Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1599 - 1599 Duo Breaking Out! Pushed to Extreme Limits!

Chapter 1599 - 1599 Duo Breaking Out! Pushed to Extreme Limits!

1599 Duo Breaking Out! Pushed to Extreme Limits!

Sometimes, Traveling Buddha’s personality gave people quite the headache. The Little Old Buddha was never one to play by the rules, and he would forever only follow his heart.

But toward his brother, should they not be taking care of each other?

Time and time again when Xia Fan needed Traveling Buddha to draw the enemy’s firepower, he had not once been disappointed. With his Battle Buddha’s Golden Light, Traveling Buddha would rush to the forefront and attract all the enemy’s attention to himself, allowing Xia Fan to create opportunities to kill. Even if he was bleeding from his mouth, Traveling Buddha would roll up his sleeves and wipe it away, continuing to be Xia Fan’s shield. It did not matter how painful or how risky it would be, he had never once complained.

Xia Fan grit his teeth and stepped behind Traveling Buddha. Though Flame Soul was a great enemy, Traveling Buddha had still provoked him. At worst the two sworn brothers could just kill him off in unison!

Sure enough, there was a drastic change in expression from Flame Soul. All they heard was a baleful mourning cry as two black wings extended from Flame Soul’s back. The wings directly tore flesh from his back, slowly flapping it as they dripped with blood, sending Flame Soul up above the heads of Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha.

His skin was rapidly covered in hard scales, black armor that gleamed coldly in the light. Fangs extended from his mouth, sharp and curved. His nails immediately turned into a hardy substance that looked like blades, capable of tearing apart the hardiest combat suits. Flame Soul’s eyes were now completely black, like a moonless night completely surrounded by darkness.

This was not Flame Soul’s final form, but the form that was most suitable for a fight against humans!

There were pros and cons to everything in the world. Had Flame Soul transformed into the huge creature he originally was, his speed and agility would have been negatively affected, allowing a small lifeform like the humans to exploit this discrepancy accordingly. Turning into this half-human and half-dragon form kept him perfectly suited for combat.

The tears in the corners of Flame Soul’s eyes had turned into fresh blood, spreading veins of crimson across his black eyes. He let out a ferocious roar and opened his arms. His muscles bulged as he swooped toward Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha, displaying the immense power of a Demonic Dragon!

“Since the two of you are so keen to die, then I shall quickly send the both of you on your way! After all, my master is still waiting for me, and I’ll be by his side soon to conquer the world. When that time comes, humanity as a race would all be sent along right after you!” Flame Soul rasped hoarsely. His tongue was now very long, like that of a venomous snake. Half his tongue would flick out whenever he spoke, but his voice could still be clearly made out.

Xia Fan was startled. Master? Flame Soul only had one master, and that was the Scarlet Blaze Demon King, Stanley. Could Stanley be here in the Demon Palace right now?

However, Stanley had not appeared in front of Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha, so he must have gone off to deal with General Dresden and the others!

As for conquering the world, that must be the signal for another war between humans and demons. Xia Fan’s instructor Tulan had said that the Demons from the Lower Realm had recently become active. The slumbering Demon Kings and their Demonic Dragon mounts awakening was no doubt the prelude to the war.

A mutual massacre had been going on in the Lower Realm for a very long time, so unless the humans vanquished the Demons, or if the Demons vanquished the humans, the massacre would only continue with no end in sight!


Just in that moment when Xia Fan’s mind wandered off, Flame Soul’s body began to burn incessantly. An unimaginably hot flame surrounded him, turning him into a miniature sun capable of melting steel beams!

It was as if the air itself was burning, the sharply increasing temperature hurting the skin. Even their vision began to distort!


At Traveling Buddha’s exhortation, Xia Fan and TB dashed forward, one after the other. A golden light surged wildly as it mingled with the burning fire that wreathed Flame Soul’s body, turning the underground Demon Palace into a strange world.


Flame Soul waved his arms wildly, an inferno shooting forth like a volcanic eruption.


Traveling Buddha matched it with a hardened fist of his own. Golden light akin to the light of annihilation pierced through the flaming cyclone at an even greater speed.

In the first round before Xia Fan even joined the fight, Traveling Buddha and Flame Soul had already created a devastating level of lethality. The walls around them were already collapsing one by one. The altar had come crashing down. The metal chambers were sent flying like bombs by the shockwave.

In conclusion, Flame Soul was very powerful, but Traveling Buddha was unscathed, relying on his Golden Light. If the battle were to carry on at the current tempo, his Golden Light might be able to protect him for a while, but there was no way it could protect him forever. Battle Buddha’s Golden Light would also shatter if it came under attack from the even stronger Flame Soul.

Still, Flame Soul had already lost his calm at this point. The pain of losing his son made him reckless, and after the first exchange of blows ended and Traveling Buddha fell to the ground, Flame Soul let out a wild roar. Along with that roar came an ultimate burst of Demonic Energy.

His burning aura of flames was now covered with a thick layer of blackness. If Flame Soul had unleashed intense flames just before, then now what was burning was hellfire! Black Demonic Energy, gifted from the King of Demonic Kings, Harry Kane. He had once by virtue of this unique power defeated many traditional demons that were much stronger than him. Even Season Winds, Blackfeather, and Purgatory Guards, all legendary powerhouses, had died by Harry Kane’s blade.

