Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 809 - The Skywings’ Blatant Stratagem!

Chapter 809 - The Skywings’ Blatant Stratagem!

Chapter 809: The Skywings’ Blatant Stratagem!


God Race, in a dimly lit hall. Only a spot near the entrance was being illuminated by a beam of sunlight, while the rest of the space was shrouded in darkness.

Two rows of people were seated on the left and right. Old Sigh happened to sit at the lowest part of the sunlight. The dozen or so men could only see themselves and no one else.

Xia Fei had witnessed Old Sigh’s prowess himself. Not only was he able to cover the sky with one hand, even the old demon lord hidden in his spatial ring could not avoid detection from his keen eyes. Furthermore, he was quite well-acquainted with Oro, who was the emperor of the Lionhearts and the Demon Race’s Black-armored War God. Thus, Sigh’s status and cultivation was definitely significant!

However, among this gathering of unfathomable yet significant people, he was actually ranked last. It was simply hard to imagine just what shocking levels of cultivation the others attained to have reached the impossible heights that they were currently in.

“*Cough cough*!”

Someone coughed twice in the darkness before speaking in a brooding voice, “We need to suppress the Skywings this time; that fiendish blade has been too unruly! Too unreasonable! We should occasionally nick their sharpness so that they will better serve our uses, or else if we allow them to continue developing in this way, perhaps even those old wretches will have trouble keeping them in check.”

Another voice followed closely after. “There’s logic in your statement. The Skywings have always been incisive; they’re a powerful weapon of the God Race and, even more so, the pride of us humans, but they sometimes don’t differentiate between friend and foe, nor do they understand the meaning of sacrifice. We’re all warlords of the God Race, so why is it that my clansmen can be sacrificed, but we can’t touch any of the Skywings at all?!”

Old Sigh frowned. He spoke with slight dissatisfaction. “You can’t phrase it like that. It’s not as if that old monster of the Skywing Clan is untouchable; it’s more like no one dares to touch him, since everyone who has touched him are all dead now. Occasionally, those who didn’t dead got crippled, instead, just like what happened to the Moonward Clan.”

The people were silent for a good while. Sigh’s words were right on the money. Everyone was well aware of the Demon-sealing Fiendish Blade’s prowess. There were some who complained, but few actually dared to make a move against them.

“Hmph! In any case, in this conflict between the Skywings, Moonwards, and Old God Cult as well as Primordial Sect this time, we won’t be siding with anyone. Isn’t the Skywing Clan really powerful? That the Demon-sealing Fiendish Blade’s sharpness is unmatched? Then let those undying old coots deal with them!” This voice was even deeper, laced with a discernible discontent.

“This isn’t just me. It appears to be those old wretches’ intention, too. At the moment, there’s a strict order to both the Law Enforcement Board and Dragon Ascension Martial Hall, disallowing them from interfering with this matter. I really wanna see just how the Skywing Clan will clean up this mess!”

Yet another bout of silence. Sigh pursed his lips. He actually favored the old monster of the Skywing Clan, but since there were strict orders from the top, he could not just interfere, either.

All of a sudden—


A figure appeared outside the great hall, who then immediately dropped to his one knee and bowed without another word.

“They’ve begun fighting! They’ve begun fighting!” said this person in a measure of panic, an obvious trembling in his voice!

“Speak clearly; who has begun fighting with whom?” asked that brooding voice.

“The Skywings are fighting with the Moonwards, Old God Cult, and Primordial Sect!”

Everyone was astonished before someone hurriedly asked, “Give us the details! Just who has the Skywings started fighting against?!”

“All of them!”

“WHAT?! You’re telling me that the Skywings have attacked the Moonward Clan, Old God Cult, and the Primordial Sect all at the same time?!”

“That’s right! The grand ancestor of the Skywing Clan sprang an undeclared war and directly led his people to go on a killing spree! There’s ample evidence that the old man isn’t just picking any one but wants to eliminate the Moonwards, Old God cultists, and Primordial altogether!”

