Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 461

Chapter 461: Retirement!

Chapter 461: Retirement!

“Look over there; that’s the Starlink Corporation’s First Fleet!”

The garden by the Jian family’s residence had several screens set up, their purpose to play some light-hearted music for setting the mood. The image suddenly changed to show the expanse of space, where Starlink Corporation’s First Fleet had suddenly appeared after opening their temporary wormholes. Everyone knew that this meant Xia Fei had returned.

“Hmm? What’s going up? Why is there a capital ship following behind them?”

“A Gaian Thanatos-class carrier. Could this ship belong to Starlink Corporation? I’ve never heard of them acquiring a capital ship license, though.”

An avid discussion broke among the crowd, and it was Chief of Staff Williams who chuckled. “That ship’s Xia Fei’s. Due to his contributions to the war, the military has awarded him with a special capital ship license, allowing Xia Fei and Quantum Holdings to own a capital ship.”

Of the military triumvirate, Tai and Layton were leading the fleets to reclaim their territory and only Pine Williams remained. Of course, he was here to represent the military in welcoming Xia Fei back. That was why he was in the Jian family’s residence. Originally, the military and internal affairs department had a plan to receive Xia Fei and award him with honors, but Xia Fei rejected this; thus, such plans were scrapped. Since this was just a private welcoming party that the Jian family had organized, it of course had no relation with the governing body of the Panhuman Alliance...

“So that’s how it is. Xia Fei indeed deserves the right to pilot a capital ship of his own.”

“Look at his warship; there’s even a military serial number on it. Perhaps the ship’s a gift from the Navy.”

Discussions ran amok, with everyone agreeing that Xia Fei deserved to own a capital ship. Those from Quantum Holdings and the Jian family, meanwhile, were elated, feeling a bit of this honor on themselves by extension. josei

Because the size of Nirvana was too large, it was completely incapable of landing on the spaceport in Sido. As a result, Xia Fei switched to boarding Vampire before he entered Sido’s atmosphere, leaving the little robot Pod to stay onboard due to its identity. Pod felt very regretful about this arrangement. It was not that Xia Fei looked down on him; rather, too many humans still harbored animosity toward robots, and it was a reality that no one could change.


Vampire landed in the Jian family’s backyard. Xia Fei stepped out from the warship and greeted everyone whom he knew and did not know as he headed toward the already prepared VIP lounge.

Xia Fei was a little disappointed that he had not caught a glimpse of Avril, though he still kept on smiling at everyone. Avril was his lover whom he cherished greatly, but he was not about to neglect these friends of his, either. After all, his company had been left to these people to take charge while Xia Fei was away most of the time, so they had all lived up to his entrustment, keeping Quantum Holdings well-managed and operated the whole time.

The crowd proceeded to shift toward the large assembly room situated in the center of the garden, and plenty of people very knowingly departed. The few who wanted to get near Xia Fei were all politely declined entry by Pang Xing and Pang Hai, and only those who were more familiar to Xia Fei were allowed entry.

Interested parties took note of all the people who were admitted into Xia Fei’s circle and their names, in hopes of trying to build closer ties in the future. After all, Xia Fei was close to these people, so they could hardly be underestimated.

Everyone asked about Xia Fei’s exploits in the insectoid territory, and Xia Fei breezed through everything. He did not claim credit beyond due and, instead, praised everyone for their hard work in holding and defending mankind, safeguarding Quantum Holdings, and even succeeding in their enlistment of talented individuals in all the chaos.

“There are really many people who came, and it’s not what I imagined.” Xia Fei said as he stood up and looked outside the window.

Old man Qin Mang strolled over. “There’s a reason for that, and you ought to know why.”

Xia Fei nodded. “The war has just ended. The commercial world and political circles need to start anew. The Jian family lost a lot in this war, and organizing this is probably how they’re planning to revive their influence.”

Qin Mang added, “It’s not just the Jian family. Quantum Holdings needs your help, too. Due to your relationship with Avril, Starlink Corporation and Quantum Holdings are already viewed as one, so glory or loss is equally shared. The strength of both companies can’t be underestimated, and together, it’ll most definitely have the ability to challenge the number one enterprise seat in the commercial world. By that time, you’ll essentially become the top businessman in all Panhuman Alliance.”

