Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 60

Chapter 60: Famous from a Single Fight!

Chapter 60: Famous from a Single Fight!

Many lightyears away, Avril had fallen asleep on her pink bed, curled up inwardly, her pretty little face somewhat paler than usual.

The door quietly opened as an old man in his sixties 60 crept in. He was dressed in a stiff suit and wore white gloves, looking very much like a butler in service to Avril’s household.

There was a huge mess on the pink carpet, and countless parts of stuffed toys were littered all over the room.

The display screen was still on, showing the live broadcast of Xia Fei and Chen Dong’s match. This time consuming and also record-breaking match was still going on. Xia Fei and Chen Dong were already panting heavily, as the two men’s movements were visibly slower than what they were several days ago.

The butler waved his hand to the door, as several prettily dressed maids tiptoed into Avril’s room at his signal.

These maids were evidently very well trained as they demonstrated the skillful coordination they had with each other. Some were busy picking up all the remains of torn stuffed toys, while others used a clean white cloth to wipe every corner of the room. All of them worked quietly and very orderly, not a single word uttered throughout the whole process.

Soon after, the originally messy room was tidied up until it was spick and span, while all the items returned to their original positions. Next, these maids brought in brand new stuffed animals and neatly placed them all by the bedside, the cabinet, the carpet, even making sure to dress each of them in pink outfits.

Anyone could foresee that no matter how exquisitely dressed these plushies were, as soon as Avril woke up, they would all turn into torn remains just like what they had just cleaned up.

Nevertheless, the maids did what they were tasked to do and quietly removed themselves from the room, leaving just that old butler standing in front of the display screen running his fingers through that beard beneath his chin.

“This match is rather interesting. Xia Fei? Should I investigate him?” The old butler softly murmured to himself.

Glancing over to Avril sleeping like a kitten on her bed, the old butler gazed at her with a look of loving care.

Lightly walking over, he took a pink blanket and tucked Avril in, “Miss will soon become a lady.” The old butler said with a smile on his face.

All of a sudden, the still dreaming Avril turned around, looking particularly naive and innocent as she balled her two fists into punches and waved them in the air a few times, “Xia Fei, quickly beat him, beat him up!”

The old butler could not help but laugh as he pulled the blanket over her again before silently creeping out from the room.

“The missus isn’t physically well, so we’ll cancel the classes for this week. Inform all the teachers that there’s no need for them to make the trip over,” The old butler instructed the maids waiting outside.

A fairly young maid with curls furrowed her brow and worriedly asked, “If sir and madam were to ask, what do we do?”

The old butler was stone-faced as he very solemnly answered, “I’ll talk to the sir and madam. Okay, you guys may leave.”

The maids bowed their heads and departed along the magnificently decorated corridor. The old butler took a chair and moved it over to Avril’s doorway before sitting down. He took out some old scrolls and began reading them with great gusto.


Earth, base camp for the Adjudicator Union’s Crisis grade assessment.

The second round for this assessment had split the candidates into 18 groups, with the candidate winning in each group qualified for the next round. Aside from Xia Fei and Chen Dong’s group 3, the other 17 groups were already done with all their matches.

However, for every day that Xia Fei and Chen Dong did not end their extremely long fight, that would be another day where they could not proceed to the finals.

The staff from the Adjudicator Union had begun to withdraw from the Earth, as half of the 5th Fleet that was orbiting in space had already left.

After all, less than 1,000 candidates were remaining in the assessment. It would be a huge waste of resources and manpower to continue having so many of their staff linger around Earth. Furthermore, they would be running up additional expenditure keeping all of them around every extra day.

The wages for the staff on Earth were manageable, but it was a different story altogether for the 5th Fleet, especially considering the astronomical sum incurred every day they keep patrolling!

All of them were waiting, hoping that Xia Fei and Chen Dong would end their fight as soon as possible, wishing that they would not continue their endless entanglement with each other so that this assessment with their plenty of twists and turns could finally be over.

However, Xia Fei and Chen Dong did not care about what these people thought. They were completely engrossed in the joy of combat, immersing themselves to the point they had forgotten themselves. All that mattered was the crazy battle they were in!

Xiao Haili had both of his hands behind his back as he stood in front of a huge display screen in the assessment headquarters, his eyes transfixed on a beautiful woman on the screen.

This beautiful woman was undoubtedly Ye Xiaohan, the lady with a devilish figure and icy deposition.

According to the plan, Ye Xiaohan would have returned to Heaven Execution Training Camp with the over 2,000 cadets she had come along with. After all, they were only here to lend a hand, and things like assessments were left to the assessment department to handle.

But for some unknown reason, Ye Xiaohan had decided to stay. Every day she would pretend to act nonchalant and walk several rounds around the venue, sometimes sneaking into the arena deep in the night to watch Xia Fei and Chen Dong’s fight.

Others might not be aware of this, but Xiao Haili clearly knew in his heart that the reason why Ye Xiaohan did not leave was all due to just the one person, Xia Fei.

At this moment, Ye Xiaohan was again at level 3, ring no. 21. There were several staff members from the Adjudicator Union seated around the ring, as well as hundreds of candidates watching the fight to join in on the excitement. Every time Xia Fei escaped from Chen Dong’s attack by the skin of his teeth, these people would all exclaim in unison, evidently all completely absorbed by the thrilling duel between the two men.