“He’s insane! That old lunatic has really gone insane!”

“One against three, and at the same time?! Isn’t that a bit too much?!”

The hall erupted into chatter. This news was undoubtedly earth-shattering, but this was also the Skywing Clan they were talking about. It was something no one present would dare to do if they were in their shoes!

For a moment, everyone felt vexed, uncertain on what they should do.

The Skywings had exploded so swiftly and with such intensity that went beyond anyone’s expectations!

Before this, even the mad Yuyan Clan had not imagined that the Skywings would really engage in a war of one against three!

Unfortunately, this was only the beginning!

*Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!*

Four figures arrived outside the great hall, almost at the same time, kneeling in unison. From their attires, it was easy to tell that they were the scouts in charge of bringing in reports.

Four mouths opened at the same time, and what they said nearly caused all these elders to vomit blood!

“Report: The Skywing Clan mobilized its ancient warship, the Mountainbreaker Diabolist and directly engaged the Moonward Clan’s ancient era composite warship, Longstar, turning the Longstar into slag! All thirteen million sixty-six hundred thousand men of the Moonward Clan have been annihilated!”

“Report: The forty Skywing Law Emperors, including Patriarch Xia Buyun and pack leader Xia Tian, have barged into the Sha territory, reducing the residence of the Primordial Sect in Enlightenment City into a sinkhole! The followers who were in the Primordial Sect at that time, all seven thousand one hundred five, all died!”

“Report: The Skywings’ grand ancestor took less than fifteen seconds to level the main shrine found in the God Race territory! The head of the Old God Cult Xu Ling was unable to react in time and died! The Old God Cult is done for!”

“Report: The Skywings have gone straight for the Primordial Sect’s main shrine after dealing with the Old God Cult and have begun fighting by this time!”


A chill ran down their spines and filled their hearts!

The Skywings sure lived up to their name as the superspeed clan that could traverse the nine heavens and milky way with a beat of their wings! Even their enemies did not have the chance to retaliate at all the moment they acted!

Before anyone could even react to this shocking news and realize what was going on with the first one, the old monster of the Skywing Clan had already finished off the Old God Sect and was now making a beeline for the home of their second enemy, the Primordial Sect!

In the lower realm, the wolves of the Skywing Clan were not being courteous as well; they had simultaneously annihilated the Moonward Clan, Old God Cult, and Primordial Sect, forcing the two religious groups and one clan’s one hundred Law Emperors to form a coalition army!

Everything that had happened occurred in just one minute!

It was an incomprehensible demonstration of speed!

Never mind not actually daring to, even if others did, they could not have accomplished this series of feats of the Skywings!


A fifth scout came running over, kneeling before crying, “Report: We’ve already completed our investigation; the remaining forces of the Moonward, Old God, Primordial, all two religious groups and one clan, are just the coalition army of the one hundred seven Law Emperor and six Law Overlords! Everyone else has died! Those followers and clansmen, who are scattered in various locations, are also in the process of being hunted down by a team of Skywing warriors below Law Emperor cultivation!”

“Presently, the Skywings have already blocked off the coalition army in the Floating Star Valley, and a pitched battle has already begun!”

It was yet another bout of awkward silence that left everyone speechless! With how things had transpired, perhaps even if a god were to descend, there would be no stopping of what was happening now!

Their goal was to slaughter all their enemies! The Skywings were determined to ensure the extinction of all foe!

“The Skywing Clan is simply acting too recklessly! If those old wretches look into the matter, even though they are the Skywings, there’s no way for them to withstand the rage of those old coots!”

“That’s right! This matter involves the Shas’ two major religious groups! It may even cause a war between us, humans, and the Shas!”

In the ensuing clamor after hearing the news, someone condemned the Skywings’ actions. Everyone present knew just how unruly the Skywing Clan could be, but it was just that they refrained from saying a word out of respect for that clan’s old monster.

