Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1336

Chapter 1336

“Faster! Faster!” Chu Jingfeng yelled madly, as Dhara Buddha Star brought him closer to the battlefield with its fastest speed.

Finally, Chu Jingfeng could make out the battlefield in full. The fight in the valley was taking place on this open space of land, with Xia Fei up against an entire army!

These creatures had frightening appearances, looking like crocodiles that could stand upright, their bodies covered in thick scales. They all held weapons in their hands, and heavy and thick tails were dragging behind them.

Clearly, this was a brigade that came from hell!

The nursery was hidden in the cliff, and these strange creatures had already begun sieging its front door!

No wonder Xia Fei did not formulate any plan and just charged in! It was because he was trying to prevent these frightening creatures from gaining entry to the nursery!

No wonder Little Goldie had opened a blackhole; it was because the enemies’ numbers were innumerable, and he wanted to send a portion of the enemy forces into the blackhole so as to lessen Xia Fei’s load!

Furball, Little Goldie, and Peacock Blue were all going crazy!

This was an entire army brigade! They numbered in the tens of thousands!

“Dhara Buddha Star, shatter!”


After Chu Jingfeng had taken stock of the battle situation, he joined in with his strongest move!

Everyone saw that semi-transparent Dhara Buddha Star shatter, turning into countless crystal daggers that flew everywhere under Chu Jingfeng’s control! They killed anyone and everyone in sight!

“Break for me!”

Xia Fei hollered, as his entire person shot out like a beam of light! His target was that large banner at the back of this Hell Brigade!

This golden banner, which fluttered in the wind, must be where the commander of the army brigade was located!

Moving at great speeds, it was a brutal style of attack!

Xia Fei was like a knife, forcibly penetrating into the enemies’ midst. He sprinted directly to that golden banner, placed a single hand on the standard, and exerted force!


That banner, which had been stuck firmly into the ground, was lifted up into the air by Xia Fei, as he broke it with his bare hands!

“You’re all dying today!” Xia Fei bellowed menacingly like a living demon.


Exotic beasts followed their master, and if Xia Fei was a coward, so would Furball and Little Goldie.

Unfortunately, Xia Fei was ferocious! Furball and Little Goldie were invigorated, letting out thunderous roars as they dashed toward the enemy!

The army banner was a symbol of an army’s fighting spirit! They would stand tall and proud if the flag stood, but the loss of the flag would similarly be a huge blow to their spirits!

Xia Fei understood this concept very well, which was why he had immediately made a move toward the Hell Brigade’s army banner. Whether they intended to fight or not, it was important to ruin the enemy’s mind first! He was as ruthless as they came!

Even Chu Jingfeng could feel his blood surging!

This was what it meant to truly enjoy a fight!

Whether it was against a single foe or tens of thousands, killing was all that mattered! If there was more to kill, then they should carry on killing!


Nirvana slashed freely, slaying two soldiers in a single swing of the sword. At the moment, Xia Fei was already covered in blood from head to toe, but he was still holding Nirvana in hand as he yelled, “The nursery of God’s Eden is mine! Anyone who stands in my way shall die!”

What a powerful aura, a truly crazy display of fiendish energy!

Though his Fiendwing was broken, Xia Fei’s fiendish energy was significantly greater than before! When he exerted his full force, it was akin to a living, breathing demon!

That was when someone from this Hell’s Brigade suddenly swore. “It’s the accursed Fiend Clan again!”

Xia Fei was startled. He turned around to look, only to find someone hiding at the very end of the brigade. This individual had a frame far larger than the average soldier in this army, his fat face a distinct feature that made him stand out from the rest.

‘Does he understand my language and knows about the Fiends, too?!’ Xia Fei thought to himself.

Pointing with his fiendish blade Nirvana, Xia Fei declared loudly, “Kill onward in that direction!”


