Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1110 - Stellar Dawn, Stellar Chrysalis, and Ancient Dragon

Chapter 1110 - Stellar Dawn, Stellar Chrysalis, and Ancient Dragon

Chapter 1110 Stellar Dawn, Stellar Chrysalis, and Ancient Dragon

Bell Hill strode over to face Xia Fei and Fuchen, with only the soul array between them, and questioned, “Fuchen, you said that you won’t be meddling with the Spiritualist Association’s business anymore, agreeing to disappear from the face of the universe! Are you going back on your word now?!”

Xia Fei was stunned. After all this, it turned out that this couple was from the Spiritualist Association. It was not hard to tell from Fuchen’s expression the last time that name came up that he did not like the organization in the least bit, and the reason for that dislike was something this old man had been quite unwilling to divulge till now.

Fuchen pouted and did not say a word in response, though his eyes failed to hide his desolation.

Bell Hill paused before he growled with an unfriendly expression, “If I were you, I’d already kill myself! Who would still have the cheek to keep appearing in the Alpha Universe, huh?! Don’t you think so, sect master?!”

Next to him, his wife, Orchid Chime, was even more insidious. She let out a mirthless titter and said, “Fuchen used to be the sect master, but after he was expelled and kicked out of the association, he’s now like a bereaved dog.”

Sect master? Kicked out of the association?

Fuchen, who had always put emphasis on him being an Orthodox Spiritualist, had never once referred to himself as a sect master. In fact, he was a sect master that had been expelled from his own sect!

Xia Fei had some thoughts floating around in his head. Given Fuchen’s capability, he should not have been in such an abject state. If Xia Fei had Fuchen’s cultivation, anyone who dared to threaten him would immediately be killed, and though he was not as powerful as Fuchen, he would never let anyone step on him this much. This one point was what made Xia Fei feel rather annoyed.

At that moment, he seemed to understand the look of desolation in Fuchen’s eyes, including why this old man had been traveling across the stars all by himself.

“Who’re you calling a bereaved dog?” Xia Fei asked softly, a sliver of killing intent in his eyes.

“Who are you? Fuchen and I are having a conversation here; it’s not your place to butt in!” Bell Hill glared viciously at Xia Fei, the tone of his voice matching his ferocity. The next second, the expression on Bell Hill’s face froze. His eyes glazed over with fear, almost as if he had seen the god of death himself!

This was because Xia Fei had shattered his soul array with a single thrust of his palm!

What concealed soul array? Even though Xia Fei had yet to discover what the array did, he still had his Law of Primal Chaos! It could break any soul array!

White Dragon’s Screech let out a shriek. After Xia Fei had shattered the soul array with his left hand, he immediately pulled out White Dragon’s Screech with his right!

The distance between him and the couple was not far, so Bell Hill had no way of preventing the speedster Xia Fei from getting right in front of him! White Dragon’s Screech was like a beam of light as it was viciously plunged into Bell Hill’s lower abdomen.

Not even in his wildest dreams did he expect Xia Fei to be someone who had a grasp of the Law of Primal Chaos! Soul array? That was nothing to Xia Fei! Even when behind a soul array, Xia Fei was more than capable of killing Bell Hill!

Besides, Xia Fei was not Fuchen. He would enact vengeance right on the spot with his explosive personality!


Orchid Chime let out a scream and then clutched her head with both hands, absolutely terrified!


Following the collapse of their erected soul array, Bell Hill was slain by Xia Fei right before her eyes, and she had been completely helpless to prevent that from transpiring!

Xia Fei then emotionlessly stabbed the man before advancing to Orchid Chime! Nirvana, with Radix controlling it, cleared his rear, eliminating Bell Hill’s body and soul! It was an utterly vicious combination of attacks! Even if he had a Seed of Life, there was no way for him to come back to life again!


White Dragon’s Screech came slashing down! Xia Fei did not care that Orchid Chime was a woman; as long as one was his enemy, death was all that he would grant!

