Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1106 - Star Region Displaced

Chapter 1106 - Star Region Displaced

Chapter 1106 Star Region Displaced

“What’s going on? Why has the warship stopped on its own?” Fuchen asked, puzzled.

Though Diamond Star was advanced, it still made noise as it flew through space. It could not be helped. The superspeed engine power was too great, and going at full speed, the ship’s hull would shake ever so slightly, which was why both Fuchen and Wraith immediately felt it happen when the ship came to a sudden stop.

“We must’ve reached the Micro-quietude Star Region. Xia Fei set this warship to manual mode the moment we reached the Micro-quietude Star Region,” Wraith thought about it and said.

Fuchen did not pay much heed to this. This was when the light inside the room suddenly dimmed, but then a golden glow, akin to that of a Sun, instantly filled the room! It was so bright they had to shut their eyes!

“The Soul Eyes are complete!” Fuchen and Wraith exclaimed at the same time.

Several minutes later, Xia Fei walked out of the room with a big grin on his face. Because he had utilized his unique method, Xia Fei had expended the least amount of concentration in forging those Soul Eyes and was not in the least bit tired.

Seeing Fuchen, Xia Fei smiled and handed over a Golden Eye.

This Golden Eye, which had once been extremely sturdy, appeared to be very fragile now, but it was not fragile in the sense of weakness; rather, its attribute had completely been altered by Xia Fei, transforming from a solid soul form into a proper soul weapon!


As long as the Soul Eyes were shattered, it would unleash an attack on a massive scale!

Fuchen took the Golden Eye into his hand and laughed. “The quality isn’t bad. Its previous solid soul form has already been completely converted, but just what attribute did you add to the Soul Eyes, and what Soul Array is hidden in it? These are all conditions that directly decide the attack power of a Soul Eye.”

Xia Fei shrugged. “It’s easy if you wish to find out; why don’t you shatter the eye and see it in


Fuchen burst out laughing. “Then I’ll be wasting this pair of Soul Eyes that you spent a lot of effort forging. Forget it. Better if you leave it on you to protect yourself with.”

“I’m giving this to you,” said Xia Fei in a completely casual tone, unexpectedly.

Fuchen was surprised and felt very awkward.

Xia Fei was being extremely generous. This was a top-grade Golden Soul Eyes, and he was actually giving it to him so easily? “Are you insane? This is a pair of Soul Eyes! You can exchange it for half of Tong Xing Pavillion if you sell this to Tong Jinliang!” Fuchen blurted out, confused.

Xia Fei lit a cigarette and stated softly, “There’s no way I could’ve forged Soul Eyes without your help. Plus, there’s an old saying from where I come from: ‘A drop of kindness should receive a fountain of gratitude in return’. I don’t care about others, but I know very well who is good or bad to me, and I take it to heart.

“Last time, because of me, your tri-colored Soul Eyes got used, so this one here is my compensation. I couldn’t possibly let you keep taking losses for me.”

Xia Fei was speaking rather casually, but this was ultimately still a pair of Soul Eyes. Even Fuchen, a peak individual, found it to be a decent combat weapon, so Xia Fei’s act of giving this to this old man had caused him to feel rather touched.

Actually, this was but one side of Xia Fei’s personality. He treated his own very well; in fact, all those individuals who had become his comrades in the past ended up with wealth that could rival nations. These people whom Xia Fei called his own had all found success after following him, so they were of course even more loyal toward him, forming a close-knit group of friends.

Of course, being acknowledged by Xia Fei was no easy feat.

Fuchen was speechless. He had been so moved he was at a complete loss for words. Several minutes ago, he had been complaining about how crazy Xia Fei was, becoming unsure if he should take the young man in as a disciple, but now it seemed like the benefits of having Xia Fei were much greater than not having him.

Heaven to one side and hell to another. Xia Fei’s two different personalities put Fuchen in quite the spot. When Xia Fei was kind, he was very kind, but when he was bad, he could be the most heartless demon, and there was never an in-between.

“What’s the matter?” Xia Fei asked curiously when he saw Fuchen’s eyes suddenly turning glossy. “Nothing. I must’ve had too much dinner, so my stomach is now feeling bloated.” Fuchen lied.

Xia Fei promptly lifted his head and frowned. “The warship has come to a halt?”

He looked down to check the time, and his expression turned stern. He then made a beeline for the command deck.

“We’ve reached the Micro-quietude Star Region. The warship naturally came to a stop, as you programmed it,” Fuchen said. “First, the warship is set to inform me automatically the moment we arrive at the Micro-quietude Star Region, yet I haven’t been informed. Second, according to the time, we should’ve arrived at the Micro-quietude Star Region one hour and twenty minutes ago.” Xia Fei’s gaze went cold as he somberly refuted Fuchen’s initial presumption.


The moment Xia Fei learned of the reason behind why the warship had come to a halt, he and Fuchen were both completely shocked!

“According to the route I plotted, we ought to have arrived at the Micro-quietude Star Region, yet we’ve reached Micro-darkness, instead!” said Xia Fei in a low voice after he checked the data on the starmap. Fuchen asked, curious, “I don’t understand ships, but a starmap won’t lie, and it’s even less likely for an AI navigation system to lie. There’s no reason for the warship to lead you to the Micro-darkness Star Region when you clearly assigned your destination as the Micro-quietude.”

Xia Fei shook his head and rapidly tapped away on the system interface. The daily logs of the voyage, the records on the starmap, Xia Fei pulled everything out, causing the entire screen to be crammed full with the windows open. Anyone who had not been professionally trained to read all these complex data and numbers would surely find themselves disconcerted at the convoluted sight.

