Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 811 - The lone wolf going wild!

Chapter 811 - The lone wolf going wild!

Chapter 811: The lone wolf going wild!

“You stepped on the roof tiles of my Skywing Clan, so you had better leave behind your legs as compensation!” Xia Wuye roared back in his elderly voice.


Wuye swung out his arms, and two powerful forces surged toward the retreating Law Emperors!


Modo made a nimble turn and dodged Wuye’s sweeping attack.

He was a level 4 Law Overlord, so avoiding Wuye’s attack was not hard. Unfortunately, his subordinates did not have this ability.


Xia Wuye’s attack was like a hurricane stirring up leaves, instantly sweeping seventeen Law Emperors into the Wind Garden!

Xia Wuye had spent decades in the Wind Garden, so he was familiar with every inch of it. Entering the Wind Garden was equivalent to entering the cage Wuye had set up! Xia Wuye became like a savage beast, his bloody maw opening as he lunged at his prey!

Screams filled the air!

“Urgh! Let’s go!” Modo yelped as he slapped his bald head and endured the pain.

He was truly in no mood to save his subordinates. Xia Wuye was a Superior Law Overlord and knew the area. Meanwhile, his own emotional state was completely in shambles! His impulsive move to leave their camp might have possibly led to the ruin of the coalition army! He was frantic to leave!

*Whoosh whoosh whoosh!*

Spatial gates opened as Law Overlord Modo led his men back to Floating Star Valley!

They had arrived with thirty-two Law Emperors and left with only fifteen!

The battle had not even started, but this vicious wolf Xia Wuye had taken a large bite out of the Primordial Sect!

The battle situation was deeply worrying!

The Skywings had used the wolfpack formation, at times as solid as rock, advancing step by step, and at times as ephemeral as ghosts, rushing left and right and catching their enemies off guard.

The high speed of the Skywings allowed their formation to change as swiftly as lightning. Anyone who was alone or slightly away from the main group would immediately be set upon by the Skywing wolves, the entire pack attacking and instantly tearing them apart!

The moment the battle started, twelve Law Emperors of the Moonward Clan, overcome by rage and sorrow at the extermination of their clan, had charged at the Skywings and had been instantly obliterated! Xia Fei had taken the opportunity to kill two of them, absorbing a significant amount of Origin Energy.

At present, the coalition army had sixty-three Law Emperors and five Law Overlords, while the Skywings had forty Law Emperors and two Law Overlords!

Law Emperors were of little threat to the Skywings’ wolfpack formation, but the team of five Law Overlords—Golcen Ward, Xu Kong, Ulcen Ward, Xu Xiang, and Xu Lu—placed immense pressure on the Skywings!

The gap was like a chasm. No matter how strong the Skywing Law Emperors were, there was no way that they could individually take on a Law Overlord.

With their peerless speed, the Skywing wolves were just barely holding on, killing those enemies on the fringes and shrinking the gap in strength between them and the coalition army.

“Brother, this can’t continue further! If we five Law Overlords work together, we naturally have nothing to fear from the Skywing wolfpack formation, but our men aren’t the same. We’ve already lost six more Great Law Emperors to the Skywings; the gap in strength just keeps shrinking!” Ulcen Ward urgently said, his back to Golcen Ward.

Golcen Ward felt rather helpless. Their original plan had accounted for the two religions and one clan, being all united for an astonishing force of one hundred seven Law Emperors and six Law Overlords!

With such a force, even if they had fought the Skywing wolves head on, they still would not have been at a disadvantage.

Alas, Law Overlord Modo had gone off on his own with the men of the Primordial Sect to White Horse Constellation with a mind to flattening the Wind Garden. This had greatly cut down on the strength of the coalition army, and what should have been an overwhelming advantage was now an even match!

He could only hope that Modo returned soon. Only with their additional men and an additional Law Overlord could they battle it out with the Skywing wolves!

“Hold! The Skywings can move too quickly! Trying to pursue them is only falling for their trap. Our only option is to stick together and wait for Modo to return so that we can launch a counterattack!” Golcen Ward yelled.

As he spoke, he saw spatial gates open in the distance. Primordial Sect Law Overlord Modo had thrown away seventeen of his men to return from the White Horse Constellation!


The coalition army was invigorated!

Although Xia Wuye had made the Primordial Sect lose more than half its forces, fifteen Law Emperors still lived, and there was a level 4 Law Overlord among them!

Once the two sides joined together, they would have a force of eighty-eight Law Emperors and six Law Overlords, more than double the Skywing forces! This would still be an overwhelming advantage!

“Ha! Modo is back! We have the power of six Law Overlords, and we also have many Law Emperors supporting us! No matter how formidable the Skywings’ wolfpack formation is, it’s no match for us!” the Superior Law Overlord of the Old God Cult, Xu Kong, shouted in excitement.

A black silhouette suddenly charged into Modo’s group! There was not even one second of hesitation!

It was Xia Fei!

The lone wolf of the Skywing wolfpack!

Modo’s group was on one side of the valley, several dozen kilometers away from the coalition army. It was clear that Xia Fei wanted to keep Modo and his men outside of the battlefield, but with just him alone?!

What truly left people shocked was the resolve Xia Fei showed!

He had used only 0.1 second to think and make this incredibly difficult decision!

It must be understood that this was a group of fifteen Law Emperors led by a level 4 Law Overlords! It was a powerful group that Xia Fei alone could not possibly deal with!

Still, Xia Fei knew that the Skywing wolfpack was already having a hard time dealing with the coalition army led by five Law Overlords. If this extra force joined in, the Skywings might very well lose!