Presently, Harry Kane, the King of Demon Kings, had lent his amazing Dark Demonic Energy to his followers and underlings. When the son of Flame Soul exploded with Dark Demonic Energy, nearly wiping out Concealed Demon City’s three heroes, there was no need to mention what would happen now that they were now facing against Flame Soul himself, a powerful adult dragon who was the mount of Scarlet Blaze Demon King Stanley!

The devastating power Flame Soul could create was definitely wild beyond imagination. Dark Demonic Energy not only made his energy skyrocket, even his muscles and scales became indestructible.

“Honor my poor son with your lives!” Flame Soul bellowed out in a heartbreaking howl.

He was raising his energy output recklessly. The air itself had already been lit aflame to an unbearable degree. While Traveling Buddha was battling Flame Soul, the golden light around his body was constantly and clearly peeling off. That rapid expenditure of defense would surely not have occurred if this fight had happened in Ashen Moon, but this was the Lower Realm. It was the place where the most powerful humans and demons congregated.

The only thing impossible was impossibility itself!

Suddenly, Flame Soul’s pupils contracted abruptly. He saw another figure leap into the air and unleashed an attack directly at his own soul. The power reverberated in his mind, like a pack of wolves, tearing at his mind and reason.

It was Xia Fei!

That figure that reared like a dragon was none other than Xia Fan after he had activated Beast King’s Orders! josei

Xia Fan was very clever. He knew that given the crazy power Flame Soul possessed, he might not emerge triumphant, even after combining his power with Traveling Buddha’s. But Xia Fan had learned plenty in his life, a true jack of all trades. Out of the myriad of skills and techniques, there was bound to be a method that would allow him to target the Achilles’ heel of the enemy.

The Beast King’s Orders! What had started the Ten Thousand Beast Kings’ era of dominance!

In the time when Traveling Buddha was acting as the primary attacker, Xia Fan had managed to gather his energy. In Flame Soul’s eyes, Xia Fan had grown a pair of wings similar to his and a golden horn on top of his head. He was giving off a majesty and arrogance from his eyes that was very similar to what dragons gave off.

“You… So it was you!!!”

Flame Soul let loose a desperate roar, his eyes turning blood red. He could imagine how Xia Fan had attracted that silly son of his after activating his Beast King Orders by fooling him into believing it was a fellow dragon manifesting a display of strength against him. It was only after his son had arrived at the location that he had discovered that this dragon that had let loose his Draconic Prestige was actually just a human!

But by then, it was all too late. The humans had surrounded that foolish son of his and utterly torn into him.

He was a human, but he was actually mimicking the distinguished Dragons!

This was a huge affront!

What made it even more detestable was that this human who imitated a dragon had even killed Flame Soul’s son. This was a hatred so deep that the rage he felt would never subside, even if he tore Xia Fan into shreds!

Though dragons did not admit that they were beasts, they were still ultimately considered the Kings of all Beasts, standing atop the food chain of beasts. For a human to reach the same heights was most definitely something that could not happen!

“I WILL KILL YOU!” Flame Soul thundered. Since Xia Fan had used his mental energy to invade his mind, he would just burn his own dragon lifeforce in retaliation to this invasion!

In that moment, the black glow became even more voluminous. It felt like Flame Soul could not withstand the suppression from Xia Fan’s Beast King Orders; his scales began to glow and burn up, while a similarly powerful mental energy sought to devour Xia Fan’s soul!.

Xia Fan suddenly opened his eyes. At this very moment, his pupils were no longer black, but an incandescent gold! His Law of Gold was activated!

Golden light flooded Xia Fan’s eyes and began to spread. First was his eyes, then his cheeks, teeth, before it finally enveloped every hair of his body.

The Law of Gold was a Law Power that had no combat capabilities on its own. Its biggest function was strengthening, allowing the Beast King Orders to become even stronger, and at the same time it heightened Xia Fan’s five senses, making him even more focused and aware.

The circumstances were truly amazing . Not only were Xia Fan and Traveling Buddha brothers, it turned out that Xia Fan could also turn his body into gold, like three suns coexisting in the sky. There were now two glaring golden suns and one red evil sun that was periodically radiating darkness.

The two golden suns were giving it their all to contend against the evil sun and its Demonic Energy. But the stalemate between the sides was destroyed in a matter of seconds.

Never in Flame Soul’s wildest dreams could he imagine that Xia Fan would have reached the level he possessed, and was able to unleash a third type of power!



The Skywing Clan were well known across the Great Chiliocosm for their speed!

Though Xia Fan’s speed was not particularly outstanding among the Skywings, he had the fearsome additive effect, one plus one, and another! In the end, he had a completely golden body that was exuding the aura of a dragon, with a speed surpassing 30,000 meters per second, dashing at such speeds that he conjured up a deadly rush of air!


With dragon blood injected into his body, his speed would increase once more, a speed that was nearly 50,000 meters per second!

His seventh brain region was burning, as the Law of Gold and his Beast King Orders completely exploded!

Traveling Buddha was manic, letting out a bestial roar. He also began burning his seventh brain region, pushing his Battle Buddha to its limit!

This was the legendary golden duo, being pushed to their extreme limits!

They were as frightening as death gods, glowing golden!

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