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Chapter 815 - The Dark Nights Descent

Chapter 815 - The Dark Nights Descent

Chapter 815: The Dark Night’s Descent

A new development!

The dazzling river of stars suddenly dimmed!

This was a rare sight. As if the light and heat of the stars above had been instantly drained away, it turned them into cold and desolate existences!

Everyone forgot about the battle as they looked up in the sky disbelievingly!

“What is that?!”

“Good god!”

A dark silhouette had appeared in everyone’s vision. It was moving at an absurdly fast speed, but as it was too far away, no one could tell what it was. Every person felt an inexplicable sense of disappointment, like the sorrow that came right before death.

“Ocular Cognition!” Xia Fei quietly used his Beast Spirit Codex’s vision skill, and his eyes instantly flashed.

With just one glance, Xia Fei was utterly stunned!

This was because the dark silhouette, which had appeared, very much resembled a legendary devil, and even more bizarre was that thing chasing it. Like gods that had descended to the mortal plane, six golden-armored war gods rushed up. In just a single exchange, they pulverized that fearsomely dark silhouette!


Once this was done, the golden-armored war gods vanished into the darkness of the universe. Less than two seconds had passed since their appearance.

Sweat drenched his back!

Even with the full power of Ocular Cognition, Xia Fei still had been unable to make out all the details, but his sharp senses told him that if he fought those people, he would be unable to block even half a strike!

Xia Fei could already fight on the level of a Law Overlord, but he could not block even half a strike! These six golden-armored war gods had to possess an absolutely terrifying cultivation!

What confused Xia Fei even more was the dark silhouette that had appeared out of nowhere. It did not appear to be any sapient lifeform or exotic beast. This was because the Beast Spirit Codex could not see any Beast Spirit Fire, and any exotic beast would have a small flame within its body. Since that dark silhouette did not have one, it meant that it was not a beast!

Xia Fei was shocked and confused; it was Xia Buyun’s shout that pulled him out from his thoughts and back into reality.

The Skywing wolves had already surrounded the five Law Overlords of the coalition army. The next stop was to take their lives!


Golcen Ward suddenly began to laugh madly, his laughter so sinister that it caused shivers.

“The Dark Night’s Descent! The Dark Night’s Descent!” Golcen Ward savagely said. “Even if you Skywings kill us today, you won’t live for very long! The Dark Night will penetrate into every inch of your skin! Your deaths will be a thousand times—ten thousand times—more painful than ours!”

These were seemingly Golcen Ward’s last words. His voice was scratchy as he shouted at the top of his lungs.

Xia Buyun raised his head and held up his arm, sternly saying, “Be at ease. We will live very carefree lives, for the Dark Night is only a rumor. Such a thing does not exist!”


He brought down his arm, and the Skywings made the final assault!

“Crush them! No survivors!”


The Skywing wolves rushed out!

The battle came to an end!

At this moment, the Old God Cult, Primordial Sect, and Moonward Clan had all been utterly extinguished!

“What did you see just now?” Oro questioned. “You know Ocular Cognition, so your vision is many times better than an ordinary person. You should’ve been able to see it. What was that ugly-looking silhouette earlier, and why was it pursued by several golden lights? Why was that dark silhouette torn apart when those golden lights flashed?”

Xia Fei shook his head and grimly replied, “I’m unsure what that was, but when I saw it, I felt a helpless chill, as if there’s darkness around me.”

Oro was stunned. Xia Fei’s description was very vague and made him feel very curious.


After killing their foes, the Skywings began to celebrate from top to bottom. Everyone was excited, and it seemed like that strange incident in the stars had not affected their mood.

Through this battle, the Skywings had confirmed their status in the Law Realm! No one would dare to challenge the Demon-sealing Fiendish Blade for at least the next one hundred years!

Xia Fei was in a sour mood. Golcen Ward’s last words and that bizarre sight in the stars had drawn his attention. For some reason, he felt like some unknown secret was hidden there.

Cheers and laughter resounded in the Wind Garden. Xia Fei shared a few cups of wine with everyone and then quietly went back to his room. josei

“Just now.” Xia Fei opened up the largest communication channel he had with Oro. After some thought, he said, “Just now, I seem to have seen a devil.”

“You’re talking about that blurry dark silhouette?!” Oro urgently asked.


“Could it have been someone from another species or an exotic beast?”

“No. I can recognize exotic beasts, and it’s far too different from any sapient lifeforms. Take your Lionheart Clan as an example; you have large bodies covered in golden fur, but it’s not an appearance that’s difficult to accept. In essence, the sapient lifeforms that live in this universe are all rather similar.

“But that dark silhouette, it was different. Its appearance was too bizarre, and it exuded this indescribable aura. Did you know? The moment I saw it, my back was instantly drenched in cold sweat. That’s the first time I’ve ever felt such an intense danger.” Xia Fei lit a cigarette and slowly took a puff from it.

Oro froze, then he asked, “So did you actually see anything or not?”

“No, it was just too far. Even with my Ocular Cognition, I couldn’t see anything clearly,” Xia Fei said with a shake of his head. “Appearance is often deceiving, but I trust more in my intuition. It can never go wrong. That’s no sapient lifeform, at least not any that we know of.”

