Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1367 - Xia Fei’s Strategy

Chapter 1367 - Xia Fei’s Strategy

Chapter 1367: Xia Fei’s Strategy

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

The sixth level! Xia Fei had used the most violent method to unreasonably fight his way all the way to the sixth of the Seven Star Steles!

To be more precise, he had smashed his way there!

True Fiends were just that domineering!

Looking at the screen next to him, Radix said grimly, “So strong! Our unknown foe has entered the sixth level at the same time as us! It seems he was holding back and is only now showing his real power! Perhaps he’s using the same method as us and is smashing through!”

Xia Fei shook his head. “Impossible! You have to know that I was able to smash open the Seven Star Steles’ sealed doors because I’m not actually alone. I have the Law of Primal Chaos, Peacock Blue, Furball’s energy attacks, and Little Goldie’s dark space attacks! These things are all unique in the universe, and only by combining all these powers was I able to break open the doors!” josei

Radix nodded. Xia Fei’s weapons weren’t there to just be pretty. From the round Furball to the ten-sided Fiendish Blade, each one was a miraculous existence. Putting aside everything else, the Law of Primal Chaos alone was heaven-defying, and that wasn’t even considering Xia Fei’s near-light speed and his Critical Strike.

“The sixth trial will begin in one minute,” the elderly voice spoke, starting a countdown once more.

“We’re going to have to change the strategy this time,” Xia Fei indifferently said. “No matter what appears, we kill it! No choosing sides!”

Radix said in shock, “Why? Why not just blast open the sealed door like before? You were the one who proposed it first, and now you’re telling us to stop? What’s on your mind?”

Xia Fei smiled and pointed at his head. “Trust me when I say that we can’t smash our way through this trial. You had to realize that smashing open the doors used energy. Smashing open the fifth level’s door used more than half of my energy, and the sixth level will only be more difficult!

“Never forget that energy is the foundation of everything! That’s why we can no longer use energy in this trial, but must absorb as much energy as we can to prepare for the final battle! If my guess is right, we’ll definitely run into that unknown foe on the seventh level. After all, only one person can pass the God-Surpassing Stairs!”

Radix was stunned. As expected of Xia Fei, he had already taken the final battle into account! He might have been considering it in his plans from the very start!

The violent method was used to apply immense pressure to the foe so that they would go all-out, and use everything they had!

The more all-out they went, the more severely they would drain their energy. On the sixth level, Xia Fei would stop using energy and shift to crazily absorbing energy!

His opponent didn’t know Xia Fei’s strategy, so they would definitely attempt to break through as quickly as possible!

In this way, one side would be strengthened while the other was weakened! One would use power while the other absorbed it!

Winning once didn’t count as winning. The victory Xia Fei wanted was the final victory! All of his madness and all of his rule-breaking had been for the sake of the sneak attack at the final phase!

Bang! A light flashed, and a new world appeared before them!

Mountains, rivers, oceans, forest, and innumerable warriors filled this world!

The Seven Star Steles had employed some method to create an extremely authentic world, with even clouds and an atmosphere.

The warriors were divided into two groups, gods and demons standing opposed to each other.

“Please choose a side and then help your side achieve victory,” the elderly voice said to Xia Fei.

“I choose the gods!” Xia Fei answered after some thought.


A strange sound resounded, and then the elder said, “System error. As two people have entered the sixth level of the Seven Star Steles at the same time, and the other side has already chosen the gods, please make a new choice.”

After a moment of shock, Xia Fei erupted in laughter. “Fine! Since they want to be a god, I, Xia Fei, will choose to be a demon!”


The world fell into chaos. Xia Fei’s enemies all turned red while his companions became white.

Xia Fei waved his hand and led Furball, Peacock Blue, Little Goldie, and Radix in a charge.

But this time, Xia Fei made no distinction between gods and demons, killing anyone he saw!

The Nirvana Fiend Blade flew around, following Xia Fei and the others. At their rate of killing, Radix had no choice but to use 120% of his focus in order to keep up.

Energy flooded into Xia Fei’s body, forming his trump card, certain to play a fundamental role in the last battle!

As the saying went, wherever the Fiend Blade pointed, gods and demons would be slain!

Corpses soon covered the landscape! It was a sight too miserable for words!

The madmen Xia Fei led his little pack of madmen on a slaughter!

The battlefield was vast, which suited Xia Fei just fine! He was a speed-type, the fastest killers in the entire universe!

Outside the Seven Star Steles, Yangguang looked up at the sixth stele as he muttered, “It seems to have stopped?”

Earlier, Xia Fei had been using force to overcome the trials, causing the steles to shudder and tremble. But now, the Seven Star Steles had calmed down, which left everyone confused.

“Could something have happened?” Chu Jingfeng asked worriedly.

Nalan Wufa shook his head. “No. If something had happened to Xia Fei, the stele would have gone out, but the light is still flashing, indicating that Xia Fei is still alive. Perhaps he changed his strategy.”

Nalan Wufa waved his hand and said firmly, “Come with me. There’s a new report from the front!”

