Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 374

Chapter 374: Xia Fei’s Promotion and Furball Growing Up

Chapter 374: Xia Fei’s Promotion and Furball Growing Up

The psi-splosion referred to when an entity possessing a large amount of mental energy experienced a sudden collapse as too much of the collected mental energy could not find release, turning into a mental energy dispersal that could be seen with the naked eye.

The command deck was filled with the energy fragments from this psi-splosion, and everything originated from the insectoid cerebrum that had survived for an unknown number of years. To be able to command a capital ship with just its mental energy, there was no doubt the insectoid cerebrum contained plenty of energy, and given the fact that it was made by the mysterious god race, the technological level should be extremely advanced, allowing it to stay alive all these years, absorbing plenty of mental energy.

These were all the necessary conditions to cause this unexpected psi-splosion; there would have been no explosion if it did not have the mental energy, not to mention causing it to disperse and float in the air like falling snow, able to be absorbed.

What Xia Fei could not understand was how Furball, the culprit, had caused this raging psi-splosion. josei

Furball was just an exotic beast about the size of an egg, yet from how a single burp from it had frightened the Gilded Greenface Beast, the fact that a single glare from it could cause this insectoid cerebrum, which was thousands of years old, to explode, and its ability to absorb Purple Hearts of Spirit so ravenously, Xia Fei could not help but associate plenty of things, both good and bad, to Furball.

Right now, he did not have the time to study Furball’s peculiarities. The psi-splosion would not persist for long, so what Xia Fei needed to do at this time was absorb as many of the energy fragments as he could to assist him in ranking up his abilities.

Completely opening up his mental domain, the countless fragments in the air slowly gathered to where Xia Fei was standing. When they were just a meter or less away from him, the fragments automatically dissipated, becoming atoms invisible to the naked eye as they swiftly flew into Xia Fei’s brain.

Xia Fei could feel a very odd sensation from every cell in his body. It was as if he was taking a warm sauna—he felt an indescribable pleasantness. Every single brain cell was insatiably gobbling up all the mental energy, as if enjoying delicacies raining from the heavens, especially since Xia Fei’s seventh brain region, despite only taking a very small portion of his brain, which was no bigger than a needle tip, was devouring the mental energy in the air like a whale eating planktons. There seemed to be no end to its appetite, unable to be satisfied even if there were ten or even a hundred times more of the energy fragments.

Likewise, the small exotic beast Furball was greedily absorbing all the energy fragments. It was in fact lying on the ground like a drunkard, with its eyes close and its mouth wide as the energy fragments flew into it.

Xia Fei was furious. This was not the first time his pet had disrupted him. He could not believe that it would actually compete with him over these energy fragments at such a crucial period. It was truly hateful; Having fed it with Purple Hearts of Spirit, worth millions of star coins, every day, Xia Fei never would have thought that it would still be so ungrateful.

Xia Fei increased the speed of his absorption of the energy fragments, and they all moved even faster to him. Soon, a whirlpool formed, with Xia Fei right at the eye of it.

Furball was not about to relent. It quickened its absorption as well, causing the man and the ball to begin this wordless competition right there in the command deck, vying with each other for the limited mental-energy fragments.

The energy from the insectoid cerebrum’s psi-splosion did not actually get all cleared but was, instead, steadily increasing. Xia Fei knew that this was the delayed reaction from the psi-splosion. Turning the pure mental energy into absorbable energy fragments would take some time, especially since there was abundant energy in the air that also needed time to be converted successfully.

“Xia Fei, you’re absorbing them too quickly! Don’t forget that, though your seventh brain region is completely open, your mental domain itself has been severely injured. Absorbing all these energy fragments too fast will only be a heavy burden on your mental domain.” Phantom reminded Xia Fei of this.

Actually, Xia Fei had already detected something off with his brain even before Phantom alerted him to it. Though he was still feeling that warm and pleasant sensation all over his body, his brain was slowly becoming fuzzy, his consciousness getting hazier, as if he was in a drowsy state when he had just woken up in the morning.

The energy fragments in the air were beginning to show no signs of stagnation, slowly increasing in quantity as the gathered.

All these energy fragments that could immensely improve his abilities were slowly drifting down, tempting Xia Fei to absorb every bit.

Xia Fei gritted his teeth. Great achievements came with a heavy price that ordinary men could not bear; this was a creed that Xia Fei lived his life by. There was only a thin line between danger and opportunity, with one side being heaven and the other hell. Xia Fei, who had constantly been threading the line between, was already used to living life dangerously.

He smiled a smile that held a touch of intrigue.

He completely opened his seventh brain region.

Xia Fei had decided to absorb all these energy fragments in the craziest manner possible.


‘If this is the price to be paid for walking on this road toward success, then I’ll gladly bear it all,’ Xia Fei decided in his heart.

Poor Furball could only helplessly watch as a large quantity of energy fragments got absorbed into Xia Fei’s seventh brain region; it had only managed to acquire one percent of the energy fragments here, while Xia Fei had single-handedly swallowed ninety-nine percent of them.


Once Xia Fei finished absorbing all the energy fragments in the air, he ended up collapsing on the metal floor due to utter fatigue.

