Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 818 - The deformed fiend armor emerges!

Chapter 818 - The deformed fiend armor emerges!

Chapter 818: The deformed fiend armor emerges!

“Oh, god! The Monohorn Ogre might be some spirit armor!” Oro urgently said.

“Spirit armor?!” Xia Fei was flabbergasted. He had no time for hesitation. The Monohorn Ogre, the Solid Gold Flying Cicada Pupa, the Heavenly Beast Spirit Pearl, and the impact of the Celestial Zerohammer had all mixed together. Coupled with Xia Fei’s Law of Primal Chaos, what should have been a rather simple mystical armament forging had become a clash of five apex powers!


Two swords at once!

Xia Fei placed both his hands on the infusion platform, forming his Law of Primal Chaos into two pressuring forces!


A frightening scene played out on the forging platform!

The black mist restlessly shifted while letting out an unnerving howl!

The Heavenly Beast Spirit Pearl contained the essence of a mythical beast accumulated throughout its life, so it had intelligence of its own, and the long and crooked Solid Gold Flying Cicada Pupa achieved a similar effect through different means. Through their combined power, they had drawn out something hiding inside the Monohorn Ogre.

This thing seemingly had some attributes of life, but it did not have a physical body, so it materialized itself as a cloud of violent black mist!

“What is a spirit armor?!” Xia Fei yelled, his hair blowing around as the howling winds made it hard for him to stand. It was as if one person was trying to challenge a Category 12 Hurricane.

Even worse was that these several powerful energies had come together to create a formidable repulsive force. Xia Fei’s Law of Primal Chaos was able to suppress them, but it could not make them integrate!

“Spirit armor is an armor with a spirit in it! That there is some immortal soul within means that this suit of armor has a mind of its own, but as you and the armor’s soul are on different frequencies, you’re unable to sense its existence!” Oro urgently said.

Xia Fei was utterly stunned!

An immortal soul? Phantom was an immortal soul!

It was clear that souls existed in this universe, but they were difficult for other people to notice. Take Phantom as an example; he was on the same frequency as Xia Fei and Sentinel Goddess Sophie, so the only people who knew about him in this universe were Xia Fei and Sophie. Anyone else was incapable of communicating with him.

Meanwhile, there was also some unknown soul within the Monohorn Ogre, perhaps the former master of the armor or perhaps some soul that had been drifting through the universe and clung onto the armor at some point. In any case, this soul was different from Phantom. It did not communicate with Xia Fei and it contained great hostility!

The Celestial Zerohammer was intending to modify the soul’s carrier, the Monohorn Ogre, which was putting the soul’s survival at risk and triggered its intense counterattack!

Moreover, the Heavenly Beast Spirit Pearl and the Solid Gold Flying Cicada Pupa were both two unstable factors, ultimately resulting in a combined resistance against Xia Fei, the controller of the Zerohammer! If Xia Fei wanted to complete the Celestial Zerohammer process, he needed to subdue this unknown soul!

His mind raced rapidly. Suddenly, Xia Fei thought of something. A soul merging with a physical object was not a simple task. Phantom was in the middle of researching this subject with Sophie, in hopes of getting himself a new body; alas, it was an extremely difficult topic and the two of them had yet to succeed.

However, this soul was tightly integrated with the metal. It must be understood that this was real alloy, not the small piece of morphite that Phantom was attached to. Morphite was an ore rich in spirituality and had absorbed some of the essence of the universe when it was formed, but alloy was artificial. Integrating with it was several thousand times more difficult than integrating with morphite!

This soul had perfectly integrated with the Monohorn Ogre and had hidden itself so deeply and skillfully?! Was it different from Phantom in some way?!

Xia Fei frowned. The situation was dire, and Xia Fei did not have much time to waste on thinking. The Monohorn Ogre was putting up a fierce resistance, and its target was Xia Fei, the wielder of the Celestial Zerohammer!

“Furball!” Xia Fei shouted. Furball, who had been waiting in the wings this whole time, energetically howled.

“Delusion Clone Art!”


Furball suddenly turned into a human, two identical Xia Feis appearing in this hidden space!

A second later, Furball began to send vast quantities of energy to Xia Fei. As this energy entered Xia Fei’s body, the power of his Law of Primal Chaos swiftly doubled!


The Monohorn Ogre let out a terrible scream. Even when working together with the Solid Gold Flying Cicada Pupa and the Heavenly Beast Spirit Pearl, it still could not resist the reversal power of the Law of Primal Chaos. Slowly, it weakened and was pushed back into the armor!

“Still not enough!”

Xia Fei’s face darkened. He once more released the energy reserve in his seventh brain region, and the amount of energy flowing through his body soon reached astronomical levels!

The Law Realm’s foundation was energy, and even the Celestial Zerohammer required energy to operate. Xia Fei had a sea of energy stored inside his body, majestic and bottomless!

Also, Xia Fei’s Law of Primal Chaos had already reached level 4! This mid-level Primal Chaos energy was far more powerful than before!

With all these powers overlapping, Xia Fei gradually began to get the upper hand in this contest!

The soul in the Monohorn Ogre was unwilling to be suppressed and began to engage in round after round of frenzied counterattacks. Alas, it grew weaker and weaker as Xia Fei’s Law of Primal Chaos slowly revealed its savagery!

This was complete suppression and reversal!


Booms came from the forging platform, a dazzling light erupting!

The earth quaked!

The space began to collapse!