Xia Fei moved at such high speeds that it only took him a blink of an eye to end Bell Hill’s life. Orchid Chime was frightened the second it happened, but she subsequently did an extremely strange action. She hugged herself tightly with her arms, as a slight shiver ran all over her body.


White Dragon’s Screech slammed on its target, shattering Orchid Chime’s head!


This voice seemed to escape at the same time that Orchid Chime’s body fractured, and then an inexplicable scene played out. Orchid Chime shattered like a mirror, scattering all across the ground!

This was a persona living breathing being with blood running through her veins! How could she have shattered into pieces as if she were some pure solid object?!

Xia Fei could not fathom this. Wrinkling his brows, he turned toward Fuchen.

“That’s Orchid Chime’s inherited life-saving technique. Right now, she’s already far far away. What you shattered is just her reflection,” said Fuchen softly. He seemed to be feeling a little downcast following Bell Hill’s humiliation of him.

Failing to eliminate an enemy, roots and all, left a bitter taste in Xia Fei’s mouth. This was quite the hidden snake in the grass for him. Clearly, that Orchid Chime was no ordinary person. Who was to say that the shrew would not appear before Xia Fei in the future, causing him plenty of trouble when the time came?

There was no point in him fretting over this now, though, for he was still a newcomer to the Alpha Universe and had yet to get a good grasp of his enemies’ characteristics. An enemy or two escaping from him was only normal.

“So what’s that about you having been expelled?” Xia Fei asked.

Fuchen rolled his eyes. “Don’t put it like that. No one can stop me from leaving if that’s what I want to do; I didn’t bother arguing with him on account of our past relationship.”

Xia Fei sighed helplessly. In his view, Fuchen was no different from those old Mr. Nice Guys of the Aurora Clan. In this day and age, being the one taking a loss was never right, no matter the reason.

“I don’t get it. With your strength, why bother bearing such insults? Can’t you just kill whoever looks at you the wrong way?” Xia Fei asked.


Fuchen sighed. “Do you think that everyone is like you, taking revenge over every small slight? If that were the case, the universe would long be in turmoil.”

Xia Fei no longer bothered arguing with Fuchen. Instead, he turned around and walked toward Aquamarine’s old lair. Everyone had their principle, and Xia Fei’s was his dislike to suffer losses. He truly did not care if others were okay with taking losses.


The amazing Law of Primal Chaos demonstrated its prowess once more! That energy barrier both Bell Hill and Orchid Chime had had trouble breaking was easily destroyed by a powerful punch from Xia Fei!

Bell Hill was nothing but a minor interludenothing that could interrupt Xia Fei’s good mood as he searched for Aquamarine’s inheritance. As for Fuchen, he was of course anything but in a good mood. However, Xia Fei spared not a lick of sympathy for the old man. A person needed to protect their interests and could not always be a good person. When dealing with people harboring ill intent, the best solution was always to be even more vicious!

“It’s right ahead! There’s a large hall over there, where we found the Law of Primal Chaos and Immemorial Mystical Armaments before!” Radix, who was leading the way, informed Xia Fei of this.

Several minutes later, Xia Fei finally arrived at Aquamarine’s living quarters. All he saw was an already excavated open space, where all the items from the warship had been moved over. Upon closer inspection, it was not hard to tell that Aquamarine had lived and cultivated here.

“So Aquamarine was heavily injured when she first arrived in the Alpha Universe, and that’s why she chose to make this her home, spending many years in this place to recover her cultivation,” Xia Fei commented.

“How could you tell?” Radix and Fuchen asked in unison, both curious.

Xia Fei pointed toward the water stains on the wall and said, “Look here. Aquamarine didn’t pick this place for no reason. There was once an abundance of energy here, but after spending many years absorbing it, there’s now this obvious chromatic aberration, marking the process by which the energy disappeared.”

Xia Fei knocked off a bit of rock following his speech, and sure enough, while the exterior had a light color, the interior had a deep hue. This made it seem like different layers of fabric were piled together.

Fuchen and Radix nodded. No doubt that these were traces left behind when changes in the surrounding energy occurred, which proved Xia Fei’s supposition.

