Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1288

Chapter 1288

Dark space.

Fengyu had been forced to reveal himself, and he was no longer able to use the beast control technique that he was so proud of. This was definitely not something he had expected.

Xia Fei’s tactics were very simple. Since his opponent was an expert at controlling beasts, if he tried to compete against his foe over control of the beast horde, he would be essentially giving a chance for his foe to use his full power.

There was no reason to make his enemy happy, so he decided to make it so that neither side could use beast control techniques! It wasn’t like Xia Fei specialized in only one thing. His expertise was in integrating many powerful combat techniques! A jack of all trades!

Fengyu paled and scowled as he realized what a passive position he had fallen into and grew fearful of Xia Fei’s tactics. Fengyu could tell that Xia Fei was on par with him when it came to beast control, but Xia Fei could also give up on such a powerful ability! Without even the slightest hesitation! This was a sign of Xia Fei’s murderous resolve, and opponents this decisive were often very troublesome to deal with.

“So this is the guy scheming against us from the shadows! This accursed scoundrel!”

Xia Guanghai cursed. It had always been the Skywing wolves scheming against others, so Xia Guanghai was very unhappy that this seemingly young fellow had been plotting against them.


Xia Guanghai accelerated suddenly. As the Skywing grand ancestor’s appointed successor, Xia Guanghai possessed incredible speed. While it could not match Xia Fei’s thirty million meters per second, he was still someone who could break the ten million barrier!

He swung his ax in a semi-circle, sending it howling toward Fengyu!

Different from the agility of the other Skywings, Xia Guanghai and Xia Gucheng were more brutish, favoring large sweeping moves. Perhaps this was one of the reasons Xia Gucheng wanted Xia Guanghai to take one of the two chief stewards’ place in the Skywing Clan.


Fengyu snorted. Although he had been forced into dark space, Fengyu was not panicking by much. After all, he was a Dragoon, and many years of tough training had endowed him with formidable willpower!

Swiftly extending a finger, Fengyu took aim at a point, which Xia Guanghai’s trajectory would definitely take him through, and shouted, “Demon Sound, explode!”


Magically, the place Fengyu pointed at exploded!

This sonic explosion was even more frightening than an energy attack, shattered syllables turning into projectiles while the ultra-low frequencies made the world fall completely silent!

At its apex, a sonic explosion would surpass the sensory powers of the ears, making it so that there was no sound at all!

The swiftly traveling form of Xia Guanghai was thrown back! Too many shattered syllables had passed through his body, attempting to blast apart his organs!

Xia Guanghai was thrown off far into the distance, but as expected of the toughest Skywing, he stood back up. Alas, blood was trickling out from his mouth, nose, and ears.

Wiping off the blood from his mouth with his sleeve, Xia Guanghai said bitterly, “He’s a bit tougher than I thought.”

When Xia Guanghai got blasted away by the Demon Sound explosion, Xia Fei did not come to his aid. Instead, he used the Origin of Heaven from the Triclopean Fiend Clan to observe the details of Fengyu’s technique. He rarely encountered a sonic expert at such an absurd level, so he first needed to understand his opponent. Moreover, Xia Guanghai was the sort to get angry over being helped rather than be thankful.

“Be careful. He’s probably a Dragoon,” Xia Fei said sternly.

Xia Guanghai was startled. Xia Fei had not explained to him what a Dragoon was, but he could guess from the name that Fengyu was no ordinary Annihilator but someone extremely strong, instead!

His eyes cold, Fengyu replied, “Yes, I am a Dragoon, a Devil Shadow Dragoon! The smallest Dragoon force of the four Annihilator Dragoon forces but the most elite, while you are only a Devil Shadow Dragoon neophyte!”

Xia Fei had already guessed this, but Fengyu’s fighting style was very similar to the only other Devil Shadow Dragoon he had met before, Ling Boyu.

Xia Fei saw what had happened earlier very clearly. Fengyu had pointed at some place, and like magic, a sonic explosion had occurred there.

However, that was not a simple explosion. At the moment of the explosion, Fengyu’s Adam’s apple had twitched, and an energy similar to that of a Fiend soul weapon had come from the hand hidden behind his back. Xia Fei guessed that Fengyu’s voice was activating some sort of Fiend soul weapon. This was the key! Him pointing his finger was actually a diversion.

Moreover, Fengyu had a forcefield or a sound field, sounds traveling at high speeds and forming a protective barrier around him. This stopped Xia Fei’s eye technique and prevented him from seeing the energy circulation in Fengyu’s body.

The Demon Sound explosion had created a terrifying scene, and Xia Fei was able to see many shattered syllables rapidly expanding into weapons sharper than energy waves and instantly spreading over a long distance.

This indicated that when sound reached the apex, it became a lethal weapon! No one could stop the penetrative and shocking power of soundwaves.

Smiling, Xia Fei said, “I was actually looking forward to fighting alongside the Devil Shadow Dragoons, but it seems like I’m not very welcome.”

“Welcome you?” Fengyu shot back coldly. “The Devil Shadow Dragoon has long ceased to exist. We’ve already completely ended our relationship with the Annihilation Universe! If you want a welcome, then the god of death will be the one to welcome you!”

“You may not understand your situation. The Devil Shadow Dragoons no longer exist, but you’re a Devil Shadow Dragoon neophyte! Even if we don’t kill you, Annihilators will! No matter where you go, only death awaits you!”