This was not a multiple-choice question! Xia Fei had no other options!

Defeat could appear anywhere else, but it would never appear in the dictionary of the Skywing Clan!

“Look! It’s Xia Fei!” Ulcen Ward’s eyes erupted with sharp light. Everyone in the Moonward Clan hated Xia Fei to the bones!

Ulcen Ward had been deceived by Xia Fei and had gone insane, and he had only been saved when their grand ancestor paid a high price to request the help of an apothecary from the God Race, which had caused Ulcen Ward’s condition to improve finally.

Unfortunately, he had only sixty percent of his strength left, and on rainy and overcast days, his entire body would seize in pain. Life for Ulcen Ward had become a sort of torment, and it was only in his desire to take Xia Fei’s life that he had been enduring it to this day!

His eyes turned red with bloodlust upon seeing his enemy! His complexion turned pale!

Golcen Ward snorted, sinisterly saying, “Let him go! Xia Fei doesn’t know how powerful Modo is! He’s going to put on a fine show this time!”

Ulcen Ward resentfully nodded. “Hmph! It’s just too bad that I can’t kill him myself!”

On the other side, Xia Fei’s crazed action had also shocked Xia Tian and Patriarch Xia Buyun.

“Patriarch, Xia Fei is going alone to stop the Primordial Sect!” Xia Tian said in a slightly panicked voice. Without his glasses on, he was an exceptionally imposing force in the wolfpack! His fiendish aura could sunder the heavens!

“Let him go!” Xia Buyun sternly said. Xia Tian was stunned, not expecting his patriarch to be so decisive.

“He is the lone wolf! Impeding the enemy is his duty!” Xia Buyun said as he fought. “Moreover, he is our clan’s Godwing! If he can’t even do this, then he doesn’t deserve the title of Godwing!”


Fast as lightning!

Xia Fei thrust into the force led by Primordial Sect Leader Modo like a javelin.

“Are you crazy? There are sixteen of them! Even the weakest is still a Law Emperor!” Oro exclaimed.

There was an abnormal resolve in Xia Fei’s eyes as he coldly declared, “This is my duty!”

Yes, the lone wolf of the wolfpack formation was their scout, ranger, and also their marksman!

When the wolfpack attacked, Xia Fei protected the flanks of the formation by going to the aid of whichever side was having a tough time, and when the wolfpack retreated, he covered the rear to prevent the enemy from overcoming the main force. If Xia Fei found an isolated enemy, he needed to strike and kill them! Every time he could kill an enemy, Xia Fei needed to come forth and deal the blow! Now, when enemy reinforcements arrived, Xia Fei naturally needed to hold them off even at the cost of his life!

Xia Fei did not have a position in the formation, but he needed to appear at whichever position was in danger!

A roamer, the ranger, the lone wolf… All these nice-sounding titles carried immense responsibility and risk! There was no taking this job without outstanding courage and grit!

Since Xia Fei was the Skywing Clan’s lone wolf, he needed to show the might of the lone wolf!

There was no need for a reason!

The lone wolf only needed to appear at the right time and the right place to carry out their duty!

This difficult position could only be held by the most cunning and most insane warrior of the clan!

In the Skywing Clan, this person was Xia Fei!

Fiendish energy surged into the heavens!

Xia Fei held nothing back as he charged, unleashing all of his Inner Demon! josei

The narrow valley and the vast wasteland instantly became dark and cold!

The temperature plunged and the sky became overcast!

This was the most fiendish fiend of the Skywing Clan, the result of the unleashing of his Inner Demon!


Several dozen kilometers were instantly crossed!

Quite a few of the Primordial Sect Law Emperors cultivated the Law of Space. They had been preparing to use instantaneous movement techniques to arrive on the battlefield and join the rest of their forces.

Alas, Xia Fei did not even give them the chance to do so!

“Peacock Blue!” Xia Fei roared, and Immemorial Mystical Armament Peacock Blue erupted from his right arm!

Five giant blades of grass like five demonic blades were pulled along by Xia Fei’s super speed!

“Break for me!”


Space tore apart with a great rumble as Peacock Blue tore through it! What seemed like a planet-engulfing sandstorm began to stir up, innumerable explosives hidden within the storm! Then they exploded!

“Flowers of Death, bloom!”


The crystalline white flowers on Peacock Blue’s massive body began to grow rapidly! These were flowers made of the purest energy. In their moment of dazzling glory, they overflowed with the aura of death!



A shocking sight!

Instant movement was a skill of the Law of Space. It could open temporary spatial tunnels that could allow one to travel as far as several dozen kilometers or even as far away as one thousand kilometers.

The weakness of this technique was that it required several deciseconds to activate. To ordinary warriors, a few deciseconds was nothing, but to super-speed warriors like Xia Fei, it was enough time to act!

Under Xia Fei’s control, Peacock Blue swept over the area like a gigantic tentacle. It pulled out those warriors who were about to step through the spatial tunnels that they had just opened!

*Thud thud!*

Peacock Blue violently dragged out the Law Emperors from their spatial tunnels!

This was an absurdly unreasonable course of action!

It must be understood that spatial tunnels had severing properties. For this feat, Peacock Blue had allowed itself to be cut into several hundred pieces!


Beautiful shreds of blue grass flew out. This was a move that left both sides badly injured! To stop the sixteen experts of the Primordial Sect, Xia Fei did not even mind badly damaging Peacock Blue!

His Inner Demon burst forth!

Xia Fei stood atop a small hill, glaring at the fifteen Law Emperors and one Law Overlord as he pointed at them and harshly said, “None of you will be leaving here today!”

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