Xia Fei rarely judged books by their cover, for sapient lifeforms had complicated minds. A person could have many faces, showing kindness, greed, evil, and various other aspects.

However, intuition was different. It was a pure sensory ability. Oro knew about Xia Fei’s sensory ability and that it was very strong! If Xia Fei felt that there was something wrong with that dark silhouette, then there must be something wrong with it!

“What about those three golden lights that appeared behind it?” Oro asked.

“There weren’t three; there were six,” Xia Fei corrected Oro. With his Ocular Cognition, Xia Fei could see much better than Oro. “There were seemingly six war gods wearing golden armor. They had the aura of sapient lifeforms.”

“Golden armor!” Oro’s eyes flew open. He then urgently asked, “Was it really golden armor? Did the helmet have two horns! Like those of a bull?”

“I couldn’t tell.”

Oro seemed to be very disappointed, but there was great shock in his eyes!

After an entire minute, Oro said in a raspy voice,” Those golden-armored war gods might have been Guardians, and that dark silhouette might have been the Cosmic Gate’s—”

“The Cosmic Gate!” Xia Fei blurted out in shock. “Hurry up and tell me: What about the Cosmic Gate?”

Oro swallowed, his face turning ghastly pale. “That dark silhouette might have come from beyond, beyond the Cosmic Gate…”

The Cosmic Gate was an ancient and enigmatic legend. Legends stated that there was a gate somewhere in the Law Realm, and inside this gate was this universe that Xia Fei dwelled in, but nobody could say what was on the other side of this gate.

Today, Oro had suddenly brought up the Cosmic Gate and said that the dark silhouette was an intruder from beyond the Cosmic Gate. Xia Fei was stunned!

“This shouldn’t be possible! The Guardians have no reason to appear in the Law Realm, and it’s been eons since the Inverse has appeared!” Oro seemed to have gone crazy, constantly pulling on his golden hair as he muttered to himself.

Xia Fei frowned, asking, “What is going on? Who are the Guardians, and what are the Inverse?!”

“That’s a very long tale,” said Oro with a sigh. “First, you have to understand why the Law Realm has the God and Demon Races.”

Xia Fei replied, “I’ve heard people talking about this before. If I’m not wrong, it’s because ability users discovered that abilities could be cultivated into law powers, they became much, much stronger than ordinary people. Thus, the strong banded together and established the Law Realm for these formidable people.

“After a long time, the Law Realm experienced another schism, where a new class of super-powerful law warriors emerging. Thus, elite forces were established within their respective foundations, the God Race and the Demon Race, thereby forming this three-tiered class pyramid we have today.

“The two peak races are the tip of the pyramid, followed by the Law Realm, and finally, the ordinary masses of the universe. Although these three realms are all in the same universe, they don’t interfere with one another.”

Oro bitterly chuckled. “History has ruined the people. You can give a simple version of the Law Realm’s history, but that won’t help you truly understand the Law Realm.”

Xia Fei pursed his lips. History was written by people. Right or wrong, straight or crooked, everything was determined by their pen. What they wanted to write as black was black, and what they wanted to write as white was white. Once enough time passed, it became hard to differentiate truth from fiction.

“Let me tell you. The Inverse are powerful and wicked creatures that live beyond the Cosmic Gate, possessing unimaginable power! They act bizarrely, and if they’re willing, they can tear apart this entire universe! The initial reason the strong set up the Law Realm wasn’t to avoid the common masses, but rather to protect the Cosmic Gate!” Oro firmly said.

A land of wicked creatures existed beyond the Cosmic Gate?! Xia Fei was stunned. He thought back to the cold fear that had gone straight to his bones and how his back had become instantly drenched in cold sweat the moment he saw that dark silhouette! He had never felt such a sensation before.

“Then what about those Guardians?” Xia Fei asked.

“They are experts who wear golden armor and protect the Cosmic Gate. They’re very stubborn and prevent anyone from getting close to the Cosmic Gate, let alone anyone from opening it. Even the two peaks races can’t approach!”

“So there’s a third faction above the God Race and Demon Race?!” Xia Fei said in shock. He had only known about the Cosmic Gate before, never knowing that there was a group of super experts who protected that gate in the deepest depths of the universe!

Oro shook his head. “It’s not just them. The guardians are the conservative faction, refusing to interact with anything besides the Cosmic Gate. There are also the Rebels, who are the progressive faction. They believe that they should directly confront whatever is outside the Cosmic Gate! Locking down the gate is no solution, so even though there are Inverse beyond the gate, they should try and think of a way to kill the Inverse! Besides, the Inverse have already become legends, having not appeared for eons.”

“One faction wants to guard the Cosmic Gate, while the other wants to open the Cosmic Gate,” Xia Fei muttered. It turned out that the Law Realm still had many more factions and secrets that he did not know about! This was the first time he was hearing about the Guardians and the Rebels.

“Then there are the Inverse; those wicked creatures that hadn’t appeared in eons appeared again today.” Xia Fei took a deep breath. He then asked, “If that’s true, what does it mean?”

Oro turned grim as he repeated Golcen Ward’s final words: “The Dark Night’s Descent!”

End of Book 6: The Law Realm

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