Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 384

Chapter 384: Unjustly Slain Expert

Chapter 384: Unjustly Slain Expert

The focus of a stealth ability was not on ‘stealth’ but rather on ‘movement’.

If a stealth ability user could normally travel ten meters a second, when they entered a stealth state, not only would they not slow down, they would be several times, even as quick as ten times, faster. They could travel one hundred meters per second!

This was the true power of a stealth ability user, and Mengen, as an insectoid Eternal rank expert, had a stealth speed of twelve hundred meters per second, and this was in stealth mode when no one could sense him!

Mite warriors were naturally small and thin, but their movement techniques were extremely nimble and swift. Mengen, who was nearly one meter tall, was an extremely tall member of his race. The mighty Uti was only 0.48 meters, but of course, he was publicly known to be 0.5 meters.


A chilling wind blew past Xia Fei’s head!

“An enemy!” Xia Fei was alarmed and immediately used Crafty Approach to dodge to the side. In a split-second, he had made an almost impossible dodge, the slightest nudge from his feet moving him five meters to the left.

As one of the Seven Champions, Mengen was extremely confident in his fighting skills. No one had ever been able to dodge an attack while he was stealthed—Xia Fei was the first!

The speed of his body, having already left the stealth state, plunged. Without the dual protection that came from stealth and speed, Mengen felt terrified. Everyone knew that stealth ability users relied on a surprise lethal strike. If they had to fight out in the open with their enemies, any warrior of a slightly high grade or rank could defeat them.

A failed ambush was extremely dangerous to a stealth ability user! If Xia Fei could dodge his attack, it meant that his rank was definitely not much lower than his. Exposing himself in front of a high-rank warrior was no different from suicide!

Mengen mentally grumbled. He was planning to capture Xia Fei and interrogate him on his purpose here, so he had struck without weapons. His small, child-size hand had been formed into a claw, prepared to grab Xia Fei by the neck and push him to the ground.

Experience was a most pernicious thing. There were few in the insectoid species who could dodge Mengen’s attack, so it was only natural for Mengen to believe that Xia Fei was lacking. Thus, his experience made him careless when he sought to capture Xia Fei.

He did not know that Xia Fei had cultivated the Crafty Approach technique, which only got further strengthened by the meteor ball. The improved Crafty Approach meant that not even speed ability users of the same level could think of catching him, let alone Mengen, who could only travel twelve hundred meters a second.

The situation was very awkward. After Mengen appeared, his body flew through the air, his hand in front of him like a hawk snatching at its prey. Meanwhile, five meters to the side, Xia Fei looked at him in confusion.

In Xia Fei’s view, Mengen was a short, black insectoid with some martial arts skills. The only special thing about him was that he could attack while stealthed. Xia Fei knew nothing about the Seven Sacred Champions of the insectoids. Even if he did, he would have never thought that one of them could be this dwarf.

Anyone who attacked him was an enemy, and enemies could not be allowed to live. This had always been Xia Fei’s principle!

Mengen turned his head to Xia Fei, his white eyes filled with fear. He hastily mustered his energy and prepared to enter stealth again; alas, Xia Fei did not give him the chance. Trying to escape in front of Xia Fei and his ten-thousand-meter-per-second speed was pure fantasy.

With a light step, Xia Fei appeared in front of Mengen, his hand grabbing the arm that Mengen had thrust forward and using the impetus of his charge to throw Mengen onto his back.

Mengen was thrown onto the alloy metal floor by Xia Fei, his eyes exploding with stars and his bones shattering upon impact. This was how speed ability users were. The higher their rank, the more strength they possessed. If Mengen had not been wearing a costly combat uniform, he would have been instantly turned into a meat pancake. After all, there was also his inertia mixed into this collision.

Xia Fei was simply too fast. Eternal rank Sacred Champion Mengen simply did not have a chance to react. Before he even had time to blink, he was laid out on the floor by Xia Fei.

He wanted to cry out—an instinctive reaction of any lifeform when feeling despair, but Xia Fei’s October Flying Snow had already slit his throat. Anyone without the necessary reaction time and speed should not even think of opposing a high-level speed ability user. This was what many instructors would tell their students, and Mengen had heard it many times, but Xia Fei’s speed did not even give him time to think. His movements were faster than thought! What terrifying speed was this?

October Flying Snow was an Eternal rank divine weapon. If used slowly, it could freeze the foe’s body into blocks of ice. When used quickly, the edge would not leave a trace. Xia Fei used the latter with his fastest speed to leave an almost invisible line across Mengen’s neck, but no blood seeped out. Only after twenty-four hours would the ice-sealing effect dissipate, but by that time, the blood would have already congealed.