Ye Xiaohan slowed her steps and walked around the ring before walking back out the way she came in.

Though she looked like she was about to leave, she was actually stealing glances at the ring from time to time, looking back thrice with every step, her thoughts apparently occupied.

Xiao Haili could see all this very clearly through the monitoring screens, grinding his teeth as his expression sank.

There were plenty of colleagues in the monitoring room with him. Xiao Haili would never show his deranged side to others, so he suppressed the rage he felt within him and cursed Xia Fei ten thousand times in his heart!

That was when President Robert pushed open the door and walked in, “Xiao Hai, what’s going on with all those reporters outside?”

Xiao Haili turned around in a hurry to look at his teacher with a smile ready, “Heh, they are here to interview that somewhat excessive match that’s procrastinating everything. Our Union had only sold the live broadcast rights to six major television stations, but we had not sold the interview rights, which is why they are all crowding outside.”

Robert nodded, “Oh, that’s great. Arrange for their lodgings and provisions; don’t neglect them. Just tell them to wait till the match is over, and the Adjudicator Union would arrange for an important press conference.”

Xiao Haili furrowed his brow, “Teacher, why are we holding a press conference? Could the Union have something to announce?”

Robert patted Xiao Haili’s shoulder and smiled, “This is a great opportunity to show the attitude the Adjudicator Union would show toward people of talent. I want to show those in the Hermit Syndicate that the Adjudicator Union is the number one Union in the universe.”


No one would have guessed that Xia Fei and Chen Dong would fight for 21 days!

Continuing to fight over 500 consecutive hours, for such a long battle. Forget the average human, even an elite warrior would be seriously tested by it!

In every corner of the star region, everyone was discussing this shocking battle. Aside from the super-long duration of the fight, everyone wanted to know just how Xia Fei and Chen Dong were able to accomplish this!

The average person would feel extremely sleepy after staying up for 24 hours. A total of 21 days and nights was well beyond anyone’s imagination.

It would never be possible to do all this without possessing superhuman willpower and a determination of steel. After all, neither Xia Fei nor Chen Dong had any rest throughout these 500 hours, plus they had spent every moment fighting non-stop!

Being in combat would not only use up plenty of their physical strength but also deplete plenty of their mental strength. Now, it was no longer a question about who would win or lose. Being able to create this unprecedented record was already a huge achievement in itself!

The names of the battle maniac Chen Dong and the crazy Xia Fei spread like wildfire; to be able to do something so crazy, what else could they be aside from being insane?

Xia Fei was trembling as he made his way toward Chen Dong, staggering at every step as his mind was all blank.

He no longer remembered why he needed to fight. All he knew was that he needed to hold on and that he must not fall, no matter what.

Chen Dong was not in any better state either. His two eyes were staring straight only at Xia Fei. He wanted to step forward and attack, but he could not lift his leg and move no matter what he did. His two legs were too heavy, as he could not make them move even after exerting all the strength he could muster.

The two were like puppets right next to each other, throwing a punch out to the other, before retaliating with a slash of their own.

Every action they made was unbearably slow, lacking in any aggression to speak of.

Despite so, the two continued to persist, using what little strength they had to forcibly cling on.


Xia Fei’s Chasing Light struck Chen Dong’s thick ice armor, weak and soft like a child’s strike, completely lacking power. josei


Chen Dong’s arm very laboriously dug into Xia Fei’s shoulder, causing him to wobble for a while.

The staff and candidates burst into a round of applause, and a few sentimental girls secretly wiped tears from their eyes.

There was already nothing worth admiring with the match itself at this point, but it was tremendously soul-stirring!

To be able to keep fighting so fiercely for a total of 21 days, just what sort of feat was this? Only a few people in this universe could do that!

Such a sentiment was not shared with just the people present, even the audience all throughout Endaro Star Region could not help but clap and praise Xia Fei and Chen Dong. The superhuman willpower they had shown affected everyone, leaving an indelible mark in everyone’s hearts and minds.

Experts might have the qualifications to be respected by others, but people like Chen Dong and Xia Fei also deserved to be admired equally for what they had accomplished!

*Pow! Pow! Pow!*

The two puppets kept hitting each other, the speed becoming slower and slower, while their movement became more and more sluggish.

Finally, both Xia Fei and Chen Dong reached their very limit, as the two men collapsed on the ring one by one.

Xia Fei struggled to get up, but his body simply refused to listen.

After desperately trying to force himself up a few times, Xia Fei finally laid flat on that cold icy surface. He looked up to the sky above as a slight smile appeared on his face.

A draw!

The battle between the man in the first place in terms of the strength and the man in the last place had actually resulted in a draw!

This was the first time in the history of the Adjudicator Union that a match had ended in a draw!

505 hours, 11 minutes, and 37 seconds!

It was a new record!

An unattainable record!

“That was marvelous!”

“Truly a great match!”

“I’ve truly gained plenty of insights this time around. To think it is humanly possible for someone to possess strong willpower to such a degree!”

The crowd that was present in the arena was ebullient!

The entire Endaro Star Region was also cheering!

This match had let the entire Star Region know of Xia Fei and Chen Dong’s name.

The names of the two madmen!

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