Actually, everyone would encounter several rare opportunities in their life, but not many would be so firm in grasping the chances given like Xia Fei, and even less would dare bear such an enormous risk as he did.

Phantom sighed heavily as he shook his head. “Madman, do you know how much energy you’ve just absorbed?”

Furball had also fainted on the floor, its body still the same as when it was just an infant; absorbing one percent of the energy from the psi-splosion had already been a huge boon for it, though that was still nothing compared to what Xia Fei had gained.


When Xia Fei regained consciousness, he felt dampness on his head. He touched his hair and discovered that it was wet with some transparent liquid, similar to sweat but lacking in smell. It was as if he had just washed his hair.

His mind was clear, and he felt a lot more relaxed. He tried to move his shoulder as he casually ran his fingers through his hair.

“Did it rain?” Xia Fei asked.

Phantom rolled his eyes. “How could you get rained while indoors? Did you become stupid or something?”

Xia Fei pointed to the pool of liquid on the ground. “Then, where did all this water come from?”

“It flowed out from your head.”

Xia Fei furrowed his brows. “You’re the one with water in your head.”

Phantom laughed. “It’s up to you whether to believe me or not; that liquid did indeed flow out from your head, though I don’t think it’s water. It should be some form of waste, as if your brain has just been given a thorough cleansing; even the area that your seventh brain region occupies has increased by a third.”

Xia Fei was abruptly shocked. The volume of the seventh brain region directly correlated with a warrior’s ultimate achievement. It was akin to a person’s innate potential; the greater the mental domain, the greater the limit of success.


He quickly sent a burst of mental energy into his brain and soon excitedly confirmed it. “You’re right; it’s as if every single brain cell of mine has been reborn, and my mental domain has truly widened.”

Phantom was somber. “This means that your potential has increased yet again. Sometimes, I really don’t understand how you always bump into so many serendipitous encounters. Having your seventh brain region completely opened already makes you unique throughout the entire Pan-human Alliance, and now the width of your mental domain has increased by a third, too. If anyone were to learn of this, they would be jealous to death.”

Xia Fei merely answered, “If neither you and I will say a word about this; no one should know.”

Phantom acquiesced. “Okay, you just absorbed a large amount of energy fragments, making this the perfect opportunity to refine your mental energy and rank up. Try and begin your cultivation.”

Xia Fei nodded. At present, he had grasped the Beast Spirit Codex, psychokinesis, as well as the Delusion cloning technique. These three were all considered mental-type abilities. Essentially, Xia Fei’s foundation was built upon his speed ability, while the three mental-type combat techniques helped increase his combat capabilities. Of course, Xia Fei also had the Crafty Approach technique, which was considered a physical martial art.

A super speed and agile physical martial art, plus his powerful mental abilities—these two working in tandem made up Xia Fei’s amazing combat strength

Having obtained a large amount of mental energy, he naturally intended to use it in ranking up his mental-type abilities.

He first began cultivating his psychokinesis, an ability not innately gifted to him but rather an auxiliary ability. Xia Fei could not cultivate his speed ability after damaging his seventh brain region, but his second ability was not affected by such a restriction.

At present, his psychokinesis was only at the primary Star Domain rank, enabling him to use both Demon Axe and Thunderfury. He could also use his tier 3 combat technique, Thousand Venerables, except it would take a toll on his body, so it was best if he refrained from using it a lot. As for the even more powerful tier 4 combat skill, Fearless, he would first have to reach Star River rank before he could use it.

The large amount of mental energy stored in Xia Fei’s mental domain was like an ocean. Xia Fei only needed to guide the energies within and he could naturally improve his ability’s cultivation. He just needed to be very careful with directing the energy; as Xia Fei had a lot of mental energy stored, he would most likely suffer quite a heavy backlash if he accidentally caused it to overflow and flood out.


After several minutes, Xia Fei slowly stopped controlling the energy within, then opened his eyes, and lit a cigarette.

“It’s strange. I have plenty of energy, yet I’m unable to break past the threshold. Could I not have enough mental energy stored?” Xia Fei was skeptical.

Phantom burst out laughing. “Have you not heard of the saying ‘biting off more than one can chew’? You’ve already improved by three whole ranks, from Primary Star Domain to Primary Star River. Are you still dissatisfied with how quickly you’ve improved?

“Surely, you know that you’re already able to use the powerful Thousand Venerables combat technique to perfection, and you’re even able to use the Fearless combat technique. That’s pretty much a miraculous speed of improvement.”


Xia Fei nodded. He was preparing to invest all the energy toward the Delusion technique when, all of a sudden, Xia Fei noticed that a white circular ball was beside him. It was about the size of a basketball, sprawled to the side all soft and round.

“What is this?”

Xia Fei haphazardly kicked this ball, causing it to fly several dozen meters away, slamming hard against the metal wall before it rebounded.

A cry could be heard, and it sounded like Furball’s.

Xia Fei stared at the two eyes that had appeared on that circular ball, looking at him with tears welling up.

“Furball? You’ve grown so much!” Xia Fei yelped in his surprise.

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