“The warship didn’t make a mistake, and the route is fine, too, but the position of the star region has changed!” Xia Fei concluded after he took a drag of his cigarette, looking out into the inky-black space.

“The position of the star region changed?!” Radix was astonished. The universe was in constant motion, but was it enough to facilitate this change, or had it been a long time since he last came here that everything was not as he remembered it? This was trouble. Compared to the Micro-quietude Star Region, Micro-darkness was far more dangerous! Anyone or any ship that planned to pass through this star region would be at risk of dying by 90%!

Xia Fei shook his head again. “This change didn’t happen in the past but just several days


Everyone was stunned. An entire star region had inexplicably moved in a matter of days?! This was simply incomprehensible!

“Everyone, look.” Xia Fei pointed at the star map on the screen. “This starmap was updated nine days ago, meaning that something or someone changed this star region in those nine days. The warship coming to a halt at this time was because of the sudden change in the star region being something far beyond the scope of the computer’s calculating capabilities. It couldn’t make heads or tails of what had happened here, thereby triggering its emergency safety protocol, which caused the ship to halt completely.”

Incomprehensible. This was an utterly incomprehensible situation!

Star regions were vast. How could they change so drastically in such a short time? More importantly, they had no idea if the old lair of Aquamarine, Valley of Wind, was still where it should be. If even the Valley of Wind had moved, then this operation would become a lot harder, for this was no different from finding a needle in a haystack.

“What should we do now?” Radix asked. “In front of us is the Micro-darkness Star Region, an infamous place of death in the Alpha Universe. Why don’t we send out some unmanned surveillance drones for now? We’ll make our move in accordance with what we find out after.”

Unmanned drones were very popular in the Alpha Universe as well. Aside from engaging in combat, they could aid people in the exploration of unknown regions. As they were just machines that would not be afraid of death, they had no qualms on venturing into very dangerous territories. “There’s no time.” Xia Fei rejected the suggestion firmly. His fingers tapped away quickly, turning on the multispectral ray emitter. He saw three distinct lines appear on the screen, extending deep into the Micro-darkness Star Region. “Three ships before us have already ventured into the Micro-darkness Star Region. Of the three, one is a large warship and two are small warships. If I’m not mistaken, they should be on their way to the Valley of Wind, too, for Aquamarine’s leftover inheritance.

“Though searching with unmanned drones will be a lot safer, the speed can slow us down. By the time we acquire enough information from the drones and end our search, I’m afraid that our competitions will have gotten far ahead of us,” Xia Fei said.

A ship’s drive would exhaust energy, leaving behind a distinct energy signature in space. These residues were at the molecular level and would not dissipate in a short time.

The three aforementioned distinct trails were not far away, meaning that, at most, a day had passed when these three warships took that huge risk, venturing deep into the Micro-darkness Star Region, the star region of death!

Why? Why had they all appeared in unison? Were they not afraid of the destructive environment of the Micro-darkness Star Region, going ahead without hesitation?

Xia Fei had a bold hypothesis: Aquamarine!

It was Aquamarine’s death that had caused this star region to change, causing strangers to risk it all and charge headlong toward the Valley of Wind! It was very possible that the secrets Aquamarine had hidden were more plentiful than what Xia Fei originally assumed!

There was no way for Xia Fei to know exactly the sort of secrets Aquamarine held, but he was certain that those people onboard the three ships were all his rivals!


Xia Fei moved his hands quickly and proceeded to have the ship accelerate at top speed! “I have now designated the ship to follow the trail left behind by those three unknown ships. Fuchen, there’s still time for you to regret coming along.” Xia Fei smiled. Fuchen shook his head. “What regrets will I have? Let’s go. I wanna see just what sort of people managed to reach this place earlier than


Originally, Xia Fei thought that he was lucky enough to be heading to Aquamarine’s old lair in the Valley of Wind, and it would be his good fortune if he found anything of value, but it would not be too big of a loss if he found nothing

Now, with unknown warships ahead of him seemingly bound for the Valley of Wind as well, Xia Fei had no choice but to focus on proceeding with caution.

To gain the greatest rewards, he would have to bear the greatest risks!

From the moment he realized that the star region had gotten displaced to when he later learned of the unknown ships’ presence, Xia Fei had not left the command deck even for a second.

In the Alpha Universe, only a few warships could rival the Diamond Star in terms of speed. Though Xia Fei was late, his ship had a more topnotch speed! Plus, the rumored dangerous Micro-darkness Star Region was uncharacteristically peaceful, making those in it feel that something was very off about the place.

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Ten hours or so later, the radar’s klaxon blared. According to what it had surveyed, there was a large piece of synthetic metal on their route, which was directly in front of them!

Synthetic metal was high-grade alloy that had been processed by sapient lifeforms, making it not a natural resource.

Evidently, Xia Fei had already caught up to the last warship!

“Do you want me and Furball to get out and prepare?”? Radix asked.

Diamond Star was not a dedicated warship, and its speciality lay in its speed. In a real fight, they would have to rely on Radix controlling the fiendish blade Nirvana and both Furball and Xia Fei getting out in space. “There’s no need. This is a death signal,” Xia Fei solemnly stated. “A death signal?!” Everyone was shocked

In such a short timeframe, a massacre had already broken out!

After over an hour, Xia Fei and his companions saw the source of the signal. josei

The large cruiser was the one that had been scuttled, its entire hull riddled in holes, meaning that it had been subjected to a crazy assault!

Some parts of the armor were still glowing red and emitting smoke from scalding heat, which signified that the battle involving the cruiser had occurred not too long ago!

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