Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1001 - Hosu enraged!

Chapter 1001 - Hosu enraged!

Chapter 1001: Hosu enraged!

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

The battle reaches its peak when experts gather!

This battle had gathered all the presently active Founder-tier experts in the universe! Aside from Yore and Lingua, two Founders who had shut themselves off from worldly affairs and gone into seclusion, everyone else was here!

It would not be an exaggeration to say that this battle today would decide the fate of the entire universe!

All these twists and turns occurred just as Xia Gucheng and his comrades had caught a glimmer of victory going up against the Temple of Many Gods, and then the three Founders from the Dark lifeforms descended with their elite warriors!

Interestingly enough, the reasons why the Dark King Wendar was so eager to act had all been because of Xia Fei!

Earlier, Xia Fei had run into the Dark lifeform territory and caused mayhem, killing and injuring countless Dark lifeforms. There was great unrest among their populace. Even Wendar’s own daughter, Wenia, was severely injured by Xia Fei.

How could the arrogant Dark King Wendar stomach such a disgrace?!

He had immediately led his armada from the Dark Space and made a beeline for the Law Realm. It was upon his entry into the Law Realm that Wendar grew even more angry, because he discovered that Xia Fei had even destroyed the critical Tigerkill Pass!

These numerous events were all Xia Fei’s fault, and Wendar hated Xia Fei to his core!

After contacting Constant, Wendar wanted the culprit handed over in a short time, which happened to have been around the same time as Xia Gucheng’s departure from the Law Realm. As Constant was already planning to deal with the Skywings, he readily agreed.

That was how Xia Fei was dragged out from his spatial channel by Laughter, and the two Founders had subsequently clashed with him, with one losing his life and the other getting gravely wounded in the process, while Xia Fei had been forced to use his Tree of Life.

After Wendar saw that Constant was still unable to hand him over was when he decided to lead his armada to the Temple of Many Gods, ready to seek redress from Constant, but he just so happened to run into this battle between Xia Gucheng and Constant.

This series of coincidences had caused this amazing occasion where all these various Law Gods were all gathered!


The Dark lifeform armada and the four Founder experts with Constant leading the charge gave off an oppressive aura! They were headed straight for Xia Gucheng and the others.

That was when something unexpected happened!

Two beams of light flashed past, and two additional strangers appeared from out of nowhere on Xia Gucheng’s sides!

He was short in stature, and his beard grew past his knees. He was none other than the oldest of the thirteen Founders, Yore! It was said that before Yore had his seventh brain region opened, he was already at an advanced age, and could be considered ancient for having lived until today. Even if someone were to compare him against the entire universe, Yore might very well be the oldest being still alive!

With triangular eyes, a wide mouth and a square nose, the other was the most talkative Founder, Lingua. Even if it was a simple matter, as long as Lingua was asked to speak on it, he was more than capable of talking for three days and three nights straight! This was how he had gotten his name, Lingua!

Unfortunately, the falling out of the Temple of Many Gods years ago had disheartened these two greatly. In a fit of anger, the two had decided to seclude themselves, refusing to involve themselves with the matters of the universe at large. Their seclusion had lasted tens of thousands of years.

But today, these two experts that had not stepped a foot out in the larger world since times of old had suddenly appeared! Furthermore, they were standing on the side that was going against the Temple of Many Gods, with Xia Gucheng taking the lead. This was no doubt a very shocking sight!

“Lingua! Yore! Why have the two of you come here?” Old Crane asked in surprise. After all, the three Founders had gone to look for the two before this assault on the temple, doing their best to convince them to join the fight. However, the two had refused to lend a hand. Yet right at this critical juncture, Yore and Lingua had both had a sudden change of heart, coming as a big shock to Old Crane and the others.

The two newcomers did not give an answer, and merely gave light nods to Xia Gucheng and Old Crane.