“It’s no use.” An elder sitting in the innermost part of the hall finally spoke. His voice rung deep like the evening bell, a voice betraying the age of the man.

Everyone stopped talking the moment he spoke. They listened intently, seemingly not one daring to show displeasure to him.

“As long as the Skywings can finish off the Moonward Clan, Old God Cult, and the Primordial Sect in the shortest timespan, I dare to gamble with my head that no one will bother investigating this matter.”

Everyone gasped in shock once more as they asked, “Just what reason is that? Are saying that those millions of lives lost mean nothing?!”

“No way. Didn’t those old wretches wish to pressure the Skywings a little?”

The elder chuckled softly before continuing to speak. “You’re right. Those old wretches want us to pressure the Skywings a little, but why would they ever give up their sharpest fiendish blade?”

“You guys think that the Skywings are being outrageous, usually acting all arrogant, not something smart people will conduct themselves.

“But!” The elder intentionally placed emphasis on the word. “You’re all wrong! Out of all the humans, the Skywings are the smartest and most cunning!”

Many among those gathered wrinkled their brows, seemingly not agreeing with this statement, not believing that the Skywings were very smart.

The elder got up, sweeping his gaze across them all before sighing. “All of you, think carefully. No matter how fiendish the Skywings can be, they’re still a powerful force in the God Race, having contributed plenty to our war efforts. The moment these two religious groups and one clan get utterly wiped out, how will those old wretches be willing to dull this fiendish blade of theirs?”

“That’s right! If they can wipe out three forces at once, those old wretches will be doing nothing more than self-inflicting even greater harm to themselves by punishing the Skywings afterward. They’ll basically lose four major forces at one go! As such, they’ll at most give a verbal warning to the Skywings, not going to the extent of touching them. After all, everyone knows just how hard-headed that clan can be; nothing is off the cards once they’re driven into a corner!”

The elder lightly nodded. “That’s an astute observation. Since they’re all going to be eliminated, anyway, with no one left to grieve over them, will any outsider really go out on a limb just to cry injustice for them?

“Besides, this fiendish blade has just proven how sharp it is. Who would dare to provoke them after this display of might? Today’s war shall allow the Skywing Clan to completely cement its position as an unshakable force for the next hundreds of years. Not only are the Skywings weeding out all potential enemies from the roots, they’re also displaying majesty in this one war!”

“Eliminating their enemies, consolidating their position, killing countless people, and retreating without incurring losses… Even those undying old coots won’t want to make things difficult for them! Sure enough, the Skywings have pulled a fast one over us and even those old wretches! They’re truly clever and sinister!” another voice exclaimed.

Sweat flowed freely down everyone’s back after hearing all these. They suddenly realized that the Skywings did not dabble in secret schemes but blatant stratagems, instead!

The Skywing Clan was forcibly devouring the two religious groups and one clan, and they would even cull everyone into obediently shutting up after successfully pulling it off!

They had evidently calculated everything right down to the littlest detail! They had practically taken advantage of everyone, top down! It was a meal where they did not even spit the bones out!

“Don’t think too much. The Skywings are able to pull off such a blatant stratagem, but we can’t do the same. Let’s just allow them to do whatever they please, and we’ll just watch from the sidelines,” said the elder solemnly with a heavy sigh.

“Why can’t we learn it? Are you saying that we’re all weaker than the Skywings?!” someone asked, unreconciled with the fact.

The elder chuckled softly and pointed right at that man’s nose. “Even if you do the same tactic as the Skywings, will you have the guts to go against three all by yourself? Do you dare to defy the very will of the heavens? Do you dare to risk incurring the wrath of the entire God Race?!”

Everyone present sweated profusely after hearing those words, not daring to interject any longer.

After a pause, the elder continued to speak. “I remember that undying old coot of the Skywing Clan once saying: We, the Skywings, are ‘staying’ with the God Race, ‘not selling’ our lives to them!”

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