than before, I think.”

Traveling Buddha rolled his eyes and didn’t even care to complain. How simple could speed become? It was nothing less than the most difficult ability known to man! Speedsters that broke the Star Domain rank could be called Heavenly Venerates. If Xia Fan’s speed were to improve beyond that, would that not make him a Super Heavenly Venerate?

It could not be helped. One would only get angrier when they compared themselves to others; they were both special abilities, but what could compare to Speed? The term ‘heaven-defying to the point of unreasonableness’ was best to describe the Speed special ability.

“Damned humans! Let’s see where you’re going to run to!” rose a bellow from the foot of the mountain.

Xia Fan lowered his eyes to look, and saw it was another humanoid monkey. Or to be precise, it was a black gorilla well over seven meters tall. He was covered in muscles, as if he was made of steel. He reached a hand out and grabbed a nearby tree vine, and then swung his body strongly. The added momentum allowed him to leap tens of meters into the air.


When the huge gorilla landed on a rock, the force of his huge feet enough to shatter it directly. It was apparent he was a beast who reveled in his great strength.

Once he landed in front of Xia Fan, this huge gorilla did not even hesitate and swung a palm at Xia Fan as he demanded loudly with a fierce gaze, “Hand over the crystals to me!”

Xia Fan did not even dodge the attack; he simply used his speed to receive the enemy accordingly, a speed of over five thousand meters per second! It was just a single punch, and while it was just a simple move, it contained a crazy amount of power, enough to destroy the dead!

*Bang!* josei

Everyone watched as the huge gorilla was instantly sent flying. A hole was blasted in his muscular chest, and before he could even let out an anguished cry from the pain, Xia Fan had already delivered him an uppercut that sent him up in the air. Fresh blood spilled everywhere, like a kite with a broken string. The ape flew in a parabolic arc across the sky, and then fell into an abyss.

Up on the warship, the warriors from the Four Great Clans were all flabbergasted by what they had just witnessed. When they had watched the video, Xia Fan’s top speed was almost four thousand meters a second, and that was jaw-dropping enough.But now, Xia Fan’s speed had increased once more, this time surpassing the five thousand meter/second mark! This was simply beyond exaggeration!

Anyone could understand the difference between a top speed of four thousand meters a second and casually striking at five thousand meters per second; it was practically heaven and hell. Speed was already said to be the most difficult to cultivate, so how did this kid’s speed improve so drastically in just a handful of days?

If Xia Fan could reach a speed of five thousand meters per second with just a casual acceleration, it would not be a question of if the battle between him and Hidden Wind would end in a stalemate, but whether Hidden Wind could even survive! After all, this increase in speed meant an exponential increase in his combat effectiveness!

All the martial arts in the world, only speed remains king! This logic had remained true since ancient times!

Xia Fan raised his arm and shouted, “Awesome! This is the feeling!”

Such a heaven-defying speed, a sensation that was close to that of the speed of light, excited him immensely. It was akin to driving a common car, and then suddenly changing to driving a Ferrari. The hearty feeling he felt was something one had to experience themselves to understand.

At the base of the mountain, those sapient beasts who were about to charge up to the peak were also dumbfounded, many rooted to where they stood.

What sort of situation was this? The gorilla and the bat were the fastest, yet the moment they reached the peak, they were instantly killed by those humans. It seemed like the two were extremely powerful!

After all, they had not just witnessed how the gorilla and bat were killed, but how they were insta-killed! All it took was a touch from Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha each, and they were immediately slain! Was that not far too frightening?

The reason these sapient beasts became sapient was because they were all slightly intelligent, and with how the beasts naturally had keen senses and instincts, allowing them to sense danger, their intelligence prompted them that they must immediately flee.

For the moment, there were about twenty of these sapient beasts who had been stuck not too far from the mountain peak. If they continued on their way, they might very well end up killed, but if they were to turn around and flee, they would be losing face. They were in a very awkward position, unable to make up their minds.