Several minutes later, Xia Fei sat in a pile of debris, his face rather fatigued.

He used a grade 5 Origin Crystal to replenish his lost energy. Furball was stretched out in his bosom, enjoying his own meal.

A black metal box was on the ground. After being modified by the Celestial Zerohammer, the Monohorn Ogre had regained its original appearance. Xia Fei now only needed to activate it and then put it on, but Xia Fei had no idea what the Monohorn Ogre would look now.

“That was close. Thankfully, that strange law was able to keep control, or else there would’ve been a huge problem,” Oro softly said. The thought of those several powerful energies fighting against one another still left his heart thumping in fear.

Xia Fei silently lit a cigarette. In truth, he had expected the forging process to be unusual, but such a large turmoil had surpassed his expectations. Huo Yutong’s little wooden hut was gone, the cave had collapsed, and the entire mountain had sunken into the ground. An underground river had surged in, too, turning the place into a lake!

Of course, none of this was important to Xia Fei. As a believer in price theory, Xia Fei had been ready to take the risk.

The key was that the Celestial Zerohammer had succeeded! Xia Fei had obtained his second divine armament!

“It’s more suspicious the more I think about. When you said that you’d use the Monohorn Ogre to forge a divine armament, Huo Yutong got a strange look in his eyes. He might’ve realized that the Monohorn Ogre was some spirit armor when he was repairing it! He wanted to kill you!” Oro said as he recalled the scene.

Xia Fei looked around and saw that Huo Yutong was nowhere to be found.

After this incident, Xia Fei was even more determined to learn all the various skills. Rather than seeking help from others, it was better to seek help from oneself. If Xia Fei had been an artificer, he could have completely avoided this danger.

Xia Fei had never been willing to trust others. Fate was something he wanted to control himself, not hand to others.

He softly stroked the suit of armor. Xia Fei could not sense any sort of soul within it. It appeared that the violent soul had been forced out of the armor.

He felt a little regret. This soul was able to merge so well with alloy it would have served as an excellent research subject for Phantom and Sophie if he had been able to capture it. Unfortunately, while Xia Fei understood how to capture humans and exotic beasts, he did not know how to capture a soul. He could only allow it to disappear.

After consuming several grade 5 Origin Crystals, Xia Fei and Furball were fully recovered. Xia Fei lightly pressed on the armor’s activation button.


The Monohorn Ogre attached to his body! josei

The Celestial Zerohammer, the Heavenly Beast Spirit Pearl, the Solid Gold Flying Cicada Pupa, and the Law of Primal Chaos had joined together to create an astonishing transformation in the Monohorn Ogre—transformation that not even Xia Fei had anticiapted!


The thrusters erupted with brilliant flames, carrying Xia Fei several thousand meters above the ground!

*Clack crack!*

With a crisp clanging of metal, the energy thrusters on his back suddenly moved to the bottom of his feet!

The Monohorn Ogre could adjust its form?!

This was a sort of subconscious adjustment. It understood that since Xia Fei was in the air, moving the thrusters to the feet would be far better for Xia Fei’s movement than leaving the thrusters at the back!

Xia Fei raised an eyebrow, happiness on his face!


Xia Fei swiftly began to fly through the air, the powerful energy thrusters letting him move as if he were on the ground. Even though he was in the air, he could still travel at extreme speeds!


Xia Fei shot through the air! Like a rocket, he hurtled toward a mountain two hundred meters tall in the distance!

“Stop! You’re about to crash!” cried Oro. Hitting a mountain at a speed of several hundred thousand meters per second was no laughing matter. The impact alone would be fatal!

Xia Fei ignored him. He was delighted over the Monohorn Ogre’s ability to change its form as he pleased, and now, he wanted to test another crucial element of this armor: its defense!


A mountain-sundering impact!

This mountain, which stood two hundred meters tall, was instantly pulverized!

Bizarrely, just when Xia Fei was about to hit the mountain, the Monohorn Ogre changed forms. Xia Fei had moved his arms in front of him to reduce the force of the impact. At that moment, the Monohorn Ogre had moved eighty percent of its metal parts to the front, where the impact force would be the greatest! It turned itself into a sharp diamond drill!

The advantages of this form were obvious. It focused all the power of the impact onto the front, the Monohorn Ogre taking up the perfect form for a collision that would obliterate everything in its path!


Immense joy!

The Monohorn Ogre was no longer some lifeless armor. It was intelligent and able to change forms at will, becoming a battle companion and a powerful ally to Xia Fei!

An elated Xia Fei landed back on the ground! Besides a will to fight and one’s skill, another important factor in battle was the ability to adapt!

The Monohorn Ogre had become a smartsuit! It could change forms whenever desired, allowing this armor to adapt according to the situation. This was one of those legendary divine armors that had numerous different forms!

Its defensive power was also impressive!

When Xia Fei obliterated that mountain, he had felt only a slight soreness in his arms, but was otherwise completely uninjured!


Xia Fei blasted apart a giant boulder with a single punch!


Another wonderful surprise!

When he punched, his gauntlet suddenly became thick and heavy, spikes growing from it! Xia Fei’s offensive power had instantly increased!

“My god! This armor seems to exist purely for combat!” Xia Fei stared at his fist and remarked. The Monohorn Ogre’s ability to change forms whenever wanted left him excited beyond compare.

Oro’s eyes went wide open as he said in disbelief, “This isn’t just a suit of armor anymore. It’s a suit of fiend armor!”

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