Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1324

Chapter 1324

Xia Fei frowned and repeated, “All the Blueblood warriors?!”

The moment the battlefield opened, Xia Fei had been the first to enter, and so he had no idea about what had happened after his departure.josei

Lone Peak Shen nodded, “That’s right. The Evaluation Battlefield this time around is very strange. All of the Holy Light and Destiny Dragoons have formed into three groups. The least among them numbered as many as that horde you saw just now, close to five hundred warriors. They are led by a descendant of the Hero Alliance, Phantas!

Turbid Shadow Lin added, “Originally, we had expected the two major Dragoon Legions to target us Dark Moon Dragoons, which was why we had formed a team of forty or so in advance. Based on what the others had experienced in the past, people would usually split up, and a team of over forty ought to have been able to deal with the situation here on this battlefield.”

“But this time, the Holy Light and Destiny Dragoons all made the unprecedented move of grouping up together this time. Had you not lent a hand, we might have been done for!”

Xia Fei mulled over what he had heard and asked, “You Man has targeted me for death?”

Lone Peak Shen and Turbid Shadow Lin exchanged looks with one another, and the latter answered, “Right from the get-go, he sent the word out, and everyone participating heard his declaration. You’d already run off far away by that time, so of course you had no idea.”

Xia Fei smiled. You Man was the descendant of the Blueblood Royal Clan, King Man. Sure enough, the way he acted was different from the rest. When the evaluation started, the Dragoon Legions were still in control of everything, and killing was forbidden.

For You Man to declare that he intended to take Xia Fei’s life, it just went to show how little care he had for the rules of the Dragoon Legions.

If that was the case, then there was nothing else to say. The fight was on! It was just that You Man had over a thousand Blueblood elites with him, and Xia Fei had to come up with a proper plan as to how he could take him down like this.

Turbid Shadow Lin saw Xia Fei contemplating and said, “The young prince hopes that you will protect his flanks. As long as you can assure his safety, the Dark Moon Dragoon would definitely show gratitude to you, and given the Green Wasp Emperor Lord Tyson’s character, he will definitely be a man of his word.”

Xia Fei lifted his head and turned to look at the youth named Spring. This was the Prince of the Green Wasps, and the grandson of the Dark Moon Dragoon’s Legion Commander. He was looking expectantly at Xia Fei.

Having been hunted down just now, Spring had been frightened quite a bit by the ordeal. This was the Annihilation Universe. As long as the opportunity presented itself, Annihilators would not hesitate to kill! It was impossible to survive here without willing to be underhanded.

Xia Fei’s appearance had allowed Spring to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Right now, he was no different from a drowning man grasping onto a piece of straw, hoping that the formidable Xia Fei could save his life.

Arriving at Spring’s side, Xia Fei asked softly, “Since your grandfather is the legion commander, I’m sure those Neophytes of the Dark Moon Dragoons ought to listen to your orders, right?”

Spring nodded, and somewhat proudly said, “The minority races here in Annihilation might not be as populous as the humans or Bluebloods, but we are very united!”

Xia Fei pursed his lips and commented off-handedly, “United, yet you still ended up being hunted down like dogs?”

Spring paled and tried to defend himself, “This has never happened before. Every year, there would be people who died here on the Evaluation Battlefield, but that was few and far between. How was I supposed to know that the Holy Light and Destiny Dragoons would form such large parties this time!”

Xia Fei shook his head, “These are all your problems, and I have no interest in learning about them. I am only feeling sorry for the warriors belonging to the Dark Moon Dragoons.”

“Sorry?” Spring was perplexed.

“Sorry that they would still follow you. Seeing you fall to such a state, I’m afraid they are even worse off,” Xia Fei explained nonchalantly.

Spring was speechless after hearing that, balling up his fists angrily. For the grandson of the Green Wasp Emperor to be in the current situation he found himself in showed just how cowardly he was.

Perhaps it was because the Dark Moon Dragoons really were too weak, which was why they turned out to be even more united than the Holy Light and Destiny Dragoons.

When they were in their legion, the Green Wasp Emperor would of course be in charge, but here on the Evaluation Battlefield, it was instead the head of the horse who took the lead, meaning it was the soldiers who decided where to advance.

Presently, Spring had nearly been hunted down and killed despite being the grandson of the Green Wasp Emperor, so one could imagine how much worse the other Dark Moon Dragoons were faring!

If it was just Spring alone, Xia Fei would not have held much hope for the youth, but it would be entirely different if it was the entirety of the Neophyte Dark Moon Dragoons.

Even if they were weak, there had been close to eight hundred of them here on the Evaluation Battlefield. Even after eliminating those that had been slain, there were still close to about five hundred warriors that were still alive. If those five hundred were to band together, they would at least be able to form into a force that could not be underestimated.

Spring would have to consider for himself how he should do it. Xia Fei could not help him. The universe had always been a place where every man fended for themselves. One would ultimately end up losing out massively if they looked to others for help.

Showing face to Lone Peak Shen and Turbid Shadow Lin, Xia Fei had lent them a hand and saved them from certain death, but he turned to leave after because he believed that the most important issue at hand was coming up with a plan to finish off You Man.


At a speed of thirty million meters per second, Xia Fei streaked off like a bolt of lightning.

Xia Fei delved deeper into the desert, trying to track down You Man and the majority of the Bluebloods.

The entire planet was a desert, and the buildings that protruded from the landscape were actually mechanisms found all over the Evaluation Battlefield. People could earn points through them.

Unfortunately, no one could be bothered to earn points right now. What mattered was killing, and how to safeguard their own lives!

*Pat pat pat pat*

Urgent footsteps could be heard coming from in front of him, almost as if there was an entire troop approaching.

