Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1059 - Abduction, lying, stealing?

Chapter 1059 - Abduction, lying, stealing?

Chapter 1059: Abduction, lying, stealing?


Translator: Exodus TalesEditor: Exodus Tales

A Spiritualist of Healing, who had activated his second Soul Mark in just seven days, was selected by the Soul Battle Simulation company. These things floated around Old Fuchen’s head for quite some time, and the more he thought about it, the happier he became.

Very soon, several hours had passed. Xia Fei, who had slept well, felt this indescribable comfort when he woke up.

Slightly startled, he found Radix sitting beside him with both a thrilled and an indecipherable expression.

“Radix, what’s going on with you?” asked Xia Fei curiously.

“Tm happy! Elated even!” exclaimed Radix. “The Aurora Clan finally has its very own Spiritualist—an Orthodox Spiritualist at that! When you reach the clan, it’ll be a great boon to everyone there, for the clan will no longer need to pay court to Spiritualists anymore.

“On top of that, you managed to obtain your second Soul Mark in a matter of days! We’re sure to avenge the young master at this rate, and those abominable Inverse will surely be wiped out from the face of the universe, too!”

Radix flailed his fists wildly in his excitement, almost nearly bursting into tears from the overwhelming emotions.

Xia Fei shrugged and stated matter of factly, “Honestly, I’m not really keen on returning to the clan. Though I have their blood running through my veins, that’s a clan I’ve not seen even once before. To me, I’m still an Earthling.

“Besides, my grandfather was exiled by the Aurora Clan; it’ll be great if they acknowledge me upon my return, but I won’t beat myself up if they don’t. I think that it’s best if we forget about this matter for now. I’ll use the time that the Law Realm is still safe to improve myself. Be it the siege of the Inverse

or that mysterious woman, I may not lose to either if I’m given enough time.”

“It’s better to ask of oneself than ask of others; no matter how powerful the Aurora Clan may be, that’s really none of my business.”

Xia Fei had always been an independent person, and he was nowhere as naive as Radix. If the Auroreans really did have the guts, they would not have exiled his grandfather all those years back, and so Xia Fei was a little leery toward Radix’s suggestion.

However, who knew that Radix would begin to cry, sputtering semi-belligerently in front of Xia Fei about how the Aurora Clan had only done so after being left with no choice but to eject his grandfather, resulting in the endless trouble that Xia Fei experienced.

This was when he heard Fuchen’s voice coming from outside. He was an Orthodox Spiritualist, so the conversation between the two had of course not escaped his ears.

“Radix’s right. I think that you should pay your clan a visit. Go as your true identity and forget about getting back to the clan for now. If their attitude is satisfactory, it won’t be a bad thing for you to acknowledge the blood relation. That way, you can resolve the Inverse’s encirclement easily.”

Xia Fei was surprised. Even ignoring all the other points, just being able to get rid of the looming threat of the Inverse was a huge temptation to him. He would be lying if he said that he did not miss Avril, his other Earthling friends and the Skywing Clan. Truth was, Xia Fei wished that he could just meet

Avril right away.

Fuchen was not in the least bit courteous, either, promptly opening the door and letting himself into Xia Fei’s room, taking a seat in a corner.

Xia Fei chuckled helplessly. “Your suggestion is really tempting, but you should know, too, that there’s that enemy who won’t ever let me off. The moment I show my face, I’ll simply be jumping out of the frying pan and straight into the fire.”

Fuchen did not seem to be bothered by it. “So what are you going to do? Hide from that woman your whole life?”

“Of course not,” Xia Fei retorted grimly. “I can hide for now, but I can’t hide forever. There’ll come a day when I come knocking on her door to seek redress.”

Xia Fei was serious about this. Though he did not believe in curses, there were simply too many strange occurrences and people in this world. There was no telling if his enemy had a method that could harm him and Avril.

It was fine if only he suffered from misfortune and was harmed, but there was no way he could bear it if Avril got implicated, too. This was why, no matter what, that mysterious woman must die. It was just that Xia Fei lacked the ability to vanquish her right now.

Fuchen laughed. “Who knows how many years that will take? Tell you what, I have a solution right here, which will guarantee that you can sit back and relax.”

Xia Fei was taken aback, and he hurriedly asked, “What solution?”

Fuchen calmly stated, “The solution’s very simple: As an Orthodox Spiritualist of Healing, you’re certainly able to make plenty of soul weapons that have soothing and healing properties. Right now, the number of Spiritualists in the universe is on the decline; even I here can’t produce healing-type soul


“Honestly speaking, I came across your enemy in the past, so this old man will deign to help you deal with her. As for the price… out of all the soul weapons you will produce in the future, I ask for 30% of them.”

Xia Fei wrinkled his brows. That percentage meant that, for every ten soul weapons he made, Fuchen would take three. It was not exactly a heavy price to pay if that was all it would take to alleviate the siege on the Law Realm.

“Deal,” Xia Fei agreed readily.

Fuchen appeared to be extremely delighted. Smiling, he took out a metal manual from his spatial ring and handed it over to Xia Fei.

“What is this?” asked Xia Fei curiously.

“Oh. These are just some foundational arts for us Orthodox Spiritualists. Learn them properly, and in the future, if you are unable to produce high-grade soul weapons, then this elder will just take it as my loss. Anyway, starting today, don’t participate in any virtual soul battles; just focus on studying

these foundational arts, and you can still cultivate your body. If you feel the need to try it out for real, head over to the training center, instead.

“At the end of the day, The Mammoth is a public arena; you’ve already caused quite the commotion, so it’s best to let your ‘Xiao Fei’ pseudonym disappear for several months at least.”

Xia Fei pursed his lips. There was no free lunch in this universe, and talking business with Fuchen was not the issue but rather that he had to be subjected to all sorts of restrictions.

