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Chapter 1365 - Two Heroes vie for Domination!

Chapter 1365 - Two Heroes vie for Domination!

Chapter 1365: Two Heroes vie for Domination!

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

This morning was bound to be a restless one. Under countless watching eyes, Xia Fei brought Furball, Little Goldie, and Radix with him as he strode toward the first of the Seven Star Steles.

Avril bit her lip. Everyone knew that entering the Seven Star Steles was entering a different world! It was impossible to say if Xia Fei could overcome the God-Surpassing Stairs. Avril only knew that no one had ever overcome the celestial stairs before!

“Xia Fei, have you really made up your mind?” Nalan Wufa asked grimly.

“Yes,” Xia Fei replied firmly, his voice determined.

Nalan Wufa frowned, worry in his voice, “You must understand that if the dragon assault is too great this time, the Dragoons might have to temporarily withdraw from the Seven Star Steles into the depths of the universe. If this happens, then even if you make it out of the Seven Star Steles, you would be facing countless enemies!”

Xia Fei smiled. “I’ve naturally considered this, but I also know that everyone has their place!”

Xia Fei raised his head toward the Seven Star Steles. At this moment, the third stele had lit up, and their unknown foe was sprinting toward the fourth stele.

“No matter what, we can’t let the enemy succeed! Since someone wants to get through the Seven Star Steles before us, I have to go in myself and see what sort of foe this is… and then crush them!”

Xia Fei spoke very loudly, his words exciting the crowd, everyone watching him with fervent gazes.

Yes, Speed was the key to challenging the Seven Star Steles, and there was no one in the Dragoons more qualified than Xia Fei to challenge the Seven Star Steles!

If the enemy managed to pass the God-Surpassing Stairs, the consequences would naturally be unthinkable. Xia Fei’s mission was very difficult. He needed to obliterate the enemy’s plan on another battlefield!

Within the Seven Star Steles, no one could help Xia Fei. Xia Fei would have to rely on himself!

The Dragoons guarding the Seven Star Steles solemnly opened the way for Xia Fei. All of them saluted him, indicating that they were entrusting the Seven Star Steles to him!

As Xia Fei passed Grand Ancestor Xia Gucheng, he said calmly, “Take care of Avril.”

Xia Gucheng firmly nodded, his eyes a little red. As the patriarch, he felt somewhat frustrated that he could only watch as Xia Fei went off to face the greatest challenge in his life.

Xia Fei didn’t turn his head, his straight back to everyone as he waved his hand and entered the first stele gracefully, so relaxed that it seemed like he was just going out to buy a drink.


The heavy alloy doors sealed shut, and a second star lit up on the Seven Star Steles.

This contest of two heroes had officially begun!

All was darkness. It was so dark that Xia Fei felt like he could put his hand in front of his face and not see his fingers, and so quiet that he could hear his own breathing.

“You should have said something to Avril just now. From the look in her eyes, she was very worried about you,” Radix frowned.

“What’s the point? The more I say, the more people will be worried,” Xia Fei replied indifferently as he lit up a cigarette.

Suddenly, there was a burst of blinding light. Xia Fei looked around and found nothing strange. The inside of the Seven Star Steles was empty.

A cold and ancient voice suddenly spoke, “Data collection complete. An expert who has broken the commonly accepted limits of speed. Permission granted to challenge the Seven Star Steles. The challenge will begin in one minute.”

Xia Fei was startled. There were two meanings to these words. The first was that the Seven Star Steles had accepted Xia Fei’s challenge, and the second was that there were certain restrictions to this challenge.

Xia Fei only had two Soul Marks, so in terms of rank, he wasn’t the strongest. But he was the fastest in the universe! That was what gave him the privilege of challenging it!

From this, he could deduce that the unknown foe who had entered the Seven Star Steles was also someone with a special ability that transcended rank or defied common sense.

Xia Fei smiled once he understood this, finally relaxing. His foe had to have extraordinary methods to be able to break the records for the first two steles. This was very normal.

A screen appeared on Xia Fei’s left side. On it was a little red dot. This was the enemy that had entered the Seven Star Steles before him. The screen indicated clearly that they were in the third stele and were 8% of the way through, but their rate of progress was accelerating!

Xia Fei swallowed. Xia Fei knew his enemy’s situation, so his enemy was bound to know of their new pursuer. There was no doubt that they wouldn’t drop their speed, only get faster and faster to create more distance!

After all, in this clash of titans, only one person would emerge victorious!

*Bang! Bang!*

The Seven Star Steles came to life like a giant machine!

In a flash, Xia Fei was no longer in an empty hall, but a battlefield!

A battlefield of gods and demons!

Those with silver hair and green eyes were gods, and those with black hair and red eyes were demons. All of the warriors had bare upper bodies and wielded strange weapons. Standing in the distance, their cold eyes turned to stare at Xia Fei, their long hair flying in the wind while their bodies were covered with wounds and tattoos.

Farther off in the distance was the entrance to the second level, marked by a statue with astrange head. The left half was gentle and kind, while the right half was covered in blood with its skin removed to show the muscles, like a wicked devil!

Its mouth was open, with sharp fangs on one side and an orderly row of teeth on the other. These teeth blocked the way to the next level. The entrance seemed to be a hybrid of man and demon!

The elderly voice rang out, “First, choose a faction, and then help your faction with this battle to enter the second floor of the Seven Star Steles.”