Xia Fei was slightly taken aback, and hurriedly used his eye technique to observe ahead of him.

All he saw was a cloud of dust stirring up in the distance, similar to what he would expect of a dust storm. A neat row of warriors appeared, rapidly closing in on Xia Fei.

This was the horde of Blueblood warriors from the Destiny Dragoons!

It seemed this troop lacked any qualified tracker, so You Man used an ancient fighting method, arranging the thousand-strong warriors in a straight line for executing a wide-net search.

Each warrior was spaced out roughly one kilometer apart, which meant the span of their formation was a thousand kilometers across!

They looked like a black horizon if seen from a distance. It was a spectacular sight, seeing so many high-level warriors mobilizing in unison!

“Looks like You Man isn’t a fool. He knows how to leverage group strength, and while this wide-net search method is foolish, it is very effective,” Radix commented after he saw what was happening. “But you’re a speedster, you can just circle around them.”

Xia Fei shook his head and calmly explained, “Look there. They are not simply executing a wide-net search, but they are constantly throwing an egg of sorts into the sand. I believe those must be helping them locate living creatures, and that means I’ll be instantly discovered the moment I circle around them and hit them from the rear.”

Radix was stunned. Upon closer examination, sure enough he could see those people were tossing gray-rock like eggs into the desert.

Going by their current speed, it would take no more than two hours before they covered the entire planet with those eggs of theirs! Sure enough, the Bluebloods were using their own methods to search for Xia Fei!

*Za Za~ Za Za…*

They are closing in quickly, and Xia Fei could already hear a strange sound coming from the sandy dunes. There were some black creatures, like ants, that were gradually starting to occupy the desert.

The black creatures burrowed quickly into the sands, occasionally popping their heads out, using the loose sand as an ideal disguise. Anyone that accidentally stepped into the area around those insects would find themselves surrounded.

“Just what exactly are those?” Radix asked, clueless.

Xia Fei shook his head as he went back in the direction he came from, “I don’t know either. They have burrowed themselves into the sand, and might even be reproducing.”

Radix remarked, “We need to stop this quick. We can’t wait until they have the entire planet under their control. Oftentimes, it is the smallest creatures that are the most dangerous!”

Xia Fei nodded, and took a deep breath.

“Origin of Heaven!”

“Beast Spirit Codex, activate!”


Xia Fei’s eyes shone brightly as he used the power from Origin of Heaven in conjunction with his Beast Spirit Codex.

What Xia Fei wanted to do was very simple: determine the attributes of those small creatures! It would be fine if they were beasts, as Xia Fei would be able to use the Beast Spirit Codex to control them and mount a counterattack!

Unfortunately, the Beast Spirit Codex could only be used to control beasts. The Beast Spirit Codex would be useless if they were insects.

“There’s someone in front observing us! It could be the one King Man is looking for!” someone among the men with You Man who was proficient in mental awareness reported.

You Man thought nothing of it, bursting out into raucous laughter. “No need to panic. As long as we cover this planet with Soul-Eating Black Beetles, everyone will be in our grasp, no matter who they are! Live or die, it will be entirely up to us!”

Just thinking about those frightening bugs got the Blueblood warriors themselves breaking out in a cold sweat.

The Man Royals were royalty, and they lived in the distant border region, far from the cities and metropolises where the other sapient lifeforms gathered. A big reason for this was because they needed the space to rear their Soul-Eating Black Beetles!

Everyone in the universe knew that the Blueblood Man Royalty had two absolute powers. One was great strength, and the other was using the Soul-Eating Black Beetles!

Those black creatures they had sown everywhere were the infamous Soul-Eating Black Beetles, a fearsome insect that could bite through a warrior’s soul!

“No good. Those creatures aren’t beasts, so I can’t control them,” Xia Fei sighed grimly after he deactivated his eye technique.

Radix was startled, and knit his eyebrows tightly together.

“How about I go take a look at the desert behind You Man, and secretly find out just what kind of creatures they are,” Radix asked.

Xia Fei shook his head, “You can’t go. Every art and creature in the Annihilation Universe developed around mental energy, and given that you’re an energy entity, you’d be in trouble if you’re targeted.”

From the Founder right up to the Annihilator-tier, the martial techniques and arts that had developed not only did not become more complex, they actually became even more simpler.

However, this simplification contained great danger. After all, the moment a warrior reached the stage where they could harness soul or spirit energy, every move they made would be targeted toward an enemy’s soul!

A simple pull could very well pull the soul of an enemy out, and a simple punch could very well shatter the soul!

Xia Fei could not make sense of just why such a pure mental energy like the soul existed, but one thing was very clear: a person’s soul was far weaker than flesh!

When Xia Fei was younger, he had once seen a child sent falling to the ground after getting frightened by a car that had sped by. He suffered no physical injury, but his soul was broken. From that point on, he was mentally incapacitated and drooled uncontrollably. The instance highlighted how weak a person’s soul was, where even getting a scare could be fatal.

Even at this stage where warriors could train their mental energy, the soul was nevertheless still much weaker than their impenetrable bodies.

The situation was looking dire. You Man was leading over a thousand Blueblood warriors, sowing this black insect all over the sands. In no time at all, these insects would be crawling all over the entire planet, making it impossible for Xia Fei to have anywhere to run to.

Xia Fei would rather face this army of warriors head on than be surrounded by those insects. The black insects numbered in the tens of millions, and would be crawling all over his body like ants. Just thinking about it grossed Xia Fei out.

“No matter what, we need to test them out first,” Xia Fei muttered to himself.

With that, he pulled out the hair-thin Fiend Lock and poured Spirit Energy in to Fiend Tear!

He did not spend much, just a million standard units!

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