Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 802 - The Return of the Moonward Clan!

Chapter 802 - The Return of the Moonward Clan!

Chapter 802: The Return of the Moonward Clan!

The Exiled Grounds was desolate, and plenty of mercenary groups operated here. The last time the Skywings went to war with the Moonward Clan, the latter hired a mercenary group from the Exiled Grounds and tried to get the drop on the Wind Garden. Unfortunately, they had not accounted for the old caretaker of the Wind Garden, Xia Wuye, actually being the Super Law Overlord Guli! Thus, they had suffered a huge loss on that front.

The Pink Devils were considered a fairly renowned mercenary group in the Exiled Grounds, and under normal circumstances, they would live in a city. However, the Pink Devils had their own city, and though the cities found in the Exiled Grounds were nothing compared to those in the Law Realm, this was at least a place to stay for the warriors in the group.

Xia Fei was lying flat on a hill, looking at a chaotic city from afar. The mercenaries led lives as if there was no tomorrow, acting completely unrestrained and barbaric. The city that they constructed looked more like messy concrete piled on top of one another, without any regulations whatsoever.


A figure flashed as it appeared next to Xia Fei. This new arrival was none other than Hyacinth. Today, he had impersonated a mercenary. With a crooked cap on his head and a mouthful of yellowing teeth, which smelled horrible, he looked very much the part.

Ever since he learned of Xia Fei’s identity, Hyacinth had become utterly loyal to the latter. To the small organizations scattered all across the Exiled Grounds, being able to form a relationship with the Skywing Clan was definitely a good thing. After all, the name of the Skywings might very well be of help to Hyacinth some time in the future.

Xia Fei had obtained plenty of spoils a while ago, and some of what he had no use for was sent over to Hyacinth, which could be considered as his way of reciprocation. These impersonators were well-informed and had trekked across the stars. Establishing good rapport with them was beneficial to Xia Fei as well. At the very least, they could act as his eyes and ears in the Exiled Grounds.

Including Chen Dong in the Demon Race, Xia Fei had only been in the Law Realm for a while, yet he had already managed to establish a network of relationships, which spanned across all the three major forces in the Law Realm.

Planning ahead and taking precautions before danger struck had always been Xia Fei’s modus operandi. While both Chen Dong and Hyacinth were all hidden in their respective places, they could end up becoming useful sources of information or could lend some hand in times of crisis, and Xia Fei would benefit greatly from either.

Of course, there was also Clean Knife, who was part of the underworld. Xia Fei was still undecided with the man and needed to observe him for some time first. Xiaoyu, who was currently staying in the Snowdrift Clan, and Moon Song, who was with the Skybirds, also played important roles in Xia Fei’s interpersonal network.

“Brother Xia Fei,” Hyacinth said while kneeling beside him. Xia Fei’s real identity had already been spread across the realm, so there was no way to keep it hidden for longer even if he wanted to.

Xia Fei nodded and asked in a soft voice, “How’s your investigation going?”

Hyacinth pointed to the flag raised in the city and said, “The Pink Devils mercenary group has the four-leaf peach blossom as their motif. That peach blossom is highly poisonous, so it’s also known as the Pink Devil, becoming the mercenary group’s name.

“Honestly, if you didn’t ask me about them, I wouldn’t pay any attention to that mercenary group. That’s because, while they are fairly powerful, they keep a very low profile, only mingling in their own circle. Few will come into contact with them. I already asked people in my organization to look into things. It’s a fact that the Pink Devils have recently accepted a big contract and even been handsomely rewarded.”

With that said, Hyacinth pulled out an item checklist from his bosom and handed it over to Xia Fei.

“Look here. This is a list I got from Pangu Firm. It states all the things that the Pink Devils have recently acquired the last time.”

Xia Fei carefully checked the list. On it were large tripods made from Flying Copper and statues of gods carved from white jade. Evidently, they were all items they had gotten hold of from the Old God Cult!