With flickering eyes, Mengen stared unwillingly and vacantly at the ceiling. Even as he died, he still did not understand it. How had he died to Xia Fei? Injustice, grievance, depression, and all other sorts of indescribable and unpleasant feelings left Mengen dying in a very dissatisfied way.

He was one of the Seven Insectoid Champions! Mengen felt that he had died a most unjust death! He had just gone out for a simple mission, but he had ended up discovering a human warrior who was not much weaker than him, and then he had died? What had actually happened?


Xia Fei kicked Mengen’s body to the corner and casually said, “Might have been a doorkeeper.”

A doorkeeper? If Mengen could still hear this, he probably would probably die again out of rage on the spot! This was one of Uti’s Seven Champions, but Xia Fei had taken him for a doorkeeper. It must be understood that in the insectoids’ society, strength was highly valued, and Mengen could definitely be ranked in the top ten of the insectoid species! He was both a relative to the ruler and an apex warrior!

Phantom was even more malicious. He nodded in agreement. “His special ability was rather interesting, very much like Clean Knife’s spatial plane. It’s just a pity that this guy’s cultivation was too lacking. He might be an ordinary teacher of this school.”

“Mm, I think so, too. If he had a high status, why would he be assigned as a doorkeeper for a remote place like this?”

Xia Fei and Phantom chatted with each other. Fortunately, Mengen was already dead and could not hear their malicious words. Otherwise, he would be so ashamed that he would commit suicide!

“Oh, I almost forgot; I wonder if he has anything nice on him?” Xia Fei stroked his chin.

“There’s no need. How could a doorkeeper have anything good?” Phantom disdainfully said.

“True. It’s not worth the time searching a doorkeeper’s body. Even that fellow Jin Myeh didn’t have anything good, let alone a no-name like this.” Xia Fei shrugged his shoulders. josei

Xia Fei was comparing Mengen to the puny Jin Myeh? These words might have made Mengen crawl out of his grave! Who was Jin Myeh? A puny grade 4 warrior and a mere vice dean. Be it status or cultivation, Mengen was far above Jin Myeh. There was simply no comparing the two!

Alas, in Xia Fei’s eyes, Mengen was inferior to Jin Myeh. At least, that Jin fellow had created quite the problem for him. Meanwhile, this formidable Sacred Champion had been taken care of by him with one strike. It was only natural that he would not take Mengen seriously.

This was simply a strange combination of circumstances. If Mengen had not underestimated his enemy, he would have been strong enough to fight a bitter battle with Xia Fei, where the outcome would have been hard to predict. Alas, one small mistake had ended with Mengen offering his life. More importantly, his fame and reputation had all been thrown into the dumpster by Xia Fei and then kicked around once or twice for good measure. Moreover, before his unjust death, Mengen had even helped Xia Fei open the door to the secret storehouse. It would be no exaggeration to say that Mengen was the most unjustly slain warrior in the entire universe.

Xia Fei inspected the door. There was no switch to it, so it was probably opened from the inside. This left him in quite a pickle. His only option was to force his way through, but Xia Fei discovered that, while this door seemed similar to the other three doors, it was actually made of a different material.

The other three doors were made from tritanium alloy, but this door was made from the costly multidimensional elemental alloy! The same kind of paint covered all four doors, and only by peeling off the paint would one notice the difference.

It had to be understood that multidimensional elemental alloy was abnormally tough and immune to any sort of fire or water. It was so expensive that a kilogram could go for ten million star coins. This door had to weigh ten-some tons, so this alloy metal door had to cost an astronomical sum!

The truth was obvious. There had to be some huge secret behind this door!

Xia Fei took out October Flying Snow, pondering a way to pry open the door crack.

Suddenly, Xia Fei heard a sound from within the door!

Getting on his tiptoes, Xia Fei drifted over to the wall as he hid himself in the shadows.

Normally, this door could not be opened easily, but upon Mengen’s arrival, he had called the guard inside and had also knocked on the door’s secret mechanism. All of this was as usual, so the personnel inside had let down his guard. Activating the complicated machinery, and with a great stir, the heavy door opened.

“Sir Mengen, Sir Mengen, are you there?”

softly called a small and thin warrior from the mite race. He was even smaller than Mengen, and while his skin was the usual white, his eyes were white, too.

The Blood Demon Claw was extremely valuable, so Uti had dispatched only warriors of his race and blood to guard it. These people were utterly devoted to Uti, allowing him to rest easy.

“Eh? Why is no one here?” asked the mite warrior confusedly.


At this moment, Xia Fei shot out from his shadowy corner. As he passed this warrior, he swept his dagger across the insectoid’s neck. Before the warrior knew what had happened, he was already dead.

Xia Fei moved so quickly and had such sharp senses that he instantly saw the situation past the door. Without stopping, he made a circuit of the rooms, and the nearly twenty insectoids inside died without knowing what was going on!

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