Xia Fei smiled but did not really pay heed to this issue much. After all, his thoughts were no longer here, and the group of Law Warriors in the distant stars was where his interest truly lay.

He noticed Ernst chatting with Andre from the corner of his eyes, and the two seemed to be really familiar with each other. Meanwhile, Avril’s father was having a conversation with Charlie, most likely discussing cooperation on the business front. The largest business consortium in the commercial world was slowly forming, and any other businessmen would naturally flock to them once they understood this.

“‘Civilization starts from sapience, as does destruction with the God of Titan. Only by seeking asylum with the God of Titan can lives be saved from the claws of demons,’” Qin Mang muttered to himself. This was what he had once shared with Xia Fei a long time ago, and it referred to the importance of civilization getting a hold of a Titan-class warship.

“The Panhuman Alliance has once more been driven to the brink of extinction, and it’s yet another proof that it’s hard for us to stand on the stage of this universe without wielding potent strength.”

Xia Fei chuckled. “Are you thinking of that matter with the Titan superwarship again?”

“Yes. If humanity had a Titan, we wouldn’t have been bullied so utterly by the insectoids this time. Though I have no idea what the ancient humans were so desperately manufacturing the Titan, it wouldn’t hurt for our civilization to have that sort of superweapon.”

Xia Fei kept quiet. He already knew why the ancient humans sought to manufacture the Titan, and it was not to prevent other races from committing genocide against them but to defend themselves against an attack from Law Warriors. However, he decided against telling Qin Mang that he now possessed a complete set of blueprints to a Titan-class warship. This was a matter of great importance, and any civilization who possessed or attempted to manufacture Titans had all eventually been wiped out, so Xia Fei could not help but seriously consider sharing what he had learned.

Changing the topic, Qin Mang patted Xia Fei on his back and said, “I almost forgot. You’re still a cadet Adjudicator of the Adjudicator Union. Still being a cadet Adjudicator is a little beneath you given your current status, and the Union will be mocked by others. As such, the president of the Union told me that he wishes to give you the ranking of a Diamond Adjudicator. Any thoughts?”

A Diamond Adjudicator was the highest title a member of the Union could obtain, holding plenty of privilege and prestige. It could be seen that the conditions the Adjudicator Union had set for him were not low.

Xia Fei shook his head. “There’s no need for that. It’s just a title. Besides, I didn’t sign any agreement back when I was in Heaven Execution Training Camp, and the reason for that is I don’t want to be bound to anyone via a contract. I still hold true to my past mentality, and I plan to leave the Adjudicator Union with this return of mine.”

Qin Mang laughed out loud. “I guess that’s fine. Even being a Diamond Adjudicator isn’t fitting for the status you now have. They at least ought to give you a seat beside the ten old coots presiding over The Brotherhood, though it’s the oldest warrior organization and guards who knows how many secrets. Those ten old coots are also the Union’s core members. I’m afraid that it’s gonna take quite a bit of maneuvering before that happens.”

Xia Fei smiled. “Old man, I’m not scorning Diamond Adjudicator because I find it not prominent enough; if I cared about my status back then, I wouldn’t care to be your librarian. I won’t be joining anything, be it the Adjudicator Union or The Brotherhood.”

Qin Mang was stunned. He never would have thought that Xia Fei would be so indifferent toward fame or fortune. It ought to be stated that those ten old coots of The Brotherhood would have access to the top secrets of the Alliance, essentially on par with the military triumvirate. A young man like Xia Fei joining The Brotherhood was practically unbelievable, and any mentally sound individual would not have rejected such an offer.

“Leaving the Adjudicator Union and not joining The Brotherhood, either?” Qin Mang lifted his head and glanced at Williams who was not far away. “Were you perhaps thinking that the government or the military would present you with greater benefits?”

Xia Fei shook his head with that same smile. “Old man, you should know that the Alliance has given me the Terminus Star Region, right?”

