Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1097 - Soul Eye

Chapter 1097 - Soul Eye

Chapter 1097 Soul Eye

All this was very strange. It was one thing for energy to condense into a crystal, but for this energy to take human form and even be capable of movement?!

It was not the same as Xiao Yu’s Amethyst Guard. While they were both crystals, Amethyst Guard originated from tiny particles in the air, which went through a complicated process to take the form of crystal. Aquamarine’s crystal was instead formed from pure energy. Xia Fei did not know how much energy was needed to achieve this state, but from that extremely tough defense, it was clear that the energy within had reached astronomical levels.

Cloud Night had barely spoken when that cerulean crystal in the form of a little girl suddenly twitched. Her form was rather complete now, with her hands, feet, ears, and even her transparent eyes being capable of movement! She scanned the crowd with her incomprehensibly bizarre eyes.

“Hurry! There’s no time to lose! If we don’t kill Aquamarine, we’ll have to deal with a huge problem!” roared Cloud Night, stirring everyone from their stupors.

This cerulean-colored energy lifeform was truly bizarre, and even the usually focused Xia Fei could not help but glance at it a few more times.

“Forget about that weird thing. Aquamarine is the real body! As long as we can kill her, that strange human-shaped thing will disappear!” Cloud Night said as he attacked.

‘Real body? Which one is the real body? Why is it that the most human-like lifeform must be the real body? Is that the only form in which life can exist?’ Cloud Night’s words only created more questions for Xia Fei. Xia Fei liked to think, and unlike others, he often considered problems from various perspectives. As had been proven countless times, he had never walked the conventional path and never acted according to common sense; the same was true for his way of thinking

Moreover, Xia Fei possessed astoundingly sharp mind, but no matter how sharp his mind was, it could not keep up with the developments on the battlefield!

The strange blue crystal lifeform suddenly moved! The little girl placed her hands in front of her chest and took up an offensive stance.

Cloud Night had already said that this blue crystal lifeform was a powerful offensive weapon. Once she entered the battle, she would give Xia Fei’s side an unimaginable amount of trouble.

At this moment, Fuchen suddenly made a weird action. Stroking his spatial ring, he pulled out a soul weapon!

It was a mottled glass pearl of red, white, and blue, about the size of a billiard ball. Even from a distance, Xia Fei could sense that it was thrumming with intense energy. It clearly was no ordinary item, even if he did not know what it was actually used for.

“Soul Eye! That’s a Soul Eye!” The soul weapon expert, Tong Jinliang, glanced at that item, and his eyes flew open. He even forgot that he was in the middle of battle, only staring at that strange glass pearl. Everyone else went pale in shock, with Aquamarine even letting out a terrified scream.

This was very abnormal. Aquamarine was a formidable character, managing to hold out against Xia Fei and the four peak experts, but the moment she saw the Soul eye, she went pale in fear. There was clearly something odd about the Soul Eye!

A second later, to everyone’s surprise, Fuchen crushed the Soul Eye into pieces!

“Ah! That’s a Soul Eye! How could you do that?!” yelled Tong Jinliang in frustration, placing a hand on his head. It was as if Fuchen had killed his dad rather than having just destroyed a Soul Eye.

“Eye of Soul Seizing, go!”

Fuchen remained very calm, seemingly not caring much about this Soul Eye that Tong Jinliang regarded as a treasure. Fuchen shouted, and an eye of red, white, and blue emerged in the form of a vast net of energy!

The three different colors began to revolve rapidly within the Soul Eye. Xia Fei realized that this method of operation was very similar to the Soul Mark in the seventh brain region. The three colors were like tadpoles, circling around in a dizzying fashion.


The three colors converged, then a single eye appeared silently in the universe, and charged at Aquamarine; the scene was straight out of a fantasy.

Gritting her teeth, Aquamarine acted as if she were facing some formidable enemy, using all of her power to try and get away from the Soul Eye. Alas, this strange eye seemed to only be capable of seeing her, as it doggedly pursued her.

“Soul Eye? What is that?” Xia Fei muttered. That strange eye did not seem to have much power, so he felt confused why Aquamarine was afraid of it.

“It should be a mobile soul array. Fuchen’s Soul Eye gives off an indescribable feeling, but since Aquamarine is afraid and Tong Jinliang is shocked, that three-colored eye should be very powerful.” Radix speculated, not completely understanding what was going on, either.

Soul arrays were a specialty of Spiritualists. They were laid down with energy, and those who went in were essentially walking into cages and would be left at the mercy of the ones controlling the soul arrays. This mobile soul array had opened Xia Fei’s mind. With this Soul Eye, one could essentially throw it out whenever the situation was bad and create an array to slay their foe!

Still, Xia Fei noticed that this Soul Eye was not than just a simple array. There was also something in there that he could not fathom.

“After her! Don’t let Aquamarine escape!” yelled Cloud Night, his eyes going red. Ever since Aquamarine injured him, Cloud Night had been holding a grudge. This eccentric old man who always avenged the slightest wrong seemed to have gone crazy as he desperately chased after Aquamarine.

“What about that weird thing?” asked Wistful Heizus.

