Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 793 - High Speed Sprint

Chapter 793 - High Speed Sprint

Chapter 793: High Speed Sprint

“Follow me,” Huo Yutong said with a smile, leading Xia Fei into a forest.

After walking on a dark path for a while, they arrived at a cliff. The cliff was tall and smooth, and at the bottom of it was a cave. It was possible to see inside the cave from the outside. It was twenty square meters at most, cramped and humid.

With a mysterious smile on his face, Huo Yutong led Xia Fei inside.

The moment Xia Fei entered the cave, he felt something strange, a chilly sensation on his body as if he had passed through a spatial gate.

“Eh?” Xia Fei gasped in alarm. From the outside, this was clearly a tiny cave, but only when he entered that he realized that this was a hidden dimension of vast proportions. It was at least ten thousand square meters, and it even had a small artificial sun!

Huo Yutong proudly said, “The outside is just a cover. This place has actually been modified with the Law of Space. A good friend of mine visited a few days ago and helped me set up the platform for the activation of the Celestial Zerohammer.

“The best disguise is no disguise at all. This platform is out in the open, and no one will think that it’s concealing such an enormous secret.”

Xia Fei nodded. As a master artificer, Huo Yutong undoubtedly had many friends. Those warriors of profound cultivation all required his assistance, so they were willing to do favors for him.

In the Law Realm, powerful warriors were revered by others, and masters that could provide highly skilled assistance would be respected by these warriors, being fairly well regarded among them.

“We have the space, and in this period of time, I’ve considered the concrete steps for setting up the Celestial Zerohammer. I just need you to finish gathering all the materials to get started,” Huo Yutong said, a cunning light in his eyes.

Xia Fei lightly stroked his spatial ring, and materials needed for the Celestial Zerohammer appeared in front of Huo Yutong.

Xia Fei had chosen the best quality of materials he could, spending quite a bit of money.

“Venerable Master, all the materials are here. It’s only the Solid Gold Flying Cicada Pupae that I found difficult to obtain, only managing to get a single one,” Xia Fei gravely said.

“Just one?” Huo Yutong frowned, apparently dissatisfied. He extended his hand and said, “Take it out and let me take a look.”

Xia Fei gave the Solid Gold Flying Cicada Pupa to Huo Yutong. Huo Yutong froze for a few seconds before loudly laughing. “This… is the Solid Gold Flying Cicada Pupa you found?”

Xia Fei nodded. “Is there something wrong with it?”

Huo Yutong shook his head and smiled. “This Solid Gold Flying Cicada Pupa has clearly grown long and crooked. While its luster and plumpness are good, it’s still a crooked catalyst. Using it to activate the Celestial Zerohammer isn’t a good idea.”

Xia Fei casually said, “Sir, are you worried about unknown variables during the activation? There’s no need to be worried. I plan to be on the activation platform personally. Even if there are any variables, I, Xia Fei is willing to take all the responsibility.”

Huo Yutong was taken aback. “Activating the Celestial Zerohammer requires extremely powerful law force. I was planning on having a friend do it. He’s a Law Overlord of the Law of Matter, and this person cares a lot about promises and won’t tell a soul.

“It’s fine for you to do it, but the effect…”

Huo Yutong’s worries were not out of place. When it came to the Celestial Zerohammer, the stronger the person, the stronger the resultant weapon, but Huo Yutong was underestimating Xia Fei. He had no idea that Xia Fei was planning on using the unique Law of Primal Chaos as the foundation for forging a mystical armament!

Last time, Xia Fei had accidentally use the power of the Law of Primal Chaos, and he had ultimately crafted the peerless Blood Crystal, a cursed blade that could devour all.

Xia Fei had never liked to have the same things as others. There was no challenge to it. To him, what mattered was not that the weapon was top-class but that it was unique! Risk was needed to meet this goal, to use the most bizarre of laws to create the most bizarre of weapons.

Huo Yutong had a doubtful look in his eyes as he gathered up the materials Xia Fei had brought. The two of them returned to his row of wooden huts, Huo Yutong thinking about something as they walked back.

Huo Yutong did not have any servants, so Xia Fei personally brewed the tea, and the two of them drank it under a large tree in the courtyard.

Huo Yutong lightly rapped his finger on the stone table. While he appear to be honest and practical, he was actually a very greedy person. He would never have agreed to help Xia Fei build a Celestial Zerohammer unless there was something in it for him.

However, Solid Gold Flying Cicada Pupae were difficult to get, so he knew that Xia Fei would be unable to meet his request of nine. He had finally gotten his hands on one, but it was long and crooked.

“Haaa…” Huo Yutong deliberately sighed, a hard-pressed look on his face. “The catalyzing effect of a single Solid Gold Flying Cicada Pupa isn’t enough.”

Xia Fei asked in surprise, “Sir, I will not hide it from you. It is truly too difficult to find Solid Gold Flying Cicada Pupae. Is there anything that can be used as a substitute?”

Huo Yutong had been waiting for precisely these words. “Actually, I have thought of something that can work, but it’s stored in the family of an old foe. If you have ability to help me get, the Celestial Zerohammer is a done deal!”