‘No wonder I didn’t find any clues in the God Race’s territory. Turns out that the place where they fence their ill-gotten gains is here in the Exiled Grounds,’ Xia Fei thought to himself. It was just that the list did not mention the Law of Time, which was what he had been after. Meaning, it was very likely that the Pink Devils had already handed this supreme law to their employer!

“I also made another discovery during my investigation.” Hyacinth continued speaking. “There are rumors that the last leader of the Pink Devils, White Skull Yuanli, has already passed away, and the new leader is someone with Law Overlord cultivation! Still, no one knows where this person came from or who they are. There are far and few Law Overlords out here in the Exiled Grounds, so I’m afraid that a mysterious Law Overlord suddenly taking over a mercenary group means that this isn’t some simple matter at all.”

Xia Fei was shocked. This information that Hyacinth had just told him was far too valuable. A mercenary group that had a Law Overlord in charge compared to one that did not have meant entirely different things. With Xia Fei’s cultivation, Law Overlords and below were no match for him and he could easily sweep out the Pink Devils in one fell swoop if he wanted to. However, if there was a Law Overlord in their midst, Xia Fei would have to be more cautious.

‘Interesting. Very interesting. A mercenary group that had had a sudden change of leadership brought the bronze mongoose mask and joined the Galerain Society’s trade fair. It then proceeded to lay waste on the Old God Cult, using that very opportunity to snatch the Law of Time. There’s surely a scheme afoot in all this!’ Xia Fei told himself this.

“Send the map to my compass and you may leave,” Xia Fei said to Hyacinth solemnly.

Hyacinth was startled for a moment before he asked, “Is there anything we can help you with?”

Xia Fei shook his head. “There’s no need for you impersonators to intervene with warrior matters. Thank you for helping me investigate more on the matter, saving me from taking detours.”

Hyacinth nodded and then disappeared without making a sound from Xia Fei’s side.


Xia Fei had found the culprit behind the massacre of the Old God Cult, so the next step would be to capture the ringleader of the Pink Devils and ask him just who their employers were.

Out of caution, Xia Fei did not immediately spring into action but, instead, circled the area and started observing.

“There are somewhere over two thousand people here, no more than five Law Emperors. It seems like the Law Overlord that’s their leader doesn’t stay anywhere in this lair,” Xia Fei said.

Oro offered. “Since the Law Overlord isn’t stationed here, none of these people here will be your match. Just barge in, capture those Law Emperors, and interrogate them after.”

Xia Fei rejected his suggestion. “It’s not that simple. They used the name of the Pink Devils to put the bronze mongoose mask up for sale and, at the same time, sent troops to turn the Old God Cult into a bloodbath. Unless these people are fools, there’s no way that they’ll be so stupid. Besides, you’ve seen their formation. Even having a Law Overlord may not be enough to finish off the Old God Cult so cleanly.”

Oro was stunned, for what Xia Fei had mentioned truly deserved deeper contemplation. There were several tens of thousand disciples in the Old God Cult, and just this two-thousand-strong mercenary group would have to suffer some losses even if they won.

“Could there still be more than meets the eye?” Oro asked, puzzled.

“I’m not too certain. This situation’s too messy.” Xia Fei knitted his eyebrows. “Let’s observe them a little while longer.”


“The situation’s getting more and more interesting.” Xia Fei smiled, the corner of his mouth curling.

The old demon lord did not understand. “I haven’t noticed anything interesting at all. The Exiled Grounds is so barren that I’m feeling uneasy staying here.”

Xia Fei pointed to some tall grass a good distance away. “Look there. People are hiding there. Two, in fact. They’re also watching the Pink Devils like us.”

Oro was slightly startled. He had been staying inside the spatial ring, relying on the visual system that Xia Fei had built for him to take in their surroundings, but no matter how powerful the system was, it was nothing compared to Xia Fei’s sharp eyes! That was why Oro had not even realized that there were people across them.

