Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1036 - Eradication

Chapter 1036 - Eradication

Chapter 1036: Eradication

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

“Someone is killing his way onto our property!” The guard hurriedly knelt and gave this report.

“WHO?!” the startled Tai Ning screeched. “WHO WOULD BE SO BOLD TO ATTACK US, THE TAI FAMILY?!”

That guard turned pale, and he awkwardly answered, “It… It’s our own men who are fighting one another…”


Far away, on a mountain top.

Xia Fei, who had Enya on his shoulder, enjoyed the sight of Tai Estate residents turning on one another.

Xia Fei had not really killed his way into the villa; rather, it was those Tai family guards and servants who were fighting with one another. However, this was no fight; it was a full-on bloodbath!

Radix laughed uproariously. “Xia Fei, you’re vicious alright! Actually using the Soul Liberation Art, you’re practically getting people killed via subtle means.”

Xia Fei smiled. “Since I obtained soul power, it’s only natural for me to put it to good use. Right now, my body has yet to recover fully, making it inadvisable for me to fight head on. Besides, who knows if there’s any hidden expert in the Tai family?”

When Xia Fei killed his way out of the Inverse’s encirclement, not only did he slay the Golden Eyes, he also collected plenty of souls from them. Using this Soul Liberation Art, he tapped into a small portion of that collection and caused this havoc in the Tai family.

Soul Liberation Art could be considered an improvement of Soul Shade. Xia Fei had learned this new combat technique from the Feather Spirit Codex; using it could cause souls to possess targets. Simply put, those warriors who were currently killing their comrades did so entirely unwillingly and because they were under the control of external souls.

With Xia Fei’s present cultivation, he could unleash and control a total of ten souls, but these ten souls were formidable. The moment a controlled warrior killed one of their own, the hatred and grudge they got from the act would have them get treated as an enemy, even after the soul departed and the warrior themselves regained consciousness as well as control of their body.

The most important aspect of the technique was the fear induced! The people of the Tai family were in a state of disarray. Anyone could get stabbed by one of their own any time, and that created an atmosphere of distrust among these people and made it impossible for them to trust one another. After all, everyone felt like they were at risk.

Xia Fei controlled the rearguards of the Tai family to keep charging forward, carving a path of blood and bodies. The moment someone got injured, Xia Fei would switch to control someone else, and in the span of several minutes, the manor of the Tai family was set ablaze, with corpses strewn all over the ground.


There was a deafening bellow as someone came killing out from the inferno. He was moving quickly, he aimed his palm at a warrior’s chest and dealt a forceful blow, blasting out the Inverse soul!

No, there were two souls!

Even the possessed warrior’s soul was ejected out; the two souls swiftly disappeared after they left the body.

“That’s quite a decent soul attack! This person is a decent Soul Eater,” said Radix after a pause.

Soul Hunters and Soul Eaters were both soul warriors, but the latter had always held the higher status compared to the former. After all, Soul Hunters could only capture souls, while Soul Eaters could cut down souls! The difficulty was much greater, and the method was a lot more vicious, too.

To think that the Tai family had a Soul Eater hidden in their midst. This was something neither Xia Fei nor Radix had expected!

“It’s a good thing that you didn’t mount a direct assault onto Tai family grounds. If you were to run into this Soul Eater, I’m afraid you’d be in for a tough fight,” said Radix with a wrinkled forehead.

Xia Fei silently set down Enya on the ground and lightly ruffled her hair. “Wait here for me. I’ll be right back.”

Enya anxiously nodded. She had personally witnessed Xia Fei send the Tai family into turmoil, so the admiration she had for him had reached its peak.


Xia Fei used Breath Control and sneaked in with the night as cover, promptly moving to get near that Soul Eater.

Radix was shocked. “Xia Fei, what are you doing?! You’ve already achieved your goal. After this mess you created in the Tai family, they’d probably be unable to take it easy over the next few years. Why take further risks?” josei

Radix originally thought that Xia Fei would not dirty his hands, which was why he had decided to throw the Tai family into disarray using the Soul Liberation Art. Unexpectedly, Xia Fei had done this so that he could locate the powers hidden within and so that he could slay them!