It was quite strange. That crystal girl was running off in exactly the opposite direction of where Aquamarine had run off to, leaving them in a bind.

“Forget about her. That’s not Aquamarine’s real body; our target is over here!”

Cloud Night seemed to be even more full of zeal than Xia Fei, fiercely chasing Aquamarine.

“Real body?!” Xia Fei gasped. He then suddenly turned around and chased after that cerulean crystal, leaving the main group.

“Why are you chasing that thing? She’s not Aquamarine, and she’s not your foe, either! Hurry up and go back so that we can kill Aquamarine!” Radix shouted. Having personally witnessed Wistful Valley’s death, Radix, whose eyes had gone very bloodlust at this point, was anxious to kill Aquamarine so that he could avenge Wistful Valley’s death.

“Don’t forget. No one has ever been to Aquamarine’s universe. Who can say for sure what her real body looks like?” Xia Fei replied.

Radix froze. Xia Fei was right. No one had ever actually seen Aquamarine’s real body, so Cloud Night was not necessarily right.

Xia Fei was very cautious, and when he attacked, he made sure to pull out the enemy by the roots!

No matter what this bizarre crystal was, today must be the day she dies!


Xia Fei was a speedster, and he could turn around very quickly! In the blink of an eye, he had caught up to that strange human-shaped crystal. While Radix was unwilling to let Aquamarine go, he was currently the controller of Xia Fei’s fiendish blade Nirvana and had a duty to stay by his side. With no other choice, Radix helplessly watched Aquamarine flee and then went off with Xia Fei in pursuit of that strange crystal.

Furball attacked first, unleashing a series of dazzling energy waves, then Peacock Blue swung out from Xia Fei’s right arm, and last was the White Dragon’s Screech, thrusting at the waist of that human-shaped crystal.

It was a classic combination attack from Xia Fei, and it was the type of attack Xia Fei could be deemed as most skilled in. He used all the weapons that could deal damage at once, not giving his opponent any chance of surviving!


There was a massive explosion as that human-shaped crystal came under the fiercest barrage, but Xia Fei scowled. This was because the White Dragon’s Screech had been stopped by some unimaginably tough substance and had not advanced a single inch. The attacks of Furball and Peacock Blue had not had an effect, either!

“Is there really no way of hurting her?” Xia Fei remarked in shock.

The White Dragon’s Screech was a legendary weapon forged from dragon bone and possessed a frightening lethality, but even this legendary sword could not injure his opponent. This was just absurd! Xia Fei had put all his power into that blow!

Upon being attacked, the human-shaped crystal suddenly turned around. Xia Fei was very close, so he had a clear view of her face. This strange crystal was smiling at him?

This human-shaped crystal had very small hands, like those that belonged to a child, but this did not stop her from making lethal attacks.

With a light raise of her left hand, a lethal energy shot toward Xia Fei. This was not Soul Power but rather a power that Xia Fei was more familiar with, the subversive power of the Law of Primal Chaos!

Xia Fei’s only choice when dealing with a Primal Chaos attack was to counter it using the same law force! josei

Law of Primal Chaos versus Law of Primal Chaos!

*Bang!* Both laws clashed, then a strange electromagnetic noise traveled across space, as unpleasant as a sharp object dragged across glass.

It was all the power of subversion, so now, it was just a matter of whose was stronger!


The Unrestricted Soul Spirit Mark in Xia Fei’s seventh brain region crazily spun. There was no command for Xia Fei. The Soul Mark had fiercely come to life entirely because it had sensed danger!

Spirit Energy!

This energy system unique to Spiritualists was supporting Xia Fei as he fought with the human-shaped crystal’s boundless energy till the end!

Xia Fei had always cautiously preserved his Spirit Energy precisely so that it was there when he needed it most. Now, this carefully preserved Spirit Energy finally had a placed to be used, and he used as much as he could!

The human-shaped crystal seemed to be very surprised by Xia Fei’s energy reserve. They were both using the Law of Primal Chaos, and they both had a vast sea of energy. Neither could wound the other!

At times like this, they could only compete in terms of energy. Neither side could back down for fear of suffering a backlash from the frenzied Law of Primal Chaos!

No one understood more than Xia Fei what the Law of Primal Chaos could do. This was the power to reverse everything! Oro had gone from being a Lionheart Royalty to a human all because of this law, so there was no telling what would happen to him if he was hit by the Law of Primal Chaos!

“This is it! No retreating!’ Xia Fei roared inwardly.

After helping Cloud Night recover, Xia Fei still had sixty-five units of Spirit Energy left. This time, even he had to use up all his Spirit Energy, he would not give a single inch!


All of them had gone crazy!

Xia Fei could not retreat, and neither could the human-shaped crystal!

Energy waves and piercing shrieks resounded. It was like two bolts of lightning, wrapping around each other and biting at each other!


Furball, Peacock Blue, Little Goldie, and fiendish blade Nirvana-Xia Fei’s powerful allies—turned insane the moment they saw that he was in a tough spot! They all began to attack that tenacious and weird crystal from all sides!

This was his greatest advantage!

Xia Fei was never alone when he fought!

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