Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1066 - An Array within an Array

Chapter 1066 - An Array within an Array

Chapter 1066: An Array within an Array

Translator: Exodus TalesEditor: Exodus Tales

After Xia Fei activated that soul array he had set up, a chilling wind spread in the surroundings, concentrating especially at where the array was, with the Aurora Clan’s external compound at its dead center. All of a sudden, spirits descended upon the place! josei

Little Schott was dumbfounded! He saw this inexplicable scene unfold, and he asked Xia Fei while shivering, “Y-You’re… a Spiritualist?!”

Xia Fei, who was lying on the bluestone, smiled. “Get some sleep. There’s bound to be a wonderful show to watch tomorrow.”

The soul vessels that he had used to set up this soul array were not particularly powerful, and of course Xia Fei did not intend to kill those moochers with it, so when the first ray of light shone early in the morning, Xia Fei quietly collected the vessels and stopped the array.

Little Schott followed Xia Fei as they walked toward the external compound; the eyes he used to look at Xia Fei were now filled with admiration. There was no doubt that Xia Fei was a Spiritualist, and in the Alpha Universe, a Spiritualist had the right to be arrogant! There was no need for reasons!

Little Schott reckoned that the reason why Xia Fei had little regard for others’ lives was the status he had. Unfortunately, this was where he was mistaken. Even when Xia Fei had not yet become a Spiritualist, he had already not cared for the lives of others, especially those whom he deemed as enemies.

‘When day broke, the roads outside the external compound became extremely lively. Many of those louts were lying on the pavements, looking very frightened. Some were even wailing as they hugged their heads; a few even vomited by the roadside, almost emptying the bile in their bodies.

These were actually not the worst case, for those who had truly been traumatized by what they had just experienced were still in their respective rooms, moaning in pain while they lay in bed.

Little Schott tightened his fists. Dealing with these leechers had always been something that he wanted to do but had been unable to act on. Xia Fei very easily used some soul vessels, which he gathered at the last minute, and made these louts suffer so much pain that they felt like dying. Little Schott

could not help but find this delightful.

“Hey, friend, whatever happened to everyone here?”Xia Fei feigned concern as he asked a man by the roadside, proceeding to help him up. Little Schott shook his head disapprovingly. The Spiritualist Xia Fei was different from what he had heard about Spiritualists. Not only was he ruthless with his

methods, he was also a great actor.

“There are ghosts! There were ghosts sighted in the compound early this morning!” That person showed a terrified look.

“That’s right! I saw them, too! When I went to the lavatory to take care of my business this morning, I felt a sudden chill, and then the sounds of wailing filled my ears! Following that, many white apparitions began floating around!” Another man, who had managed to recover a bit of his strength, chimed


Actually, all these had been their imagination. The soul array could harm a person’s soul, and soul was also their source of mental energy. The moment they lost mental energy, it was hard for them not to begin conjuring wild thoughts.

Very soon, news of ghosts appearing in the Aurora Clan’s external compound spread like wildfire. Humans were creatures that enjoyed engaging in the rumor mill. After several iterations of telling and retelling, the version of the story had become even more ridiculous.

These moochers were all off-worlders, so they did not dare to stay in the compound further after experiencing that this morning. It was just that they did not have any local relatives to speak of, so all they could do was temporarily gather on the streets, discussing what had happened while they wrestled

with their lingering fear.

“Little Schott, you’re here! There’s been a major incident in the external compound today!” Old Wistview saw Xia Fei and Little Schott, came over hurriedly, looking distressed, and related what he had learned about the incident to the two. Xia Fei acted extremely shocked, and Little Schott mimicked him.

Xia Fei observed Little Schott’s expression. Though his acting skills were nothing exceptional, he was totally committed to the job, making him think that the youth had quite a future ahead of him.

“Why are you two together?” asked Wistview curiously.

Little Schott had already prepared his answer with Xia Fei, stating that the two of them had woken up early today and coincidentally met each other while having breakfast outside. As Wistview was concerned over what had happened in the external compound, he did not probe further on this.