“When weeding, it’s a must to eliminate even roots,” Xia Fei answered simply and with firmness.

Xia Fei quietly released the Inverse souls one by one, which very quickly dominated the body of the stronger warriors, before sending them pouncing onto that Soul Eater!

Ten warriors leaped up high and pounced from the air.

That Soul Eater hollered, “Are you seeking death by showing such a trivial trick in front of yours truly?! The one hiding in the dark, come out and show yourself if you’ve got the guts!”

Just as he said this, a gust blew!

Xia Fei saw this Soul Eater thrust his two palms in two different directions!


Soul Extinguishing Light appeared, and with the Soul Eater as the epicenter, it quickly swept a radius around him like an explosion!

This was the standard area attack of a Soul Eater. In order to slay the ten puppets Xia Fei was controlling, the enemy had no qualms with harming even the innocent!

“Right now!”


Xia Fei suddenly came hurtling out from the darkness with his speed that clocked eight million meters per second! First was that Soul Extinguishing Light, which cleared an area around the man; next was that subsequent, earth-rumbling cry from the White Dragon’s Screech!

A white glow came cleaving like a blade made of wind, cutting a path across the light that the Soul Eater had sent forth!

What a full-powered attack of the White Dragon’s Screech; it was actually capable of cleaving the very light itself!

Radix gritted his teeth as he controlled the fiendish blade Nirvana to slip into the created gap and swung down on the Soul Eater’s head!


This level 1 Soul Eater was chopped off into half without making a sound, turning into dust!

It was an attack that could leave anyone watching absolutely flabbergasted and dazed! From the moment Xia Fei struck and departed, it was just the time it took for someone to blink an eye. The ground was littered with dozens of corpses, but the only one missing was that mysterious Soul Eater. This was because his body had already disintegrated, his soul devoured completely by the fiendish blade Nirvana!

In a fight between experts, timing was crucial. Xia Fei, whose ability to judge the state of a battle had reached a frightening degree, had long grasped the opportunity!

Perhaps this Soul Eater was very powerful, but Xia Fei’s combat experience was greater! Killing his way through to where he was, the number of aggrieved souls that had died at Xia Fei’s hands were uncountable, a mountainous pile of bones from which the Xia Fei of today was forged!

“That was close!” Radix heaved a sigh of relief. When Xia Fei threw him out, Radix had his doubts. After all, he was headed into the Soul Extinguishing Light of a Soul Eater, the nemesis of any soul! If he had touched the light at any point, even if Radix survived, he would have been heavily injured at least!

However, the White Dragon’s Screech happened to have cleaved out a path from the light, giving Xia Fei and Radix a chance to kill. With Radix’s cultivation, he was of course not about to screw up.

*Whoosh whoosh whoosh*

Xia Fei flicked his wrist and released ten more Inverse souls, sending them to possess and attack freely.

Now that the Tai family’s manor no longer had any experts to stop Xia Fei’s Soul Arts, it was instantly transformed into hell on earth!


Several minutes later, Xia Fei, Enya, Old Wang, Xiang Beiyang, and the twelve guards whom Xiang Beiyang had called over actually appeared before the Tang Estate, the entrance to Tang Wannian’s home, carrying that burned wreck of his hovercar.

This was by Xia Fei’s arrangement as well, getting Xiang Beiyang to meet him here.

“Brother Xia, since Tai Ning has secretly tried to assassinate us, then we should head over to Tai Estate. Why did we run all the way to Old Tang’s residence, instead?” Xiang Beiyang wondered curiously.

After escaping from the jaws of death, the usually unctuous Xiang Beiyang had really been angered this time. He truly wanted to barge into the Tai Estate and settle this score with Tai Ning. In his climb from the lowest rung of society to where he was now, Xiang Beiyang had obviously taken quite a few lives; it was just that as his status rose, he no longer felt too willing to use such barbaric ways. After all, any businessman was well aware of the concept, ‘Peace brought fortune.’

