Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1301

Chapter 1301

Xia Fei turned off the Bixia Orb and returned to the group, still feeling confused.

Lone Peak Shen and Turbid Shadow Lin saluted Xia Fei, saying seriously, “If there’s nothing else, we’ll depart with our brothers now. Let’s meet again in the future.”

Xia Fei smiled. “The two of you assisted me, so I should at least treat you to a few cups of wine. Why don’t you stay for a few days?”

Lone Peak Shen shook his head. “We will accept your kind intentions, but as a major battle has just concluded, now is the time to strike while the iron is hot. We naturally must drink, but it should be saved for the future.”

Since Lone Peak Shen and Turbid Shadow Lin insisted on leaving, Xia Fei let them be.

“The two of them actually joined in! If I didn’t see it myself, I wouldn’t really believe it,” Radix muttered.

Xia Fei did not have much of a relationship with those two. Even if they were all neophyte Dragoons, they were not part of the same force. Radix was rather shocked that Xia Fei had actually managed to get the aid of the illustrious Lone Peak Turbid Shadow.

Xia Fei said nonchalantly, “What’s there to be so shocked about? I gave them conditions that they couldn’t refuse.

“After being treated so coldly by the Annihilators for so many years, Lone Peak Shen and Turbid Shadow Lin are about to go crazy. They needed a chance to refresh their achievements and reputation, raising their status in the eyes of the upper echelons. What could boost their reputation more than taking down the Devil Shadow Dragoons?

“Besides, I didn’t insist for them to join in. I only gave them a chance and let them choose.”

Radix nodded. Xia Fei had truly seen through the two Kings of Darkness.

The Devil Shadow Dragoons had betrayed the Annihilators and become the number one enemy. Lone Peak Shen and Turbid Shadow Lin had pursued an enemy of the Annihilators, and those above would undoubtedly be happy to hear it.

Thus, they had long ago concealed themselves on the border zone of the Law Realm, observing the strength of Xia Fei’s side. When Xia Fei had charged at the Dragoon array with the Skywings and Auroras, the two of them had chosen to strike while standing on the same starting line as him.

With the battle done, the two were anxious to report the matter to their superiors, hoping to get an early promotion into the Annihilation Universe. This was why they had been in such a rush to leave.

Every neophyte Dragoon had a direct superior. Xia Fei belonged to the Blueblood Zadin Clan, and the same was true for Lone Peak Shen and Turbid Shadow Lin.

Without Lone Peak Turbid Shadow, Xia Fei might have still been able to win, but it would not have been in such an overwhelming fashion, which had the Dragoons running for the hills. The Skywings were not numerous in number, nor were the Auroras, so if they had won through bitter losses, Xia Fei would have lost a lot of authority in the Alpha Universe.

Joining with Lone Peak Turbid Shadow to attain victory at the smallest price fit Xia Fei’s requirement; thankfully, the two had readily agreed to cooperate.

The Law Realm warriors began to clean up the battlefield. Slaughtering thousands of Founder tier experts had brought the Law Realm’s equipment to a new level, and the millions of exotic beasts provided excellent raw materials for making weapons, armor, and medicine.

Xia Fei was in no mood to worry about such things. Earlier, he had made an agreement with that mysterious figure who had helped him twice, so he was now anxious to know who that person was and what they wanted from him.

“I’ll send the two custodian slaves back. You guys continue, but remember not to let your guard down,” Xia Fei ordered.

Routing the Dragoons and killing Nan Shazi had let everyone vent their emotions; presently, they were all in a festive mood, and none of them had noticed the grim look on Xia Fei’s face.

The two custodian slaves were dazed. Nan Shazi was dead. This archvillain who had caused all of the Unrestricted lineage to turn traitor and had led to countless disciples’ deaths at the hands of the custodian slaves. The two undead felt a sense of liberation.

Xia Fei could sense that something about them had changed, but as he had his own worries, he did not pay it much attention.

Upon returning to the Unrestricted Pavilion, the two custodian slaves swiftly headed inside as if they needed to be somewhere. As for Xia Fei, he stayed at the entrance and took out the Bixia Orb.

This time, the mysterious person had finally turned to face Xia Fei, but to his surprise, this person had only half a face, the right side of which was covered in a metal shell, as if the man had sustained a severe injury well beyond any hope of recovery.

“You did very well this time. By defeating the Devil Shadow Dragoons but not completely wiping them out, you have created the most favorable situation for me.” The mysterious man got straight to the point.josei

Xia Fei frowned and chuckled bitterly. “It’s never been my habit to let an enemy go. If I could choose, I would’ve preferred to keep them all on the battlefield.”

The mysterious man shook his head. “Being ruthless has its advantages, but you also have to look at the situation. What would those above think if the Devil Shadow Dragoons were wiped out in the battle with you?

“Years of effort put into reestablishing that fearsome Dragoon Legion of the Fiend Clan, and when they betrayed the Annihilator Universe, the Annihilator experts were unable to hold them down at all, yet you managed to kill them all! If those old scoundrels heard of this, they might even debate whether they should eliminate you or not.”

Xia Fei was stunned. These words were true!

As the old saying went, the peasant committed no crime, but treasure hidden in his walls was a crime in itself!

A powerful Annihilator force had been slaughtered by Xia Fei from the Lower Five Stars. Anyone would feel extremely envious and suspicious!

This would be terrible!