Xia Fei knew that this was Huo Yutong’s additional request. In truth, there were already enough materials to build the Celestial Zerohammer. Huo Yutong was just asking for a reward. Since Xia Fei could not get him more Solid Gold Flying Cicada Pupae, Huo Yutong was requesting for him to do this job.

“Sir, why not let Xia Fei help you get this item,” Xia Fei earnestly said.

“No, how could I?” Huo Yutong looked delighted, but he repeatedly shook his head. “This is a very dangerous matter. How could I let you put yourself in danger?”

Business was business, and Xia Fei was keenly aware of what sort of relationship he had with Huo Yutong. He would help Xia Fei with the Celestial Zerohammer, and Xia Fei would help him take care of a problem that he could not take care himself. Both sides benefited, and it was all rather fair.

After he changed his appearance, Xia Fei entered a spatial tunnel, taking the coordinates Huo Yutong had given him and arriving on a sea shore.

Massive waves! Countless ice floes floated on the surface of the water, which was bone-chillingly cold.

“You should have asked Huo Yutong where he’s having you go. From the sound of it, that island isn’t some bright and cheery place,” Oro sternly said.

Xia Fei shrugged. “I already realized that it would be a place when Huo Yutong wasn’t willing to give any details. I’m probably not taking something but stealing something, instead.”

Oro paused before saying, “He’s a master artificer, so he must have many powerful friends. Why wouldn’t he have them do this job instead of you?”

“Speed,” Xia Fei answered with a chuckle. “Huo Yutong has probably noted my speed, or else he wouldn’t have asked about my cultivation level. The look of delight on his face when he heard that I could move at two hundred forty thousand meters per second was so obvious even a fool could see it.” josei

Oro nodded. It was a very reasonable conclusion. The speed of the Skywings was without comparison. While the instant movement of the Law of Space could also help warriors rapidly advance, in cramped quarters, instantaneous movement was much slower than super speed.

Those who could use the Law of Speed were all masters at swift and agile movement. Even in a valley filled with obstacles, Xia Fei would still be able to advance rapidly, something which the Law of Space practitioners could not accomplish. After all, in complicated terrain, teleporting oneself into a rock was fatal, the body being injured by the pressure from physical matter. High-speed warriors had no need to worry themselves over this.

Thus, the Law of Space’s movement could only display its advantage in open areas, while the Law of Speed was effective everywhere.


Xia Fei stepped forward, venturing into the sea in the direction of the sun.

At a certain level of speed, even sea water was no obstacle to high speed warriors. Xia Fei seemed to be floating on the water’s surface, the tips of his toes barely touching it before he was off again, ensuring that there was no chance for him to sink.

Of course, advancing atop water was somewhat slower than on land. His speed per second was one hundred thousand at most.

Xia Fei moved like a speedboat, leaving giant waves and splashes of white froth several hundred meters tall behind him, blotting out the sky.

A few moments later, he saw little black dots appear in front of him. These were the islands that Huo Yutong had spoken of. Xia Fei suddenly jumped, diving into the sea like a water snake. His arms rapidly moved, bringing him closer to the continental shelf beneath the island.

This island was very strange. Under the sea, a seemingly bottomless trench surrounded it.

*Pa pa pa pa!*

The Monohorn Ogre’s submarine survival system activated. The oxygen, swimming, and submarine probe systems all activated.

He needed to move quickly!

This was the key advice Huo Yutong had given Xia Fei. Excluding special circumstances, he should not stop. The more he stopped, the more danger he would be in!

Xia Fei pushed his speed to the limit! He dove into the trench like a torpedo, searching the two sides of the trench. According to Huo Yutong, besides the entrance on the island above, there was a secret entrance in the marine trench, but Huo Yutong did not know where it went.

“Look! People in front of us!” Oro shouted.

Xia Fei had already noticed. Not far from him warriors in underwater armor kept watch. This could only mean that he was getting closer and closer to the underwater entrance!

Those warriors had also discovered Xia Fei. Using the support systems of their armor, they rapidly converged on Xia Fei with harpoons in their hands.

“Eh?” To his surprise, Xia Fei found that these warriors were lifeless, their bodies cold like corpses. Their bodies were even draped with seaweed, a clear sign that they had been underwater for a long, long time.

“Regardless, I’ll just kill them first!” Raising an eyebrow, Xia Fei charged at these people!

The support systems of their armor were no match for Xia Fei’s natural speed. Even underwater, Xia Fei could still move at fifty thousand meters per second! He could leave everyone else choking in his dust!


The Peacock Blue began attacking from a long distance, its long blades of grass closing around a warrior and tearing him apart!

“There’s no one inside!” Xia Fei and Oro cried at the same time.

It was just suits of armor swimming around in the water. They were empty inside!

However, how could these suits of armor have minds of their own, going up to challenge enemies?!

Xia Fei did not know, and neither did Oro.

Among all the martial arts in the universe, only speed was without flaw!

Xia Fei remained committed to speed. Instead of fighting with these enemies, he swiftly found the secret entrance Huo Yutong had spoken of and rushed inside!


Just as he entered, a giant stone dropped down, sealing the entrance; after which, the sea water was rapidly drained!

Before Xia Fei had time to worry about the entrance being sealed, he had to deal with a new problem!

Countless traps were triggered! Xia Fei was instantly surrounded by concealed weapons!

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