After the scare, Xiang Beiyang quickly added two and two together, and deduced that Tai Ning must have wanted to deal with Xia Fei. He was incensed over the fact that Tai Ning implicated him in his attempt for Xia Fei’s life, and had Xia Fei not acted, he would have probably been sent to his grave there.

Settling the score with Tai Ning was already the limit for Xiang Beiyang, while old Tang Wannian was still someone Xiang Beiyang was afraid of provoking. That was why his self-confidence was beginning to wane when Xia Fei called him over to Tang Residence.

“What else do you think we’re doing? We’re of course getting Tang Wannian to settle the score,” Xia Fei casually answered.

Everyone was startled when they heard this, completely lost as to just what Xia Fei had in mind.

Xia Fei lowered his head to whisper a few words to Enya, who nodded her head silently.

“Let’s begin. You need to trust me,” emphasized Xia Fei.

How could Enya not trust Xia Fei by this point? Everyone saw as the girl went knocking on the gigantic gate of the Tang Residence, pushing the metal gate with force!


The metal gate that weighed a thousand tonnes collapsed just like that. Wordlessly, Xia Fei and Enya stepped into the yard with stern expressions.

Xiang Beiyang was scared to death by this point. His two hands clutched his head as he asked in his terror, “Xia Fei, have you gone insane?! This is the Tang Residence!”

Turning around to flash a smile, Xia Fei softly replied, “Yes, this is the Tang Residence!”

Ignoring Xiang Beiyang and those guards of his that were at a complete loss over what they should do, Xia Fei and Enya continued their way into the place!

“Who are you people! What are you trying to do?!”

The reaction from the Tang Family was swift; in the span of several seconds, over a dozen guards had been gathered, each of them eyeing Xia Fei and Enya, shouting at them.

“Can’t you see? Yours truly is here today to eradicate the family!” shouted Xia Fei angrily as he stared fixedly at the speaking guard.

Eradicate the family?

Eradicate Tang Wannian’s family?

These warriors of the Tang Family were instantly stunned. Here on Red Dwarf Star, no one would dare make such a claim, yet Xia Fei and a little girl would actually dare be so bold as to claim they intend to eradicate Tang Wannian’s family?! How audacious was he?!

“Get Tang Wannian out here for me!” Standing there on the courtyard, Xia Fei bellowed out loud, so that everyone in the residence could hear him clearly.

Perhaps it was because of Xia Fei’s aura that gave them pause, but none of these guards actually dared to approach and act. Here on Red Dwarf Star, Tang Wannian was like a god, but Xia Fei had actually been so brazen as to call out his name. These guards were all beside themselves with shock, no one having any idea just what sort of background did Xia Fei have.

“Brother Xia, why have you come?” Tang Wannian was wearing his pajamas and had been sound asleep, before he was hurriedly brought out to the courtyard by several guards. Xia Fei’s late night barging onto his property had puzzled Tang Wannian greatly.

Xia Fei smiled as he said, “Boss Tang, I reckon you must have not expected to find me still alive, have you?”

Hidden meaning inside words? Tang Wannian, who could naturally read between the lines, was at first startled and then asked, “Brother, please don’t scare this old man like this. Just what exactly is going on?”

Xia Fei refused to answer, merely pointing to the burned wreck of a hovercar. Tang Wannian panicked as he went over to look, breaking out in a cold sweat as he did. Even a fool could tell that this car had been ambushed by someone, and a good half of the vehicle had been torn apart!

Tang Wannian asked Xiang Beiyang for details, who proceeded to recount how they had been attacked by Tai Ning’s men.

Tang Wannian had just cursed Tai Ning for his inhumane methods after hearing the story when Xia Fei very ambiguously called from afar, “Boss Tang, I heard that Tai Ning is under your wing.”

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