With one arm raised, Lingua pointed right at Constant, “Years back, we were comrades who banded together to carve out our world, yet you actually made moves on Solo behind everyone’s back?! Had it not been for the universe-wide broadcast today, we’d still have been kept in the dark about this! Constant, that was very heartless of you!”

Crane’s mouth was gaping. Lingua, who had not said a word for tens of thousands of years, actually spoke! Had he not witnessed this with his own eyes, Crane would definitely have thought he was dreaming!

Constant came to a halt and his eyebrows were knitted together. He asked curiously, “How did you learn of this?”

“It was not just us! Right now, the entire universe knows about your collusion with the Dark lifeforms and the Inverse, and how you control the Law Realm! I’ve listened intently to every sentence and word you’ve said, and saw it clearly with my two eyes!

“Look at yourself! Just who are you standing together with?! Forget your collaboration with the Dark lifeforms, but you’d actually raise a hand and kill your own comrades! For that, I must settle this score with you today!

“Solo was the most righteous one out of us all! We respected him deeply, yet you killed him just because he could threaten your position due to his high cultivation! That is an unforgivable sin! No matter how tight we were in the past, from here on out, we are no longer comrades, but enemies! …” josei

Lingua lived up to his name as the most talkative Founder. Enduring his many years of silence must have been hard on him, so much so that the moment he spoke, he did not stop. What had once been a tense atmosphere turned lax all due to the incessant nagging from Lingua…

From how they first met, to how they joined hands to establish the Law Realm, Lingua’s words were ceaseless, and even the old comrades behind him like Crane and Yore were secretly complaining about this unending tirade. But seeing how Lingua had now taken a stand after all these years gladdened everyone more.

“Live broadcast?! What do you mean by live broadcast?!” Constant asked, clueless.

That was when a voice could be heard, coming from afar.

“What he meant by live broadcast was none other than yours truly, standing by the sidelines, transmitting the matter of how you’ve colluded with the Dark lifeforms and the Inverse out to everyone. The conversation you shared with those Dark lifeforms was illuminating; I believe the entire Law Realm is now in an uproar over it. Countless people out there are now thinking about you, the greatest Founder that holds the highest seat in the Law Realm!”

This statement was of course said with biting sarcasm. What he meant by ‘thinking’ was of course referring to everyone settling their past grievances with Constant. These past years, in order to provide the souls demanded by the Inverse, Constant had plotted and taken out plenty of experts from the Law Realm, instigated war between the peak races time and time again, along with the numerous cases of experts that had gone missing. Constant had his hand in all these things!

Practically every clan had members that had lost their lives due to the war, and now, with the truth finally out, the entire Law Realm were keen to settle this debt with Constant!

“Who are you?!” Constant bellowed angrily toward the sky.

“Yours truly!”


Everyone saw a single meteor trail streak through the sky, and Xia Fei appeared in front of everyone with a perfect landing!


The Grand Ancestor was laughing boisterously when he saw it was Xia Fei, barking loudly in his glee, “See that?! That’s the demeanor of our Skywing’s Lone Wolf! Constant! Xia Fei has already recorded what you said just now, and subsequently broadcast it across the universe! You’ve already become the public enemy of the entire Law Realm! Just sit tight and await your demise!”

Xia Fei smiled, the corner of his mouth curling up at an angle to form a sneer.

Indeed! After Xia Fei had learned that his Grand Ancestor Xia Gucheng had barged into the Temple of the Many Gods in a fit of rage, he did not recklessly dash out to join the fight, but instead hid at the periphery of the battlefield, publicly transmitting everything that had just happened, as well as the irrefutable evidence of the collusion between Constant and the Inverse, all across the universe in every direction!

The entire Law Realm was now aware of each and every word Constant had uttered. No matter how crafty he was, there was no way for him to defend himself now!

This was Xia Fei’s strategy!

From the past until now, Xia Fei had not been the sort who would win purely in terms of his combat strength. While Xia Fei could be ferocious and crazed when he was putting his life on the line, it was his schemes and stratagems that caused even greater frustrations to his enemies!

