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Chapter 1357 - The Ninth Universe

Chapter 1357 - The Ninth Universe

Chapter 1357: The Ninth Universe

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

“Our Skywing Clan is actually a descendant of the Fiend Race!” Xia Fei stood at the highest point of God’s Eden as he spoke. “Yes, the one you know about, the Fiend Race that betrayed the Annihilation Universe, the Fiend Race that was wiped out forever from the universe!”

His words were a considerable shock. Of course, this didn’t mean that everyone would start hating Xia Fei once they learned about who the Skywings really were. Rather, they were shocked that the Skywing Clan had such a complicated history.

After a pause, Xia Fei went on, “But the truth is often not what most people know. I recently learned that the Fiend Race did not betray Annihilation. Rather, it was the so-called powerful beings of Annihilation who betrayed our ancestors!

“The universe was fractured into nine regions, and the Fiend Race’s Devil Shadow Dragoons were sealed together by Annihilation’s experts into the universe of dragons! While those so-called experts were sipping tea in their homes, the Fiends were all alone in the dragon universe, fighting to the death with the Megadragons!

“This was the plot of the Annihilators! The most shameless betrayal!”

Everything was in an uproar. This was the first time the vast majority of them had heard this news, and it was just too shocking! They were stunned by the despicable methods of Annihilation, and stunned by the tragic situation of the Fiend Race!

“Screw them! Those scoundrels deserve death!” Oro bellowed furiously!

The others were in no better state. Xia Fei called these guys his brothers precisely because, while they acted strangely, they were all true men!

Xia Fei had never evaluated people based on their background or race. Little Goldie and Furball were beasts, but Xia Fei still considered them his brothers. What he hated the most were those people who talked about justice but acted like criminals.

“Impossible! Xia Fei, you’re lying!” a girl suddenly shouted, her voice filled with rage.

Everyone looked up. Fuchen and Ulan were escorting Xiu Yiyi and Xiu Qian over. They were Xiu Zetian’s only surviving family, and Xia Fei had determined that there was no place in Annihilation that could shelter them. Thus, he had Fuchen go and get them. As for Ulan, he was Fuchen’s good brother that he could never abandon, and Fuchen had probably asked him to come.

Xiu Yiyi, her face swollen and red, came up to Xia Fei and angrily said, “I don’t believe you! The Five Ancient Apexes are the most respected people in the universe! How could they sell out the Fiend Race and put the entire universe in extreme danger!?”

Xia Fei shook his head. “Child, you are too pure.”

Xiu Yiyi grew even angrier. Someone acting like her elder despite being only a few years older was truly an unpleasant situation.

Waving his hand, Xia Fei moved half a step to the side, inviting out Autumn Erudite, one of the Five Ancient Apexes.

Autumn Erudite stroked Xiu Yiyi’s head, his mind in a very complicated emotional state. Xiu Zetian had died because of him, and the 29th Place had been wiped out. All of this left Autumn Erudite’s heart greatly pained, so he felt great pity toward Xiu Yiyi.

“Child, do you know who I am?” Autumn Erudite asked. josei

Xiu Yiyi shook her head and looked at the Autumn Erudite questioningly. The old man possessed an extraordinary aura, but she didn’t understand where this aura came from.

Raising his head, Autumn Erudite let out a long sigh. He said grimly, “As you have brought up the Five Ancient Apexes, I must confess that I was once one of the Five Ancient Apexes. My surname is Ye, and all of you know me as Autumn Erudite!”

There was a unified gasp from those there.

Everyone was in an uproar. One of the Five Ancient Apexes was in God’s Eden!? This was unbelievable! Moreover,Autumn Erudite was the most famous of the Five Ancient Apexes, possessing a noble status and shocking combat power!

Gazing into the sea of stars, Ye Zhiqiu spoke in a pained and raspy voice, “Everything Xia Fei said is true. Back then, Azure Moon and Mu Tianbai colluded together and made sure that the Fiend Race and Dark Moon Dragoons took all the misery.”

After saying this, Autumn Erudite was clearly no longer able to repress his emotions. He dropped his head and sat down on the side, his eyes full of sorrow.

Xiu Yiyi found it impossible to believe her ears. Since even Autumn Erudite had said it was true, then it seemed that the truth really was as Xia Fei had described. A group of seemingly dignified experts had deceived the entire universe!

Xia Fei had been planning to tell Xiu Yiyi about what had happened to Xiu Zetian, but he felt like telling her now was too cruel, so he restrained himself.

“Fiend Race or no Fiend Race, I don’t care! But I’m sick of the faces of those old scoundrels! Xia Fei, tell us what to do. Our Lionheart Race will heed your orders! If you want people, we’ll give you people. If you want our lives, we’ll give you them!” Oro proclaimed loudly, displaying his brainless attitude.

“Awoooo!” The whole of God’s Eden was riled up. Even the two zombies were clenching their fists in indignant rage.

An enormous bellow resounded through the universe, instantly silencing God’s Eden.

“You are seeking death!”

The voice was like a thunderclap, causing everyone to raise their heads in shock.Autumn Erudite immediately stood up when he heard this voice, his face turning pale.

Two divine armies appeared!

One was made of humans, and the other was made of Bluebloods.