This was when a sonorous voice came from afar. “Old View, just what exactly happened here in the external compound?!”

Xia Fei turned around and saw an elder rushing over. He had a head of silver hair, and his benevolent eyes looked quite similar in features to him.

Xia Fei, of course, did not show any expression on his face, burying the shock he felt deep inside him. Meanwhile, this elder showed sadness through his knitted eyebrows when he saw Xia Fei clearly.

Radix was animated, “Xia Fei, that’s your great grandfather, Wistful Northgaze! He’s your grandfather’s father!”

Radix was actually in tears when he said that. Of course, he was an immortal soul, and there was only the sound of weeping, but Xia Fei could tell that this was triggered by an emotional response from deep in his heart.

Shrugging, Xia Fei turned to walk into the compound. Northgaze saw Xia Fei’s leaving back and inexplicably felt this wave of sorrow washing over him. He could not help but recall that incident that had caused his son to be exiled from the clan, and that sour feeling in his heart gradually moistened his


The scene was in too big a mess right now, and before Wistful Northgaze had the chance to wonder why Xia Fei looked similar to Wistful Valley, he heard Wistview and Little Schott give their report of what had happened.

Because Wistful Valley had caused disaster to the clan, Wistful Northgaze no longer oversaw the clan’s finances but the logistics, instead. The Aurorean’s external compound was one of his responsibilities, which was why he had rushed over first thing in the morning to find out what exactly had happened.

“Xia Fei, why did you leave? Shouldn’t you at least greet your great-grandfather?” Radix asked, somewhat dissatisfied.

Xia Fei answered simply, “His surname is Wist, and mine is Xia. Besides, there are more important matters that I need to deal with right now.”

Radix knew that Xia Fei was someone who clearly delineated what he loved and hated. Regarding the Aurora Clan, Xia Fei did not really hold much affection for them. This time, he only acted because there were too many elements that he could not stand. It could not be helped. This was his personality; he

was someone who would never trust easily even if they were his kin.


No one noticed a bracelet, which was high on a roof, flying off after witnessing this scene play out. Just like how Xia Fei’s fiendish blade, Nirvana, could be controlled by Radix, it seemed like this bracelet was also a soul weapon.

Outside the city, Fuchen unhurriedly orientated himself. He found a fairly isolated location and proceeded to bury a soul vessel deep in the ground.

This was when the bracelet, which was under Wraith’s control, returned to him. Fuchen caught it with one hand and wore it back on wrist.

“So who set up that Soul-wounding Array?” asked Fuchen.

“Xia Fei.”

“Xia Fei? He actually knows how to use the Soul-wounding Array?” Fuchen wondered out loud.

Wraith replied, “He really did, and he controlled its effect perfectly. Out of his nearly ten thousand victims, not a single one died, but none of them had a good time, either.”

Fuchen burst into laughter. “He sure is extraordinary. A Soul-wounding Array isn’t powerful, but it’s truly difficult to control. That twerp actually controlled it with a high degree of accuracy… It just shows that he has an extraordinary grasp of all types of energy.”

Wraith did not share his sentiment. “If we could tell that he had activated a soul array, so could others. You told him to keep a low profile, but from the way everything has gone so far, he didn’t seem to have understood what you meant by ‘keep a low profile.”

Wraith was definitely mistaken saying this. Xia Fei having not killed all those ten thousand moochers was already his way of keeping a low profile. If this were the Xia Fei of the past, heads would be rolling in the external compound right about now.

Fuchen smiled. “It’s a good thing that I’m even faster. This soul array is just about done; if that old witch looks for Xia Fei, T’ll be able to block her off with this.”

It turned out that Fuchen had not left; rather, he had been carefully planting his very own soul formation outside the city! A plan within a plan, an array within an array. How was Xia Fei to know that Fuchen had started establishing his killing array outside the city while he was setting up that little soul

array of his?