This time, Xia Fei had merely employed a little trick, and had caused the entire Law Realm to stand against Constant! There was no way for him to come back from this now!

A very ugly expression appeared on Constant’s face. The three Founders behind him looked to be even more distraught than him, like they were verging on mental collapse!

The reason why they had assisted Constant time and again was all because they did not wish the Law Realm to learn of the deals that they had made in the past. Unfortunately, all of them had forgotten one simple fact: It was only a matter of time before shoes would get wet if one were to walk along the river often!

Xia Fei had given them all a tight slap from behind, and practically sent all these Founders tumbling into the crashing waves!

In the distance, the Dark King Wendar furrowed his brow. Though he really enjoyed seeing Constant being defeated and felt a great sense of achievement, he was also well aware that there would not be any benefit to him and the Dark lifeforms if Constant were to truly fall.

After all, the strength of the Law Realm was ultimately greater than that of the Dark lifeforms, but the fighting between the two races had decreased the strength of the Law Realm greatly. If the God and Demon Races were to really work together and present a united front to deal with the Dark lifeforms, he was certain it would not be at all positive for him and his people.

Behind Wendar was Lady Wenpixa, who was also his elder sister, someone who had always been hiding behind Wendar, guiding the Dark lifeforms. At the moment, Wenpixa was speaking with another unknown elder whose face was covered tightly under a black gauze, making it impossible for anyone to see his true face.

“The Law Realm is over. Constant can’t handle the situation any longer, let’s leave,” Wenpixa bent and whispered into Wendar’s ear.

Stunned, anger appeared in Wendar’s eyes as he clenched his fists tightly.

“We can’t! While we have the numerical advantage, we must reduce the threat the Law Realm poses to us Dark Lifeforms to its minimum! Right now, with all the Founders of the Law Realm gathered here, is an opportunity for us!” Wendar hissed back.

Wenpixa seemed to disagree with Wendar’s plan, and just as she was about to say something, Wendar’s impatient personality reared its ugly head and he directed the Dark Armada to attack!

“Let’s eliminate all the elites of the Law Realm while we have the chance!” Wendar bellowed.


The elites of the Dark lifeforms that he had brought out numbered beyond a million! The sound of them mobilizing could make the entire galaxy tremble!

“Constant! Kill all these people with me! They will kill you tomorrow if you don’t kill them today!” Wendar shouted at Constant.

Constant jolted back to reality. Wendar’s words had struck a nerve, making it sound like Constant was a coward that was most afraid of people taking their revenge on him. Now that his evil deeds had been exposed, Constant had also lost his greatest insurance against that!

Gritting his teeth, Constant joined in on the assault with Wendar, while the other three Founders begrudgingly followed suit as well. With how the chips have fallen, they had just one choice left: kill off all the Founders in the Law Realm and join the Dark Lifeforms! That would be their only chance of survival!

The stronger the person, the greater their desire to survive. In order to do so, the seven Founders had no qualms betraying the Law Realm, and today, they were even willing to send the Law Realm that they had established to the gallows!

Wenpixa shook her head and watched as her husband and brother charged toward Xia Fei, visibly displeased with Wendar’s actions. Turning around, she looked questioningly at the black-robed elder.

This elder was unmoved, staring deep out into space as he softly said, “I can’t help you guys this time, because my nemesis has come!”

Saying this, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Xia Fei. The Soul Hunter, Hosu!

He had a nimble figure, but the aura he was exuding suppressed everything!

He lived up to his name as a Great Soul Hunter from beyond the Cosmic Gate. The moment Hosu appeared, the Dark Lifeform elite force, named the Million Lions, instantly froze up!

None of them had seen such an overwhelmingly powerful aura before! They knew it came from a being that was several times more powerful than them!

Xia Fei was surprised, and a grim expression appeared on his face.

Though Hosu had arrived, it was very apparent that his concentration was completely devoted to that elderly stranger in front of him!

The usually calm and collected Hosu was looking at him with bloodshot eyes right now!

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