Giant banners waved in the universe. These were none other than the Stormcloud Banner of the Destiny Dragoons and the Rising Sun Banner of the Holy Light Dragoons!

The Dragoons! They were the ancient Dragoon armies!

Each army had one person standing in front of them, one wearing black armor and the other wearing blue armor. They proudly stood there, exuding intimidating auras!

Ye Zhiqiu grit his teeth and said, “It’s Azure Moon and Mu Tianbai!”

Xia Fei was startled. Azure Moon was the Lord of the Holy Light Dragoons, and Mu Tianbai was the Lord of the Destiny Dragoons!

If the Five Ancient Apexes were the gods of Annihilator, these two were the supergods of Annihilator!

It was they who had sold out the Fiend Race and purged the Dark Moon Dragoons!

Unexpectedly, they had chased his forces all the way here!

“Trying to leave!? It’s not that easy!” Azure Moon said loudly. “The Annihilation Universe is ours! I might as well tell you that I’ve already intercepted all the signals you sent out to the rest of the universe! Back then, I joined with my brothers to exterminate the number one Devil Shadow Dragoons, and we can exterminate little small fry like you!”

Chu Jingfeng groaned inwardly. He had his own channels in the Annihilation Universe, and he had already sent out messages containing the truth, but Azure Moon and Mu Tianbai had intercepted them all!

This meant that the warriors of the Annihilation were still in the dark, and no one knew about what had happened in the past.

“Kill them! Kill them! Kill them!” The two Dragoon forces roared in unison, their cries shaking the universe! Truly, these were the elites of the former Heroes Alliance. The finest of the finest from these two forces had been assembled! Each one was an existence on par with the Five Ancient Apexes!

Azure Moon raised his sword and pointed at the distant God’s Eden. It appeared that he was about to give the order to charge.

The two Dragoon forces were far too powerful. While Xia Fei had the likes of Yangguang, Chu Jingfeng, and Autumn Erudite on his side, in terms of pure strength, his side was definitely much weaker than the two Dragoon forces.

After all, these were all hidden experts! These thousands of Dragoons were each as strong as Autumn Erudite. The thought of clashing with this kind of army filled one with despair.

There was zero chance of victory!

Grief and sorrow filled God’s Eden, particularly among the Mythical Beasts with their innate senses. They dropped their heads and wailed in despair.

At this moment, Xia Fei stepped forward and let out a strange laugh, mixed with cunning and madness! It was as if Xia Fei had anticipated this situation.

Peacock Blue trembled, and then God’s Eden began to accelerate toward the abyss below!

While the garden was vast, it was incredibly fast, the round saucer plunging rapidly.


Azure Moon and Mu Tianbai moved in unison, accelerating toward the God’s Eden while long-range attacks streaked out like comets.

“Goodbye!” Xia Fei’s furious roar resounded through the universe.

The abyss below was a Cosmic Gate. Normally, a Cosmic Gate had a boundary, a seal, but for some reason, God’s Eden passed through the gate like a stone sinking into water, leaving its pursuers far behind.

The mystical garden made by the Four Sky Devils had saved them all at this crucial moment! The boundary essentially didn’t exist to God’s Eden!

The two Dragoon forces had no choice but to stop, and could only helplessly watch as Xia Fei and the others disappeared.

Whoosh! God’s Eden entered an unfamiliar region of space. Xia Fei’s group had left Annihilator and entered a whole new universe’s space!

In the distance, a giant eye dominated space, looking over all beings.

It was simply impossible to describe the eeriness and grandeur of that eye in words. This single eye occupied more than half of the star region!

Everyone was stunned by the sight, and the Mythical Beasts wailed bitterly, unwilling to look directly at the penetrating eye.

“Xia Fei, what is this place!?” Xia Gucheng asked in wonder.

Yangguang answered grimly, “The ninth universe, the smallest and most mysterious of the nine great universes. That eye is called the Eye of Primal Chaos.”

Everyone naturally trusted in Sunlight’s words, but nobody understood what the Eye of Primal Chaos was or why it was there.

Xia Fei had God’s Eden advance, his expression brimming with excitement and tension. He loudly said, “Now that we’re here, I can tell everyone the plan. We’re heading to the seventh universe, the universe of dragons, where the Megadragons live!”

“The territory of dragons!? Xia Fei, you’ve really gone crazy!” Oro bellowed. Even though he was used to Xia Fei’s unconventional manner, this was far crazier than Oro had expected. Going to the universe of dragons was simply unimaginable.

“No, I haven’t gone crazy!” Xia Fei grimly said. “I’ve already received word that the Fiends did not perish in the seventh universe, and they are still battling with the Megadragons! Their battle has persisted for countless eons! The battle is still red-hot!”

Xu Luanbu said in shock, “Is that why you had Lady Smile plunder the Fiend Race’s three warehouses!?”

“Correct! This is my plan!” Xia Fei declared loudly. “We’ll deliver the weapons we plundered to the universe of dragons! We’ll join up with the last of the Devil Shadow Dragoons and then come back from the universe of dragons to Annihilation!”

“And then!?” everyone said, utterly shocked.

“Revenge! A frenzied revenge! I want those scoundrels to know what it means to avenge every wrong!” Xia Fei proclaimed coldly, an icy light in his eyes.

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