Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 786 - White Jade Dragon

Chapter 786 - White Jade Dragon

Chapter 786: White Jade Dragon

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

“So they died of poison,” Oro said with a sigh.

Xia Fei nodded. “The moment I caught them, the poison hidden in their teeth activated. What a sinister bunch, not even willing to leave a single survivor.

Xia Fei began to search their bodies. One of them had a wooden token that was missing a corner. It completely matched with the small piece of wood that Xia Fei had picked up.

The wooden token had several words written on it: ‘Malevolent Squall Bandits’.

“The Malevolent Squall Bandits! This is a famous band of grave robbers in the Law Realm. Whether it’s the God Race or the Demon Race, traces of this organization can be found! This is because these bandits specialize in digging up ancestral tombs. Everyone in the Law Realm hates them to the bones! I didn’t think that they’d be the ones who massacred the Old God Cult!” Oro said in shock.

To his surprise, Xia Fei casually threw the wooden token into the forest and cared not one bit about it.

“This is important evidence. Why are you throwing it away?!” Oro asked in confusion.

Xia Fei calmly replied, “This is a frame job. Alas, the execution was poorly done, only enough to deceive children.

“Think about it. These people immediately committed suicide by poison as soon as they were caught, meaning that they’re part of an extremely strict organization with very rigorous rules. How could such a careful group of criminals possibly carry anything that would expose their identities, not unless it’s intentionally done to let someone who they were?

“Plus, the Malevolent Squall Bandits are a group of tomb robbers, and tomb robbers only take items, not lives. The Old God Cult has tens of thousands of people. Can a group of robbers even kill that many people?”

Oro was rendered speechless. This was not a particularly advanced smokescreen, but he had not noticed it immediately. His face began to feel a little hot.

Putting away the two corpses, Xia Fei quietly returned to the White Horse Constellation.


Xia Wuye stared at the two corpses Xia Fei had thrown out in front of him. What had Xia Fei been up to today? He had brought two bodies with him to the Wind Garden, and he had even solemnly placed them in refrigeration boxes.

“Wuye, can you help me with something?” Xia Fei asked.

Wuye lightly nodded. “Does sir need me to handle these two corpses?”

Xia Fei replied, “Correct. I need to know who made their armor, where the material came from. Also, open up their stomachs and see where the food inside came from. In short, I hope to obtain first-hand information from these two that can confirm their identities.”

Wuye casually said, “Sir, be at ease. We Skywings have experts specializing in this field. I’ll deliver the results to you as soon as possible.”

“Then I leave this matter into your hands,” Xia Fei said and bowed.

Returning to his room, Xia Fei took out the brown alloy box, took a set of tools from his ring, and began to see if this box had any sort of switch.

Normally, boxes that were hidden so intricately would have defenses. If outside force was used to open them, they would either destroy themselves or fiercely explode to ensure that no outsider could know of the secret within. Xia Fei had known about this, which was why he had not tried to open the box on the spot.

Smiling, Xia Fei really did find two self-protection measures within the box; one was responsible for setting off the explosive, while the other would destroy the item within the box.

Xia Fei’s fingers moved with confidence and agility. He had learned mechanics before and had a decent foundation, so these two protective measures posed little difficulty to him.

A few moments later, *pop*! The brown alloy box’s lid opened.

“A peach?” Xia Fei confusedly reached into the box and pulled out an exquisite plum made of white jade.

“This material… seems rather familiar,” Oro said.

After a moment of surprise, Xia Fei quickly searched through his spatial ring. He soon took out that energy supply device, the White Jade Ape.

He placed the white jade peach next to the White Jade Ape and compared the two. Xia Fei and Oro discovered that they really were made of the same material, perhaps even made from the same block of jade. They were both pure white and flawless.

The White Jade Ape was very important to Xia Fei. When cultivating, the White Jade Ape would refine Origin Energy and provide it to Xia Fei, helping him advance rapidly.

Of course, this sort of assistance would only be during meditation. The Skywings’ Law of Speed required Xia Fei to cultivate while maintaining a high-speed movement, preventing him from using the White Jade Ape. Meanwhile, during battle, it was not like Xia Fei could take out the ape and extract energy from it while fighting, could he? That would be far too bizarre.

At first, Xia Fei had only found the jade ape, but later, he had come upon its base, which improved the function of the White Jade Ape even more. Now, he had a white jade peach, which seemed to come from the same set as the White Jade Ape. What sort of form would the ape take once the peach was added on?

The White Jade Ape had one hand raised as if it were trying to steal a peach. In the past, Xia Fei had always placed Origin Crystals there so that it could drain energy, but could it be that this was not the actual function? Was it a peach that should have been there? josei

Xia Fei softly placed the white jade peach on the ape’s hand. The peach was the perfect size and was firmly placed in the hand.

“It really is a set!” Oro blurted out. But then he grew confused, muttering, “Still, with this peach, where are you supposed to put the Origin Crystal? Without the ability to purify energy, doesn’t it just become a display piece?”