The Devil Shadow Dragoons were skilled in tactics, and Fengyu was trying to use his words to shake up Xia Fei’s will to fight. Xia Fei was cunning, and he naturally would not let Fengyu succeed; nonetheless, he felt shocked over the news that the Devil Shadow Dragoons had betrayed the Annihilator Universe.

If this was really the case, Xia Fei may be in a difficult spot. The major figures from the Annihilation Universe were probably going crazy with rage at this force that had turned traitor twice already, and Xia Fei was unlucky enough to be a reserve member of such force.

Xia Fei laughed suddenly. No wonder Soza had been so worried when he met him that day and why White Haze had told him to keep himself safe. It turned out that they already knew!

“Xia Fei!” Xia Guanghai saw that Xia Fei was in a rare daze and called his name.

His eyes flashed with cold sparks!

Xia Fei suddenly exploded with murderous intent and fiend energy. “I don’t know about anything else, but for the crime of hurting the Skywings, you will be handing over your life today!”


Xia Fei shot off, accelerating in a curved trajectory.

Putting aside anything else, Fengyu was doomed the moment he had injured Xia Guanghai! The Skywings were never ones to suffer a loss!

“Speed isn’t everything! Taste the power of my Demon Sound!”

Fengyu shot off like a rocket, his speed comparable to Xia Fei’s.

Through Ocular Cognition, Xia Fei could see that Fengyu was surrounded with fragmented syllables, and these syllables were shooting outward! Fengyu was pushing himself forward using soundwaves!

Sound had a powerful explosive force when compressed, and Fengyu had a divine control over sound. The speed from the sonic boom pushing allowed him to avoid Xia Fei’s attack.

“Mystical Armament! Phoenix Nest Drum!”

Fengyu roared as he threw something out.

This thing moved very quickly and expanded in the air. In a flash, it had become a golden-armored giant, standing one hundred meters high. Its left hand held a hammer, while its right hand held a drum.

This armored giant pointed the giant drum in Xia Fei’s direction and then beat on the drum with the hammer!

“Not good!”

Xia Fei rapidly retreated while sending out Peacock Blue in his right hand and the Fiend Lock in his left hand!

Peacock Blue was a weed and had the traits of containment and absorption, and buildings often used wood as a way to dampen sound. Xia Fei had come up with the idea of using Peacock Blue as a sound dampener in the hopes of avoiding Fengyu’s sonic attacks.


Peacock Blue unfurled, its green-blue blades blotting out the world. As for the Fiend Lock, it began to spin rapidly in the air.

Everyone knew that spinning something sharp around would create a shrill whistle, like the sound made when a saber or sword came chopping down.

The Fiend Lock was sharp, flexible, and thin.

As Xia Fei rapidly spun it around, it created a deafening screech!


Fengyu’s armored giant beat on the giant drum.

Such power! This strike obliterated the leather drumskin, turning it into powder; an ultra-low frequency soundwave, which the ear could not hear, swept outward!

Through Ocular Cognition, Xia Fei could see powerful waves several hundred meters tall! One after the other!

Each wave was made of sound, the shattered syllables like sparks from chafing metal, churning as they were pushed outward!


Peacock Blue clashed with the first wave, and the green-blue blades of grass were obliterated!

Xia Fei used the Fiend Lock’s high-frequency soundwaves to clash with the second wave! Soundwave versus soundwave!

High-frequency soundwaves were extremely penetrating, while low-frequency soundwaves were extremely oppressive! Xia Fei’s soundwave passed through the vast low-frequency soundwave like a pack of sprites. The wave began to fall apart as if it were being sliced apart by countless invisible knives!

The third wave came next, and to this, Furball and Little Goldie growled in unison!

The growls of two Beast Kings could alarm the world!

Xia Fei’s high-frequency soundwave had been running out of power after dealing with one wave, but the combined growls of Furball and Little Goldie were a powerful driving force that kept the wave going! Even the shattered leaves of Peacock Blue began to be pushed forward by the wave.

Three lines of defense had been unable to stop Fengyu’s Phoenix Nest Drum, but it had managed to slow down and break down his ultra-low frequency sonic attack.

“Pointless struggle! There’s no stopping ultra-low frequency soundwaves! It will still engulf you!” Fengyu stopped moving and said resentfully.

The tsunami-like soundwave had only slowed down, not disappeared. The danger was still present, but Xia Fei had disappeared!

His crazy speed let Xia Fei move instantly. The pieces of Peacock Blue filling the sky served as Xia Fei’s best cover!

From Fengyu’s perspective, there was nothing but a dense mass being pushed toward him along a soundwave, so he had not noticed that Xia Fei had used Breath Control to hide himself among the leaves to get to him!


A figure shot out of the leaves, the White Dragon’s Screech infused with the Law of Primal Chaos slicing down!

Fengyu opened his eyes in terror! Xia Fei had pushed through the ultra-low frequency soundwave? That was simply unbelievable!

Although Xia Fei’s feet were injured, that piece of very ordinary armor on his chest was completely unharmed!

After all, this was the power of Flying Eagleplume, the Broken Wing Sky Devil’s combat armor!

‘How did he do it?!’ cried Fengyu mentally.

At the same time that Fengyu scrunched up his body, a sharp golden boulder flew into the air, slamming into Xia Fei’s White Dragon’s Screech with a terrifying boom!

Finally, the Earth Elemental Immemorial Mystical Armament, Southern Star, had appeared!

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