Qin Mang nodded. “Indeed, I do. You couldn’t be planning to run off to the Death Tri-region and be a lonely tyrant, could you? What’s so good about that impoverished place, anyway?”

Xia Fei answered lacksadiscally, “At the very least, I won’t be restrained by others. I’ll grow some plants and the ilk, raise some birds or fish when I’m bored. That’s a life worth living, too.”

Xia Fei knew very well that Qin Mang truly wanted to help him become a peak expert in the Alliance. It was just that the time for that had passed, and the stage which was called the Alliance was not as attractive as before to Xia Fei, for he was now a lot more intrigued by the Three Laws and the secret world of Law Adepts.

However, he could not tell all these to Qin Mang, so the best he could do was make up some excuse.

Qin Mang laughed and patted his fat head. “You’re making yet another unconventional choice, just like when you chose to become a librarian years back. Everyone is thinking that you’ll make big moves and do some great things here in the Alliance with this return of yours. Instead, you actually want to recuse yourself to the desolate Terminus Star Region—something that even I did not imagine.”

Xia Fei laughed as he bowed to Qing Mang respectfully. “Old man, I have yet to quit the Adjudicator Union, so I’m still your little librarian. Shall I brew you a cup of tea?”

With that, Xia Fei really got up and brewed a pot of Longjing Before Rain for Qin Mang personally. The old man chuckled happily. “You’ve really got quite the silver tongue, youngster. I’m afraid that I’ll have trouble finding another underling who can brew tea as well as you do once you leave.”

“I’m afraid I may not have the chance to brew a pot of tea for you in the future, but I’ll be sure to get Charlie to send you some Longjing Before Rain every year. Most of the tea plantations on Earth are still intact, and that in itself is quite a fortunate turn of events.”

Plenty of others were waiting to have a chat with Xia Fei, so Qin Mang did not delay for much longer. Taking the pot of tea and walking over to Thuram, he let the others have a chance to speak to the man of the hour.

“How was it? Is the rascal Xia Fei beside himself with glee after knowing that you want to give him an esteemed spot in The Brotherhood?” Thuram was not at all courteous, taking the pot of tea from Qin Mang and pouring himself a cup.

“He rejected it.” Qin Mang sighed.

Thuram nearly spat a mouthful of tea.

“Did I hear that correctly? The ten old coots of The Brotherhood practically hold half the secret martial arts manuals and ancient civilization relics in the Alliance, governing all the warrior organizations. How could he reject such an offer? Is he still sane?”

“What do you think?”? Qin Mang took a sip of tea and asked.

Thuram shook his head. “No, I don’t think so. The rascal Xia Fei is very smart.”

Qin Mang sighed. “Years ago, when he chose to be a librarian under me, plenty of people also thought that he’s wrong in the head, but he ended up proving himself to be smarter than anyone else. Now, his decision to retire is likely the same, except even I don’t understand the reason behind it. I wonder what matter of importance is the lad hiding from me?”

After some time, Williams also quietly joined Qin Mang and Thuram after having a chat with Xia Fei.

“Congratulations to the both of you. Xia Fei refused to succeed Admiral Layton, so that means the Adjudicator Union won this round.” Williams sighed.

Qin Mang and Thuram both laughed uproariously. “To think the military would actually dangle such a huge benefit; Xia Fei hasn’t even been in command school, yet you’re willing to come up with such an idea like letting him be the chief of the Navy just like that.”

Williams chuckled politely. “Looks like our offer isn’t high enough.”

“Actually, Xia Fei didn’t join us, either.” Thuram could not resist admitting.

“Then what does he plan to do?” Williams asked curiously.

“He plans to retire, go fishing in the Terminus Star Region that you gave him.”


Williams’ expression paled, and that exquisite wine glass he held in his hand landed on the ground, shattering into pieces.


The sound of the shattering glass was not too loud, but the room had suddenly gone silent, which caused Williams to think that his momentary absentmindedness had caused everyone to look in his direction.

Actually, everyone had gone quiet not because of the shatter glass but because of a woman.

In the distance, Avril was making her way over, a sweet smile on her face.

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