Xia Fei was also confused and carefully looked it over. He discovered that the ape’s middle finger had a very fine dark red line on it, and the peach also had a similar red wave-like pattern.

He slowly turned the peach until the two red lines aligned.

The moment the lines met, something new happened!


To Xia Fei’s surprise, the moment Xia Fei adjusted the peach to the right position, the ape statue split open down the middle!

The halves of the White Jade Ape fell to the sides, revealing a white jade ring within!

It turned out that the White Jade Ape was hollow inside! And something had been stored within it!

Xia Fei sighed as he picked out the ring from amidst the shattered jade. “I hope that this ring is worth something, or else I just lost out big time, having exchanged the White Jade Ape for this ring.”

Oro sternly said, “You won’t. If this ring was just some ordinary object, the creator of the White Jade Ape wouldn’t have gone to such great lengths to hide it!”

Xia Fei nodded and carefully inspected the ring in his palm.

The ring was made from seemingly the same material as the White Jade Ape, but it was more watery, like a river was flowing inside the ring, and it felt warm to touch.


Xia Fei and Oro discovered that there seemed to be something alive swimming inside the ring. It flitted past, its long body like that of a tadpole.

“Am I seeing things? There’s something alive inside the ring?” Oro asked in confusion.

Xia Fei replied, “I think that you’re right. A little thing really did flash past.”

The two of them curiously stared at the ring, hoping that the little lifeform would appear again.


“I get it now! This is a White Jade Dragon!” After observing it multiple times, Oro suddenly shouted.

“A White Jade Dragon?” Xia Fei asked in surprise.

“Correct!” Oro slapped himself on the head and sternly said, “I’m really going senile. I can’t believe that I didn’t recognize such a famous ring at first sight!”

After a pause, Oro said in delight, “Do you think that refining energy was that White Jade Ape’s function? Not at all! According to records, the White Jade Dragon Ring’s primary function is to help warriors absorb and digest Origin Energy! The effect is similar to the White Jade Ape, but many times stronger!

“The Law Realm uses energy as its foundation, and warriors use energy as their foundation; this White Jade Dragon is an ultimate-class item that all warriors dream about! with it, you can absorb the maximum Origin Energy essence! It doubles the efficiency of your cultivation, making your fighting power soar!”

Oro became a chatterbox, seemingly very excited.

Xia Fei once more grabbed the ring and asked, “Where did you hear all this from? Is there really a dragon in here?”

Oro heartily laughed. “I’m the emperor of the Lionheart Clan, the Black-armored War God of the Demon Race! You’re looking down on my experience too much. The two peak races have records on all rare and precious treasures, and I’ve had the privilege of inspecting these databanks. As a warrior, it’s necessary for me to be able to recognize such rare treasures.

“As for that tadpole-like creatures in the ring, it isn’t a dragon but a sort of blemish, instead.”

“A blemish?” Xia Fei asked in shock. “If this is a blemish, then it’s too real. It’s like there’s really something alive in this ring.”

Oro chuckled. “You don’t understand. The inside of the ring really is flowing, and if you use it to absorb Origin energy, the speed of the flow will change. The higher the tier of the crystal and the faster the absorption speed, the faster the White Jade Dragon will revolve.”

Xia Fei seemed to understand this. The White Jade Dragon was made from a kind of strange white jade. The jade itself flowed, and so the black blemish inside the ring flowed with it, resembling a little tadpole swimming.

With an envious look in his eyes, Oro said, “The White Jade Dragon is enormously helpful to warriors. With this, you can absorb energy while traveling at high speeds. Adding that cursed dagger of yours, the Blood Crystal, that can devour the energy of others, you’ll have two sources of energy.

“With the two of them, whether you’re absorbing the energy of others or your own Origin Crystals, you can do so to excellent effects. Plus, you have an excellent control over energy. While your rank may not be very high, when it comes to energy, you have two powerful treasures and excellent technique. No one else can compare to you in this field.”

Oro felt all kinds of envy. Besides their own efforts, a warrior needed outside help. Right now, Xia Fei was a walking treasury, and even his exclusive pet was a Holy Beast. Oro had come from a powerful clan, but when he was young, he had never enjoyed such riches as Xia Fei. Therefore, his heart was very unbalanced.

In the past, he could still boast about his clan, but now that it had turned out that Xia Fei was a Skywing, Oro’s last shred of pride vanished like a puff of smoke. While the Skywing Clan was very small in size, it had a strength that no one could underestimate.

A good job needed the best tools. Xia Fei, who now had another tool in his arsenal, could be said to have become armed down to his bones.

Xia Fei tested out the White Jade Dragon by trying to absorb an Origin Crystal. By absorbing the slivers of purified energy through the ring, there would not be the slightest bit of wastage. More importantly, the ring was much more convenient than the White Jade Ape and could be used whenever he wanted.

At this time, a sound came from Xia Fei’s communication device. Looking down, he saw that Xia Wuye had found out the backgrounds of the two corpses.

Excited, Xia Fei carefully reviewed the information that Wuye had sent over.

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