Furball and Little Goldie, both already red-eyed from killing, pounced forward. They did not hesitate to carry out Xia Fei’s order, while Chu Jingfeng consciously stood at Xia Fei’s back to cover his rear.

Though Chu Jingfeng had a Peak Annihilator cultivation and was the Chu Clan’s inheritor of God’s Eden, he was only Xia Fei’s helper when it came to fighting. After all, Xia Fei, this speedster, was the lone wolf on any battlefield! Impact force was not something that could be measured in terms of level!


Fiend Lock lashed out!

Xia Fei felt that his killing speed had been abysmal thus far, so he decided to pull out Fiend Lock, sweeping it across a wide area!

Ever since Xia Fei learned how to utilize Fiend Tear, Fiend Lock had turned into a mighty weapon in his arsenal, which radiated with astronomical amounts of energy! Every strike left warriors in shreds. Huge chunks of rocks were even constantly breaking off from the two cliff walls flanking the valley, creating a scene more terrifying than an earthquake!

At Xia Fei’s command, his group made their way in the direction of that creature, which had spoken just then!

Every slash from Nirvana and every bite from Furball or Little Goldie meant another death to their enemies! Chu Jingfeng was controlling that peak soul weapon, providing the perfect defense for Xia Fei’s rear!

Despite it being their first time working together, the combat strength that both demonstrated was insane! Dead bodies lay scattered messily in their wake, practically forging their path ahead in the sea of their enemies’ blood!

Xia Fei stomped his foot down and caused the head of a creature to explode, brain matter and viscera flying everywhere!

This valley had turned into hell itself!

This was not Xia Fei’s hell but his enemies, instead!

That creature, who understood Xia Fei’s words, started panicking. Evidently, Xia Fei’s savagery and viciousness terrified him. He kept backing away as he urged the other creatures around him to become his meatshield, blocking Xia Fei’s advance.

Alas, Xia Fei had already been killing to the point he was seeing red. How could any of these creatures fend him off?

Xia Fei, Furball, and Little Goldie were covered in blood. Even Chu Jingfeng was drenched in blood as they made their way forward on this gory battlefield. They were no different from meat grinders, heartlessly butchering everything that stood in their way!

Xia Fei hoisted up that creature who could speak with one hand. The entire army had been decimated by the hands of Xia Fei and Chu Jingfeng!

Even someone as wordly as Chu Jingfeng felt high-spirited. This had been an enjoyable fight! It was a complete and total victory! Two men and two beasts slew an entire army! This was actually the first time Chu Jingfeng had done anything like this in his life.

It must be said that the speed Xia Fei possessed was truly deranged; a speed reaching sixty million meters per second was practically lightspeed. Most of the enemies on the battlefield had died at Xia Fei’s hands, and of course, at those two vicious pets’ with him.

“Speak! Where are you from! Why have you appeared here?!” Xia Fei pointed Nirvana at the creature and growled.

“Fiend! Evil fiend! Accursed fiend!” This monster was shouting vehemently, almost as if he shared some great hostility toward the Fiends.

Xia Fei felt very puzzled. The Fiends had gone extinct for many eons past, and he had no idea just what tragedy his ancestors had visited upon these creatures that they would still hold such deep-seated hatred toward the Fiends even after all this time.


The sword in Xia Fei’s hand swung, and he cut off the thigh of this creature. Fresh blood spurted freely almost at once, gushing out like a fountain.

Chu Jingfeng grimaced. He found Xia Fei’s methods of torture somewhat distasteful, which was why he turned to enter the nursery and take stock of the situation inside.

Hearing the heart-wrenching cries from the creature behind him, Chu Jingfeng shook his head and chalked it up to that creature’s bad luck, to have ended up in Xia Fei’s hands.

The entrance to the nursery had been blown open by those creatures, and had Xia Fei not desperately rushed in to stop them, those creatures might already have flooded inside. Chu Jingfeng went in and took a look, promptly heaving a sigh. There was still another door inside, and it was still in perfect condition, not suffering any damage at all.