“So you had me hold myself back…” Xia Fei said.

“Correct. You dealt the Devil Shadow Dragoons a huge blow, so those above won’t suspect you of siding with them. You have strength, but you don’t threaten the Annihilator and won’t betray them, too. This is the best situation you can get yourself in! Starting from here on, you must be inconspicuous,” the mysterious man said sternly.


Xia Fei loved being inconspicuous, but trouble always had a way of finding him. This was not something Xia Fei could control.

“Just who are you? Why are you telling me all this?” Xia Fei questioned.

“I am your friend in the Annihilation Universe, the only friend you have on that plane,” the mysterious man said firmly.

Xia Fei had long ago noticed that the Annihilator Universe, which symbolized supreme strength, did not have any good people.

The Blueblood Zadin Clan had initially treated him rather well, and he had their patronage, but what became of it?

When Xiu Yiyi had fallen ill, Roderick sent Xia Fei to treat her, and when he succeeded, Roderick was the one who had taken the credit. If he had failed, Roderick would have pretended to not know him and let Xia Fei be a scapegoat.

Xia Fei was disgusted by such tricks.

Xia Fei shook his head and smiled. “My apologies. I truly do have few friends, but you are not among them.”

The mysterious man somewhat said emotionally, “You saved Yiyi and are the savior of my Xiu Clan. Whether or not you consider me a friend will not influence my choices and judgment.”

“You’re Xiu Yiyi’s father?! Weren’t you dead?” asked Xia Fei hastily.

Xiu Qian had once said that Xiu Yiyi’s father had died in the middle of a secret mission. Xiu Yiyi had been born during this mission and had been in grave condition throughout her life. This was just how dangerous that mission had been.

Xia Fei found it incomprehensible that the dead man would be alive and had even helped him twice.

Suddenly, Xia Fei remembered Roderick. It was truly strange how the patriarch of the Zadin Clan had been so desperate to get on good terms with Xiu Qian and Xiu Yiyi.

Xiu Yiyi was a genius, born with an open seventh brain region. If not for the invasion of that evil spirit, she would have been a master among masters. This was proof that she possessed incredible genetics.

Did Roderick want to get on the good side of the Xiu Clan because of this reborn father of hers?!

“In the eyes of others, I truly am dead, and many people hope for me to die,” the mysterious man whispered, “but I, Xiu Zetian, can’t be killed so easily! The more they want me to die, the more I’ll stubbornly live on!”

Xiu Zetian seemed enraged, his face twisting in savagery.

“Back then, my wife and I went to investigate an ancient battlefield, but we were assailed by a lethal attack, and the ambushers were my own people! I inadvertently came upon someone else’s secret, and they wanted to kill me because of that!

“You know what happened afterward. We were stuck on the ancient battlefield for an entire year. My wife was pregnant, so she could only give birth to Yiyi on the battlefield. After that I was finally able to return, but Yiyi was gravely ill and my wife was dead.

“Still, I managed to live! Who framed and tried to kill me are questions I must find answers to in this life, or else I won’t be able to die with my eyes closed!”

As he talked, Xiu Zetian’s eyes almost burst out of their sockets. He evidently was seething with hatred!

He was no longer a mysterious bigshot, but a true man who had sworn to avenge his wife! It was as though a devil had possessed him!

Xia Fei sighed. He could understand Xiu Zetian’s feelings. He had also once gone crazy because he had mistakenly believed that Avril was dead.

After pausing, Xiu Zetian resumed speaking. “Fortunately, an elder in the Annihilator, who—just like me—had many questions about the past. He saved me and gave me the task of investigating from the shadows.”

Xia Fei lit a cigarette and said indifferently, “If I were you, I wouldn’t tell this to a stranger. Right now, I have evidence on you, and if my mouth is loose and news that you’re not dead gets out, you may have to die again.”

He glanced at the steely gaze of Xiu Zetian’s mute expression. “I don’t believe that you’re some idiot who would casually hand your life over to someone else. That you’ve lived this long means you’re not an idiot, but are actually extremely smart.

“This makes things strange. You’re a smart man, but you’ve told an outsider your secrets. I don’t believe you if you say that you claim to have no ulterior motives.”

Xiu Zetian was not too surprised. “You’re right, but what you don’t realize is that I told you all this because you and your people are inextricably connected!”

Xia Fei was startled, for this was the second time Xiu Zetian had mentioned Xia Fei’s people. It seemed like Xiu Zetian was paying particular attention to Xia Fei and the Skywing Clan.

What did Xiu Zetian mean when he said that Xia Fei was connected to all this? That was even weirder. How could chaos in the Annihilator have anything to do with him?

“You want to know the reason?” Xiu Zetian asked.

Xia Fei nodded.

“Very well! You’re in a very solid position right now. In the Annihilation Universe, you have me and that elder, and Alpha is the result of your own hard work. Right now, you need to be very inconspicuous and break through the Founder tier! When the time comes, you will receive the transfer order and get permission to enter the Annihilator Universe!

“After the betrayal, the Devil Shadow Dragoons will be brought out from under the Blueblood Zadin Clan’s control. Your new commander will be me!” Xiu Zetian’s eyes were very resolved as he looked at Xia Fei.

Xia Fei asked in confusion, “You’re saying that the name of the Devil Shadow Dragoons will still exist?”

“It must exist, even if you’re the only one left in it,” Xiu Zetian said solemnly.

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