Wraith wondered, “Is there a need? To make this array, you used all your stocks of soul vessels, risking your life to fight that witch.”

Fuchen chuckled. “Hey, I’m just setting up an array; who said anything about activating it? Xia Fei’s performance is still crucial. If he shows that he’s capable, I don’t see it as a loss for me to fight that old witch at the risk of dying.”

Aurora Clan’s external compound

The mournful wails were music to Xia Fei’s ears. He returned to his room and, with a light brush across his spatial ring, pulled out the biostorage container. What was inside it was neither an animal or a plant but rather a half-alive human being.

“Lazlow, that’s your name, isn’t it?” asked Xia Fei softly as he lit a cigarette and looked at the man lying on the floor, writhing in excruciating pain.

Xia Fei had already shattered every bone in Lazlow’s body, but the latter was still able to speak, and his mind was still functional.

After a full day and night, Lazlow had truly been utterly cowed. Anyone who had seen torture before had probably not seen a more tortured man like this! Rather than end up in Xia Fei’s hands, it was better to just smash their own heads.

Lazlow nodded repeatedly, letting out a pain-filled cry. “Lazlow.This one’s called Lazlow.”

Xia Fei offered, “You now have two choices: Continue living this way, wishing for death, or help me by doing something.

“Choose the former and I guarantee that you’ll feel pain ten thousand times greater than what you’re feeling right now. Choose the latter and you can still lead a proper life; I’ll even prepare you a tidy sum.”

‘Was there even a need to choose? Lazlow answered hurriedly, “This one is willing to do anything even if I must wear this body down to dust; I won’t give up even if this body does!”

Xia Fei smiled. He then reconnected the bones in Lazlow’s body and made him drink two bottles of medicine. Though he felt pain all over, at the very least Lazlow could move freely again.

“Today, you’ll bring your men back to the Laz Clan,” said Xia Fei.

“Return to the Laz Clan?” Lazlow asked while shaking. “What do you want me to do?”

Xia Fei replied, “Since ghosts are causing trouble in the Aurora Clan, none of you can continue staying here anymore. Meanwhile, the Laz Clan’s outer compound, which they use to host friends and relatives, is perfectly fine. What you did here in the Aurorean, go to the Lazs and do the same there.”

Lazlow had an ugly look on his face. The Laz Clan was also a major clan; he was afraid that, if he did the same thing there, he would end up dying a terrible death.

This was when he heard Xia Fei’s sinister voice call, “I already planted a seed in your body. If you don’t do as T ask…”


Lazlow’s expression instantly changed. That feeling of wishing for death despite being alive had returned!

Lazlow went out the door, his head drooping in dejection. Some of the ruffians immediately surrounded him, asking him where he had been.

No one was too surprised to find Lazlow with such a pained expression. After what occurred early this morning, all of them had been scared witless.

“I don’t think that we can stay in the Aurora Clan’s external compound any longer. Shall we leave?”

“Yeah, I have no desire to lose my life here.”

“All of us have been here for three years, and many are missing home.” Some leaders complained to Lazlow. This was originally a good assignment, getting paid while enjoying free food and drinks, but after that incident had occurred, none of them wished to stay in this compound any longer.

Lawlow sighed. “Brothers, I know that there’s still a Laz Clan here that can provide free food and lodging to everyone from all walks of life. Why don’t we temporarily go there and ride this out, and then we’ll discuss what to do next?”

These hooligans were originally scared witless, but when they heard that there was another place that could provide them free food and lodging, they naturally expressed their desire to leave for the place. Thus, everyone packed up their bags and headed to the Laz Clan.

Radix was overjoyed after seeing this unfold. “Xia Fei, that’s truly some top-notch execution! Repaying others exactly what they give! Now, it’ll be the Lazs’ turn to be in bedlam!”

Xia Fei smirked, saying softly, ” Merely ‘repaying others exactly what they give’? Are you kidding me?”

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