Xia Fei’s Peacock Blue was guarding this entrance, and the moment it saw Chu Jingfeng, its blue leaves parted to open a path, almost as though it possessed intelligence of its own.

Chu Jingfeng was surprised. No wonder he had not seen Peacock Blue appear anywhere during the battle. It turned out that Xia Fei had sent it to guard this door, so as to ensure that the nursery would not fall into the wrong hands, before charging to the enemies’ ranks with Furball.

Behind Xia Fei’s madness was conscientious cautiousness. Even when he had to jump into the fray sans any preparation, Xia Fei would still make accurate calculations, and this ability of his was even more frightening than his speed. No one would like to bump into an enemy like Xia Fei, who possessed such a fearsome intellect.

The first floor of the nursery was littered with dead bodies, most likely the handiwork of Peacock Blue.josei

While momentarily dazed by this scene, Chu Jingfeng arrived at the second entrance and opened the sealed door after entering the password he found in his grandfather’s diary.

At the same time the door opened, a blast of air was released. Chu Jingfeng hurried in and shut the door behind him. The nursery’s environment was unique; the door could not be left ajar for too long, or else it might affect the plants growing inside.

Seeing everything made Chu Jingfeng ecstatic. This was an ancient nursery that belonged to God’s Eden. To think that it had been operational the entire time… The many saplings and seedlings he found inside truly dazzled him.

After some time, Chu Jingfeng met Xia Fei outside the nursery. He saw him sitting on the ground, smoking a cigarette, looking like he had something on his mind.

“It’s great! The nursery has over a thousand different saplings and seedlings! They’re all alive, too! We’ve really struck the jackpot this time! It’ll be difficult for God’s Eden not to make a comeback at this rate!

“Too bad that there’s still no Jade Dragon Frost sapling stored in the automated cultivation system. I retrieved some specimens, including the seeds of Jade Dragon Frost, so that we can head back and study them for a bit. I also stored all those seedlings into botanical preservation canisters; we can bring everything over at one go!

“These creatures have already found the nursery, so we can’t risk leaving any of these seedlings inside anymore. It’ll be too dangerous. What do you think of this arrangement of mine?”

Chu Jingfeng rattled off in his excitement, but Xia Fei merely nodded his head slightly in response.

Chu Jingfeng looked around and asked curiously, “Where’s your captive?”


“Did he tell you who’s the one pulling the strings, and where they came from?” Chu Jingfeng asked.

“I don’t know who’s the mastermind, but he did say that he had seen a Fiend army,” Xia Fei stated calmly.

Chu Jingfeng was stunned. He hurriedly asked, “He had seen an army of Fiends? When was this?!”

“Two years ago,” Xia Fei answered.

Two years ago?!

Chu Jingfeng was rendered speechless. This was impossible!

The Devil Shadow Dragoon had betrayed the Annihilators, disappearing without a trace, while the Fiend Clan in the Annihilation Universe was slain and wiped off the face of the universe as a result. How could those creatures have seen an army of Fiends?!

“Could he be intentionally telling you a lie because he knew he would die anyway?” Chu Jingfeng asked.

Xia Fei nodded. “I can’t eliminate such a possibility, but what I don’t understand is where did these creatures even come from? How did they locate the nursery of God’s Eden? They didn’t seem to be a sapient race of the Annihilation Universe.”

“They’re definitely not.” Chu Jingfeng confirmed this. He picked up an intact head of a creature from the ground and stored it into a preservation canister.

I know of someone that may know where these creatures hailed from. Let’s head back to God’s Eden and deal with these seedlings first; we can go meet him after,” Chu Jingfeng suggested.

“Who would know where they came from?” Xia Fei asked inquisitively.

“The Eighth Universe, Yggdragon King Yangguang,” Chu Jingfeng replied matter-of-factly.

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