The conditions made sense, but at this moment, Xia Fei’s eyes lit up as he used the Origin of Heaven!

His eyes blazed like torches, piercing through the bodies of warriors and gazing upon the door of good and evil that led to the second level.

Xia Fei didn’t seem to hear that elder’s voice. He simply walked over and reached for the door.

“Xia Fei, what are you doing? There’s no time. We have to pass through the Seven Star Steles faster than that mysterious person!” Radix shouted in Xia Fei’s ear. Xia Fei was unmoved, continuing to use his ocular cognition to inspect the entrance as he thought about something.

Suddenly, Xia Fei raised his right fist and gave those bizarre teeth a savage punch infused with the subversive power of the Law of Primal Chaos!


The punch caused the white teeth to sway, but they refused to be moved.

“All together now! Bring them down!” Xia Fei took several steps back and shouted, “I’ve seen it! This door can’t stop us!”

Radix was dumbfounded! Xia Fei was so unreasonable! He had discovered that the door to the second level wasn’t as strong as he had imagined, so he had decided to just smash it open!

Radix was still in shock, but Little Goldie and Furball had already started attacking. Those two were also extremely unreasonable, just like Xia Fei, never caring about any rules!

Furball used energy attacks while Little Goldie decided to just open a passage to dark space!

Once the dark space passage activated, it would tear apart the gate that was blocking Xia Fei’s path, and once the dark space passage closed, he could go through!


Little Goldie’s move didn’t seem to be very useful. All it did was put ugly black spots on those giant teeth while the sounds of spatial explosions resounded through the air.

As for Xia Fei, he swiftly created distance and used Critical Strike to attack again and again!

One strike!

Two strikes!

Three strikes!

Xia Fei’s Critical Strike was extremely impressive, allowing him to instantly reach 150 million meters per second!

The power of speed delivered the subversive force of the Law of Primal Chaos, slamming against the door and causing it to constantly shudder! Stones and dust showered down from the sky, and it felt like the Seven Star Steles were on the verge of collapse!

“Xia Fei! This is against the rules of the Seven Star Steles!” Radix cried out in fear. He was very worried that going against the rules would have grave consequences!

“Screw the rules! I need to overcome the guy in front of me, so I don’t plan to follow the rules!” Xia Fei darkly said. “What are you standing around for? Use the Fiendish Blade! Break open this door!”

Xia Fei had extraordinary calculation abilities. He had already used the Origin of Heaven to examine those warriors, and he found that their bodies contained formidable energy!

If Xia Fei did the normal thing, it would take him at least eight hours to win the battle.

Xia Fei didn’t have that much time!

His foe was already on the third stele, and was a very powerful foe! If Xia Fei wanted to overcome him, he needed to use extraordinary methods!

Reason? This wasn’t a time to be reasonable, and besides, when had Xia Fei ever been reasonable!?

Radix had no choice but to take control of the ten-sided Fiend Blade and join the assault on the door!

Peacock Blue roared!

The Fiend King Scepter roared!

Furball roared!

Little Goldie roared!

Xia Fei roared!

A man, a grass, a ball, a bug, and a soul, a most strange squad, made for an impressive force that could defy gods and demons!

Xia Fei exploded with Fiendish energy! He swung the Fiend King Scepter as he snarled, “Attack with everything you can! Break it down!”




The people gathered at the Seven Star Steles and in the Dragoon base were all dumbfounded!

Many people had entered the Seven Star Steles starting in the ancient times, but nobody had ever created as much of a stir as Xia Fei immediately after entering the Seven Star Steles!

Xia Fei was a monster! With a pack of little monsters, he was using an unreasonable method to force open the door leading to the second level!

Thus, the people outside the Seven Star Steles saw a strange sight. As these monsters exerted their power, the shortest of the Seven Star Steles began to shudder!

It was as if some huge explosion was taking place inside! The planet, no, the entire star system, resounding with a thundering akin to the pounding of war drums!

“What’s going on?”

“I’m not sure. It seems like the battle within the Seven Star Steles is so fierce that this stele is starting to shake.” josei

“Is this a good sign or not? The stele was stable when everyone else went in, so why did it become like this after Xia Fei went in?”

“I’m not sure, not sure.”

The warriors chattered while the stele continued to shudder and sway, the deafening booms leaving everyone uneasy.

“Could Xia Fei have started some trouble? That guy loves causing trouble,” Xia Guanghai asked Grand Ancestor Xia Gucheng, swallowing.

Yangguang, Hanxiao, Nalan Wufa, Raksha, Ding Hai, and Chu Jingfeng were all outside. At a time like this, who could just sit around?

Xia Gucheng rolled up his sleeves and said, “No, I have to go in! Xia Fei just loves to cause trouble!”

“Even if you go, it won’t do anything. If Xia Fei has really decided to act out, given his temper, nobody can stop him. Let’s just keep watching,” Fuchen said helplessly. He had developed a keen understanding of Xia Fei’s temperament during his days with him.

Oro and the others who were familiar with Xia Fei also nodded. Fuchen was right. If Xia Fei was determined to be stubborn about something, no one could stop him!

At this moment, there was an explosion that could fracture the universe! Everyone was so alarmed that they covered up their ears!

On the second of the Seven Star Steles, a black star had lit up!

It had only been forty-seven minutes since Xia Fei had entered the first stele!

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