It was around this time when Xia Fan saw that some of these sapients beasts had given up after charging up halfway, and he got somewhat anxious. So he stood up on a boulder and took the initiative to yell down the mountain, “You all better hurry up here! Yours truly is already impatient from the waiting!”


These sapient beasts were all riled up by the provocation. To think a mere human would dare show such disrespect to all of them! It was simply outrageous in their eyes!

“Accursed human! Don’t put up some false bravado!”

“When we get up there, we’ll surely skin you alive and break every single bone in your body!”

“Well said! It’s been a long time since I’ve had human flesh broth! Today, I’ll be sure to cook you into soup and nourish myself!”

After the beasts evolved, it seemed even their personalities became more human-like, learning how to bluff, ridicule, and all other sorts of measly tricks.

This group of beasts did their best to ridicule and belittle Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha, saying all kinds of awful words and curses, but none of them dared take another step closer. They let an old bear take the lead, and he said he was no fool, stating that it should be the wolf king that took the lead. The wolf king blinked, saying he was not some greenhorn, so why would he be at the head of the charge? He figured everyone should just go together, so no one could play any tricks.

In the end, this group of beasts at the waist of the mountain actually broke apart!

Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha were dumbfounded. The sapient beasts were truly amazing, not only able to walk upright and speak a human language, but they had also learned the flaws of human nature. The two would not have believed this had they not witnessed this with their own eyes.

“Would all the beast races in Ashen Moon be as morally dishonest as them?” Xia Fan asked Traveling Buddha while stroking his chin.

“Who knows. Had they not had a beast’s skin on them, this Little Buddha would not have differentiated them from an average human being!” Traveling Buddha shrugged.

Xia Fan was stunned, muttering under his breath, “Looks like there’s going to be some major changes coming to this universe.”

It was at this time when some unknown sapient beast yelled, “Why must we go up there?! If these humans have the guts, they should be the ones coming down!”

Traveling Buddha and Xia Fan exchanged glances the moment they heard those words said, and let out cold laughs at the same time.

“Hehe, that’s what you said!” Xia Fan leered at the beasts with a cold gaze as he stood on that rock, exuding a monstrous killing intent.

The sapient beasts were shocked and rendered speechless. As if they were being studied by two Gods of Death who were staring at them from a vantage point, they watched as the killing intent thickened from Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha’s bodies. Deep down, the beasts all cried out in misery, resenting that one who had taunted the two to come down!

“Since that’s what they desire, we should grant them their wish.”

“What else can we do, of course we need to satisfy them!” Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha had very good tacit understanding between them, speaking one after the other.

In the next second, there was a burst of light, and Xia Fan was instantly streaking off at a speed over five thousand meters per second. Like a flash of lightning, he went bolting down from the mountain peak, and right behind him was Traveling Buddha. His body was giving off a terrifying golden light, and every step he took broke the rocks under his feet, shaking the entire mountain with every step.

Xia Fan zoomed down with Traveling Buddha, gunning for the kill. They were clearly just two human beings, yet their impact was more like two huge tanks plunging down the mountain!

One was as quick as if he had a pair of wings on his back, moving like a bolt of lightning, while the other was a man with a sturdy body, charging recklessly down, both looking like they would arrive in the blink of an eye!

Xia Fan punched out with a hardened fist while the light from Traveling Buddha’s golden light surged forth, and a shocking battle took place!

“Kill these humans!”

When the sapient beasts realized they had no way of retreating, all they could do was to muster what courage they had and display their own strengths.

Though they were all currently in their humanoid forms, they nevertheless still possessed the ability to turn back into their beast forms. The moment they turned back into beasts, their sizes expanded to several dozen meters, reaching up to a hundred meters in height. All of them turned into gigantic beasts possessing terrifying strength.

“Oh my gods, a fight has broken out!”

“But they are just two men! To think they would end up clashing against over twenty sapient beasts!”

“This is just too insane!”

Those scouts aboard the warship all widened their eyes, an incredulous look on their faces as they gasped together.

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