Startled, everyone followed Nalan Wufa into the conference room.

A giant screen turned on, displaying the area between the dragon outpost and the Seven Star Steles.

Nalan Wufa pointed at the dragon outpost and grimly said, “Our scouts have sent word that the dragon army has arrived!”

“So quickly!” Xia Gucheng was shocked. He hastily asked, “How numerous is the enemy? How are they deployed?”

Nalan Wufa scanned the room and said in a hoarse voice, “All of them! All of the dragon warriors have gathered near the outpost, their numbers close to two thousand! As for the Hell Brigade, their numbers are at almost five million! As for the low-level monster army made up of Night Owls, White Owls, and the like, it numbers thirty thousand. It appears that the dragons are serious about taking the Seven Star Steles this time!”

Everyone fell silent. With a war imminent, a somber mood filled the conference room.

Yangguang raised an eyebrow and said, “If that’s the case, then let’s fight!” They were very simple words, but they were very forceful, getting everyone’s blood pumping.


Nalan Wufa slapped the table and declared loudly, “Good! King Yangguang is right. If the enemy wants to come, then let them! The Dragoons fear no one! According to our plan, dispatch the skirmishers first! Have them make disruptive strikes against the enemy!

“Patriarch Xia Gucheng, the skirmishers require two scouts who can travel at more than ten million meters per second. Please select suitable candidates! After all, scouts need to be very daring and meticulous to forge into the enemy ranks alone, and they have to be very calm and composed!”

“No problem!” Xia Gucheng laughed. “We Skywings specialize in this! I will have Xia Ya and Xia Xiang go. They can both travel faster than ten million meters per second and have worked together for many years. I guarantee that they’ll complete their mission!”

The first mission was swiftly arranged. After battling with the dragons for many years, the Devil Shadow Dragoons were very familiar with how their enemy worked. The base was soon at the highest level of defense, all of its divisions at work.

In the sixth level of the Seven Star Steles, the slaughter continued!

Energy was a warrior’s foundation, and Xia Fei was in the middle of killing crazily in order to accumulate energy!

After all, this was a high-ranked battlefield, so the enemies were like an ocean!

*Schwing! Skrak*

The ten-sided Fiend Blade cut across, cleaving two enemies in two and draining them!

This was a contest of pure strength! From the very start, Xia Fei had been in a frenzied contest with his mysterious foe!

When Xia Fei reached 5%, his enemy reached 6%!

When Xia Fei reached 16%, his enemy reached 18%!

WHen Xia Fei reached 30%, his enemy reached 31%!

Neither party was backing down! This contest had entered a white-hot phase!

But at this moment, a clear dividing line appeared!

Xia Fei hit 40%! His enemy was at 38%!

Xia Fei hit 45%! His enemy was at 41%!

Xia Fei’s tactic was working! The gap was growing larger and larger! After a long battle, his unknown foe was finally tiring, while Xia Fei was only getting stronger and stronger!

This was the power of the Fiendish Blade Nirvana!

Nirvana was truly the king of killing! The more people it killed, the stronger it became, and its master gained an insane amount of energy from it!

After twelve hours, Xia Fei had killed an innumerable number of beings, but he didn’t need to keep count! At this moment, his energy reserves had reached a record-breaking level: a historic ten million!

“Ten million! Heavens! You really have ten million units of spirit energy! Incredible!” Radix cried out in surprise. “I really don’t know how your Fiend brain is constructed such that it can hold so much energy!”

Xia Fei suddenly stopped. He sat down and called over Furball and Little Goldie.

Radix’s eyes were red with bloodlust, and the Fiendish Blade circled in the air under his control “Why are not killing anymore? Keep killing! There are still plenty of foes! We’ll kill to our heart’s fill today!”

Xia Fei smiled and said to Radix, “There’s no need to rush. I’m naturally gaining more energy the more people I kill, but Furball and Little Goldie are already tired.”

This really was the reason. While the two guys appeared energetic, it was clear that they had hit the limits of their energy and were panting for breath. After all, they couldn’t absorb energy while fighting like Xia Fei could!

Furball jumped into Xia Fei’s chest. He was now a max-ranked Holy Beast, so he would no longer lick Xia Fei’s arm like in the past, but his appearance remained cute.

As for Little Goldie, he was still dumb and silly. He was far too loyal and simple, but in battle, he was never one to conserve strength. The battle so far had left Little Goldie much more tired than Furball.

Smiling, Xia Fei extended his hands, spirit energy covering them.

Furball and Little Goldie began to absorb Xia Fei’s energy. Furball knew to raise his head and act cute, but Little Goldie just kept his head bowed and devoured away. It seemed like he was just too exhausted.

A peaceful sight had appeared on this perilous battlefield. No matter how urgent the situation was, Xia Fei would never forget these two. They weren’t just his left and right arm, but friends that he could trust!

After some thought, Xia Fei suddenly remembered that strange cactus. It had been two days by now, so he wondered how it was doing now.

Xia Fei stroked a finger across his spatial ring.

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