Out of nowhere, the name Xiao Fei had suddenly disappeared in the public’s eye, such that people had a hard time adjusting to this. In the blink of an eye, three months had passed, and The Mammoth had arrived at the border of the Tarot Galaxy. Two days from this moment, the long voyage of Xia Fei

and Fuchen would officially come to an end.

In these three months, Xia Fei had spent most of his time studying. Though he had not risen in level, he did manage to learn plenty of Spiritualist techniques; more importantly, Xia Fei’s body had not only fully recovered but had even managed to become stronger than ever!

As always, Xia Fei came to the training center. Opening the door and stepping in, he would first check the screen. All he saw was a line of message that had been left for him: “You’re really amazing. You’ve nearly perfected your movement technique in these three months, to score 97 points! There’s also

your neural reaction speed; it’s so fast it’s impossible to imagine. Still, I don’t understand why you’re only doing foundation training… Are you perhaps afraid of letting me know that your Soul Power is very weak?”

The tone was as cheeky as always, and there was even an image of a little duckling drawn, sticking a tongue out at Xia Fei.

This message was left by Zesyr Night. That girl had been coming to the training center every day to check on yesterday’s records, and as Xia Fei gradually recovered, she ended up getting shocked by the improvements. The pure-hearted girl that she was ended up leaving Xia Fei messages through the

system, and on the occasional days when Xia Fei did not train, the girl would ask about his physical wellness.

From time to time, Xia Fei would reply with statements like “I’m fine,

was busy yesterday, so I didn’t come,” and so on.

Xia Fei helplessly shrugged this time, muttering under his breath, “What do you mean that my Soul Power is weak? What I cultivate is Spirit Energy, alright?”

With a smirk, Xia Fei casually left his reply: “Soul Power? No idea.”

Leaving his hands off the screen, Xia Fei suddenly realized that there was a sparkling earring on the floor, most likely something Zesyr had forgotten behind.

Thinking for a moment, Xia Fei indifferently stored the earring in his spatial ring.

Early that morning, just as Xia Fei turned to leave, Zesyr Night arrived at the training center. The two happened to walk by each other this time when neither had run into each other even once in these three months.

Zesyr read the message left on the screen and checked to see if the earring she intentionally tossed on the ground yesterday was still around. She covered her mouth and snickered playfully.

“Well well well! Seventh Master Xiao, to think you’d steal someone’s belongings.” Zesyr’s cheeks blushed red as she thought.

How was she supposed to know that Seventh Master Xiao had been feeling depressed these whole three months and had not returned to the training center at all. He had still been obstinately attempting to master the one-armed Xiao Xing the entire time, and the one who had been replying to her

messages was Xia Fei.

Waiting outside, Sivatu could only sigh. Of course, he knew about the little show Zesyr had put on, but he showed no intention to stop it from happening; instead, he just looked at her with pity-filled eyes.

At around the same time, Xia Fei arrived at the dining hall and ordered a big table worth of delicacies for him to feast on with Old Fuchen. However, the amount of food they had before them today appeared to be even more abundant than usual; Fuchen even requested for more food to be taken away.

“We’ll be leaving soon,” said Fuchen as he munched on his food with gusto.

Xia Fei was slightly surprised, and then he asked, “We have yet to reach the Tarot Galaxy proper, though; aren’t we perhaps leaving a bit too soon?”

Fuchen thought nothing of Xia Fei’s query as he pointed to a piece of dark gray asteroid belt beyond, saying, “I happen to know of a nearby place that has a cornucopia of Spirit Energy, perfect for creating soul weapons. We’ll be heading there later, and all the takeouts will be in preparation for that journey

ahead of us. We won’t be able to have plenty of scrumptious gourmet food for quite some time once we disembark from The Mammoth.

“Besides, we have to leave even if we don’t want to. By the time we arrive at the final stop, and it’s time to settle the bill, are you sure that you can pay everything?”


Xia Fei nearly spat out his tea after hearing this!

At the end of the day, Fuchen was just trying to run away without footing the bill!

The term ‘sly old man’ suited Fuchen’s character perfectly. After eating and drinking freely for three months, the two would actually be stealing a life vessel and absconding!

No one stopped them along the way, for none of the ship’s crew had expected them to dine and dash. Not only did Fuchen know the life vessel’s debarkation code, he even had a ready route for them to take, which showed that this plan had long been cooked up.

The small life vessel gingerly landed on a green planet. From what Xia Fei could see from inside the life vessel, this planet was quite scenic.

Xia Fei took a deep breath of fresh air after he stepped out of the vessel and immediately felt energized.

“spirit Energy is in great abundance here! Just how did you find such a place?”

Fuchen was still holding that expression of disregard as he answered with a chuckle, “What’s so difficult about that? Many well-known Spiritualists will often search for such planets and then seal those away for later use. All one has to do is learn and steal the logbook that such people carry around all the

time, and they’ll be able to find places like this one.”


Xia Fei was abruptly rendered speechless. They had just dined and dashed, yet Fuchen was already planning to steal someone else’s Spirit Energy reservoir! How could anyone even find the right words to say anything upon hearing this?!

“People can discover us if we stay here for too long. What’re you standing around for? Hurry up and begin.” Fuchen looked at Xia Fei and urged him.

Xia Fei shrugged. “Though this place is good, I don’t have any suitable items that I can turn into soul weapons. I won’t be able to create anything even with all this Spirit Energy.”

Fuchen flashed him a mysterious smile. “Don’t forget that Soul Marks have a very powerful function, and that’s storing Spirit Energy! Who’s asking you to produce soul weapons here? Gather all this Spirit Energy first, and then we’ll head to the next location..”

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