“Who are they?!” Oro asked.

“The two are Law Emperors, people who hold deep animosity with Pink Devils,” Xia Fei whispered.

Soon, these two individuals in black observed the Pink Devils’ city, appeared to be dissatisfied with the state that the place was in, pursed their lips, and began heading toward a distant sand dune.

Xia Fei used his Breath Control and followed these two.

After crossing approximately dozens of miles, they entered a desert. That was when these two Law Emperors felt that they were safe and began chatting.

“Why are the Pink Devils still alive? Could those people from the Old God Cult still not realize that they’re the ones who caused a massacre at their shrine? They’re acting too slowly.”

The other shook his head, somewhat disappointed. “Don’t worry. Perhaps the Old God Cult isn’t as well informed. Let’s just go back and report our findings.”

With that said, the two pulled out their spatial compass and were about to depart.


Xia Fei flashed. With a speed of two hundred forty thousand meters per second, he passed through right between these two and grabbed hold of their spatial compass.

“Where do you think you’re going? Why are you so eager to see the Pink Devils wiped out?” Xia Fei asked with a grim expression on his face.

These two men were in shock!

Xia Fei’s ghost-like physical agility was practically inconceivable! Not only did he pass by the two of them without either realizing it, Xia Fei even managed to take their spatial compass right out of their hands, meaning that he could very easily behead them the next!

Without any others helping them, both took two quick steps back, looking at Xia Fei warily. Through his mask, Xia Fei could see four erratic eyes and black irises. They looked human.

“Speak or die!” Xia Fei pulled out his Blood Crystal and threatened.

Unexpectedly, the moment Blood Crystal appeared, one of the two men burst into laughter, almost as if he was no longer afraid of Xia Fei!

The shorter Law Emperor clenched his two fists and smacked them soundly together, staring at Xia Fei with a glum expression on his face as a murderous aura surged out.

“Don’t worry! I know that dagger and its owner! He’s Xia Fei, the weakest Law Emperor among the Skywings! He’s only a level 1 Law Emperor!” The short Law Emperor pointed right at Xia Fei’s nose and declared.

“The weakest Law Emperor among the Skywings?” Xia Fei could feel anger build up in him. He disliked being called that, and while that might have been true once, it had been a very long time ago. Xia Fei was now a Great Law Emperor! He was an expert whose rank was thirteenth in his clan!

“What are you two going to do about it?” Xia Fei asked, taking exception to that statement.

“Of course, we are going to—”

Before he could even finish that sentence, Xia Fei moved!

This one move caused rocks to erupt from beneath their feet!

Peacock Blue abruptly appeared! Furball flew with a roar!

A flash of red!

Blood Crystal found its mark right in that man’s throat!

In his panic, the man tried to activate his Law of Space to defend himself, creating a thick layer of protection over his entire body, while the other took the opportunity to seal off Xia Fei’s retreat. Their tacit understanding allowed them to work pretty well as a team.

“Falling Leaf of Autumn’s Demise!”


The force from Xia Fei’s Law of Primal Chaos surged out and instantly shattered the opponent’s defenses!


The enhanced Blood Crystal stabbed into his throat, and in just a second, that Law Emperor was drained of his vitality!

At the same time, Peacock Blue and Furball had already contained the surviving Law Emperor. Furball’s eyes gleamed with killing intent and snarled at the captured person with a vicious grin!

“Sorry, I’m uninterested in what either of you think,” Xia Fei said coldly as he pulled out Blood Crystal.

Turning around, Xia Fei suddenly unshackled his inner demon, and the violent aura was so oppressive that it stifled the breath of the surviving Law Emperor! josei

With eyes filled with venomous resentment, Xia Fei growled, “Are you two from the Moonward Clan?! You’re also the ones who bought the Immemorial Mystical Armament, Rending Yang Fire! Speak: Just what are you Moonwards plotting?!”

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