This stone hall was immensely big, with all sorts of large machineries for a warship inside. It seemed like Aquamarine had not often stayed here long, for a lot of the things here had gathered a layer of dust.

“Everyone, start looking. Let’s see if there’s anything of use,” Xia Fei called. “More importantly, look for any traces of a hidden room. If I were Aquamarine, there’s no way I’d put anything important with all these random things, especially after getting robbed.”

Radix could not help but protest, “We didn’t steal anything from her! We, including my lord, were merely passing by and happened to have grabbed a few things on the way.”

Xia Fei could not be bothered to argue over semantics with Radix and his stubborn desire to maintain his master’s dignity, so he said, “Look carefully. What’s different from what you see here now and what you saw back then?”

Radix carefully examined his surroundings as he recalled the past. josei

“It’s different, definitely different from before. There’s originally a conspicuous stone platform in the center of this hall, and many items were placed on it. Now, the platform is no longer in its spot, and it looks like this hall is bigger now compared to back then.

“More importantly, the atmosphere of the place has changed. I don’t know why, but this cave had a chilling aura that made our hair stand on end. We didn’t have any desire to stay around too long, leaving immediately after taking a few items, but now, I feel none of that chilling aura from before, which is very strange.”

Xia Fei nodded. Aquamarine would of course take extra precautions after having been robbed of some things, but even if he did not find any valuable inheritance she had left behind, these warship parts were still very useful. Xia Fei wondered if there was any way for him to restore that amazing silver warship he found underwater. Even if he could not do a perfect restoration, a partial restoration would still give him a top-tier warship equipped with a proper propulsion power, something far more exceptional than Diamond Star.

“Ocular Cognition!”

Xia Fei’s eyes glowed brightly! He had enhanced his vision in an effort to search for any secrets that could be hidden inside this hall.

All of a sudden, Xia Fei froze!

What had been a pretty normal-looking hall actually turned into this magical array of colors with his Ocular Cognition! It was as if there were very life-like paintings on the walls around them, and the floorboard right in the center of the hall even had this series of patterns that left Xia Fei spellbound!

“What’s the matter?” Fuchen saw the look of shock on Xia Fei’s face and asked this question.

“I have activated Ocular Cognition and am now seeing a completely different scene,” Xia Fei mumbled.

Radix frowned. “Ocular Cognition is another secret ability that Aquamarine brought over from another universe. Perhaps it is the key to this place. What do you see?”

Xia Fei gritted his teeth and replied in a low voice, “That’s the thing; I don’t know what I’m seeing! Still, I am certain that it’s not something left behind by any sapient lifeform or human!”


The look on Fuchen and Radix’s faces changed dramatically. Xia Fei had an exceptional head on his shoulders, and he was very good when it came to analyzing and understanding problems. However, what Xia Fei had said was somewhat confusing and a bit of a mess!

This was not because he had suddenly been at a loss for words; rather, he truly could not make sense of what he was seeing right now!

“Quick, point it out for us to see,” Fuchen said.

Xia Fei squatted and used his sleeve to wipe off the dust on the ground in the center of the hall, revealing a weird giant stone carving!

Depicted on it were three creatures, which were so strange-looking words failed to describe them, in the middle of a massacre! The entire scene was gory and of such grandness that it was earth-shattering and heaven-shaking!

Swallowing audibly, Fuchen revealed a look of extreme terror as his suddenly parched throat croaked, “This image reminds me of a legend…”

“What legend? Just what exactly are you reminded of!” Radix asked urgently. The atmosphere was getting stranger by the second. Even Fuchen, a man of such unfathomable cultivation, was beginning to tremble! There was no way to know if this was due to the excitement he felt or out of fear.

Xia Fei subconsciously lit himself a cigarette as he said in an unnaturally calm tone, “Stellar Dawn, Stellar Chrysalis, and Ancient Dragon…”

“You know it as well?!” Fuchen was shocked when he heard what Xia Fei had said, his eyes shining as they darted over in the young man’s direction.

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